A BibliographyBibliography ofof thethe History of Inland Waterways, RailwaysRailways && RoadRoad TransportTransport inin the British Isles,Isles, 20002000 SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OFOF THE 13 HILL, T. G.G. FromFrom packhorsepackhorse toto railways:railways: changingchanging BRITISH ISLES transport systemssystems fromfrom the seventeenthseventeenth toto thethe nineteenth centuries and their impact upon trade and GC1b England-SouthEngland-South WestWest RegionRegion (see also no. 37) industry in the Shropshire area. Unpubl. Ph.D.PhD. thesis,theSis, Univ. of Leicester, 1998. 1 HARMAN, WINIFRED.WINIFRED. Local Local transporttransport ofof the past.past. 14 HITCHES, MIKE. BirminghamBirmingham transport.transport. Stroud: Old CornwallCornwallvol. vol. 12 no.no 55 (1999) pp. 12-21. Sutton Publng, 1999. pp. 128. [Sutton's photographicphotographic history of transport series.] GC1cGC 1c England-SouthEngland-South EastEast RegionRegion A photographic record. 2 HASTIE, scon.SCOTT. Berkhamsted: an illustrated history. GC1e England-EastEngland-East Midlands Midlands RegionRegion Kings Langley: Alpine Press, 1999. pp. 176. Kings Langley: Alpine Press, 1999. pp. 176. 15 RIDEN, PHILlPPHILIP (comp). CatalogueCatalogue of of plans of pp. 24-6, Early transport; 27-30,27-30, The canal; 31-5, proposed canals, turnpike roads, railways and otherother The railway; 3G-7,36-7, Motor transport. public works deposited with thethe Clerks of the PeacePeace 3 LLEWELLYN,LLEWELL YN, SHEILA. TheThe view from the bridge: the for Northamptonshire,Northamptonshire, the the County BoroughBorough ofof story of the Thames-side villages of Clifton Hampden Northampton andand the Soke of Peterborough, 1792- and Burcot in Oxfordshire. (Clifton[Clifton Hampden]: Friends 1960, in the Northamptonshire Record Office. Cardiff: of Stst Michael & AllAI/Angels, Angels, 2000. pp. xiii, 292. Merton Priory Press,Press, forfor Northamptonshire Northamptonshire RecordRecord Ch. 2 (pp.(pp. 14-26), Old village, old roads; 3 (pp.(pp. Office, 2000. pp. 96. 27-40), The river Thames at Clifton: the ford, ferry With introduction on the evolution of the depositeddeposited and bridge;bridge; 4 (pp.(pp. 41-57),41-57), TheThe commercial commercial plan, the NRONRO collections,collections, andand their value forfor Thames andand its wharves; 14 (pp. 165-6),165-6), TheThe historians. 361 plansplans andand associatedassociated documentsdocuments coming oftheof the Great Western RailwayRailway... ... described. London GC1hGC1 h England-NorthEngland-North West West RegionRegion 4 BAKER, MICHAEL H. H. C.C. London Transport in the 16 McNEIL, ROBINA and NEVELL, MICHAEL. A guideguide 1950s. Shepperton: Ianlan Allan,AI/an, 2000. pp. 96.96. ManyMany to thethe industrialindustrial archaeologyarchaeology of GreaterGreater Manchester.Manchester. illns,tins, incl.incl. col. [Glory Days series.] (n.p.]:[n.p.]: Assocn for IndlIndl Arch., 2000. pp. 73. A chiefly pictorial record. A gazetteer. 5 BAKER, MICHAEL H.H. C. LondonLondon TransportTransport sincesince 17 SMITH, PAUL J. andand HUGHES,HUGHES, BRIAN.BRIAN. GreaterGreater 1933. Combined & updated edn. of London TransportTransport Manchester in 1998-1999: a reviewreview of organisations,organisations, 1933-19621933-/962 (1996) and London TransportTransport since 1963 transport operators and theirtheir ticketticket and fare collectioncollection (1997). Shepperton: lan Allan,AI/an, 2000. pp. 128,128, 144.144. systems. Sevenoaks: Transport Ticket Society, 1999. Many photos. pp. 48. Many ticket facsims (some col.).coL). A year-by-year account of the principal events. A comprehensivecomprehensive survey survey of of bus, rail and tramtram operators. 6 GOUDIE, FRANK andand STUCKEY,STUCKEY, DOUGLAS.DOUGLAS. Railways and transport of HammersmithHammersmith & WestWest GC1IGC11 England-YorkshireEngland-Yorkshire and and North North Humberside Humberside London. WokinghamWokingham.· For9.eFore Books,Books, 2000. pp. 88. 18 NOINOLAN, AN, KEITH.KEITH. CanalsCanals andand railways inin thethe Principally concerns railways and tramways. development ofof Goole.Goole. In BOYES, GRAHAMEGRAHAME 7 HOWES, JUSTIN. Johnston's UndergroundUnderground type.type. (comp), Co-operation and competitioncompetition (2000)(2000) pp.pp. 20-20- Harrow Weald: Capital Transport I/ LondonLondon TransportTransport 4. Museum, 2000. pp. 80. Many facsims. The typeface designed by Edward JohnstonJohnston andand GC1JGC1j England-NorthEngland-North RegionRegion used throughout London Transport. 19 NIXON, PHILIPPHILlP andand DUNLOP,DUNLOP, DENIS.DENIS. ExploringExploring 8 LAWRENCE, DAVID. AA logo for London: the LondonLondon Durham history. Derby:Derby.' Breedon, 1998. pp. 189. Transport symbol. Harrow Weald:Weald: Capital Transport,Transport, Includes chapterchapter on on thethe old roadsroads ofof CountyCounty 2000. pp. 112. Many illns, chiefly col. Durham and several references to roadroad bridgesbridges ItsIts history. and railway sites. 