Sex Behind January 2000 $4.00 Bars "Where Liberty dwells, there is my country"-Benjamin Franklin (((jive Me II Lib'ertXJI or (jive Me 'Death. )) -Patric/(j{enryJ 1776 Old Pat really was an extremist ... especially when it came to Christmas presents! The odds are good that your friends are less fussy about the gifts they receive ... And chances are excellent thatthey would genuinely appreciate a gift ofLiberty! This winter, why not give a special friend This is the ideal gift ... it is so easy, and so the sheer pleasure of individualist· thinking inexpensive: and living ... the state-of-the-art in libertarian analysis ... the free-wheeling writing of today's Spedal!Jlofitfay Offer! leading libertarians ... the joy of pulling the To encourage you to give gifts of Liberty rug out from under the illiberal establishment. this holiday season, we offer gift subscriptions These are a few of the little pleasures we at a special rate: twelve issues (one year) for provide in each issue. Wouldn't it be fun to over 40% off the newsstand price! share them with a friend? First Gift (or your renewal) ... $29.50 In the past year, Liberty has published the Second Gift ................. $27.50 writing of Thomas Szasz, Peter McWilliams, Each Additional Gift. ........ $26.50 David Brin, Wendy McElroy, David Friedman, Act Today! These special rates are availa­ Loren Lomasky, David Boaz, Jane Shaw, Rich­ ble only through January 15, 2000. And re­ ard Kostelanetz, Ron Paul ... The most excit­ member, your own subscription or renewal ing libertarian writers providing a feast of qualifies as one of the subscriptions. good reading! Use the handy coupon below, or call this You pay a compliment when you give the number with your gift and credit card instruc­ gift of Liberty ~ Send us your gift list today, and tions: we'll send your greeting with every issue! We'll also send a handsome gift card in your name 800-854-6991 to each recipient. What could be easier - or better! r-----------------------------,' Pat Henry was right! Please send Liberty to I•YeS my gift list as directed below.. Enclosed NaIne I you will find my check (or money order) for the full Address amount. ------------- I City _ I I o First Gift 0 Renewal State Zip _ I I I Name _ I Name _ Address _ Address _ I I City _ City _ I I State Zip State Zip _ I I I Send to: Liberty Gift Department, 1018 Water Street, Suite 201, Port Townsend, WA 98368. L -----------------------------~ January 2000 Inside Liberty Volume 14, Number 1 4 Letters Backtalk. 7 Reflections Liberty's editors swat Tony Blair, pin Jesse the Body, explain Warren Beatty, cast John Galt, and ogle alpha-male Al Gore. Features 17 Libertarian of the Century And the winner is ... 23 The Jihad Against Microsoft There's far more at stake than the profits of one company, argues R. W. Bradford. 27 When the NAACP Went Armed Today the Civil Rights movement lines up with the rest of the left against private ownership of guns. That wasn't always the case, recalls David Kopel. 29 Sex Behind Bars Sex between guards and female prisoners was consensual, but you'd never know it from the way Amnesty International and Fox News told the story. Dyanne Petersen reports from inside. 31 A Woman's Right, a Man's Duty In a single week in 1973, David Roberts explains, the Supreme Court gave women the right to have a child without permission of the father - and the right to force the father to pay for the child. 33 Reaching for the Stars Skyscrapers are more than just tall buildings, Eric Miller argues. 35 The Strangulation of Kenya While bloated bureaucrat~in Brussels, Washington, and Nairobi enjoy haute cuisine in fme restaurants, the people of Kenya starve, laments Andre'w Muriithi. 37 Why I Left the Left Tom Garrison explains why he abandoned socialism. 41 What Libertarians Can Learn From History Those who don't learn from history are doomed to get less than one percent of the vote. James Bennett reports on a minor party that changed history. 45 Queen of the Soapbox Wendy McElroy recalls a life of anarchism, agitation, and intellectual growth. Reviews 51 Reagan in Fact and Fiction Gene Healy finds a lot of value in the much despised world of Edmund Morris's Reagan biography. 54 Justice vs. Cosmic Justice Alan Bock examines Thomas Sowell's latest look at the world of the Morally Anointed. 56 The Two Faces of Orwell George Orwell didn't just come out and explain his political views; you have to search, says Martin Tyrrell. 58 Beneath the Surface Submariner Clinton Owen looks into the depths of the Silent Service. 60 Booknotes The Turks clarified, a sniper explained and Heinlein interviewed. 