Volume 31, No. 5 June, July, August 2019 2019 CMRA President’s Awards At the May 9 meeting of the ing June 2015 and Residents Association, President becoming its Chair Sam Ligon presented three resi- from June 2016 dents with the President’s Awards through May 2018. for 2019. For serving on the Margaret Zircher Resident Health Cen- “For your outstanding contri- ter Task Force butions to the Arts program at Car- (HCTF) beginning olina Meadows and much more. March 2016, follow- After arriving in 2015 you immedi- ing your appoint- ately immersed yourself in upgrad- ment by CEO Kevin ing and enhancing the Art Studio. McLeod. The HCTF For teaching classes in watercolor, was charged to gath- acrylics and framing. For your ge- er wide-ranging in- Chris Kesner, Bill Lehrburger, Margaret Zircher nius along with others in creating put, primarily from residents, re- scenes work to support various the All Things North Carolina Mural lated to a proposed new health art-related projects including the design, including the educational center. For facilitating a better Downton Meadows project and ‘key.’ This masterpiece was used working relationship between the the Gallery art shows. For regu- to support the UNC-TV fund drive board, management, and residents larly participating with your crea- and became the basis for a unique, that helped result in the current tive art for the Club Center hall- educational jigsaw puzzle that was campus master plan. For serving way and, along with your hus- used by public school teachers since February 2018 as a Resident band, presenting two Travel Ad- across NC. For your beautiful art Director on the CM Board of Direc- venture programs. As Vice Presi- contributions on display routinely tors and going the “extra mile” to dent of the RA for attending stand- in the Club Center hallways. For attend monthly standing commit- ing committee meetings during your willingness and leadership to tee meetings. For serving since the year, leading a task force, assist others whether it was the June 2018 as precinct representa- meeting with all CM department creation of the Dog Park or a spe- tive.” managers, and helping things run cial tribute to honor Harry Groves. Chris Kesner smoothly.” For being a representive and state “For your contributions to the officer to NorCCRA. For your con- successful resident-based market- tributions when serving on the ing team. For serving as the Chair Contents Health & Wellness and Budget & of the Weekend Ambassadors be- Finance Advisory Committees.” ginning June 2014, the year after News Page 1 arriving at CM, and for being the Bill Lehrburger Talk Page 6 “For immediately getting in- Chair of the Marketing Committee volved upon moving to CM in 2014 from June 2017 through May 2019. Arts Page 7 and sharing your leadership, wis- For working with many volunteers dom and communication skills. For and the CM marketing staff to help Activities Page 12 serving on the Building, Grounds & build substantial wait and ready Calendar Page 15 Safety Advisory Committee start- lists. For your largely behind-the- June, July, August 2019 Page 2 President’s Message THE MEADOWLARK Published nine times a year by the Residents Association Building Good interest to residents. Information of Carolina Meadows, Community only stays up for a short time. Chapel Hill, NC Campus residents voted over- Our campus Medical Practice — whelmingly to change the Bylaws is an important part of our com- President: Sam Ligon of the RA so Early Advantage resi- munity. We thank Dr. Holly Jean Co-Editors: Mary Jo Doherty and dents would be members of the Coward for her leadership as our Judith Pulley RA in a new Precinct #16. The fi- Medical Director for the past Layout: Judith Pulley nal step will be a special meeting years. We are fortunate to have Proofreaders for this issue: of the RA on June 13 for a vote to Dr. Donna Miller now as our full- Jody Hite, Eunice Kraybill, Roy amend the Articles of Incorpora- time Medical Director. I have Milton, Kathryn Moss, Dorothy tion of the Residents Association. heard many compliments from Samitz This short Special Meeting will be residents about Dr. Miller, and if Photographer: John Haynes immediately followed by our regu- you have not met her, please try to Distribution: Roy and Bev Milton lar RA meeting, the last meeting do so. She wants to know all of before summer. When the CMRA the residents. Under her leader- was established as a NC corpora- ship, care and vision, I have no September tion in 1988, the Articles defined a doubt she will build a practice that Issue Deadline member of the RA as a resident makes a positive contribution to Copy for the September Meadow- who lived on the campus, and