THE i VOL. jl, NO. 22 LILLOOET, B. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915. $2 PER YEAR Fire at Riske Creek War Gleanings "Copper Strike" at General News of Lillooet A telegraphic despatch received London, March, 24. — Another The Watkinson Mine District on Monday announces the de­ Canadian loan of $5,000,000 (25,- struction by fire of the Beecher 000,000) at 4 1-2 per cent, has The sample of 50-lbs. of ore The police are busy rounding House, at Riske Creek. P.O., been announced. The iosue price shipped by "Lucky" Johnson and up the whiskey pedlers, these Chilcotin, that morning. The fire is 99 1-2 and the obligations are Miller from the "Old Watkinson days. is said to have started from the redeemable in five and in ten mine," on the Lytton road, to dining room stove, and had made years. Tacoma smelter, Tacoma, Wash., A local telphone exchange will such progress in attic before it shortly be installed at Lillooet, Kingston, Ont.— Queen's Med­ has returned an assay of Gold, both for businsses and private was discovered that there was no ical college will provide the per­ trace ; Silver, 1.8 oz. ; Copper, possibility of controlling it. The 17.2 per cent. residences. hotel, store and living rooms were sonnel for the stationary hospital burned to the ground the only for the Canadian overseas forces. The vein is a new one and at Frank Durban is installing a bifldings left being the ware­ Word was received from the min­ present is 14 inches wide. Johr- telephone at his store on the house and stable. The propri­ ister of militia that the offer of son and Miller are at present Short Portage. etors managed to save a little the college made last fall had "stripping," and the outcrop is bedding and furniture but all the been accepted. showing for a distance of 500 George Carson was among the stock in the store and bar was London, —A despatch to the feet. visitors to town during the past destroyed. The loss is placed at Times from Tenedos says: The report from the smelter week. about $50,000.-Observer. "A northeasterly gale has been says:— The citizens in general are gar­ blowing for tkree days. The "As this ore is worth about dening, these days, most of the weather is most unfavorable for $36.00 per ton before deducting garden truck has been sown and The March to The Battlefields; naval operations. Ten battleships the freight charges I would say the remainder will be sown in a Canada's Men on the Way of the Allied fleet are anchored if you have any quantity of it few days. under the lee of the island, rest­ that you have a very good prop­ The above is the title given a ing after their recent tussle with erty. Mr. J. Bryson, of Pavilion, was picture that will for many years the Dardenelles forts and four "I would be glad to hear from a visitor to town this week; it is to come be a highly prized treas­ mine-sweepers could be seen is­ you as to how much of the ore reported he will be the Lib­ ure. It is a photographic repro­ suing from the mouth of the you have and whether you expect eral candidate for the Lillooet duction showing the 32,000 men straits. The weather conditions to make shipment." seat. of Canada's first contingent break enabled the Turks to repair their ing camp and on the march to battered fortifications and mount H. Y. Walker, Miss Keeley, who has been join the Continental forces. It fresh guns. Tacoma, Wash. spending the past few months shows miles and miles of the here, the guest of her brothers, white tents and the marchin/ Some 400,000 Austro-German The property is evidently worth at the Victoria hotel, left this men. It is a most inspiring sight. troops, waiting along the Tryo- investigation, it is alongside the week for the coast, by way of the wagon-road and only 22 miles P.G.E. railway. The size is 20 x 46 inches, ready lese front, may artempt to strike from Lytton. for framing. This picture is sure suddenly upon the lake district of John Ackers, blacksmith, is to be a popular souvenir of the Venice immediatety Germany is As is generally the case with prospectors, "the boys" are not working in the open air these war as far as Canada is concerned convinced that Italian co-opera­ days; another example of the and will be in great demand. It tion is i npossible. overburdened with capital, and as every present indication leads splendid weather we have in is owned by The Family Herald The overwhelming mass of these parts. and Weekly Star, of Montreal, Italian people are still strongly them to believe they have struck and a copy is being presented to anti-German. something "good," they invite Paul McMasters, government all subscribers co that great na­ any "genuine capital" to investi­ bridge builder, arrived in town tional weekly newspaper. The London, March 24 -The size of gate their property. last Sunday, from Clinton; we Family Herald, Montreal, whose the garrison at Przemysl and the understand he is to superintend number of men who surrendered subscription of one dollar a year Mr. A. McDonald, M.P.P. ar­ the building of the Lillocet bridge is received from this date for a to the Russians greatly exceed across Cayoosh creek to the Pa­ all estimates. According to dis­ rived here last week from Clin­ limited period. ton ; he is renewing old time ac­ cific Great Eastern Railway de­ patches received from Petrograd pot. tonight, the garrison originally quaintances and friendships. London, March 23.