ARMOR OF GOD A Publication of Biblical Clarity Heresies: Ancient and Modern “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Matt. 24:4-5) Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday? Who made this change and how did it occur? Is Christmas Christian? Do not make up your mind before you examine the facts. The Trinity, is it Biblical? How do the doctrine of the Trinity and the traditional view of the nature of God compare with the Bible? Armor of God Church History Credits Managing Editor Bill Watson Editor Vance Stinson Horane Smith Writers Copy Editor All contents of Armor of God, unless otherwise stated, are property of Bill Watson Jasmin Smith the Church of God, International. Ian Boyne Wayne Hendrix Copyright © George Ramocan Layout & Church of God, International. Lloyd W. Cary All rights reserved. Waine-Ann McLaughlin Design Vance A. Stinson Shey Smith The writers of the articles and Horane Smith photographers/artists of the images in Armor of God may own copyrights to their work. Photos Unless otherwise noted, all scriptures are quoted from the King James Version iStockphoto, Stockxpert, or New King James Version Bibles. Stock.xchng, Flickr This publication is distributed freely and is made possible through your tithes and offerings. 2 Church of God, International www.cgi.org Church History Armor of God 4 Editorial Contents 5 Polycarp: A Man on Fire Lighting the Way 8 The Church that Jesus Built is NOT What Most People Think 18 10 A Snapshot of the Historical True Church 13 Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday? 16 A History of Church Buildings 13 18 Heresies: Ancient and Modern 24 How Passover was Replaced by Easter 28 Is Christmas Christian? 28 32 The Trinity, is it Biblical? 35 Letter from Polycrates 32 www.cgi.org Church of God, International 3 Armor of God Church History Editorial BY BILL WatSON he story of the Church of God day and yet be responsible for so much inno- New Testament do not mention them at all. down through the annals of his- cent bloodshed and not be held accountable, tory is quite a saga. It is written in but instead remain believable? Is it because We have attempted to make it simple for you, Tthe blood, sweat, and tears of liter- most of today’s secular society and culture is the reader, to obtain some of this basic fun- ally tens of thousands of God-fearing devot- unaware? Perhaps they just don’t care because damental information that should be easy for ed people simply caught in the crossfire of so- pop-culture has them too distracted. Maybe you to evaluate, and if you choose, access ad- called “Christian” religious persecution. Over they really are too busy to take the time to ditional information for further education in the centuries this true story develops into an search out the information that discloses these this segment of ecclesiastical history. So pay epic that is sometimes stranger than fiction atrocities and changes. Or perhaps many have particular attention in the course of the ar- when considering who was responsible for just simply lost a love for God’s truth. ticles and sidebars for recommendations for inflicting what some considered a merciless more FREE material designed to improve genocide on quiet, hard-working, God-fear- Whatever the reason, this issue of the Armor your awareness of just how much of our Lord ing family communities—all in the name of of God has assembled a variety of in-depth, Jesus Christ’s teachings have been compro- Jesus Christ and Rome’s Universal (Catholic) hard-hitting articles revealing information mised and abandoned. If you are sincerely Church. which for some will be extremely eye-open- seeking the truth, this issue should be of ing regarding Christian church history. You particular value to you. Remember, our Lord What is the truth concerning these histori- will be exposed to an assortment of particu- said, “I am the truth and the light…” and yes, cal benchmarks that discolor and blister the lar specifics concerning so-called cherished the truth will indeed set you free! alleged Christian Church? How is it that a Christian traditions and beliefs that will ex- “work of charity” in the name of Jesus Christ plain there is nothing Christian about them; can continue to be so revered in our modern and furthermore, Jesus, His apostles, and the Are you willing to accept THE TRUTH IS TOLD IN THIS R EVEALING NEW DOC U MENTA R Y history for what it is? THE CHRONI C LES If you do, you deserve OF T HE EARLY to know the truth. NEW TES T AMEN T CHUR C H Learn the TRUTH about Christmas, Easter, the changing of the Sabbath, the early Christian church and other teachings you’ve grown to accept