• ISSN 0140-786X THE JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASCLEPIAD SOCIETY FOUNDER-A.WOODWARD ontents May 1992 I Editorial 3 Society Matters 3 A Huernia insigniflora that isn't 6 Martin Land Ceropegia Meyeri 7 Peter Pons Ceropegia Ampliata - A look inside 8 Phil Clark Letters to the Editor 1 O Asclepiads in the Literature 13 compiled by Colin Walker A Note on the Carallumas of Jordan 17 Colin Walker Sultry and Seductive Stranger 20 Tim Longville A Word about Names 20 Phil Clark N.E.Brown's reminiscences on Stapelleae Geoff Hedgecock 21 Catalogues Received 23 Growth Forms of Ceropegia 24 Phil Clark Cover illustration: A - F Marsdenia praestans Schltr., G - N M. glabra Schltr., O - T M. kempteriana Schltr. from R. Shlechter, Die Asclepiadeceen von Deutch-Neu-Guinea (Botanish Jahrbucher 50 p. 148. 1914) Published by the International Asclepiad Society three times per subscription year. ~ The International Asclepiad Society and the Authors of Individual articles. 1992. All enquiries to be addressed to the Editor. Subscription - £10.00 per annum - year commences 1st May II INTERNATIONAL Asclepiad SOCIETY II OFFICIAL 1991/2 CHAIRMAN Philip E. Downs, 77 Chartwell Avenue, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, S42 6SR. SECRETARY L.B.Delderfield, 2 Keymer Court, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 0AA. TREASURER G.A.Hedgecock, 1 Aster Road, Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside, WA11 0NX. EDITOR P.S.Clark, Ty Cano!, Plas Teg, Llandegla, Wrecsam, Clwyd, LL11 3AO. SEED BANK SECRETARY R.P.Knowles, 26 Arbury Avenue, Blackbrook, St Helens, Merseyside, WA11 9HW. PLANT EXCHANGE P.W.Noble, 21 Caernarvon Drive, Barnburgh, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN5 7HF (Tel: 0709 895895) PLANT BANK SECRETARY P.Bent. 7 Bandon Rise, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8PT(Tel: 081-647 9256) LIBRARIAN A.Kroesen, Kethelweg 21 , 3135 GB Vlaardingen, The Netherlands SLIDE BANK SECRETARY Ors. W. Bosma, Froukemaheerd 105, 9735RH Gronongen, The Netherlands PUBLICITY & ROBINS P.S.Clark, Ty Cano!, Plas Teg, Llandegla, Wrecsam, Clwyd, LL 11 3AO COMMITTEE J;Thompson AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVE D.Craig, 67 Hill Street, Norwood, MA 02062, U.S.A. AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVE P.I.Forster, P.O.Box 725, lndooroopllly 4068, Queensland, Australia DUTCH/BELGIAN REPRESENTATIVE P.Pons, Frissenstein 111, 1102 AP Amsterdam, The Netherlands(Tel: 020-6958084) FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE Mrs D.M .Nelson. Passe Renard, Averon- Bergelle, 32290 Aignan, France ITALIAN REPRESENTATIVE P.D'Annibale, Via A Bongiorno 2A/20, 00155 Roma, Italy SOUTH AFRICAN REPRESENTATIVE P.R.Alp, C/O Northam Platinum Mine, P.O.Box 441, Thabazimbi, 0380, R.S.A. ZIMBABWEAN REPRESENTATIVE N.Hughes, 10 Garry Owen Way, Riverside, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe EDITORIAL In view of Ken Harold's resignation, I am editing Asklepios for the time being. Ken's skills, botanical, graphical and editorial can be seen in the way which the presentation of Asklepios has developed over his period of editorship. I hope that Asklepios will continue to perform its' function as the only international journal devoted to Asclepiadaceae. Every Editor makes pleas for more material to publish · this one ls no exception! Past numbers of Asklepios contain articles of all kinds related to the Asclepiadaceae, it is anticipated that this breadth of cover will continue. Personal comments, as well as more serious botanical articles can often be valuable in filling gaps in our experience. The dicussion concerning Huernia taxonomy continues. In a note about Asclepias syriaca questions are raised about Asclepias from a horticultural point of view. However there are other aspects - I gather that a few Asclepias spp. are serious weeds in some parts of the world. Further comment on these topics would be of interest. In general, it makes good reading to have a varied selection of articles made up from contributions from people with different interests. I have been somewhat taken aback, during correspondence about the Hoya Robin, by the depth of feeling between Hoya groups - a little has spilled over into this journal. For those like myself who are unfamiliar with the Hoya world, it appears that there are are two rival Hoya societies in the U.S.A. As collectors grow plants because they like them and are interested in them, it would be most unfortunate if these rivalries crossed the Atlantic (or Pacific). There is mt,Jch to be gained from constructive controversy, little from animosity. For those In the Northern Hemisphere, I hope that you have a good season ahead. For those in other parts of the world, I hope that your plants will have a peaceful rest after a successful season. SOCIETY MATTERS SUBSCRIPTIONS A subscription form is included with this issue. Please could all members