Te::nple Beth El 10 70 Orchard Ava. Providence• B. 1. To Hold Israel Bond Drive Honoring Cantors 65th Birthday A special na,tional drive in cele­ leaders of the Providence Israel bra.tion of Eddie cant.or's 65th Bond Committee a,ttended a lWl­ birthday was announced toda.y by cheon meeting 3ast WednesdaY the State of Lsrael Bond drive. (January 23l - and heard, on a The special campaign in honor closed circwt telephone confureBee.. of the noted entertainer who has Foreign Mmister Golda Meir :and VOL. XL, No. 47 been a leading personality in work Ambassador Abba Eba:n gjve a for lsrael for many years, will confiden tial report on the critical highlight Providence's intensive political and economk problems effort. to provide the Israel Bond confronting Israel and the dire Israel Insists Egypt End dollars needed to maintain Israel's need for Bond dollars to shore up .roonomic strength during the Israel's economy dming tJ:ns criti­ presen.t Middle Eastern crisis. cal period_ A total of S1'7,500 in The Providence effort is part of Bonds v.ere purchased by those in a nation- wide campaign to sell a attendance, renelring their mem­ Blockade, Live Up to Pact minimum of S75,000.000 in l:srael bership in the Guardians of Israel Bonds during 1957. The first and Na.tionai Sponsors. The Com­ NEW YORK - Israel insisted~---- - ----- ------ ------------­ S20,000,000 of this sum must be mlttee decided to immroiately"'elll­ this week that "effective guaran­ raised before the end of February, bark on a drive to re-enroll and tees" must be obtained from to meet Israel's pressing need. to obtain nev. Trustees, Glllll1dians Egypt assuring freedom of pass­ 67 4 Egypt's Jews Sail for Israel As the result of the emergency and Sponsors for 1957. uge through the Straits of Iran. Israel now faces, an intensified In stressing the importance of ATHENS - SLx hundred-and- "Two days later they took us to effort will be made to re-enroll guarding the entry to the Gulf a ma:rimum sale of Israel Bonds ::eventy-four Jewish refugees from the Jewish district schO?i v.here Israel Bond Trustees. G uardians of Aqaba. I during tbe coming weeks. Rabbi Egypt. many of them with stories we slept on the floor, SL',.'teeD to I of Israel and National Sponsors Eli A. Bohnen. cl:lairmaD of the 1\n Israeli spokesman in Jeru­ oi Cairo police brutalit-y, sail from each classroom. I for 1957. Trustees are those v.ho salem denied Secrntary G eneral Providence Committee for lsrael the Athenian port of Piraeus this '·British and French Jews were j purchase Sl0.000 or more of Stat£> Bonds. drev. attention to Israel's H ammarskjold's contention made week for new homes in Israel placed in separate classrooms. One of Israel Bonds each year: Guard- in his report last week tha t the n eed for economic strength_ They arrived in Greece aboard day we heard they had been led ians of Israel are men and Nation­ P...abbi Bohnen emphasized that right of free passage in th!:! gulf the Egyptian vessel Misr and away and we never heard anymore a l Sponsor s are women who buy was a controversial issue. h e dJive in honor of Eddie Can­ transfeJTed to a Greek ship for the about them:' sl.000 or more in Israel Bonds tor·s 55th birthday v.ould give de­ The spokesman recalled that final leg of their journey. Another On Nov. 17, the young engineer each year. cisive impetus to the current d ­ seven years ago today Egypt it­ 182 Jews who sailed from Egypt said. an officer came and asked More than 50 men and v.omen fort for Israel Bonds. '"There can self accepted the idea of freedcm with them will remain aboard tbe ihe prisoners to sign a declaration ~··;-::;:::;=:::;,=::;::;;::=::;=====i bf' no more appropriate tribute to of passagl' in the gulf in a formal Misr until it reaches Naples. that they wanted to leave Egypt j Eddie Cantor,- he said. =than tbe note to the U. S. A 26- year- old electronici; engi- voluntarily. l I 1 H I sale of the greatest possfule IlDID­ " What is required is an un­ neer from Cairo. who asked that 'Couldn't Lea\"e' I srae . onors ber of Israel Bonds." equivocal and official announce­ his name not be published bceause Tbe engineer said: : Ann f ank m e n t by the ,;-overnment of his mother may still be in Egypt_ " I couldn·t leave because rm the l e r Egypt," the spokesman continued. said he was arrested on the night only support of my mother