9 LONDON TransportTransport busbus && tubetube maps: a collectors'collectors' GC2 ScotlandScotland guide 1920-2000.1920-2000. Alton: Anne fetchLetch / I NebulousNebulous Books,Books,2000. 2000. pp. 48. 20 BROTCHIE,BROTCHIE, ALAN.ALAN. WheelsWheels aroundaround Edinburgh.Edinburgh. Tabulated listings. Ochiltree: Stenlake, 2000. pp. 48. 10 GUILLERY, PETER. Greenwich generating stationstation. A pictorialpictorial recordrecord of roadroad transport,transport, tramstrams andand London's IndustrialIndustrial Archaeology no. 7 (2000) pp. 3- railways. 12. 21 GRIEVES,GRIEVES, ROBERT.ROBERT. WheelsWheels aroundaround Paisley.Paisley. Ochiltree:Ochiltree.· Stenlake, 2000. pp. 48. GC1d England-WestEngland-West Midlands Midlands RegionRegion A pictorialpictorial recordrecord of roadroad transport,transport, tramstrams andand 11 CALDERBANK, GERRY.GERRY. Canal,Canal, coalcoal & tramway: an railways. introductionintroduction to to the industrialindustrial heritageheritage ofof Mamble.Mamble. Moreton on Lugg: L. C. Promotions, 2000. p. 14. GC3 WalesWales (see also no. 37) 12 HALE, MICHAEL. TrafficTraffic and transport in nineteenthnineteenth 22 HUGHES, STEPHEN. Copperopolis: landscapes of century Kingswinford.Kingswinford. Dudley: author,author, 2000. pp. 64.64. the earlyearly industrialindustrial period inin Swansea.Swansea. Aberystwyth: [Woodsetton monograph no. 3.] Royal Commission of of the AncientAncient && HistoricalHistorical The Kingswinford branch railway and StourbridgeStourbridge Monuments of Wales.Wales, 2000. pp. x, 358, [4] col. pl.pI. 339 FxtensionExtension Canal. figs (photos, drwgs, maps, plans & tables. 652 Ch. 2 (pp.(pp. 71-130),71-130), 'Patterns'Patterns ofof transporttransport andand GE4 MechanicalMechanical engineering engineering power'. Many other transport references passim. 34 SHERYN, HINTON J. An illustrated history of fork-lift 23 MARTIN, ROSEMARY.ROSEMARY. Changes Changes in inthe the Vale of trucks. Shepperton: Ianlan Allan,AI/an, 2000. pp. 128.128. 244244 Llangollen, 1790-1865.1790-1865. Trans DenbighshireOenbighshire HistHist.. illns. Soc. vol. 4848 (1999)(1999) pp.pp. 52-73.52-73. Arranged by manufacturer. pp. 53-62 incl.incl. roads, canals, tramways, railwaysrailways. GK TRANSPORT AND THE NATION; Inter-modal GC4 IrelandIreland relationshipsrelatlonsh Ips 24 COLLINS,COLLlNS, MICHAELMICHAEL. Rail Rail versusversus road in IrelandIreland 35 BOUGHEY,BOUGHEY, JOSEPH.JOSEPH. SynergySynergy oror domination? domination? 1900-2000: a century of changechange inin IrishIrish railways road Railway companies and their waterway assets: the and railrail passengerpassenger servicesservices andand vehicles.vehicles. London Midland & ScottishScottish constituents.constituents. InIn BOYES, Newtownards:Newtownards. Colourpoint, 2000. pp. 192. GRAHAME (comp), Co-operationCo-operation and competitioncompetition (2000) pp. 3-8.3-8. GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 36 BOYES,BOYES. GRAHAME (comp. & intrdn).intrdn). Co-operationCo-operation and competition:competition: the the history of thethe railways'railways' 25 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ON THE ANCIENTANCIENT ANDAND relationships withwith other transporttransport modes:modes: paperspapers HISTORICAL MONUMENTS OFOF SCOTLAND. The presented at at a conferenceconference held at thethe NationalNational Sir William Arrol collection: a guide to the international Railway Museum, York.York, 29-31 OctoberOctober 1999.1999. York: material held in the NationalNational MonumentsMonuments Record of Inst.Inst. Railway Studies // KeighleyKeighley: RailwayRailway && CanalCanal Scotland; compiled byby Miriam McDonald and MilesMiles Historical Soc., 2000. pp. [ii],[iij, 96. Oglethorpe. Edinburgh, 2000. pp. 96.96.98 98 pl.pI. Relevant papers are entered individually in this A gazetteergazetteer of sitessites outsideoutside Scotland,Scotland, includingincluding bibliography. many bridges, andand aa complete list of the contracts of SirSir WilliamWilliam ArrolArrol && Co.,Co., 1870-1979,1870-1979, listinglisting 37 BRAINE, PETER. Railways, coastal shipping andand records held in thethe NMRS. canals: thethe Bristol Channel coalcoal tradetrade in thethe nineteenth century. InIn BOYES, GRAHAME (comp),(comp), Co-operation and competition (2000) pp.pp. 36--40.36-40. GE1 BiographiesBiographies of of civil civil engineersengineers 38 FOXON,FOXON. TOM. The Birmingham,Birmingham, South Staffs andand 26 BARNES, MARTIN. Civil engineering management in East Worcs DistrictDistrict railwayrailway andand canalcanal interchangesinterchanges the industrialindustrial revolution.
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