PAGE TWEi#Y-ETGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 19TO ^v^ning l|i?rald Frank Atwood The Weather Fair to partly cloudy and Tickets for the Manchester On Gardening mild tonlghlt; low near 46. To­ C rossroads Emblem Club installation dinner Correction morrow cloudy, rain Ukriy; About Town on April 20 starting at 6:80 p.m. The drug advisory and In last Saturday’s story niE-OW NED V t^ge 3 high in 608. Outlook for Sunday youth counseling center at S3 The Manchester Peace Action at the Elks Home may be ob­ —rioudy with rain likely. Professor ^Devises a | Park St. Is open Monday Coalition will hold ah otganlsa- tained by contacting Mrs. Al­ aboqt the defeat in the State ' Mancheiter^A City of Vittage Cfuirm through Saturday from noon 'ntmal meeting tonight in the fred Ritter, 46 Chester Dr. as Senate H.B. 6086, “An Act soon as possible. Concerning the Definition of to 10 p.m. auditorium at the main campus VOL. XCL NO. 166 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) A teleidume backup service of Manchester Community Col­ Obscenity,” It was Implied SPECMU BIANCHESTER, CONN., f RIDAY, APRIL 14, 1972 (Obwolfied Adverttaing on Pago SI) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Mew Method for Study is available when the center lege on Bldwell 8t. The meeting Buckley School will have a that Sen. David Odegard of was trying to make,” she said. is closed. will follow the 8 o’clock speech mothers and dau^ters night Manchester argued against By BOB COOPER Monday at 7 p.m. at the school the bUl. 6I0HEV. $1198 $8 OLDS. $1998 Associated Press Writer When the technique is mas­ For drug advisory infor­ on China by Russell Johnson of tered, step two in Mrs. Hanau’s mation, call 646-201S. tile Friends Service Committee. gymnasium. The East Catholic Actually, Odegard argued P$f fRCiplliMI CSfs mane, n , sT ms moms*. LEXINGTON, Ky. course involves spotting key Sean Edenburn, 166 Ludlow Rd., Hich School gymnasts will per­ in favor of the biU and voted 89 VOLKS. $1198 670ADIL $1898 (AP) — Increasing your words and definitions that are is serving as temporary chair­ form. , for its passage. He had argu­ SSMeck SdNr, Ma learning power, accord­ used by particular teachers. man of the group. The purpose ed against an amendment to it. B9VPLK9. $1498 B oUIOK 19898 ing to Laia Hanau, is as easy as She calls t h ^ go-betweens. I Police Report j of this meeting is to discuss Mountain Laurel Chapter of ■hcM Uf ewwriwa ttHi plans to participate in the April Sweet Adelines will rehearse to­ Allies Free An Loc pie. Step three, involving the oth­ Armand A. Duval, 25, oi Hart­ er two, is called over-all organi­ 22 Peace March in New York night at 8 at the-Franklin Rec­ An assistant professor of ford, was arrested by Manches­ City. reation Center, 680 Franklin jtudy techniques at the Univer­ zation of content, or OAO, ter police yesterday on a Cir­ Ave., Hartford. The rehearsal is which Mrs. Hanau describes as 1AXCHESTER Bill t o sity of Kentucky, Mrs. Hanau cuit Court 12 warrant charging Ralph lozzo of 166 Downey Dr. open to aU women Interested In has proved her point nearly a process to statement-Pie the him with non-support. He was has been named area contact singing barbershop-style har­ W all WcBhbM 1,000 times since ^ e devised a Go-betweens. released on a $250 non-surety man by Worcester (Mass.) Jun­ mony. ^m in O B M LE This method, she said, pin­ bond for court appearance at SNwr Lane M Hwtford Rani, MsnolMilir With Aid of B52s study technique that is aston­ ior College and the new Central SPECIAU points immediately for the stu­ Manchester April 24. New England College of Tech­ ishingly simple. Have Your Walls aeoaed SAIGON (AP) — Counter­ It all began about 10 years dent what he knows, what he nology, which offers a bachelor PaputhNew Guinea 643-1811 of U.S. fighter-bombers were In The tanks appeared out of the does not know and what is “fuz- of engineering technology de­ BY attacking South Vietnamese action. sunset Thursday, and a U.8. ago when Mrs. Hanau, wife of a Aid Inereaaing MIOHTT RANDY troops were reported tonight to T h e Saigon command physics professor at the univer­ to him. Woman Killed gree. He will supplement the HARTFORD (AP) — ground observer hurried to call ■ To learn pll of this, Mrs. college's efforts in both recruit­ CANBERRA — Figures re­ We shall be glad to call and have recaptured virtually all of claimed 369 North Vietnamese in air and artillery strikes. Just sity, was about to begin prac­ leased