6 No.33566 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FORSTRY AND FISHERIES No. 835 23 September 2010 NOTICE OF THE LIST OF PROTECTED TREE SPECIES UNDER THE NATIONAL FORESTS ACT, 1998 (ACT NO 84 OF 1998) By virtue of powers vested in me under Section 15(3) of the National Forests Act, 1998, I, Tina Joemat-Pe1tersson, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries hereby publish a list of all protected trees belonging to a particular species under Section 12(1) (d) set out in Schedule below. The effect of this declaration is that in terms of Section 15(1) of the National Forests Act, 1998, no person may cut, disturb, damage or destroy any protected tree or possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree or any forest product derived from a protected tree, except under a licence or exemption granted by the Minister to an applicant and SUbject to such period and conditions as may be stipulated. Contravention of this declaration is regarded as a first category offence that may result in a person who is found guilty of being sentenced to a fine or imprisonment for a period up to three years, or to both a fine and imprisonment. SCHEDULE A I BYLAE A Botanical Name english Other Common Names National Common Afrikaans (A), Northern Sotho Tree Names (NS), Southern Sotho (S), Number Tswana (1), Venda (V), Xhosa 00. Zulu (Z) Acacia eri%ba Camel thorn . Kameeldoring (A) / Mogohlo (NS) / 168 Moa6tlh6 m· Acacia haematoxvlon Grev camel thorn Vaalkameeldoring CA) / Mokholo m 169 Adansonia digitata Baobab Kremetart (A) /Saboi (NS)/ Mowana 467 m Afzelia quanzensis Pod mahogany Peulmahonie (A) / Mutokota M / 207 Inkahli (Z) Ba/anites subsp. Torchwood Groendoring (A) / Ugobandlovu (Z) 251 mauahamii Barringtonia Powder-puff tree Poeierkwasboom (A) / lboqo (Z) 524 racemosa STAATSKOERANT, 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 No.33566 7 Boscia albitrunca Shepherd's tree Witgat (A) / Mohlopi (NS) / MotlhOpi 122 (T) / Muvhombwe (V) / UmgQomogQomo (X)' / Umvithi (Z) Brachystegia Msasa Msasa (A) 198.1 slJiciformis Breonadia salicina Matumi Mingerhout (A) /Mohlome (NS) I 684 Mutu-Iume M/ Umfomfo (Z) Bruguiera Black mangrove Swart-wortelboom (A) / Isikhangati 527 avmno"hiza (X) / Isihlobane (Z) Cassipourea Swazi onionwood Swazi-uiehout (A) 531.1 swaziensis Catha edulis Bushman's tea Boesmanstee (A) I Mohlatse (NS) / 404 IgQwaka (X) / Umhlwazi (Z) Ceriops tagal Indian mangrove Indiese wortelboom (A) / Isinkaha 525 (Z) Cleistanthus False tamboti Vals-tambotie (A) I Umzithi (Z) 320 schlechteri var. schlechteri Colubrina nicholsonii Pondo weeping Pondo-treurdoring (A) 453.8 thorn Combretum imberbe Leadwood Hardekool (A) I Mohwelere-tshipi 539 (NS) / Motswiri (T) / Impondondlovu (Z) Curtisia dentata Assegai Assegaai (A) / Umgxina (X) / 570 Umagunda (Z) Elaeodendron Bushveld saffron Bosveld-saffraan (A) / Monomane 416 transvaalensis m/ Inawavuma (Z) Erythrophysa Bushveld red Bosveld-rooiklapperbos (A) / 436.2 transvaalensis balloon Mofalatsane m Euclea /JSeudebenus Ebony guarri Ebbehout -ghwarrie (A) 598 Ficus trichoooda Swamp fig Moerasvy (A) / Umvubu (Z) 54 Leucadendron Silver tree Silwerboom (A) n argenteum Lumnitzera racemosa Tonga mangrove Tonga-wortelboom (A) /Isikhaha- 552 var. racemosa esibomvu (Z) Lydenburgia abbottii Pondo Pondo-boesmanstee (A) 407 bushman's Tea Lydenburgia Sekhukhuni Sekhukhuni-boesmanstee (A) 406 cassinoides bushman's tea Mimusops caffra Coastal red Kusrooimelkhout (A) / Umthunzi (X) 583 milkwood / Umkhakhavi (Z ) Newtonia Lebombo wattle Lebombo-wattel (A) /Umfomothi (Z) 191 hildebrandtii var. hildebrandtii Oootea bullata $linkwood $linkhout (A) / Umhlungulu (X) / 118 Umnukane'(Z) Ozoroa namaauensis GarieD resin tree Garieo-harouisboom CAl 373.2 Philenoptera violacea Apple-leaf Appelblaar (A) / Mphata (NS) / 238 Mohata m/Isihomohomo (Z) Pittosporum Cheesewood Kasuur (A) I Kgalagangwe (NS) / 139 viridiflorum Umkhwenkwe(X) I Umfusamvu (2) Podocarpus Breede River Breederivier-geelhout (A) 15 elongatus vellowwood 8 No. 33566 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 Podocarpus fa/catus Outeniqua Outniekwa-geelhout (A)/ 16 (Afrocarpus falcatus) yellowwood Mogobagoba (NS)/ Umkhoba (X)/ Umsonti-(2) Podocarpus henkelii Henkel's Henkel-se-geelhout (A) / Umsonti 17 vellowwood (X) / Umsonti (Z) Podocarpus /atito/ius Real yellowwood Opregte-geelhout (A) / MogobagOba 18 (NS)/ Umcheya 00 / Umkhoba (2) Protea comptonii Saddleback Barberton-suikerbos (A) 88 sUQarbush Protea curvata Serpentine Serpentynsuikerbos (A) 88.1 sUQarbush Prunus africana Red stinkwood Rooi-stinkhout (A) / Umkhakhase 147 (X) / Umdumezulu (Z) Wild teak Kiaat (A) I MorOtO (NS) I Mokwa (T) I I PIerocarpus ango/eflSiS 236 Mutondo M Umvanaazi (2) Rhizophora mucronata Red mangrove Rooi-wortelboom (A) / Isikhangathi 526 (X)/ Umhlume (2) Sc/erocarya birrea Marula Marcela (A) / Morula (NS) / Morula 360 subsp. caffra m/ Umganu (2) Securidaca Violet tree Krinkhout (A) / Mmaba (T) 303 /onaeDeduncuJata I Sideroxy/on inerme White milkwood Wit-melkhout (A) / Ximafana (X) / 579 subsp. inerme Umakhwelafinaaane (2) Tephrosia pondoensis Pondo poison I Pondo-gifertjie (A) 226.1 pea Warburgia sa/utaris Pepper-bark tree Peperbasboom (A)/ Molaka (NS)/ 488 Mulanga (V)/ Isibaha (Z) Widdringtonia Clanwilliam cedar Clanwilliam-seder (A) 19 cedarbergensis Widdringtonia Willowmore Baviaanskloof-seder (A) 21 schwarzii cedar MSTJOEMA~PETTERSSON MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES agriculture, forestry &fisheries Department: Agriculture, forestry & fisheries REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA.
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