24848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December J7 (Rept. No. 1054). Referred to the House PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESI­ Calendar. Mr. NATCHER: Committee ot conference. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, ·DENT PRO TEMPORE H.R. 7431. A blll making appropriations for · Mr. POWELL introduced a blll (H.R. 9514) The legislative clerk read the follow­ the government of the District of Columbia for the relief of Athanassia Eleni, which was ing letter: and other activities chargeable in whole or referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. U.S. SENATE, 1n part against the revenues of said District ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, and Washington, D.C., December 17, 1963. for other purposes (Rept. No. 1055). Ordered PETITIONS, ETC. To the Senate: to be printed. Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Mr. ROONEY of New York: Committee of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions I appoint Hon. GEORGE D. AIKEN, a Senator conference. H.B. 7063. A bill making appro­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk from the State of Vermont, to perform the priations for the Departments of State, Jus­ and referred as follows: duties of the Chair during my absence. tice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and re­ LEE METCALF, lated agencies for the fiscal year ending June 537. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Henry Acting President pro tempore. 30, 1964, and for other purposes (Rept. No. Stoner, Avon Park, Fla., relative to the elec­ 1056). Ordered to be printed. tion and succession of the President and Mr. AIKEN thereupon took the chair Vice President as provided in the Constitu­ as Acting President pro tempore. tion of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRI­ 538. Also, petition of Henry Stoner, Avon THE JOURNAL VATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Park, Fla., relative to maintaining a truly honorable States rights under the Constitu­ On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of tion of the United States; to the Committee unanimous consent, the reading of the committees were delivered to the Clerk on the Judiciary. Journal of the proceedings of Monday, for printing and reference to the proper 539. Also, petition of Henry Stoner, Avon December 16, 1963, was dispensed with. calendar, as follows: Park, Fla., requesting passage of House Joint Resolution 789, to adopt a specific version of Mr. LIBONATI: Committee on the Judici­ the Star Spangled Banner; to the Committee ary. H.R. 4361. A bill for the relief of the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT estate of Paul F. Ridge; with amendment on the Judiciary. (Rept. No. 1047). Referred to the Commit­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ II ..... •• dent of the United States submitting tee of the Whole House. Mr. LIBONATI: Committee on the Judici­ nominations were communicated to the ary. H.R. 4972. A bill for the relief of Robert SENATE Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ E. McKee General Contractor, Inc., and Kauf­ taries. man & Broad Building Co., a joint venture; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1963 with amendment (Rept. No. 1048). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Mr. ASHMORE: Committee on the Judici­ and was called to order by Hon. GEORGE A message from the House of Repre­ ary. H.R. 6748. A bill for the relief of the D. AIKEN, a Senator from the State of sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its J. D. Wallace & Co., Inc.; without amend­ Vermont. reading clerks, announced that the House ment (Rept. No. 1049). Referred to the Com­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown had passed a bill <H.R. 9499) making mittee of the Whole House. Harris, D.D., offered the following appropriations for foreign aid and re­ prayer: lated agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, and for other purposes, in PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS O Thou who art the eternal source of the love that came down at Christmas, which it requested the concurrence of Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public help us to see that the heart of what the the Senate. bills and resolutions were introduced and world is celebrating these festive days severally referred as follows: is the opposite of most of this genera­ HOUSE BILL REFERRED By Mr. GRABOWSKI: tion's priorities in the busy rush for suc­ H.R. 9510. A bill to provide for the coinage cess. Give us to comprehend the magnifi­ The bill <H.R. 9499) making appropri.: of 60-cent pieces bearing the likeness of cent irony of His coming, with its rever­ ations for foreign aid and related agen­ John Fitzgerald Kennedy; to the Committee sals of the standards of men-that rlght cies for the fl.seal year ending June 30, on Banking and Currency. past wealth and purple pomp and priest­ 1964, and for other purposes, was read By Mr. PATTEN: twice by its title and referred to the H.R. 9511. A