.. , ' . ., . , - . , . I. ' .. 'J'"'. ..' . .;..... ' .. ·r;:; ~rTd - , . "". 'l1b~; June 23, 1966 Page _SIxteen ~~~_-,-~ ____ .-:... __ -,-__ --: ___ ~_-=:T=H=E=J:E:W=I:S:B=P:O=S:T==::::::~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;.'.; .... 1966 Broken. Peace· Pact .' Revealed '. I Tel Aviv, (JTA) -,Mrs. Golda Meir, for many years . tion for partition of Palestine to fonnulate ways of : YESHIVA. BOYS. CAN Israel's Foreign Minister, disclosed last week that . peacefuJ co-existence between Jews and Arabs. Jewish negotiatOrs and King Abdullah of Jordan. She disclosed that she met King Abdullah once I initiated a peace agreement shortly' before he was mor,e on May 10, 1948 when the Iraqi Anny had . '. _ .... _. "." ,- . :. .- ..... , .. .... '" . _., ~ . .".. assassinated. Mrs. Meir, now ... _alJ:eady .. moved. into Jordan.-in. ·preparation _-for· .the .... ___ ._ . ') JOIN PARATROOPS secr~tary'-ge!!,,~al_ofj:he; ---'--~ - Mapai Party, told a meeting of students in Haifa that assault on the infant Jewish State. He then told her ,. in Nove£ !,er 1947, the monarch promised her he would h 'd that "I th ht I fr to d 'd b ' nC>t join in the proclaimed Arab war on the planned s e ,Sal , , oug was ee ,eel e y ::,y_ BRESLAUER & WARREN State of Israel. She said they agreed in principle to seli' on relations .W1th the nascent Jewish State but meet after the United Nations expected recommenda- I am not." WELCOMES B"NAI B"BITH ·IJELEGLITES . .'. '. , .' · . , ' • · ! All Makes! AI/Patterns! . To illtroduce o..).) new patterils of' tile fill cst di.nnerwarc iw. eigh.t famous" makers, wc b ft· er th e unusua I discount. of 25% OFF on Oil\' e'lltite open stock of English Bone China, Translucent, and VV~ol-.~XLTJII~·~·:.~~.~~. ~--\\VVINnJJN1~P~EUG~,~·l~li~UR~.·R:S~DnAA.Yy~,J~U.~NffiE~_;30;,ll~9~66~·--~-~~No. 26 i<:adhcnware.' There are more than aoo. patterns to choose from -- ... at this wonderful saving! " REFORM JUDAISM FAVORS CAMPAIGN "F'ORCONVERTS FINEST. ·ENGLISH_ . Toronto, (JTA) - The American Reform -rabbinate condemned here Viet Cong collaboration 'with the .~ Palestine Liberation Organization army and assaiJed any Viet Cong activity· "calculated io impair the security of the State. of Israel arid endanger peace in the ::VIiddle East." That stand. was expressed in a. resolution , approved by delegates to the 77th annual 'convpntion of the Central 'Conference of American Rabbis. In other resolutions,. the RefOl';n HI' also' told his coll',agues th,·:;, The rPMrt said· the mission is .rabbis· condemned discrimination must come to: grips with' "r~·ii~I"n I hot only. for converti; to Reform BONE against Judaism' and the·.Jewish in our time" and make their_ mini,- !Juqaism. If applicants' are found CHINA 9l" culture in the Sovipt UnjoJ1. 'Trwy tl'ic's and. ~ynaf.{'oglle.-> ·"n·]e\"ant . -ill: more suitable fnr Orthodoxy ('x pressed concc·rn ;:lbout indications, the ;.:.ccuh~r city,!! H: l11'gl'd "[1 mnjor', ;.Col-iservatism, they ,vill be rc,fern.d of resurg:ence of "far-right an~ neo .... 1 trarl:-;fol'mati'on" II'~m the '.. "grClciolls : to those hrrinc,h(;~,. Circurnci~ion for Nazi type parties!' in' West Germany pastoral and· .. village. cpntext of the mal0. applicants over 21 will not be . and 'anti- Semitic 'sentiments in the biblical God to the urb;,n ('on1<::<t" "l'Cluirtd in the Reform program. 'recent Austria;' election campai:i!n. i wherL" th" sp,iritual. leaders must . The conventIOn also "ssmled "the i confront such ISSUC"S as the .clwlh'n~.· DINNERWARE Jerusalem. (JCNS) - A oll-,'""r" s"hol.ars, 'the aim of Kerem beY""ne incl'f'asingly totalitarian ,ind repres~ 'of the "God is Dead" thoologians. old Jerusalem-born rabbi is in Lon- is to produce men ·learned in the sive measures with which the GOV-[ the probing of modem youth. the Reform Plans don' on his fIrst trip abroad. And Tillmud who can spread their under- ernment of South Africa seems, t~ revolution· of automation .. and,uc~ . ". , . .. ' · he is not raising funds, even'though standing and knowledge in what- enforce Its polrcy of apartheid': s)kclfic ISSUes as urban. renewal. World MeetIng urged support 0.1 a bill to authorize anli-p6vertyand ch'il rights, he is a Rosh Yeshiva. ever occupation ,they ultimately the federal government to dispense ,The cnilventi(ili heard. a report See the newest patt~rns for 1966 as well as the hundreds Ibbbi Haim Ya'acov Gold''licht, "nlel\ If. a graduatC" of "' .. "tradi- hil'theontrol information and "'I'" HUlt Stl j}t'r. cent of all Refnrm 'head of Yeshivat Kerem beYavne, ·tional" yeshiva becomes a lawyer or vices as "essential' in the war a.[(H;n.