Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ethiopian Roads Authority Oromia Regional State Phase II Detail Engineering Design Final Version Code S / 37 / ICB / RP /GE / 2001EFY M ODJO A WASSA D UAL‐ CARRIAGEWAW HIGHWAY (DCH) P ROJECT CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT (CDR) OF DCH Technical Paper N° 2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT (ESIA) Techniplan Addis Ababa, May 2013 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ethiopian Roads Authority M ODJO A WASSA R OAD P ROJECT L OT 1 M ODJO - Z EWAY Oromia Regional State Phase II Detail Engineering Design Final Version Code S / 37 / ICB / RP /GE / 2001EFY ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT (FINAL VERSION) Techniplan Addis Ababa, May 2013 Ethiopia. Lot 1 Modjo – Zeway Road Project Updated ESIA Report ETHIOPIAN ROADS AUTHORITY M ODJO A WASSA D UAL‐ CARRIAGEWAW HIGHWAY (DCH) P ROJECT CONCEPT DESIGN REPORT (CDR) OF DCH ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT (ESIA) Via Guido d’Arezzo, 14 ‐ 00198 Roma Italy Head office address Tel. +39 06 8535.0880 ‐ Fax +39 06 8535.4044 E‐Mail: [email protected] [email protected] 210, Lex Plaza Building ‐ Haile Gebre Selassie Road. ‐ Addis Ababa Ethiopia Project office address Tel ‐ Fax (251) 11 618.3729 ‐ E‐Mail: [email protected] Techniplan Addis Ababa, May 2013 i Techniplan Ethiopia. Lot 1 Modjo – Zeway Road Project Updated ESIA Report ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Table of contents page ♣ Executive Summary CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1 CHAPTER 2 Methodology 4 CHAPTER 3 Policy, legal and administrative framework 6 CHAPTER 4 Description of the project road 25 CHAPTER 5 Baseline environment of the project road and surrounding area 34 CHAPTER 6 Public and stakeholders consultation 53 CHAPTER 7 Project Road Alternatives analysis and scoping 57 CHAPTER 8 Potential impacts & proposed mitigation & enhancement measures 65 CHAPTER 9 Environmental Clauses in tender documents 88 CHAPTER 10 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan 92 CHAPTER 11 Environmental and Compensation Costs 119 CHAPTER 12 The ESIA disclosure 124 CHAPTER 13 Conclusions and recommendations 125 Appendices 1. References 2. Consulted Organizations & Minutes of Consultations 3. Survey of investments, commercial and industrial activities 4. Mammalian fauna in the project corridor 5. Interferences with existing roads and proposed crossing points ii Techniplan Ethiopia. Lot 1 Modjo – Zeway Road Project Updated ESIA Report Executive Summary 1. INTRODUCTION Road infrastructures play a key role in the social and economic well being of a society. The existing Modjo-Hawassa road is providing service for various slow and fast moving vehicles, mixed motorized –non motorized means of transport, which significantly reduced its efficiency and also results in accidents that take away human life and in a considerable loss of resources. The traffic flow on the project road has manifested a marked increase over the last eight years with average annual growth rates between 11 and 13%. Furthermore, the traffic trend and transport demand study foresees a significant increment of traffic in the coming years, which cannot be accommodated by the existing road. The traffic volume projection for the year 2030-34 showed over 10,000 as compared to the present average 3,000AADT. Congested traffic in urban sections also results in a high level of pollution from poorly controlled exhaust gases. The existing Modjo-Hawassa asphalt road failed to sustain the growing traffic flow rate and axle load volume, long haul and local transport demands as well as social and ecological safety rules. Most of all, the growth & transformation strategy which is formulated to bring about fast economic development in the country and the present & ever increasing economic development in the recent years requires an improved & modern road and transport system to carry agricultural input & products, raw materials and industrial products. The other important aspect of the proposed Modjo-Hawassa road is that it is part of the Trans- African Highway, the Cairo-Gaborone-Cape Town highway, the longest amongst the Trans- African highways, covering a total of more than 10,000km and linking, within its central part, Addis Ababa with Kenya and the port of Mombasa. The Kenyan section, from Moyale to Isilo and Nairobi, is under rehabilitation and thus the rehabilitation of the Ethiopian part, will complete the upgrading/rehabilitation of the link Addis-Mombasa. The Modjo –Hawassa road project is a continuation of Government efforts to improve the standard of Trans-East African Highway as a member of COMESA countries and its import-export corridors to minimize the cost of its transit traffic. The Modjo-Hawassa highway road has also quite significant national and international tourist flows using