Turner Interrogated Min1e, Ballplayer Speaks

Turner Interrogated Min1e, Ballplayer Speaks

An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY February 17, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 31 on-Profit Org . S. Postage Paid ewark. DE Permit o. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Former grad student sues. ove·r expulsion Rhodes Scholar BY i\IELISSA BRAUN E ato n , Jo y Gardiner, De bra Hess several yea rs ago ... s he said, '·and average required to co ntinue in the 4dmun,t•·cul\·t· Nnn L<ltlol N o rri s . Gre g o ry J. Landrey a nd the a dmini s trati o n is now in the three - year program a nd re ta in hi s wins USA Today A fo rme r gradu a te stude nt h as J oyce Hill Stoner dis liked him and proce ss of review ing the records to fe ll o w s hip. f il e d a laws u i t a gai n s t th e cons pired to force him o ut o f the sec what did happen ... Rudc nk o appealed two o f hi s uni ve rsit ) a n d five pro fessors . g radu a te prog ram. which he Rudenko was e xpe lled fro m the g rad es. w hic h were no t up to the a ll eg ing the teach e r s p lo t ted to e nte red in September I 993. univers ity after acc u sati o n s o f n ecessary s t a ndard . a nd w as 'Top 20' award fabri c ate e \ idcncc tha t led to his K a thl e en Furey McDo nough. cheating by a fe ll ow stude nt we re g rant e d a h ea r i ng o ri g in a ll y expulsio n in January I 995. the atto rn ey representing the upheld by the uni vers ity. schedule d fo r D ec. 12. 1994. said I va n J . R u d enko of Oak land . pro fe ssors a nd the uni vers ity, said The s uit a ll eges th e fe ll ow J effrey S . G o dd ess . o n e o f BY LI:\'A HASHE:\1 In j ust three years. de Lorenzo has Sru.lf Reporla C a li f.. is seeki ng re instatem e n t to R ud enko c la ims the acti o ns o f the s tudent w as e nli s te d b y th e Rudenko · s atto rneys. com p le ted th e requi rements fo r a th e art conservati on gradu a t e univers ity wronged him . a nd th at professor s to f a lse l y acc u se On Nov. I 0. afte r the a ppeals T he university stude nt w ho won bac he lo r' s deg ree in cogniti ve prog r am a n d a n uns p eci fi e d he is seeking compe nsati o n. Rudenko. h e arin g h ad bee n sc h e dul e d. the prestigious Rho des Scho la rs hip science a nd a m aste r' s degree in amount of money in retrib ut ion. "The J? OS iti o n o f the unive rs it y The s uit a l so c laim s th e Rud e n ko r eceive d n ot i ficat i o n two m onths ago received a no the r lin gui stics. In the su i t fi led J a n . 26. i s th a t the e v e nt s describe d in professors plotted to unfa irly lower national honor Friday. B ut hi s bi ggest advantages in thi s D o ug las de Lorenzo was o ne of com petitio n . Duke said . were his Rude nko a lleges p rofessors Li nda Rudenko · s complaint happened Rudenko ' s g rades to he low the " B" see LAWSUIT page A I 0 20 students selected from more than acco m p li s hme nt s o uts ide of the J.{)OO applicam s fo r U S A T od ay·s classroom. 1998 All-USA Col lege Academic D e Lorenzo's applicati o n essay First Team. focused on hi s experiences working Mascot Melee Each · " Fi rs t Team " w mner o n a com mittee overseei ng the received a $2.5 00 a w a rd at USA Bosnian refugee e lections. T oday·s Vi rg in ia headquarters . Du ke ex pl a ined that de Lorenzo Twenty "Second T eam .. members worked alongside fo reign dignitari es were also chosen . as we ll as 20 to locate Bosni ans a ll over the world " Thi rd Team" me m bers inc luding a nd regi tc r th e m to \'Ote i n the universi t) j uni or Christi an D unn. recent c teet ions. D e L o re n zo was o n e of 32 De Lorenzo was accompani ed at s tude nts in the cou illr) to wi n the the: award lu nc heon by hi s fa mily. Rhodes Scho lars hip in December. Ka thleen D uke. uni\'crsit y presidem caming ti\ O to three years· stud) at David Ro>c llc a nd professors O x fo rd University in England. Lawrence D uggan and Devon-Miller U n ivers it y h istory pro fessor Duggan. L a\~ re nee Duggan said tha t o ut of D u~ e ... a iJ the \\ innc rs c ha tted the 20 " top students .. 111 the country T h ur-;da) n igh t in the M ay fl o wer c h osen ever y year. u n i \'e rs it v Ho te l \\here th e) sta) ed in e legant students ha\·c \\'On three ti mes- o n ~ suites \\ h ich hall tcle' is io n> in the every three years since USA Today bathroom ,. began the compet itio n. D e Lorc: n ;o sai d th e most The othe r two students who won int eresti ng pan o r his experience was "Firs t Team " recognit io n were m eeting the o the r w i nnc r . Thre.:: Mi c h ae l Skinne r in I 995 . w ho have projects si milar to hi s - two a lmo> t won the Rhode, Scho lm ship. work wi th refugees and o ne ~vo rk s a nd I 99 I Rhodes Scho lar Leonard w ith A IDS-infected o rphans. as he Stark. Duggan said. wi ll be doing th i> sum mer in Kenya. "The fac t that both of our Rhodes After meeting eac h o th e r. d e winners and o ur ncar-mi ss won this Loren;o said. the winners to ured the is an indication o f how important this USA T olia) headquarters Thursday award is as we ll as how superlative and watched as the issue announc ing these three st udents arc ... he said. their achic\'cment was com piled. H o n or:, P rogram A\soctatc De Loren10 ;,aid he recei ved hi s Director Kathleen Du~c. who monctar) <I\\ ,Jrd anJ trophy the next nom ina ted de Lorenzo for th e USA da) 111 a room o n the 30th fl oor o f T oday award . said his achi evement is the USA Today building. w hic h has a "big deal" beca use the stand ards a pa no ram ic \' iew of W ashingto n . arc extremely ri gorous. D.C. and the sceni c Poto mac River. The USA Today j udges looked for "They go o ut o f their way to make acad e mi c ac hieveme nt. lead e rs hip yo u fee l as if you've done ro les. public service and the 3hili ty ;,o mcthing ... he ;,aid. t6 usc ta le nts o ut side of a c las-;room D e L o re n ;.o w ill s a ve hi s THE REV IE\\' I John Chabalko situation . \\'inning,. he said . a nd possibly use YoUDee and Sport rumble during the Hens game against Widener University Saturday night in the Bob Carpenter Center. Duke sa id s he no m i n a te d de some o f it t h is su mme r to bu y YoUDee and the Hens both won their matches. See related game story page BIO. L o r e n Lo pa rtl y becau>c of h is eq ui p m e nt fo r th e orpha nage 111 acad emic achi evement. Ke nya where he pl ans to work. Turner interrogated Min1e, ballplayer speaks BY CHARLES OOUGIELLO d e pa rtme n t in vesti gati o n a nd the pro perty in public s pace. Cu\ St'W .\" Etlum na mes of Turne r' s . o urccs. about hon1estretch with PTTP Tumcr to ld Semple she wanted to Co un c i lwoman a n cy T urne r T urne r said she told Se mple s he s ubstantiat e the r um o rs s he h a d was q u est ioned hy a private J id not contact any c ity e m p loyees heard be fo re s he bro ug ht it to th e BY SUSAN STOCK V irginia in 1927 a nd.

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