PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 63, NUMBER 12 15 JUNE 2001 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. Full titles are included in each ®rst author's entry. The letters (R), (BR), (C), or (E) following the article number indicate that a paper is a Rapid Communication, a Brief Report, a Comment, or an Erratum, respectively. Aarts, Gert, Gian Franco Bonini, and Christof Wetterich Ð Exact Adamczyk, L. Ð ͑see Breitweg, J.͒ D 63, 052002͑1͒ and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium ®eld theory. Adams, D. L. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ D 63, 025012͑15͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 072001͑1͒ Abada, Asmaa and Gautam Bhattacharyya Ð Can R-parity violation ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ explain the LSND data as well? D 63, 017701͑BR͒͑1͒ Adams, M. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Abaev, V. Ð ͑see Tippens, W. B.͒ D 63, 052001͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 072001͑1͒ Abbasabadi, Ali, Alberto Devoto, and Wayne W. Repko Ð High ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ energy photon-neutrino elastic scattering. D 63, 093001͑1͒ Adams, T. Ð ͑see Alton, A.͒ D 63, 012001͑1͒ Abbott, B. et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Search for electroweak Adamus, M. Ð ͑see Breitweg, J.͒ D 63, 052002͑1͒ production of single top quarks in ppÅ collisions. D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Ade, P. A. R. Ð ͑see Lange, A. E.͒ D 63, 042001͑15͒ et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of the angular Adkins, Gregory S., Richard N. Fell, and J. Sapirstein Ð Two-loop distribution of electrons from W→e decays observed in ppÅ collisions renormalization of Feynman gauge QED. D 63, 125009͑15͒ at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. D 63, 072001͑1͒ Adler, S. et al. ͑E787 Collaboration͒ Ð Search for the decay ϩ ϩ 0 et al. ͑DO” Collaboration͒ Ð Search for dilepton signatures from K → Å .D 63, 032004͑1͒ minimal low-energy supergravity in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 Adler, Stephen L. Ð Scalar exchange forces and generalized most- TeV. D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ attractive-channel rule. D 63, 017702͑BR͒͑1͒ Abdalla, E. Ð ͑see Wang, B.͒ D 63, 084001͑15͒ Affolder, T. et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of d/dy for ϩ Ϫ Abdalla, Elcio Ð ͑see Zhu, Jiong-Ming͒ D 63, 124004͑15͒ high mass Drell-Yan e e pairs from ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 Abe, Kenji et al. ͑The SLD Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of Ac with TeV. D 63, 011101͑R͒͑1͒ charmed mesons at the SLAC Large Detector. D 63, 032005͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Measurement of the top quark mass Abe, Koya Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 63, 032005͑1͒ with the collider detector at Fermilab. D 63, 032003͑1͒ Abe, T. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 63, 032005͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Tests of enhanced leading order ͑see Breitweg, J.͒ D 63, 052002͑1͒ QCD in W boson plus jets events from 1.8 TeV Åpp collisions. Abolins, M. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ D 63, 072003͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 072001͑1͒ et al. ͑CDF Collaboration͒ Ð Search for the supersymmetric ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ partner of the top quark in ppÅ collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV. Abraham, K. J., Kerry Whisnant, Jin Min Yang, and Bing-Lin D 63, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ Young Ð Probing R-violating top quark decays at hadron Afshordi, Niayesh and Robert Brandenberger Ð Super-Hubble colliders. D 63, 034011͑1͒ nonlinear perturbations during in¯ation. D 63, 123505͑15͒ Abramov, V. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ Aghababaie, Y. and C. P. Burgess Ð Two-neutrino ®ve-photon ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 072001͑1͒ scattering at low energies. D 63, 113006͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ Agrawal, Pankaj and Glenn Ladinsky Ð Production of two photons Abramowicz, H. Ð ͑see Breitweg, J.͒ D 63, 052002͑1͒ and a jet through gluon fusion. D 63, 117504͑BR͒͑1͒ Accardi, Alberto and Daniele Treleani Ð Hard parton rescatterings and Ahmed, S. Ð ͑see Bonvicini, G.͒ D 63, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ minijets in nuclear collisions at the CERN LHC. D 63, 116002͑1͒ ͑see Bornheim, A.͒ D 63, 112003͑1͒ Acharya, B. S. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Chen, S.͒ D 63, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 072001͑1͒ ͑see Kopp, S.͒ D 63, 092001͑1͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Richichi, S. J.͒ D 63, 031103͑R͒͑1͒ Acharya, Bobby S., Jerome P. Gauntlett, and Nakwoo Kim ͑see Savinov, V.͒ D 63, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ Ð Fivebranes wrapped on associative three-cycles. D 63, 106003͑15͒ Ahn, S. H. Ð ͑see Breitweg, J.͒ D 63, 052002͑1͒ Achasov, M. N., K. I. Beloborodov, A. V. Berdyugin, A. G. Akimoto, H. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 63, 032005͑1͒ Bogdanchikov, A. V. Bozhenok, A. D. Bukin, D. A. Bukin, S. V. ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 011101͑R͒͑1͒ Burdin, T. V. Dimova, V. P. Druzhinin, M. S. Dubrovin, I. ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 032003͑1͒ A. Gaponenko, V. B. Golubev, V. N. Ivanchenko, P. M. Ivanov, A. ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 072003͑1͒ A. Korol, M. S. Korostelev, S. V. Koshuba, E. V. Pakhtusova, ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ A. A. Polunin, E. E. Pyata, A. A. Salnikov, S. I. Serednyakov, V. V. Akopian, A. Ð ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 011101͑R͒͑1͒ Shary, Yu. M. Shatunov, V. A. Sidorov, Z. K. Silagadze, A. N. ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 032003͑1͒ Skrinsky, Yu. V. Usov, A. V. Vasiljev, and Yu. S. Velikzhanin ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 072003͑1͒ Ð Measurements of the parameters of the ͑1020͒ resonance ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ 0 through studies of the processes e e →K K , KSKL, and . Alam, J., A. Hayashigaki, K. Suzuki, and T. Hatsuda Ð Diffractive D 63, 072002͑1͒ and production in a perturbative QCD model. D 63, 114023͑1͒ Achasov, N. N. and V. V. Gubin Ð Analysis of the nature of the Alam, M. S. Ð ͑see Bonvicini, G.͒ D 63, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ 0 0 →␥ and →␥ decays. D 63, 094007͑1͒ ͑see Bornheim, A.͒ D 63, 112003͑1͒ and G. N. Shestakov Ð Effective Lagrangian induced by the ͑see Chan, S.͒ D 63, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ anomalous Wess-Zumino action and the exotic resonance state ͑see Chen, S.͒ D 63, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ G PC Ϫ Ϫϩ Ј with I ͑J ͒ϭ1 ͑1 ͒ in the , , , and K*KÅ ϩKÅ *K ͑see Kopp, S.͒ D 63, 092001͑1͒ channels. D 63, 014017͑1͒ ͑see Richichi, S. J.͒ D 63, 031103͑R͒͑1͒ Adam, I. Ð ͑see Abe, Kenji͒ D 63, 032005͑1͒ ͑see Savinov, V.͒ D 63, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ 63 i ii CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 63 Albrow, M. G. Ð ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 011101͑R͒͑1͒ Ambrus, M. and P. HaÂjõÂcÏek Ð Embedding variables in ®nite ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 032003͑1͒ dimensional models. D 63, 104017͑15͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 072003͑1͒ Amelung, C. Ð ͑see Breitweg, J.͒ D 63, 052002͑1͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ Amendolia, S. R. Ð ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 011101͑R͒͑1͒ Alcubierre, Miguel and Bernd BruÈgmann Ð Simple excision of a ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 032003͑1͒ black hole in 3ϩ1 numerical relativity. D 63, 104006͑15͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 072003͑1͒ Alekhin, S. I. Ð Global ®t to the charged leptons deep-inelastic- ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ scattering data: ␣s, parton distributions, and high twists. Amidei, D. Ð ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 011101͑R͒͑1͒ D 63, 094022͑1͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 032003͑1͒ Alexander, J. P. Ð ͑see Bonvicini, G.͒ D 63, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 072003͑1͒ ͑see Bornheim, A.͒ D 63, 112003͑1͒ ͑see Affolder, T.͒ D 63, 091101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Chan, S.͒ D 63, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ Ammar, R. Ð ͑see Bonvicini, G.͒ D 63, 071101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Chen, S.͒ D 63, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Bornheim, A.͒ D 63, 112003͑1͒ ͑see Kopp, S.͒ D 63, 092001͑1͒ ͑see Chan, S.͒ D 63, 111102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Richichi, S. J.͒ D 63, 031103͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Chen, S.͒ D 63, 031102͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Savinov, V.͒ D 63, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ ͑see Kopp, S.͒ D 63, 092001͑1͒ Alexandre, J. Ð Vacuum polarization in thermal QED with an external ͑see Richichi, S. J.͒ D 63, 031103͑R͒͑1͒ magnetic ®eld. D 63, 073010͑1͒ ͑see Savinov, V.͒ D 63, 051101͑R͒͑1͒ , K. Farakos, and G. Koutsoumbas Ð Magnetic catalysis in Amos, N. Ð ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 031101͑R͒͑1͒ three-dimensional QED at ®nite temperature: Beyond the ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 072001͑1͒ constant mass approximation. D 63, 065015͑15͒ ͑see Abbott, B.͒ D 63, 091102͑R͒͑1͒ Alexandrou, C., Ph. de Forcrand, and E. Follana Ð Gluon propagator Anandam, Parvez Ð Leading logarithm calculation of the eϩeϪ ϩ without lattice Gribov copies. D 63, 094504͑1͒ →e eÅud cross section. D 63, 074015͑1͒ Alford, M., I. T. Drummond, R. R. Horgan, H. Shanahan, and M. Ananthanarayan, B. and P. N. Pandita Ð Infrared ®xed point structure Peardon Ð Measuring the aspect ratio renormalization of in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with baryon and anisotropic-lattice gluons. D 63, 074501͑1͒ lepton number violation. D 63, 076008͑1͒ Alford, Mark, Jeffrey A. Bowers, and Krishna Rajagopal and P. N. Pandita Ð Erratum: Renormalization group evolution Ð Crystalline color superconductivity. D 63, 074016͑1͒ and infrared ®xed points in the minimal supersymmetric standard Ali, A., L. T. Handoko, and D. London Ð Supersymmetric effects on model with baryon and lepton number violation ͓Phys. Rev. isospin symmetry breaking and direct CP violation in B→␥.
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