here show that Aus­ tell you the cost of cleaning WE NOW Connecticut residents can the provincial capital of An killed Thursday and today, 200 at that moment a flight of B62s tice teaching at a high school. Hanau has made up her own set By Irish Bomb ing and informing students, par­ ents, guidance counselors, and tralia will provide Panua-New one room or many. This esti­ HAVE ADIDAS expect to pay more for tele-, Loc. of them by air strikes. An of­ arrived hig^ overhead, and the *Tt occurred to me that these of text books, which one reads BELJ’AST (AP) — QuerrlUas mating service is absolutqly Enemy rockets exploded in a starting at what normally others about the two institutions. Guinea with aid worth $166 mil­ phone sendee soon And yet ficial spokesman, C(S. Le Trung tanks were in the target area. kids bad measles of the brain. set off a time bomb on the lion in fiscal 1972, an increase free and there is no obliga­ BASEBALL — BASKETBALL — SOCCER more than that if they in­ Saigon suburb, kilUng 16 Viet­ Hien said 38 North Vietnamese The reports said at least Th^ were just sitting there would be the back and works main street of a Protestant tion. namese clvliiaiu and wounding tanks were destroyed, including toward the front. Ricardo Salazar, son of Mr. of $10 millicm over the previous sist on making the operator tiiree of the tanks were de­ while a lot of facts were run­ town early today, killing a 6(^ and Mrs. Jose Salazar, former­ year. This aid is equal to $69 Why not recapture the thrill AND TRACK SHOES six, bringing the war to the 18 inside An Loc by Smith Viet­ stroyed. The books are a. Mries of year-old woman and slightly in­ handle th eir caHs—but ^ e ning around the room and they ly of Manchester and now living per head of the area^ poptda- of new, fresh-locddng walls dime pay phone- lives on. capital tor the first time In the namese tanks and other anti­ During the night enemy gim- weren’t absorbing them,” ^ e clear plastic overlays that give juring her husband. in Wayland, Mass., has receiv­ tlon. and ceilings in your kltclven, current offensive. tank weapons. the student just one thought at a It was the 0rst bombing in bathroom, bedroom, any lo­ H u rata IncreoMa — toppling ners slammed 50 rockets and recalls. ' ed an appointment to the U.S. SEASPORT Battlefield reports from An Other reports said 37 enemy mortar rounds into the provin­ “ I told my husband that night time and are laced with Mrs. Ballymoney, in County Antrim, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. cation ndiere painted surfaces $86A mllUon par year —were Loc, 60 miles north of Saigon, armored vehicles were knocked and raised the death toll to 801 lend charm to the surround­ TENNIS CLOTHES giiunted to the Southern New cial headquarters In the south­ that it . wasn’t the kids’ fault or Hanau’s own brand of humor While in Manchester, Ricardo ings. said government troops - were out, including seven T64 me­ ern part of the town, killing or and a number of drawings. in the three years of communal graduated from St. Bartholo­ ' TENNIS DRESSES Bnglaad TNeidtane 0>. (SMBno reinforced with 400 paratroops dium tanks, the trfggest the the teachers’ fault; it was just COIN SHOW ’numdsy by the at^te TubUc wounding about 10 Vietnamese, that they didn’t kiiow how to At the start of each one is a warfare in Northern Ireland. mew School, was a distance run­ Regular per room .. $26.00 and aided by heavy U.S. B62 North Vietnamese have. ^ An sdarm was raised after an SUNDAY, APRIL 16th U tilities Ocmuniaslcn. field reports said. absorb the things that were note that tells the reader to ner as a froshman and sopho­ Right Now ............... $15.00 strikes In the counter attack anonymous caller said We Have A Ckimplete Line of that latest reports said had One B62 raid by chance There was no word of prog­ being told them or that they relax, not to take notes and not more at East CathoUc High 12 A.M. to 6 P.M. SNEIt' had- sought rata hikes knocked out a North Vietnam­ to try to memorize anything in there was a bomb in a bar. Po­ Skdiool, and attained the rank CALL 647-9080 Tennis and Golf Equipment totaliag IS4.7 mUUon, but the retaken all but two blocks of ress from the 20,000-man gov- were reading. lice located the bomb in a truck Knlghte of Columbus Hall the city. ese tank attack befcuo it devel­ the book. That’s part of Mrs. of Life Scout as a member of r v a said that "would be more oped, field reports said.
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