IBUBSDAT, AUGUSIM, V tK O AVBBAOB d a i l y OIBOUtATIOS m an rlrr^ SttMt&ig Ifm dii tor tte maatt of Jn|y, 18T I WBAXHEB •cast sf D. a. Wsatth Boys and girls oC tha Corentry Louis L. Foster, manager of Corps is coming along in fine shape. Borttord 4*H club are hopiny fpr a large Bverybody's Market left today to different booths on tte Main street 5 , 8 7 5 LOCAL DRUM CORPS The boys and glrla held a drill last MAKE GOOD PROGRESS side of the lot. FSrtty doody prseedsi attendance of people from here and spend a week at Lakeville, Conn., night under yours truly snd will Mentber of tta Andlt other places at their annual exhibit, and another week at Lake Placid, Tbe large tent, ,to be rented from Bnrean of OronlatieaB W a ltm Chib Re. 1 wtU meet agsla t<mlght tor another re- R. M. Reid A Sons to be used for H m leoMi ■Ight: Satardoy simper and entertainment tomorrow N. T. A C im n E S BEGIN hesresl snd driU. They am expect ON K. OF C. CARNIVAL clMaga In ' I niwHin tnnioireir evenlnc et a ft^ o o n and evening at the new “Bingo", wUL be erected towards MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM Bdl « t tbe Beat Btde Recrea- ing to make their flret public ap­ the north end cf the lo t -Plumbers Church Community house in North Mr. and Mra. Ephraim Cole of pearance in Glastonbury oo Labor botidtog. Aflida b o n tbe r tg - Coventry. Tbe exhibits will be in 10 Middle Turnpike west are-visit­ Rehesrsab Get Underway were getting pipe together to run VO L. L V L , NO. 280 (OasHflad Advsrtlsiiig en Page 14) Day. McBibcrs of Campbell CobbcU hot and cold water from the home SELF SERVE MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1937 • btutaicM than win br iataraat' place at 3 p. m. and will demon­ ing Mr. and Hra James Cole Again; SiDc City Corps May (SIXTEEN PAGES) 'aewB from Waahiiistaii baed> Do Good Work Lkst Night; to the fbod and soft drink booths PRICE THREE CENTSl strate Ittat tha young people have Wilmington, Delaware. Reorganize Thb Year. 2:30 to 5:30 FRIDAY Iters riamttny tbe apeaial work been doing this summer in needle- To Be Bigger This Year. snd the stringing of tbe wires win If dons sinoiiK the Omwra get underway tonight crafty caimlng. and tbe ralaiiig of The American Legion Drum and SPEaALSI , durtnf their eomaatttae mv flowers and vegetables- From 5 to Manchester . Members of Campbell Council R. Foes Land On “Gk)od Earth” Ittati tar aimdn porpo^ ‘ Also MISS ALMA roSTER Bugle Corps is back in tbe armory of C., who went to tbe grounds ad­ MELLON, LONG PROBE REPORTS 7:80 a delietous supper will be every Friday i Ight again for their PLANE CRASHES hifh>apots wiU be esplained of served. Including com fritters, suc­ joining their home on Main street aaaot iaeotporstioa at tha regular rehearsals. The oorjw is Date Book last night getting ready for the SPEQAL cotash, com on the cob, sliced toma­ now equipped with trumpets and fs * law. chibs' aasocistioa sfflllstim toes, cabbage salad, rolla, pmch GIVEN KITCHEN SHOWER opaOng of the c a ^ va l Beat Mon­ CRISCO im SU R YH EAD OFHOUSEVOTES tha RSUotisI Paderstlon. several military marches odd much Oemlag Bveots. day did a lot of work. Tbe poles abortcake with whipped cream, to the progress of the corps. Ralph entertainment at 8 o’clock will i Aug. 3»—Legion outing at Sous were aet all around the bock part of Innarspring Ih r hnnclrtiif down s cop at Mbs Rosalie Ricking Enter­ Von Deck will remain leader of the t*»ly j^«bhouae on Keeney street tha lot which aloe Includes a sec- ^ 3 Ib. can aist of Civil War time sketches and corps during the winter months PASSEj^AT 82 ' 1 and Charter Oak streets early musical numbers. tains in Honor of North Elm Aug. 80-Sept e—Knights, of Co- tion that opeae onto Delmont otreet ILLEGAU.YCAST 4 aaemlar, Alfred K. Weloh of when a rigid program of rebearsala There Is more space to be used thi« MATTRESS DEA1H Street Tonng Woman. is expected. lumbua Carnival. n ^ was arrastad at 1:00 St. John's Bugle, Fife and'Drum Bept 8 — Opening of public 3rear than In other yaara. In addi­ ) f by 'FoUcamaa Pr jDOtps have a rehearsal tonight The Manchester Girl Scout Drum tion to getting the poles aet ready win and Bugle Corps will resume prac­ schools and Trade School for 1987- Death Comes to the Veteran Inquiry Under Way in Wash­ Jea and Casaeia WaUh waa etaarf- at 7 o'clock in the parish haU on Mias Roaalis Hlcklng of 40 Weat- 88 term- to hong tha canvas there was a WALNUT N. Y. Assemblyman and His tice