The Courier Volume 2 Issue 10 Article 1 12-5-1968 The Courier, Volume 2, Issue 10, December 5, 1968 The Courier, College of DuPage Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.cod.edu/courier This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at DigitalCommons@COD. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Courier by an authorized editor of DigitalCommons@COD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Student Senate Tables THE "Subversive'' Issue COURIER A controversial motion concern¬ indefinitely. ing subversive and extremist ac¬ tivities on the College of DuPage Last week O’Park announced his VOL. 2, No. 10 December 5, 1968 campus was brought before the decision to resign from his senate Student Senate at their last meet¬ seat. He said that the “apathetic” ing before the Thanksgiving holi¬ reaction of the senate to his motion day. was not the single factor involved Gipe Warns of Tow Truck Blues in his resignation. Although he was The motion was made by Mike displeased with lack of action taken By Mike Mullen give them the authority.” and once the signs are up, Stab¬ Lewis acting as Larry O’Parka's on the proposal, he cited his in¬ le in may legally have a car towed proxy. It read, “Any organization ability to attend the meetings be¬ Your car may be towed away if The biggest bind seems to be away. Stahleln has made four calls listed as extremist or subversive cause of conflicting schedules as you park illegally, effective Mon¬ that students are parking their to Gipe this week alone. by the House UnAmerican Ac¬ the main reason. day, according to Robert Gipe, cars in unauthorized spots at the tivities Committee will not be administrative assistant at College Roosevelt facility. recognized by the Associated Stu¬ Tom Murphy, Ron Kopitke, Bill of DuPage. Gipe has been in charge “The Maryknoll people have dent Body as an authorized or¬ Ricketts, Mike Lewis, and Bill of the traffic situation since Nov. “Unless a student parks at the complained also, they say students ganization.'’ The motion was tabled Hinz were the senators who voted 20. bookstore, he should never find fill their lots and there is no room not to table the motion. Hinz said himself on a blacktop surface. for their own people. Issuing tick¬ that he wanted more discussion “Ultimately students are re¬ This is the rule that all students ets to curb this is not the answer on the matter before it was tabled. sponsible for the traffic prob¬ should follow in parking their either. We have issued over 5,000 Things a Bit Slow He added that he was not in favor lem,” said Gipe, “and they have cars,” he said. tickets so far this year, and there of the motion as it stood and he shown that they are good students is just no way we can process them was "highly concerned” over the and citizens by taking the problem Leland Stahlien, owner of the all,” Gipe said. for C of D Students comment made by Lewis that“any on themselves. I have talked to Roosevelt facility, has complained senator who voted against this some people from the Student Sen¬ several times to college officials Attending Glenbard motion should be considered a ate, and they are willing to take that students are parking in his Gipe will present to the school subversive.” Hinz also said that care of the problem if we will lot, which is not coUege property. board the bids for lighting the he didn’t feel any motion should He will post signs around the lot. parking lot at Roosevelt, and feels Either pity or stand in amaze¬ be tabled without some discussion, there is a good chance that the ment at the plight or joy of Col¬ especially on a matter as impor¬ board will go through with these lege of DuPage students who make tant as this. measures. “Lights we may be their weekly trek to Glenbard East able to get soon, but we just don’t high school on Monday nights. In other business Larry Lemkau, have the money or the authority ASB president, presented Jan Fry- to pave the lots,” he observed. Things have been a bit slow for mier, Tripp Throckmorton and them. Brian Zlskal) to the senate. Fry- Snow removal arrangements mier was approved by the Execu¬ have been made, and when the The quarter opened on a Tues¬ tive board to serve as the Chair¬ snow reaches a depth greater than day. They missed Class No. 1. man for the Cultural Activities 2 inches, the firm will clear the Board, Throckmorton for Comp¬ lots. Then came a Parents’ Night, troller, taking