I P AG E 2 KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, DECEMBER, 1948 Helen is well and busy with her flowers. She had a fine visit with ,.,.... KITCHEN - KLATTER Mary, her husband, Jim, and the two -.... MAGAZINE little boys, Elliott and Jared. I think that from the description Helen gave "Mo>re Than Just Paper And Ink" us of Mary's home, she must live in LEANNA Fl'ELD DRIFTMIER, Editor. a section much like Dorothy's farm­ LUCILE VEAAESS, Associate Editor. the boys must be watched closely for S. W. DRIFT\MIER, Business Manager. it would be easy for them to get lost Subscription'· Price $1.00 per year (12 issues) in the in the New Jersey woods. U.S. A. When I write again I'll tell you Foreign Cour.-tries $1.50 per year. where we had our Thanksgiving din­ Advertising r,ates made known on application. ner and about our trip west. We Entered as ""cond claso matter May 21, 1937 at the aren't likely to leave for Honolulu Post Office at Shenandoah, Ia., under the Act of March •• 1879. (from Los Angeles) until around De­ cember loth, so I won't be able to tell Published Monthly by you about that part, but in February DRIFTMIER· PUBLISHING COMPANY Shenandoah. Iowa you'll get the full details of every­ LETTER FROM LEANN A Copyright 19,18, by Driftmier Publishing Company. thing. W:e send you our warmest wishes for a happy holiday, and you can be sure that I'll have you in my Dear Friends: something for a long, long time and thoughts on Christmas Day even This letter to you js the last thing never thought, in your wildest fancies, though I am far, far from home. I am doing at my desk before we that. it could ever come to pass, then A happy and blessed Christmas to leave early tomorrow morning on the you'll know how I feel now. you all ..... first lap of our winter trip. It gives The trip itself is exciting to think Leanna. me a strange feeling to sit here and about, of course, but imagine how look .at our suitcases all packed and happy I am at the prospect of seeing ready to be put into the car, to realize little Mary Leanna for the first time CHRISTMAS BELLS that when I wheel out of this little of­ when we reach the end of the trip! fice and go into the bedroom it will Not that I won't be extremely happy I heard the bells on Christmas Day be my last night in my own bed for to see Betty and Frederick, but you Their old familiar carols play, several months to come. It seems to know what it means to see a far-dis­ And wild and sweet the words repeat me that our own home, even though it tant grandchild for the first time. Of peace on earth, good will to men! may always be dear to us, is especial­ Since I last wrote to you the only ly dear in the hours just before we really important family event has I thought how, as the day had come, leave for a: long trip-and then when been the arrival of little Emily. The belfries of all Christendom we return. I had thought that I Everyone has stayed well at our house Had rolled along the unbroken song would write this letter from "some­ this faU, and we've more or less just Of peace on earth, good will to men! place along the road" but circum­ carried on the daily routine of c.ook­ stances put off our departure a little ing, cleaning and sewing for the ba­ And in despair I bowed my head; later than we had expected. zaar. As all of you know, I've always "There is no peace on earth,'' I said, It gives me a great thrill to tell you loved to cook and been grateful indeed "For hate is strong, and mocks the that Ma:rt and I have our fourth that it is one thing I could do well song granddaughter. Emily Law r e n c e even though I must get about the Of peace on earth, good will to men." Driftmier arrived on the morning of kitchen in my wheelchair, but I've November 4th to bless the home of done an unusual amount of cooking Then pealed the bells more loud and Abigail and Wayne. She is an ex­ and baking this fall. Lucile and I deep: ceptionally pretty little baby (this have had a good time testing many "God is not dead, nor doth he sleep! The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, isn't just a fond grandmother's pre­ recipes, and we share the results with judiced opinion) with a great dea:l of each other so that it gives us both a With peace on earth, good will to black hair, dimples, and big shining little more variety· than we would men!" eyes that may turn brown-only time have ordinarily. Margery has always Till, ringing, singing on its way, can tell. She tipped the scales at 7 done the cleaning here while I've been The world revolved from night to day, lbs., 'h oz., when she arrived, and has at the helm in the kitchen, but she gotten off to a good start. I'm so will take up my testing "business" after A voice, a chime, a chant sublime, ha:ppy that her parents are being tomorrow, and Abigail is going to try Of peace on earth,' good will to men! spared the sleepless nights that we new recipes too-between the three -Henry W. Longfellow. put in with Dorothy, and that Dor­ girls you should have many good rec­ othy, in turn, put in with Kristin. I ipes this winter, both on the daily "Help us to remember the birth of find it hard to believe that when we Kitchen-Klatter visits and in the mag­ Jesus, that we may share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shep­ return from our trip she will be try­ azine. herds and the worship of the Wise Men. ing to sit up, laughing, and eating a We saw Donald about a month ago variety of foods. You will be able to Close the doors of hate, and open the when we went to Des Moines to visit doors of love all over the world. Let get acquainted with Emily in next my sister, Martha Eaton. He came month's magazine for Russell has kindness come with every gift, and down from ..Lnes where he i3 a sen­ good desire with every greeting. De­ promised to get pictures of her soon. ior in the College of Engineering, and liver us from evil with the blessing When I read Frederick's letter that we had a nice time together for the that Christ brings, and teach us to be appears in this issue it made me feel day. Martha enjoyed 1a lovely trip merry with clean hearts. May the as though I were in a dream to think back Ea:st in the home of her son, Christmas morning make us happy to that before long I'll be "gliding down Dwight, and had a happy time with be thy children, and the Christmas out of a star-studded sky" at the air­ her two little grandsons, Douglas and evening bring us to our beds with port in Honolulu. Of course we aren't Craig. When she returned to Des grateful thoughts, forgiving, and for­ a:bsolutely positive yet that we will fly Moines she had to settle the problem given, for Jesus sake, Amen." to Hawaii, but things are beginning of whether to give up the family home Dr. Henry Vian Dyke:- to shape up that way at this particu­ and take an apartment, or stay where lar time. If we do go by plane it will she had lived a good many years, and be my first experience traveling in the after looking at it from all sides she THE UNCHANGING air, and I can honestly say that it decided to remain in her home. We'd. Let nothing distress thee, nothing af­ doesn't seem real to me! In fact, this like to have her join us in California: fright thee; trip to Honolulu just seems like a when we return from Honolulu, but All things are passing, God never happy dream from which I will surely she isn't sure at this time i it will be changeth. awakelll-if you've ever wanted to do possible. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Ki·t·CHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, DECEMBER, 1948 PA G E 3 are in tune with the season love to hear favorite ones repeated. There is Cozne into the Garden an undercurrent of good in these leg­ ends which will help us all, and the A GIFT OF LILIES . ing room window. They seem to grow dramatic story of the first Christmas, furiously for her, and as eoon as they as it is told in the Bible, never palls By Eileen Derr are large _enough they a:re transplant­ regardless of how often it is read. ed to bigger pots and go out t:o find Bells of Christmas! They ring out Many of us try our luck at garden­ the glad tidings of our abiding faith ing, but few of us specialize in one new windows in the homes of her friends.
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