renew now, even though you may have done so at a different time before. It is a great help to the Society if you pay promptly, and it reduce the chance of the subscription being forgotten. Only paid up members will receive the August edition of Asklepios. Unfortunately it is too expensive to send out reminders. Asklepios is the major expenditure born by the Society. We have adopted a policy of including a page of colour whenever possible. Though this is much appreciated, it does increase production costs. As we have no wish to increase subscriptions, it would be most helpful if members, who feel that they are able, would be willing to make an additional donation to assist in covering costs. U.K. ASCLEPIAD VISITS These will take place on Sunday, 13th September 1992. Keith Grantham has kindly agreed to let us see his collection. East Midland Cactus Nursery and Woodside Nurseries are within reach, so these are included in the programme. In addition to the Asclepiad interest. these meetings are pleasant social occasions. For details, write to Phil Clark (Address on inside front cover). DUTCH/BELGIAN ASCLEPIA DAY On Saturday June 6th 1992 the Belgian and Dutch members of the IAS will be having their 7th annual meeting, the well known Asclepia Day.This year the event will be organised by Belgian members and will take place in DOMEIN DE LOCHT, LIERSESTEENWEG, 2570 DUFFEL (near Antwerp) BELG IUM. Program: (Lectures will be in Dutch) 10.00 Doors open 10.30 Opening and lecture by Louis Van De Meuter : Pollination and Pollinators of the Asclepiadaceae. 11 . 15 Coffee break 11.30 Lecture by Maurice Genotte: The Genus Ceropegia 12.30 Lunchtime. Tea/coffee and cold drinks will be available. Before and between lectures there is room for selling or exchanging plants and cuttings. In the afternoon there will be an opportunity to visit the collections of several members in the neighbourhood. Addresses and maps are available at the meeting. The Asclepia Day is open to anyone interested in Asclepiadaceae, but if you want to take part in the event. please write to:Mr G Cools, Adrinkhovenlaan 107, B-2150 Borsbeek, Belgium. 1993 ASCLEPIAD WORKSHOP Peter Bent will be hosting the 1993 Asclepiad Workshop. It is still at an early stage of planning, but an interesting programme is anticipated. It will take place during the the first half of September 1993. It you would like to take an active part, or have any ideas about the kind of activities that you would like, please contact Phil Clark. This is an early notice so that any items of particular interest can be put into the programme. PLANT BANK Progress has been rather slow. It is taking more time than was anticipated to build up stocks again. Unfortunately. choice plants reproduce themselves slowly - which is one reason why they are choice! The aim of the Plant Bank is to be able to offer authenticated material, new introductions, difficult species and so on. The Plant Bank does still need stock plants, so if you have anything interesting to spare, please let Peter Bent know - address and phone no.<on inside front cover. Obviously there is no point in the Plant Bank propagating masses of Orbea Variegata, but if you do have any surplus material that is unlikely to be commercially available, this would be most useful. I regret that there is no list available yet, there are still too few of any one clone available, but please give Peter a ring if you have any queries. PLANTEX The First Annual Report on tbe Plant Exchange Scheme Although the scheme should now be known to all who read Asklepios, the response has been less than expected, only six names adorn the Plantex file at this time and this seems to suggest that everyone has all the plant material that they need, but I cannot believe that this is the case. One member has over a hundred documented specimens from twentysix genera for exchange or purchase, another offers seedling plants from habitat collected seed of Huernia and Rhytidocaulon (few only) and cuts of Duva/ia ve/utina with a very striking flower. The aforementioned are in very limited quantity but the diversity is manifold, so why not test the menu, by contacting the The Plant Exchange Secretary by mail or phone (see address on inside front cover). ROBINS Ceropegia Robin: Due to the success of the Ceropegia Robin it has been divided into two halves, but arranged so that each wi ll see the writings of the other half. In this way it is hoped that the circuit will be shortened without inhibiting communication. H oycr Robin: This has now been launched. Paul Forster is now coordinating this, so please point all enquiries in his direction :P.1.Forster, P.O.Box 725, lndooroopilly 4068. Queensland. Australia. Key to colour plates Fig.1 Huernia insignif/ora (formerly H. confusa) Fig. 2 H. insigniflora Lavranos 26227 Fig.3 H. insigniflora ex. I AS. Plant Bank No. 11 Fig.4 H. zebrina I.A.S.
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