—"Up to consisted of 170,000 men, of The Conservatives are holding The local post office is about to the present," says the Times, whom 40,000 were killed. Just a special meeting this week. change its place of abode, and it "there has been no information under 120,000 surrendered when is expected will move into the received in the best-informed the fortress was captulated. Arrangements are being made building, until recently, occupied quarters to warrant the positive between the Half-way house and by the Union Bank. Extensive statement that Italy will soon London,—A German submarine the Lillooet baseball teams to alterations are being made to the take her stand on the side of the was destroyed by a mine in the play a series of matches. The interior by E. Ostrander, carpen­ Allies. The Italian Government English Channel off West Hast­ Lillooet team travel to the Half­ ter and contractor. from the outset has declined to ings today, according to a des­ way on Sunday to play off the bind itself to a policy of neutral­ patch received here. The des­ first game of the series. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pyman leave ity and has stated it must keep a patch said: next week for the coast; they free hand to safegsard all vital ' 'Reports of the explosion was Ernie Sayers, driver of the P. have been here for the past eight national interests. plainly audible in West Hastings. G. E. official auto, is leaving for months, and have nothing but "It may possibly consider the Afterwards a German submarine the coast tomorrow; he is taking praise for Liilooet, they have moment to have come for a clear was observed gliding eastward, the auto with him. travelled far and been in a good declaration of policy. Every partly submerged. A few mo­ many places, but have not seen circumstantial report of depai'- ments later it plunged suddenly According to information re­ the beat of our climate any­ ture of Austrian and German and was not seen again. ceived late last night, there is to where. be a week-end excursion from the subjects from Italy would lend Ottawa — The resolution au­ Mr. White, pioneer missionary color to this view." coast to Lillooet, on Friday and thorizing the vote of $100,000,000 Saturday of next week, on the in the course of his address in To silence dangerous rumors in for the purpose of the war was Pacific Great Eastern railway. the Methodist church, last Sun­ regard to Ital's participation in passed practically without dis­ day, paid Lillooet a high tribute. the European war, the following cussion in the House of Commons P. Welch, Lillooet car had a After expressing his opinion of statement was issued today from this morning. sort of a friendly spill on the Lil­ the 'Whiteman', in a very direct the Italian embassy: "We have Sir Wilfred Laurier asked the looet road this week. No one manner, he said:- "If there is no information concerning reports Premier for information regard­ damaged. —Ashcroft Journal. any such place as heaven on earth, that Italy is about to forsake her ing measures taken for the se­ There is no such car known in Lillooet ought to be that place. policy of neutrality. Italy stands j curity of Canada. He added that this district, and the driver of The weather, beautiful scenery, now where she has stood since he knew that a good deal of this the Lillooet P.G.E. official car and everything around it spoke the war started." information was confidential, and states, that in his opinion, it of divine presence, but, there he did not ask for this. must have been a visiting Ford. was too much vice prevailent at the present time." Liquor Licence Act Sir Robert replied that he A disasterous mountain slide would be only too glad to commu­ occurred at the Britannia mines (SECTION 48) nicate privately to members op­ We are in receipt of a copy of this week, about sixty lives are the forntightly publication called Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd posite information on any point reported to have been lost.
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