Don Preston’s re¬ cancelling classes, and then Vet¬ signed seat, and Ziskall for Justice erans Day, an official holiday. in the Student Court. Courier Winds Up Last Monday night after about Terry Olson wUl head the new a half hour the loudspeaker boomed Promotion committee whose pur¬ in all classrooms: “There is a for Fall Quarter pose is to organize a proposed report of a bomb in the building. Christmas charity drive and to aid All classes are dismissed.” in public relations. Other mem- The Courier wUl not publish next week because of final exams. The so-called bomb never was The next edition will appear Jan.9. Continued on page 2 Chip Campbell, 11-year-old, solo soprano for "St. Nicolas,” a found. Copy for the next issue is re¬ cantata by Benjamin Britten, scheduled for performance on December quested to be turned in no later 8 In the theater of Sacred Heart Academy, Lisle, at 8:15 p.m., than Monday, Jan. 6. The Courier practices with Dr. Carl A. Lambert, director of music for College staff wishes everyone a safe and of DuPage. Chip Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Denis Campbell of happy holiday season. Illegal Parking Jams Lot Western Springs and will sing the role of Nicolas as a boy in the Midwest Premiere of ‘St. Nicolas.” Elimination of illegally parked cars at the Student Center would help to Improve the parking problem there. Santa—A Wall Street Patron In a recent survey taken of the cars parked in the lot, it was discovered that many were there without a parking sticker. The By Barbara Larson that he was rather shocked when controlling stock in Mattel Toy Co. results are as follows: I plopped down in his lap. And what, Santa, I asked, do the I had stood in line for 30 min¬ kids ask for most? Time Total Cars With Stickers . Without utes in front of the Mistletoe Motel I asked him about his age. He 8:30 a.m. 39 20 19 on the third floor of Marshall said he had seen about 500 Christ¬ Santa said, “That’s an easy 12:30 p.m. 72 53 19 Fields in Oak Brook. I was in mases. So I asked him how he felt question. Talk about the power of 2:30 p.m. 59 37 22 pursuit of a man, an especially after all those years. He said a advertising! Almost every child 4:30 p.m. 62 . 34 28 dashing sort of man in a red suit. “Santa Claus feels only as good asks for the Cuddley Duddlev, or 6:30 p.m. 38 17 21 as he looks.” Baby Small Talk, the Mattela- Santa Claus sat there on his phone, Tonka trucks, and of course, It can be pointed out that approximately 50% of those cars parked throne, which had a price tag How did he manage, I asked, to I always get requests for a new In the Student Center parking lot are there Illegally. If these cars marked $89.95, talking to all the keep up his toy manufacturing puppy.” were to be denied admission to the lot the parking space would double. little kiddles. with all the changes that occur? This would require a parking attendant to keep out cars without And then my punch line. “Are stickers and to help slow down some of the wild entrances and exits Finally came my turn to sit “Oh,” he mused, “everyone the kids of today any different some drivers make. in the lap of the 112th original knows that I surround myself with from the kids of past years?” Marshall Field Santa Claus. a regiment of well-trained elves.” Several cars were parked all day as many people bring their cars However, he confessed, the elves Santa had the answer: “I haven’t here and park them and then ride with someone else. Also, an I had planned this to be a sur¬ aren’t what they used to be and noticed because I am a ‘kid’ at overnight check of the lot found several cars parked all night in prise interview and I must admit so he has been forced to buy the heart.” the lot. O'Parka Resigns; THE COURIER, December 5, 1968. Page 2 Lynch Challenged Linda MacLennan Draws Turkey Winners on Student Conduct Continued from page 1 Being College of DuPage Home¬ bers of the Committee will be A1 coming queen has its embarrassing Zobjeck, A1 Albert, Dave Blotter, moments, too. and Sandy Sulkowski. Queen Linda MacLennan drew five winning tickets Nov. 25 from Jim Lynch moved and A1 Zob¬ a Veterans Club turkey drawing. jeck seconded to make _ Nov. 22 The third one she drew was her as a day of commemoration at own. There was a moment of em¬ the College of DuPage for Mar¬ barrassment but such are the rules tyred American Heroes and pro¬ of chance.
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