v.ho is "that it is abandoning its block-· of Nov. 1. shortly after Israel in- too old to traveL The officer TEL A VIV - An Anne Fran!; 'Not Anti-Israel; ade policy and that it is rea.dy to vaded Eg-ypt. sla pued me across tbe faoe. knock- l m emorial forest is to be planted in t,he mountains of Jerusalem.. sign a non-aggression pact witb 'Five l\Unutes' ing -me dO'l»'Il and breaking -my 1 Israel." He said police took him to bead- spectacles. R e told me I wa-; a Jew t It will h.onor the young .i:-irl Just Anti-Zionist' quarters without letting him and that was enough." and others who were tortured At the ON, Israel representa­ by the Nazis in Bolland during change out of his pajamas because A few days later. he said. be was JERUSALEM - Lessing Rosen­ tives used the renewed discussion World War IL in the Assembly of tbe G aza and they 'Xanted to question him only forced to sign a declaration, and wald praised lsrae1 and the acoom­ The ~Diary of Anne Frank" Aqaba issues to press for direct for " live minutes." j on Nov. 19 . he and 65 others ..-ere plishments of its people last night is being perfO'l"Dled in Israeli talks with Egypt under Assembly Tbe five minutes. he said. turned led h2ndcuffed to Alexandria and af1.er completing a v.eek·s tour of auEpices. out to be two-and- a - half months placed aboard the Misr. theaters. the countrY. but insisted that he and would have been longer if the Charles H. Jordan. director-gen- still Zionism. Hammarskjold's report, an Is­ ..as opposed to P.o­ InternationaJ Red Cross had not .era) of the American Distributlon raeli spokesman cautioned "in­ senv.ald suessed tha:t. the an·· - come to his-aid . Commiitee. who new to Athens stead of moving forward to a bet­ • Zionist Council for Judaism, of On the night of his arrest. he from Paris to mee~ the DPW refu­ B ta- system of relations, tends to laS I wrneh he is a former preside,n; is said he was put in a single room- gees estrmated that some 10.000 o f Hit Religious argue in favor of a patchwork re­ n ot anti- lsraeL wit-h 58 other prisoners, many of the 50.000 Jews livin g in Egypt e!.tablishment of the collapsed· During his visit as a guest of them among Cairn's wealthiest '" have been expelled or forced 1.0 structure" set up in tbe armis­ In Job Practices the GovEIT1IDen of Israel Rosen­ Jews. flee in the pas1 two months:· tice. wald conferred rjtb Premier Dand .. In the early morning." he In Cairo official circles were NEW YORK - Religious bias Ben Gurion. v.ho bad extended .be added, '"Egyptian officers lined us reported displeased with Ham­ Protest Posting Of still keeps " whlte collar~ workers invitation to visit IsraeL Re toured marksjold's suggestion t hat the up and began heaping each of us ou of jobs "on all le,els. f rom Israel and e,en VlSited Sbann el with abuse _ __ some of the most Israeli- Egyptian armistice agree­ clencal to professional"' according Sheikh. at the Sinai Peninsula. frightful obscenities we ever heard. 'Ten Commandments' ment might be transformed into w a fn·e-year s!lT11'eY of six major a non-aggression pact. Tbey were ALBANY. N . Y. - The p ostin g areas m a de by he Anti- Defama ­ also c1itical of developing Assem­ of J he so-called ·' Public School T en Uon League of B'nai B'rith.. Channel l O to Show bly moves to enlarge the functions Army Admits Commandments·· in sch ools was T he r.eport, detailing prejudicial of the UN Emergency Force. deplored th i., week by an attorney hiring practices in Chicago, Los Drew Pearson Film for the American Jev.-ish Con gress Angeles. San Francisco. Dem·er. But E;gypt·s reaction to t h e It OKd Kilmer's Drew Pearson v.ill narrate an and the New York Boai·d of Rab1J1s Pennsylvania and among the col­ Hammarskjold report was a model hour- long document.an" film entit­ as "" bad theolog-y. ba d pedagogy lege placement bUTe.aus of the of gentleness compared to Israel's. led. - The Hol,y Land''_ this SUndaY Pro-Nazi Sheet a nd bad law:· At a hearing con- Midwest. was ma.de public by Hen­ A Foreign Ministry spokesman in a 11 :30 A. M_ over WJAR-TV. ry Edward Schultz. ADL national Jerusalem called the report "neg­ NEW YORK- An Army spokes- ducted by James E. Allen. Jr .. Ne w Mr. Pearson. an the f"llm. inrer­ man this week conceded that a York State Commissione r of Edu­ chairman.
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