the road to visit important tourist attraction sites in SNNPRS and ONRS; the known destination are ASLNP, and generally the lakes strip that include Hawassa, Zeway, Shalla, Langano and Abyata. The proposed road project will give momentum to the already accelerating tourism industry. The Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) sought for this valuable road project and awarded Techniplan International Consulting firm to undertake study & design for the project road in two phases. The Design Consultant identified and undertaken analysis on three alternative options that envisage different design standards & technical parameters (see table below). Environmental consideration and study is part of the overall project study and design from the very start, and environmental assessment & scoping was carried out on each of the alternative to identify major environmental impact and concerns. The alternatives have distinct environmental & social impacts as presented in detail in Chapter 7 of this report, consideration & analysis of alternatives. Detail assessment & analysis have been conducted in order to prepare comparative analysis for the evaluation and decision by the client. Based on this assessment the preferred standard for the proposed road was found to be Alternative Option 2 “the Dual Carriage Highway” option which was eventually approved by ERA. The full ESIA is therefore conducted on the selected Dual Carriage Highway road alternative option. iii Techniplan Ethiopia. Lot 1 Modjo – Zeway Road Project Updated ESIA Report The Modjo-Hawassa Road Project is divided and to be implemented in two Lots. Lot 1 is Modjo-Zeway Road Project which is the focus of the present ESIA study, and Lot 2 is Zeway – Hawassa Road Project which starts near zeway town and terminates at Hawassa town. Lot 1 Modjo – Hawassa Road Project starts from Modjo town and terminates near Zeway town covering a total length of 90.1km, and it requires opening of new pavement of 4 lane dual carriageway and construction of various other road components such as bridges, culverts, and development of ancillary works (material sites, camp & garages). The project is therefore fall under Schedule I according to EPA environmental guideline hence require full ESIA. Likewise, according to AfDB’s policy & guideline, the project is classified under Category 1, and therefore requires preparation of a full ESIA as well as preparation of standalone ESMP. This document presents findings of Full ESIA study for Lot 1 Modjo – Zeway Road Project. Summary description of alternative options Option 2 New Dual Carriageway Key features & Option 1 Option 3 Lot 1 Lot 2 design parameters Expressway Full Upgrading Modjo-Zeway Zeway-Hawassa Standard Mix of DS-1 DS-1 DS-2 national DS1 & foreign Length (km) 210.92 90.1 117.34 205.88 ROW (m) 150 70 70 50 Carriageway Dual Dual Dual Dual No and width of Lanes per 2 x 3.65 + 3 2x 3.65 2X3.65 2x3.65m + paved carriageway m emergency shoulder 2.5m, unpaved lanes 1.0m Median width (m) 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Interchanges 8 6 roundabouts 5 roundabout None at grade at grade New Bridges 26 1 railway and 6 10 10 river crossing Tikure Wuha 7 box New Bridge n.a. n.a crossing culverts Number of 43 16 27 20 Underpasses Number of 14 None none None Overpasses Urban centers n.a n.a n.a 7 bypasses The objectives of the ESIA study are:- Establish baseline environmental data of the project road and surrounding environment, including physical, ecological, socio economic and any other relevant factor; Make a comparison among the alternative options and routes with regard to the environmental consequences, and indicate the option with lesser adverse environmental impacts for the road project implementation; Alert project affected communities and residents, as well as planners and decisionmakers to the likely positive impacts and negative consequences, and ensure that human values and concerns are receiving proper attention and consideration during the design, construction and implementation of the project road; iv Techniplan Ethiopia. Lot 1 Modjo – Zeway Road Project Updated ESIA Report Undertake environmental and social impacts assessment and analyses to identify impacts (positive and negative) and propose mitigation and enhancement measures to be incorporated in the design and construction activities of the project road; Carry out public consultations regarding the potential social benefits accruing from the construction of the project road; Prepare an environmental mitigation management plan and an environmental monitoring plan along with indication of the required implementation cost estimates and responsible implementing agencies. Indicate environmental training and induction requirements for ERA personnel, Construction Contractor, sub contractor, and other stakeholders
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