bill to suspend for a tem­ ly pride, scorning kings and rulers and Committee on Appropriations. porary period the import duty on poly­ unworthy religious leaders, past church, ethylene !mine; to the Committee on Ways past state, past throne and altars, the and Means. true word of God made flesh, compelling EXECUTIVE SESSION By Mr. RHODES of Arizona: and revolutionary, came to the lowly H.R. 9512. A bill to amend the Federal manger, for there was no room in the The Senate proceeded to the consid­ Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act so as to make busy inn. eration of executive business. that act applicable to smoking products; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Open our eyes to see that still today, as Commerce. unpredictable as the Bethlehem inn, EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED again and again the hands and feet and H.R. 9613. A bill to establish the calendar ACTING year as the fiscal year of the Government, lips of Thy deepest purpose for the world The PRESIDENT pro tern­ and for other purposes; to the Committee on are housed in some human life, and that pore laid before the Senate messages Government Operations. when- from the President of the United States By Mr. FASCELL: submitting sundry nominations, which H.J. Res. 877. Joint resolution providing for They all were looking for a king were referred to the appropriate com­ a world conference on oceanography to be To raise their hopes and lift them mittees. convened in the United States in 1965; to the high- (For nominations this day received, Committee on Foreign Affairs. He came, a little baby thing see the end of Senate proceedings.) By Mr. PUCINSKI: That made a woman cry! H.J. Res. 878. Joint resolution authorizing and directing the National Institutes of So may we thrill once more, as th~ CONVENTION WITH MEXICO FOR Health to undertake a fair, impartial, and silver trumpets of Christmas are heard, SOLUTION OF PROBLEM OF THE controlled test of Krebiozen; and directing as with contrite hearts we confess- the Food and Drug Administration to with­ CHAMIZAL hold action on any new drug application I know not how that Bethlehem's Babe The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ before it on Krebiozen until the completion Could in the Godhead be; pore. The Senate, under its order of of such test; and authorizing to be appro­ I only know the manger Child yesterday, will now proceed consider, priated to the Department of Health, Educa­ Has brought God's life to me. to tion, and Welfare the sum of $250,000; to the in executive session, the Chamizal con­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com-:. Irr that Holy Child's blessed name we vention with Mexico, under a limitation merce. pray. Amen. of 2 hours of debate. 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 24849 The Senate, as in Committee of . the as a result of the relocation o! the interna..­ bridges which replace those on Stanton­ Whole, proceeded to the consideration tional boundary. The lands that, upon re­ Lerdo and Santa Fe-Juarez streets shall be of Executive N, 88th Congress, 1st ses­ location of the international boundary, pass -located on the same streets. The location from one country to the other shall pass to of the bridge or bridges which replace the sion, the convention, Executive N (88th the respective Governments in absolute own­ two Cordova Island bridges shall be deter-. Cong., 1st sess.), a convention with Mex­ ership, free of any private titles or encum­ mined by the International Boundary and ico for solution of the problem of the brances of any kind. Water Commission. - The agreements now in Chamizal, signed at Mexico City on Au­ ARTICLE 5 force which relate to the four existing gust 29, 1963, which was read the second The Government of Mexico shall convey bridges between El Paso and Ciudad Juarez time, as follows: to the Banco Na.clonal Hipotecario Urbano shall apply to the new international bridges CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITEI! STATES OF y de Obras Publlcas, S.A., titles to the prop­ 'Which replace them. The international _bridge or bridges. which replace the two Cor­ AMERICA AND THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES erties comprised of the structures which pass dova Island bridges shall be toll free unless FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF THE intact to Mexico and the lands on which both Governments agree to the contrary. CHAMIZAL they stand. The Bank shall pay the Govern­ The United States of America and the ment of Mexico for the value of the lands ARTICLE 11 United Mexican States: on which such structures are situated and The relocation of the international bound­ Animated by the spirit of good neighbor­ the Government of the United States for ary and the ,transfer of portions of terri­ liness which has made possible the amicable the estimated value to Mexico of the said tory resulting therefrom shall not affect in solution of various problems which have structures.
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