in the near future to get pre­ force erectiiig the stands fOr tha F12.95 ^ Witt oparattif a motor Tebiela Oolway street. minsler road, entertained with a kitchen shower at lier home Tues­ pared for the Armistice Day pa­ Banker and 03 and Ahi< eaWle under the influence ct liquor, rade. The’ "girls have not held ington May Uncorer Vol ce^ that ha knocked dorm was day evening in honor of Mias Alma MEATS Wife Among Victim^ Ma Hie choir of S t John's church win Foster of North Elm street, who Is’ their eossiohs during the summer ’dummy cop at the lower and of hold a rehearsal tomorrow night at months. .,;Ml8s PhyUss Barrett is KEMP'S minmn Magnate at Long AHACK ON HER ENVOY painstreet. to become the bride itf Miss Hick- ing by Absentee^ Traces ^ ______ Si; 7 o'clock in the pariah ban on Gkil- log's brother, PrancU E. Kicking, again expected to lead tte girls in diin e Was Trying to Lam way street in preparation for the on September IS November. 'r i t o RahU Rmdlteb, bar brottar, state Polish ChUd Day, in Glaaten- Tbe Center Flute Band hsa been Island Home of Daughter. of Major Scandal Seen. 3 a i^ and their mother. Mrs. Doras, Miss Foster opened her gifts, bury, on Labor day. The choir will which were kitchen utenella end going strong an summer anil has at Airport Near Albany. Foreign Secretary Eden dr Viuiceuver, B. C, are registered sing at S t Paul's church, Hartford, token part in many contests. Tbe W ake Up other useful kitchen ertlclea, under­ m B S B x r n Secretary Hull Studies lU the Hotel Sheridan. They i la the morning and again at tbe band is going places and under the COVENTRY 4-H SUPPER, hatBK ontmtalned wbila in town by neath a chandelier hung with Southampton, N. T.. Aug. 87.— Washington, Aug. 27.— (A P )—A sents Docoment fo Tok-j park where the various events> will strearaen of green and white, each able leadership which It has, is ex­ Andrew W. MeUon, who built one of Albany. N. T., Aug. 27.— ( A P I - Mbs Mary A. Mbriarty of Summer take place, September fl. pected to beat ail records next sea­ EXHIBIT, PROGRAM VAKINO member of the House high com­ streamer being tied to a gift on the the world’s greatest fortunes out of State Aaaemblyman Pritchard H floor. son after a real practice season this FRIDAY, AUG. 27, 2 P. M. mand disclosed today that an inves­ Proposed Jap Blockade yos Ambassador at L «h i Mrs. Herbert Anderson* and winter. Manchester banking, oil and aluminum and who tigation is underway or reported Strong, 80, wealthy Rochester, N, After the gifts were opened ' Albert . B. Wiloon, stock clerk at Snpper 5 to 7:80, featuring varie­ CHOCOLATE Y., aviation entouatast, bis wife and daughter Doreer. of Jamestown, R. games were played. Hies Hazel Rumors are circulating that tbe ty of ooni disbes, peach ehort- epent his late years in the nation' recording of votes on House roll tha Manchester Bnectric company's I., are visiting Mrs. Anderson’s Silk City Flute Band Inay reorgan­ Washington, Aug. 27— (A P ) —ShU home at Hyde Park but he took aaUamnm at 773 Main street, is re* Drlgga entertained With several oake, eSc. ............................. S8o service aa eecretary of the treasury caile of representatives known to two companions were killed early don; GoTemment Repo|rl- ^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. War­ ize in tbe near future and get back and as ambassador to Great Britain today when their airplane crashed Secretary Hull conferred today the thorny issue with him as a -/a- qeeertas ftem a aerero Ubieas at tbe monologuea. Lunch was served, the FLAYS 8 P. BL have been out of town. He waa ner of Doans street Mlee Mildred table being decorated with green to the high standards which it baa 2 i bars ^ ^ | c in fog and rain while trying to land wlto suta Department experts in cation companion. Before leaving httmorial hospital. always held. Alec Wilson la the Labor AdmWmi SOe. ChUdren lOe. unwilling to be quoted by name, but ed As Conndering Breik-j HaU of Methuen, Mass., formerly and white. said there was "evidence of a ma­ at the airport here. International law on the implica­ he went into toe Par Eaatern situa­ leader of the corps end is deserving tion first with Hull at a luncheon of Doone street who has been Miss Hlcklng waa assisted by her jor scandal.” Legislators who were The ship was piloted by Oarence tions of toe threat by a Japanese spending a month with Mra Ander- mother, Mra.
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