SYDNEY UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL REPORTS 1877/1878 to 1959/1960 Microfilmed by W. & F. Pascoe Pty. Ltd. 2014 : • A R II B J. I f !4. JOHN :SiHOS. U'iH ,Q YO neY iOTfJBBBRjaBraSSSSSSSSSES ■*v.j i^ : ? ^ I; I s NURSERYMEN S ^ I f ; AND ■ . ' ;,!!'.' ' V . l.-.jijil '5.' ': f't 4S I ffi " s DAKLIN(3^ N U RSERY, I SYDNEY. E!ST^BIL.ISia:EID 1B 27. :i:h: 1 ''".'iiii i'H ’ ' % f ‘- ■' t ■>( ■ ' I rf «',' ., V i l l , /< i >' ■j ■, ') ' FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, •V.J .M ./■ :-KV- . h''--' ’ ' • I T • ■ ..,«• r- n >1 ^ ; I, I' ■ j fW W EaiS'fi SHHSBS & PM IfS, 5 mm-m, I j ■ j ^ ij- ' r i . « •- ',■ ? dSiwiilioiiiic luui ^otliousc |Imitsi, i, i',. ■ I '■:■ BULBS AND TUBEROUS ROOTED PLANTS. I i f - — r-S2r~ «—— ^ Xa^Z'SeS't s -to c lc 130. UEV.-U.S-tX'SbliEb. ty' l i p —a-JZSL I ’ I l b ' 1 .■.'; I; § PACKED FON A N Y PA R T OF THE WORLD. ;V‘ , . ................ ....... ........ (• y I J&U^n£Si ''ti. •V ■ ■i ' ^ JOHN SANDS, PEINTEH, 392 OEOROE STREET. CITY DEPOT; 14, GEORGE ST, MARKETS, S 'i r ' 'k 5 .♦IM'' ■! : I. i i ■; i\i-' " ! ' " * ' r r ' " ' ................................... ! ■ . V ' ' ' M i ' ! " ’ , .1 1 'f' J /■ ' ' : i ' i’ .'i; ! I.'-,', ' f ■ ■ r . ,,*ri - 1; n !. '■ 1 . * v • i' ’ ' r-r'! ,-. ; ' . ( l l . I ■'i 1 ^ ’ ' j i ' ;' ■! 1 '' < i • •i'l.’ ' ' 1 1 ', A CRICKETING, BOATING, & FOOTBALL ' L OUTFITTING DEPOT. I'l • t f SEASON 1877-1878. TI-IOMPSOls^ & GILES, V'V, i.i; "W! ■ '■■■ , o It,- in view of the expected large clemtind for I r'V'v' r, ■ m; ■1 ‘ • Patron. r/c 'f ATHkBTie ChQTKlHa, ■ ?'* .f 'sni E, i)l.!A8 TJIOMSON, K.C.Jil.O. ii • ■ ’i'l.' ■ f ;' . ' i i V ' 1 of every description, have SPECIAI-LY IMPORIED a LA.RGE ' .C t ' ' r President. VAllIETY of ■i;!r : • ,''1 Mn. m . n. p e l l , b .a . .. Si LIGHT AND DURABLE MATERIALS, • ,i. ■' ■ : tv' Tf i '.'v' I , ‘ Vice-Presidents. ALSO » r I {; i,i Hill oi?(), Ar,i,i':N. K.c.Ar.o. Mu. 11. KKNNICDY, IJ.A. R E A D Y - MADE CLOTHING, !' ' i’]ioi'j'j.s,soii JjiyjciisiiKiK. ■ , M. ]l. STIOI’JIKX, M.A. 1 . O; ■ , i;' ,i ' and are now prepared to Make to Order every frarnient ncctssary, or f.* ; ' ‘ I' supply tliem ready-made, all TiiOKOUGiil.Y Shrunk, in , • ■■! Delegates to N',S.W. Cricket Association. li'IaiBiDol Tr<m,*iw.s, • 'r K V ' Mu. J. H. CAnnUTIIEIlS, M.A. C o a t s , m!':. Flannel Sliirfs, aii«l . 'j', : :Joint Hon. Secs, and Treasurers. F lannel Ca]).«i, J.'H . CATIll'UTHISRS, M.A. | Mu. A. FEEZ. AI.SO, ' . y .T Cricliefina* IIat«, Bolfj*, iVc. ^ Committee. ': ; • !Mn. E. BARTON, M.A. Mu. H. KELLY, , ■ H. M. VAITIIFULL, M.A. WRIGHT. ' : IH. M. PJllOH, Jj.A. R. C. ALLEN. For the Foot Ball Season of 1879 they hcive ordered an ,T. nUCKLANU, ]J.A. IL WILKINSON. uniisually large assortment of Suits, in all the I.' } newest Colors. ' Director of the Oval. Mu. R. TEECE. I'l : !,,i : Club Ground. Practice Grounds. TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, AND MERCERS, '■ ■ t' ''l* firs IVERSITY OVAL. DOMAIN AND OVAL. GEOEC3-E1 STK ^iET, Curator. •.!<'.'y • I I Opposite the JJank 0/ :Vc7o South Wales. W. H. .SMITH, V. ; ijf i': - l l i :: . .M Active Members— continued). ■ !:-:|r 'I Mr. C. Tange ■ !;i Mr. G. C. Waldron -;'V' ;Vl!'” ,, J, Cooper „ C. Walsh .. M. McMahon 1, • >» F. Woodriir . Tn t r o d u CTION. J, Dil-)1)S T. W. Garrett H. F. Robei Ls )» F. C.ibHou n E. 15owmau W. King 91 A. W. McCarthy J. Flynn , ., -f -.i — Tkomsou >» P. McCnlloch ' ' ' '’ i' ^ >> J. McManainey »» G. Fuller . • iilii. — McLcod R, Sandeman I n presfiutihg to the members of the U nivkhsity C kicket — Campbell A. G. Ralston it A. W. Tucker Cldb' i^s Fir^t Animal, the Honorary Secretary, who has a H. Wilkinson 11. Allen M. Williamson. undertajcpn 'tU^ task, seeks to supply to them, in a compact form, such iil|c)rmation as can usually be gained only from scoring, book^.^pr other club records which arc cither out of the roach of (^leuibers, or are of such difficult access and unin­ viting afipoci'us in fact to discourage enquiry. That|,tiiere, |s, a desire for such infoniiation there can be no doubt;'* j Uiifyiersity life in the colonies may not be all that university Ufc? js at home, yet much that is typical of the latter clings to tlu),’fbnuer. On a nmch smaller scale, and in a less degree perhaps, there are, even in Australia, connected with an acaclpmicijl career, many associations which in after days are wclcolndilcj thciniemory. A university man does not alone recall Ifisi suOc^ssds ,,in “ the schools,” suggestive as they are to inauy4>f ^hur<J^stu,(ly in dry subjects. Linked with liis moino- ries oriectiirbji ana ‘.