62 Terra Incognita What this world is coming to. How to [::::::=:=::::::========================Le===:::=tt=======er=======s========================:::J Repeal, Don't Legalize others have explored before: moderat­ Subscribe R.W. Bradford is on the right train ing the party's message and political but the wrong track in urging the goals so as to make both seem palatable Libertarian Party to emphasize drug to the larger public. This ties into the to legalization in the next presidential cam­ moralism-versus-consequentialism paign. What we don't need are more debate that Liberty hosted earlier this laws. And legalization of something year. II LibertY]] may imply endorsement. Libertarians What would be wrong with a should abjure the notion that whatever Libertarian Party platform that took its is not permitted is prohibited. Imagine, cues from the Cato Institute? More than Liberty takes individual for example, legalizing Judaism or any other libertarian organization, the Latin. This would be offensive, espe­ Cato Institute seems to recognize that freedom seriously ... and cially to the supposed beneficiaries. All while freedom should always serve as a the status quo with more we need do is the same thing we did beacon for further change, a roadmap of than one grain of salt! with alcohol prohibition - repeal it. the incremental steps towards it is a This should be, to put it simply, just necessity in the real political world. Following this approach, the party Every issue of Liberty brings another pro-choice issue. Why should could endorse a flat tax or a sales tax you news you can't miss, we wage war against someone because opinions you won't find they put in their minds andI or bodies rather than the elimination of all anywhere else, and the best ideas and substances we don't approve national taxes. It could suggest a grad­ libertarian writing in the world. of? ual decrease in American policing of the What started as a metaphorical war world rather than an overnight return You won't want to is now a hot one with the Army of all soldiers to our shores. It could involved on both domestic and foreign work on convincing people to decrimi­ miss a single issue! fronts. When they sold the American nalize marijuana on the federal level people on this war, they neglected to rather than asking them to imagine her­ Act Today! inform of the casualties. The war on oin vials at their local liquor store. And drugs encompasses not only recrea­ so on. Such a shift in the Libertarian Liberty offers you the best in tional drugs but orphan drugs, tobacco, Party's platform and rhetoric would individualist thinking and writ­ and God knows what else in the future. decrease its marginalization, and serve ing. So don't hesitate. You have If Libertarians don't bring this up, who as an actual blueprint for action when nothing to lose, and the fruits will? It is up to us to make both the and if it ever elected a sizable number of to gain! Liberty moral and practical case for the repeal of politicians. Finally, it would just Use the coupon below or call: of drug laws. It may happen all at once, make the party seem less silly. or we may have to settle for piecemeal Peter Pfarrer 1-800-854-6991 repeal, but either way we must paint the Ithaca, N.Y. drug zealots as the self-serving liars and murderers that they are. Thus it would Suggestion Box r--------,Please enter my subscription be more pointed to frame our argument Finally,somebody is talking about I to Liberty immediately! I not as legalize drugs, but as, stop the concrete steps the party should consider to become a factor in the presidential == 12 issues (One Full Year) $29.50 war. race. Permit me to suggest some alterna­ I [J 24 issues (Two Full Years) $56.00 I David Kahn tives to drug legalization. I Add $5 per year for foreign subscriptions. I Montville, N.J. 1) If I had to choose one (sorry, it The Sensible-Approach ain't drug legalization) it would be a I name I R.W. Bradford's suggestion that the freeze to the federal budget for X num­ Libertarian Party focus on drug legaliza­ ber ofyears. I address I tion as a wedge issue in the 2000 presi­ 2) Guns. Talk about a single issue dential election makes more sense than that gets people passionate and irito the I city state zip I the party's current approach. I have voting booth! another suggestion, one that I imagine 3) Abolish the minimum wage. Nuff I 0 I enclose my check (payable to Liberty) I I 0 Charge my 0 VISA 0 MasterCard I I signature I account # expires I Send to: Liberty, Dept.
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