<t rabhis in the Un;'t",,1 Stat.. , pnll .. <1 by of traditiona;l and \!lassical patterns prized all. .is interviewmg. ten 0 f h'IS' new s t u- ,'In' engl'nenl', he IS' considered a lost -poverty"; and called for strengtlwll- Oll thesentirrients of their . .,.nn- . soul' nof so' at Kcrem beYav,ll'. ing of the propose~ 196.6Ci,vil Rlghts verts to Judaism replied that the dents and visiting the families of the ·TI'.·. .' 1 1I t Act to prOVIde action m CIVIl nghl, l'on,'erts have becn assets to Je\\'- · forty' British Jews .who have sent 11S IS one reason W 1.)'.a S u- violations. ish life. The repo,'t said pamphlet- PROMPT DELIVERY ON MOST PATTERNS their boys to study at the Yeshiva. dents at Kerem beYa\'ne ,in. the In his presidential address, Rabhi were heing prepared, (incb~' Rabhi i Rabbi Goldwicht will be, in England appropriate age group join the Is- Jacob J. WeiJLsteinof Chicago told Bern;m)' B,ullherger .of Xew York, i (Delayed delivery .on Some patterns, ~m two to. six weeks) for three weeks before proceeding racli Defense Forces. After basic the delegates· that part of the for the non-Jews seeking a faith. , • . 'tl'a'~'~g the' form a Nahal unit blam.e for the 'growing escalation. and one hy RHhbi· Robert Kahn PRICE FROM $5.15 TO $214.00 - LESS 25% to Switzerland to conduct a six~ ':'~',) . of V,et Nam war should he plan.. 1 for the wlaJTiliated .Jew. A pem- . 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS RANGE IN ,veek Jewish Agency seminar. wluch IS devoted· to. the study of the .. on' religious groups whieh ha"e 'phlet has heen completed. b~' R.qbhi .' He claims that Kerem beYavne, Talmud instead of farming as with "failed" to move their peace drh'es I)",~d 'M. Eichhorn of New York named after the seat of the San~ other Nahal uniis. Those of the boys to 'the phase of moldin~ puhli,' to interpret to. the Je\\;shlaiety hedrm ' esta·. bUshe' d at·· Yavne by·)\\' lIJ are ft't enoug,h ..qua Ufy f or the' opinion._ .. __ . __ .... _ .. _ ._" . the reasons·. fur seeking rum'erts,, 47 Yohanan be Zakbi, is the only paratroop corps and Rabbi Gold­ PA'I"I'E&"\TS. 'bv. MINTON reallly "Israeli" yeshiva, Whereas wicht makes the pun: They have 72 P .A'l'TERNS by ROYAL. DOUTON the great yeshivot of Je;"ry. which "arba kanfot" at their waist and a transplanted themselves to Israeli 1s- i RABBI OR. JACOB K. SHANKMAN .J.l PA'lvrERNS ·by WEDGWOOD. S::n~!~~!A~/~i~O~~:~O\~!~~:L~~~r~~~~ LESS soil carry on the' tradition of pro­ fifth kanaf-the paratrooper's wings recen t Is raeIi PaVl'U on at th e In ter- rae I'1 pavi li on' full. Y '~ut none of the' I . Pres., World Union for Progressive Judaism CHOOSE :H PATI'ERNSby ROYAL WORCESTER ducing rabbis and full-time Talmud -on their chest. national Fair in Moscow were asked cove~a?e appeared ~lth~r .on SO\'le1, The. World Union for Progressive .._-- _. by Soviet gnards' to leave behind televlslon or ill the So"I(" press. I Judaism: the intE'rnational organiza- -'--.. ~ souveJ;lirs they had. picked up at . tion of Reform and Libel'al Jews. 49 P A'ITERNS by SPODE KIN' G FAISAL.'CLARIFIE.S' S1AND ~~a~vi~~~ta~~o:~r=:at:er~ French Jew ,'Will observe its iorti';th anniversary 10 PATI'ERNS by PARAGON .. ' . the Soviet International Moclern " '. July 5-10 lin London. England, at FROM · New York, (JTA) - KIng Famal,. the' acceptance. of thos~ Jews ",:ho Agricultu~al Machinery. and. Equip- M OSCOW Envoy.· I theThree 14th hundredInternational and fiftyCoWerence. delega~es 32PATI'ERNS by AYNSLEY of Saudi Arabia, who clelivl'red anI - had. made thell" home m Palestine ment Frur attracted .conslderable " . .' i from Europe, Israel. South AfrIca Jewish remarks in Washington last long before it became the independ~, learned that while the participation. ParIs.. (J eNS) ... - M. Ohvwr, and Latin and North America will 18 PA'l"l'ERNS by COALPORT · we<'k; and· was, as a result, snubbed I ent nation of Israel in 1948. "Those speculation. initially. Later it was Wormser. the h~ad of the Ec6nomic : convene in the historic Guildhall to by New York's Mayor Lindsay and ! Jews who were in Palestine have was widely publicized outside of D~p~rtment of the French Foreign, commence the congress !Twenty­ ) Gow Rockefeller, has made an effort I a. right to stayth~re. but the Jews the' Soviet Union, there . was no MUllStry, .may be aPMmted Ame five c.ountrics are represented in the to "clarify" his attitude., who came from' outside are intrud- mention in the Soviet Union about bassador In Moscow,. according to I WUPJ. In a statement for the Arab press, ers." the king was reported to have the Israeli pavilion, unconfirmed reports, .
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