without proving them for youself. Now is the time to have your questions answered! This eye-opening documentary can be yours for FREE! Church of God, International Call 903-939-2929, email us at [email protected] or write to us at: P.O. Box 2525 Tyler, Texas 75710 4 Church of God, International www.cgi.org Church History Armor of God Polycarp: A Man on Fire, Lighting the Way BY IAN BOYNE e was set on fire—literally burned at the stake for his staunch refusal to deny Christ Hand proclaim Caesar as lord. The great irony however, was that the raging flames that engulfed and consumed Polycarp’s Photo by John Wards frail, aged body did not just leave his charred bones at the base of the stake to be collected look to? What were his life and times like? “an existing Epistle to the Philippians, most by his devoted disciples. They also ignited a And what lessons can God’s people of today satisfactory, from which those that have a passion, zeal, and commitment to God, and take from his life, death, and legacy? mind to do so may learn the character of his His truth within the hearts of those believers faith.” who witnessed Polycarp’s martyrdom in A.D. Not much of his life is known, except that he 167—and that continued on long after the was a disciple of the apostle John, as attested This epistle, apparently in response to the flames had been extinguished. to by his disciple Irenaeus whom Roman his- Philippians’ solicitations, contains several torian Eusibius quotes as saying: themes and direct quotations from Paul’s The light of his example of devotion, sacri- writings. These include liberal praises of the fice, and steadfastness even in the midst of “Polycarp was instructed by the apostles, and Philippians’ faithfulness to the resurrected death shines with challenging brilliance down was brought into contact with many who had Christ and various exhortations to virtue and through the centuries upon God’s people in seen Christ.” patience, as well as instructions for deacons, this age. The spirit of Polycarp stands on the youths, and virgins. one hand as a powerful testimony of saints Iranaeus also paints one of the very few por- who lived within their time and circum- traits of an apostolic man found in antiquity, Polycarp was also a companion and acquain- stances as those who “believed that they were in reference to Polycarp: tance of Ignatius of Antioch, who was a major pilgrims and sojourners here on earth” who figure in the centralization of the church’s ini- “sought for a better country.” On the other “I could describe the very place in which the tial authority in the early second century. The hand, it presents a compelling challenge for blessed Polycarp sat and taught; his going out power of Polycarp’s legacy through the centu- contemporary believers to live for eternity, and coming in; the whole tenor of his life; his ries has not been due to his notable associa- rather than for the comforts, safety, security, personal appearance; how he would speak of tions, or even to the greatness of some illus- and ease offered by society. the conversations he had held with John and trious deeds completed in his life; but rather with others who had seen the Lord.” (em- by his unconquerable faith, and unswerving Who was this courageous, inspiring, and phasis mine) devotion to Christ as he surrendered to per- saintly believer who joined the pantheon of secution, torture, and ultimately a fiery death, the great heroes of faith referred to in He- Polycarp, who was the leader of the church all for his testimony of Jesus. brews 12 as “the great cloud of witnesses” in Smyrna, is believed to have written what pointed to as examples for all believers to Iranaeus describes as: As one of the leaders of the early church set www.cgi.org Church of God, International 5 Armor of God Church History up by Paul and the other apostles, Polycarp’s at the stake. These were the circumstances passages believed to be inauthentic. resolute faith and his contempt of mortal which spawned the deaths of many of the death for his faith, has served as a significant apostles in Rome including James, who was On the occasion of one elderly Christian boost to the faith of beleaguered, persecuted thrown to his death from the temple mount named Germanicus, the multitude of specta- saints for centuries. A brief retrospection of in Jerusalem, Paul who was beheaded in tors, upon marveling at his steadfast refusal the historical landscape will serve as a useful Rome, and Peter who was also crucified—but to declare allegiance to the emperor cried, background for appreciating the lessons his upside down.
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