Special Alumnae Edition VOLUME IX. LaGrange College, LaGrange, NUMBER VI SAMUEL CANDLER DOBBS Our New Our Alumnae A Message from Faculty Members In Missions Our President Newest Club at Tifton, Weston L. Murray, Head of the' The first L. C. student to do mis- Ga., Is Organized by History department came to us this sion work was Virginia Atkinson, '80. TO THE ALUMNAE LaGrange Alumnae year from Texas having received an : who has aernd in China forty years' Wherever your lot may be cast . _ . _ . _., _ a ong period of devotion to the wo- VT in whatever clime you may come to A. B. degree from North Texas . men of, that.. , country. Last month at Tifton, Ga., a group Teachers College, his Masters degree (...Ellen (Barrett) Carney, '84, spent live, however dear your friends may of six loyal LaGrange College women University of Texas. | some years in Mexico under the Wo-1 become, you cannot escape the mem- were called together by Ethel (John- In his home town he was Superin-' mans Board., of.. Foreign.. Missions, ory or put from you the recollection where death son) Puckett and the LaGrange Alu- tendent of City Schools, President of j interrupted her task-.... | of the days that are gone; some local P. T. A., Chairman of County Annie Ca™Vhf '97 <*« class kindly word, some friendly face, mnae Club of Tifton was organized | news) served m China. with Mrs. Puckett president. Teachers Assoc.at.on, Superintendent ( Jn Cuba_ a mmher of Qur Alumnae I some joyous experience will come to We are hoping to hear that other of Sunday School, and Chairman of have contributed to the mission work you like the echo of a word that has such groups of LaGrange Alumnae an interdenominational Bible class of our church- For different Periods traveled to far distant shores, and will thus prove their loyalty and for men. the following have served as teach- you will dwell again for a fleeting, ers in mission schools: Estelle (Ho- faith in L. C. Katharine Wilson, Head of Langu- moment in those ancient days. ward) Clements '94 and Annie Zu age department received her A. B. Let me wish that the background A valuable addition to this group (Dillard) Stipe '06- Both of these of all those happy memories shall be this summer will be Catharine Chest- degree from North Carolina College have gone to their reward, j^ Cot. J nutt of this year's graduating class, for Women, her Masters and Ph. D. ton) Ellis '02, Mary (Fox) Sitton '18,' the old campus and the time-worn buildings of L- C, the dear mother whose home is in Tifton. degrees from University of North (Edith (Lupton) Hunt '11, Mary Hill Carolina. She had the honor to be!<Moore) Neal 'n and Kate Jenkins of you all whose every achievement 7 th last two stiU chosen with a group of fifty selected''(? '. \ , representing L- brings Pride to her heart and in The first link in the chain that bound Samuel Candler Dobbs Cm the island republic, students to attend a course of study whose happiness she claims a deep, to LaGrange College was his marriage to Mary Ruth Mixon of the Jewell Jones '06, with her husband and abiding interest. class of '86, two years after ner graduation from our College. this summer at the American Aca- Henry A- Willy is serving in Hawaii damy in Rome, Italy. representing L. C. in the mission Cordially yours, As years went by there must have come to him a growing W. E. Thompson. appreciation of our school. His visits to the old Hill revealed to oOo work of the Episcipal church. Ellie Gray, an A. B. and music -oOo- him the ever present Christian influence, the obligations and Our Librarian graduate of '98 represented her Alma ideals of service, so impressed upon the students that whether Mater in Korea until a few years Mrs. Luke Johnson noon native soil or foreign fields, LaGrange graduates have.out- After seven years service as Libr- aeo she retted because of home standingly served. arian, LaGrange College has grown circumstances. (Carrie Parks—1883.) to think of Carrie Fall Benson as her Leta Price, '08 represented La- Returning Alumnae see on all sides evidences of the love and GranKe in It has been said that the test of very own though she was educated mission school work among thoughtfulness of this friend of ours. Our grounds have been the investment in a college lies in the at our sister college, the "Southern „ ,the Indians of Montana- enlarged by a western extension reaching to Maidee St. The ef- '! Maidie Smith, A. B- and music value of its alumnae to the communi- Alma Mater of many of LaGrange s <»__j,„f„ „ <on vi J ii_ ■ • ficiency of the Music department has been greatly increased by ' .graduate ofe '87 blazed the missionary ty. most distinguished