this our community. lark must be submitted by Mon- needs to be amended. This will The year has flown by. I want day, August 12, to Judith Pulley strengthen our community since to thank the many residents who <[email protected]>. Arti- EA residents will be represented have volunteered. Some are cles should be submitted as email on the Council and be able to par- “retiring” from their current posi- attachments in MS Word format. ticipate in Standing Committees – tions to do other volunteer duties. Images should be sent in JPG for- another reason for celebration! We have new residents stepping mat and should not be embedded Check out the new in to add their efforts and in articles. Please call Judith at “Interesting Information” feature thoughts. These changes help us on MeadowLife created by Marga- to remain a vibrant community. (919) 967-5487 if you have any ret Lospinuso and Chris Forte. It It’s been a good year. Have a questions. is on the right-hand sidebar of the fun summer. Bring back some new home page and provides links to ideas for us to try. Carolina Meadows Census “stuff” that is relevant or likely of - Sam Ligon As of April 30, 2019 You are invited to a Number of Residents Occupancy Level Independent Living: Resident Town Hall Meeting 619 96% Presenters: Kevin McLeod, President and CEO Assisted Living Ben Cornthwaite, COO 64 78% Tuesday, July 16 The Pines*: 11 am (Auditorium) 60 79%* Total on campus: Wednesday, July 17 743 92% 11 am (Auditorium) EA Program: Two meetings have been scheduled in order to accommodate all resi- 89 dents. It is not necessary to attend both meetings as the same items will Total Residents: 832 be covered at each session. A meeting will be simulcast in the Gallery to Fairways residents *Includes temporary admission of and in the Activities Room to Pines residents. IL and AL residents. June, July, August 2019 Page 3 NEWS (continued from Page 1) Residents’ Lobby Gathering: Wow! New Bar at CM To have a bar at one of the On May 8, the stars may have dining venues was an idea being been aligned. Following the Mead- floated before Todd Ohle, Vice ow Singers’ outstanding concert, President for Dining Services, ar- attendees poured into the Lobby rived at Carolina Meadows last Oc- and were greeted by other resi- tober. He decided to set up a bar at dents streaming in for the Resi- the far end of the Marketplace, a dents’ Lobby Party. Close to 200 nice, big, underused space. Open- residents convened for the second ing the last week of April, bar at- monthly get-together. The Grand tendance has varied. Rabbit Rabbit Central Station rush-hour event drew a big crowd, the following proved that CM residents love a day pretty quiet. Both wine and good time and are eager to em- beer are being served, four each of brace fellow residents. the most popular whites and reds. On May 8, the stars may have enthusiastic group of resident Beer offerings are somewhat more been aligned. Following the Mead- choristers – all singing favorite varied because beer drinkers are owSingers’ outstanding concert, show tunes. Appetizers quickly more willing to go out of their attendees poured into the Lobby disappeared. The busy barkeeps comfort zone. Appetizers, includ- and were greeted by other resi- were doing a land-office business. ing a cheese plate, dip, and baked dents streaming in for the Resi- Some party-goers stood. Some sat. Brie, may be purchased. A TV has dents’ Lobby Party. Close to 200 All were engaged and smiling. been placed near the bar so resi- residents convened for the second How do we account for the dents can watch news and/or monthly get-together. The Grand huge turnout? Clearly our resi- sports while sipping and chatting. Central Station rush-hour event dents want to know one another. So what about hard liquor? proved that CM residents love a The next Lobby Gathering is Getting a liquor license is in the good time and are eager to em- Wednesday, June 12 at 5:15. works, a lengthy process requiring brace fellow residents. Mark your calendar and join the one of the Carolina Meadows offic- Scott Schillin entertained at fun. ers to apply. When we get our liq- the keyboard, surrounded by an - Mary Jo Doherty uor license, hard liquor will be served at the bar in the Pub, where UNC-TV Fund Drive: Did you know that … it can be under lock, or at the table. Staff don’t have to be licensed to make mixed drinks, but to serve Carolina Meadows donated a drive are hand-carried to UNC-TV both wine and liquor they must be total of $57,037.75 by the conclu- on the evening of Carolina Mead- 18 years of age and to pour at least sion of our fundraising year on ows’ on-air appearance.
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