‘exams” are many sweet recollections of “ cuts M (iiow, appropriate to the cricketer) and of hours, not too many to.iliis taste passed in recreation, entered into with the zeal o f ‘u student escaped from the shackles Avhieh bound him to ,liis buo'lcs. Home friendshipsi were perhaps formed and many itcQuaintances,made only’ ui the cricket Jicld ; there a man wa>j discovered’to have liner points in his character than he hadjbeeliv'Ci'cdited with elsewhere, and altogether the University eiprit tie coi'ps*’ was firmly established. The;a^iiiua|'',iiow presented to the members will not, however, have nltpgether those Qualities which will, it is lioped, bo imparted tOi';4'tiu'o'numbers, and which will strictly accord with t)xe, (jbjeijts mentioned. There is a large blank to be filled up befove attempting this. The results of previous seasons^ ill isome particulars (in fact, in ull in which they could ..it 1 ■ i i ;,v ,'ii^ ■i; r ■ ';-i* / •;; '4:;' -■ ' I 1. ; I' be acquired), have been coinbiuecl with the results of the past season. The constitution of the Chib hitherto unknown, save to the pririleged few, is included, and several matters of minor hnportance have been detailed. However, this record of the JIULES O F T H E j^ L U B . past season, although not as full as might bo dcsirod, will prove of some slight service to members who would not that the past cricketing ycai- shall pass away from them Avithout some substiintial reminder of its succossos and defeats, equally Avcll deserved perhaps, and, it is hoped, otjually well bonio. I, The Club shall be callcd T h e U n ivjjh sity C iu c k e t C l u b , and aliall have for its objcct the promotion and cuoourngcnient of the Sydnei), September, 1878. f'aiac of cricket, and shall consist of nienibcrs who have niutrieu- latod at, OE held any ollico in the University of Sydney, and alfso of graduates of any liritish University recognised by the Sydney Uni­ versity ; admission and menibursliij), however, in the hist ease, being subject to the ap]jroval of the Ceiieral Committee. % 'pie, management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee, consisting of eight members, to bo elected annually, vin., tM-o from each of the tirst, sceond, and third years, and two graduates. 3. The oliice-bearers shall consist of a President, four Vice- I’rcsideiits,' two Secretaries, two 'I'reasurers, the Delegates to the IS.S.W. Crickct Association, and tlie Director of tiic Oval, who sluill bo (;.c ojliclu members of tho Coiimiittec. 4. The Chib ground shall bo under the dirc(;tion of a “ Director of tho Oval,” to be appointed annually, at tlio Annual (Jencral Meeting of the Club, and all moneys derived from, or subscrilied to the Oval, shall bo expended solely on the iin]jrovement thereof. 5. Tlie Animal Subscription shall be i‘l 10s. for Aetivc member,s, I and £I Is. for Honorary members, such subscription to be payal)lc on the Ih'st day of September in each year ; provided that any s: member may, by paying at any one time, the sum of .tT) us., exclusive of arrears, become an Honorary member of the Club for life. U. None but members of the Club shall be permitted to take part in the practice, or make use of the material of the Club, except upon the invitation of the 1 lonorary Secretary or the I’ractice Ca]jtain.'i. 7. That tho practice of the Club shall be regulated by four Practice Captains, to be appointed annually—two for the Oval and two for tlie Domain. 8. That no member of the Cbib shall be permitted to play against the Club in any match, nor will the Club meet the same player in two different Clubs during one and the same season. 9. Tho Annual Meeting of the Club shall bo held in the month of September in each year. 10. Either of the Hon. Secretaries shall of himself, or on tho witten requisition of live members, convene a General Meeting of the Club, such requisition to state the object of the meeting. II. At all Genei’al Meetings ten members shall form a iiuorum, and at Committee Meetings live. 10 11 12. No existing rule shall be repealed or altered without notice of to such recognition shall have i)laycd in two-thirds of the Club such proposed repeal or alteration having been given by advertise­ matches, ment seven days previous to a General Meeting.
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