daughters. ! trail in Brazil for L- C girls- Mamie the addition cf one grand piano and five uprights. Mr. Dobbs' The passing of Mrs. Luke Johnson Her duties fail to suppress her Fenley, '07 and Daisy Pyle of the interest and thoughtfulness extends to every department. His marked the end of a life that scored gift of a radio to the college family is a constant joy to faculty spark of genius, her charming bits same class have married American of verse delighting us as they p-, mlfsionaries and are continuing their high in every test of usefulness to and students. The newly finished Warren A. Candler Home a pear n columnsi „ of r local, , papers. '; religious work in South America^ her family, her church, her country. should luxuriously house presidents and their families for gen- _,..,. , , ., „. I those tw0 were born In Bsazil but She was one of the few women But it is as a Playwright that Miss educated at Grange and later gra- erations to come. For the Alumnae, he is financing the newly honored with membership in the Benson has won her greatest distinc-' duating at Scarrit College, both work- made office of Alumnae Secretary. council of the National Inter-racial These and his other kindnesses would alone endear Mr. tion, two of her plays being ap- ing as full missionaries before and proved by the Carolina Players-— after marriage. Lizzie MurPhy, a Commission in which her untiring in- Dobbs to all of us who love the College, but what we even more namely "The Fiddlin Feller" and music Sraduate of '07 was for five terest and deep sympathy for other appreciate is his heart interest in every department, his interest em B h, as iano teacher in races made her a valuable member. "Timbers." Her play, "Decorous l n *5! « P in our grounds, our beloved old trees, every inch of the old Hill Days" was received most enthusias- B.ra7;'L thlS Past year *one to her re' To quote in part from Mrs. Alva- ward. over which he so often walks. tically when Presented by the Junior G- Maxwell in the Wesleyan Christ- Dr. Susan Willard Brown, alumna And now comes from Mr. Dobbs a challenge to our apprecia- class in December- ian Advocate "The Womans Mis- of L. C. '12, of Scarritt College, and tion of his generosity, a challenge to our love and our faith in the 1 sionary Society of the M- E- Church, -OQO- of a Philadelphia Medical School, re- future of LaGrange College. presents our college in the field of South,in Georgia mourns its most Whatever sum of money our Alumnae can raise, Mr. Dobbs Beauty medicine in China. staggering and irreplacable loss in promises to double it. Surely no alumna or friend of the College Following the missionary trail, history, for this woman was the out would miss having a part in so great an opportunity. Never be- In silver plumes of river mist, Mary Floyd is now at Scarritt Col- j standing individual figure in the mis- fore could your donation have meant so much. Your gift cf one In moonlight on a young birch lege working on her Masters degree ' sionary enterprize; substantially,, tree, PrerJartory for service some where in' constructively and spiritually. dollar means two dollars; your five hundred means one thousand In sunset coral, amethyst, the Kingdom. Mrs- Luke Johnson—a devoted and -every cent to be applied toward a greater LaGrange College. Beauty shows herself to me. -OQO- beloved wife and mother; an effeci- She whispers when the wind blows by Honor To An ent, consecrated help' meet in the placed for you and your class-mates. ' In ecstasy I see her pass Reunion Schedule These special reunions are to be L. C. Alumna parsonage; student, philosopher, lead- In fleeing clouds across the sky, I er. Possessor of rare spiritual in- coincident with the usual annual re- 1 At the annual meeting of Ameri- A schedule of reunions has been union to which every alumna is In long, low ripples through the sight and power that would make i grass- . can Association of University Pro- worked ont for our Alumnae accord- most cordially invited to attend. It | Ifessors at ChaPel Hill, N- C, Bu- many a crowned head envy, yet with- is earnestly hoped that every alum- ing to the Dix System which brings The lowliest of the stars that shine ford Johnson, '95 was one of two wo- al, a gentle, unassuming, loveable wo- jna and former student will plan to back groups of classes, which were May bead her gracious diadem, men elected members of the Council- man, who built and suffered and died come back and make this our best together in college, once every five And any clinging leaf or vine, | Since her graduation at LaGrange, for purely unselfish and altruistic reunion.
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