Motion Picture Classifications Ordination in Erie student body voluntarily attend a special Peace Day Mass and re- Msgr. Ryan's Article Issued by the National Legion of Decency To Be Followed by ceive Holy Communion for the in- On Justice Black Put tention of the Holy Father that Only the more recent films are listed here; space limitations make Mass at St. Brigid's Into Congress Record ft impossible to publish a complete list. The classification of any pic- peace may return to the world. At lures, however, will be gladly given to those who inquire at this office Rev. Paul Micheli, son of Mr. a convocation of faculty and stu- Phone COurt 0661. and Ifra Eugene Micheli, of St dent body a lay speaker would Washington, Apr. 10 (JO—An Parishes, organizations and individuals desiring to receive the Brigid'a Pariah, Pittsburgh, will present the Pope's program for article '"Due Process' and Mr. weekly reports issued by the National Legion of Decency caw order be ordained to the priesthood for peace. Justice Black", which Rt Rev. them by writing to the Legion's offices, *85 Madison Ave., New York the Diocese of Erie in St Peter's In the evening an outdoor rally Msgr. John A. Ryan wrote for the The chargc for the reports is $2.00 per year. A complete list gMna would be held under the direction April issue of "The Catholic the classification of older films may be obtained at the same address. Cathedral, Erie, on Thursday ] morning, May 2, by Most Rev. of student leaden, closing with World", has been Inserted in the ¡John Mark Gannon, Bishop of Erie, Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- "Congressional Record" on the CLASS A-l:—Unobjectionable and will celebrate his First Solemn ment motion of Senator Robert F. Wag* AIM Lincoln in Illinois Glory of Faith ner of New York. Blazing Six Shooters Golden Gloves Opened by Mistake Mass in St. Brlgid'e, Enoch St, Forwarded to the various Cath- Overland Mall the following Sunday, May 5, at olic colleges together with the Msgr. Ryan's article deals large- Biscuit Eater Golgotha Parole Fixer Blondie Brings Up Baby Goodbye, Mr. Chips 11:00 o'clock. suggested program were excerpts ly with the opinion written by Jus- Blondie on a Budget Granny Get Your Gun Perpetual Sacrifice Phantom Rancher, The Rev. Charles J. Deasy, pastor of from the Holy Father's pronounce- tice Black in the case of Cham- Blue Bird, The Great Victor Herbert Pinocchlo bers et al. v the State of Florida, British Intelligence Gulliver's Travels Pioneer Days St Brigid's, will be archpriest at ments on peace taken from the Brother Rat and a Baby Half a Sinner in which the Supreme Court unan- Buck Benny Ride* Pioneers of the Frontier the Mass. Rev. Howard Ford, as- National Catholic Welfare Confer- Henry Goes to Arizona Pioneers of the West sistant at Annunciation Church, ence pamphlet "Pius XII and imously reversed the Judgment of Again Heroes of the Saddle Pride of the Blue Grafts a Florida court sentencing six Ne- Bullets Code Hidden Enemy Rancho Grande North Side, will be deacon; Rev. Peace." Bullets for Rustlers Hidden Gold Rhythm of the Rio John Larkin, of St John the groes to death for murder. Their Call a Messenger High School convictions had resulted .largely Calling Philo Vance Inspector Hornleigh Grande Evangelist's, South Side, subdea- Riders of Pasco Basin from "confessions" obtained after Charlie Chan in Panama on Holiday Roll, Wagons, Roll con, and Rev. Timothy B. Sullivan, Edition in Braille Charlie McCarthy Invisible Maui Returns Elovln' Tumbiewcfads of Osceola Mills, - days of "questioning". Msgr. Detective Ireland's Border Line Of 'Catholic Digest' Cheyenne Kid Rulers of the Sea will be master Ryan said Justice Black "may well Irish Luck Sabotage be proud both of the reasoning and Children of the Wild Isle of DesUny Saga of Death Valley of ceremonies. Begins in September Chip of the Plying "U" It's a Date Father Deasy of the language which he used in Chump at Oxford Jeepers Creepers Sagebrush Family Trails Courageous Dr. Chris- Judge Hardy and Son West wiP preach the St Paul, Minn., Apr. 23 QO— formulating the opinion of the tian Kid Nightingale Saint's Double -Trouble aer.non for the One of the most significant devel- Court" in this case. Covered Trailer Knights of the Range Sante Fe Marshal. Covered Wagon Trails Law of the Pampas Seventeen occasion. opments in the history of Catholic Cowboys From Texas Legion of the Lawless She Married a Cop Father Mich- charitable work among the blind Curtain Call Lite Begins In College Shooting High Plan Confraternity Danger Flight Life of Mother Cabrlnt Showdown. The eli's parents in the United States will take Light of Western Stars Son of the Navy emigrated t o Danger on Wheels Soutn of the Border place in the near future when the Congress in October Dark Command Lightning Strikes the United "Catholic Digest", monthly maga- Days of Jesse James * Lion Has Wings, The Special Inspector Day the Bookies Wept Little Flower of Jesus Stage Coach War States In 1906 zine published here, will appear in Washington, Apr. 24 (10—An In- Dead End Kids on Little Miss Molly Star Dust from Tuscany, a braille edition. According to vitation to every parish in the Little Old New York Star Maker, The Dress Parade Little Orvie Stranger From Texas a province in present plans, the September, 1940, United States to send representa- Death Goes North Llamo Kid Sued for Libel Northern Italy, number will be the first issued in tives to the Sixth National Con- Disputed Passage Ma, He's Making Eyes Swanee River his father being gress of the Confraternity of Emergency Squad at Me Swiss Family Robinson braille. Enemy Agent Mad Empress, The Texas Renegades a native o*f Mas- It is announced that the blind Christian Doctrine at Los An- Escape to Paradise Main Street Lawyer Texas Stagecoach tiano and 'his geles, Oct. 12 to 15, is contained Everybody's Hobby Man From Arizona That Right, You're will receive the braille edition at Everything Happens Marines Fly High mother of St Father no cost. It is hoped to finance the in a descriptive folder of informa- at Night Wrong Meet Dr. Christian Too Busy To Work A'Lessio, near Micheli project from donations. tion released by the National Cen- Everything'» On Ice Mercy Plane Two-Fisted Ranger Lucca. He was born on Mar. 12, ter of the Confraternity here. Fighting Gringo Mikado. The Fighting 69th Two Thoroughreds 1913, and attended Epiphany, St 1,800 In One Diocese As the congress of the confra- Mill on the Floss 20,000 Men a Year Statistics on the possible num- first Lore Monastery U-Boat Twenty-iNine BrigtiTs and St. Philomena's Par- ternity will be held in conjunction Five Little Peppers and Money to Burn ber of blind which It will be possi- Music in My Heart Village Barn Dance ish Schools. He was graduated with the centenary celebration How They Grew Viva Cisco Kid from Central Catholic High School ble to reach eventually ere scanty. Five Little Peppers at Nick Carter, Master Wall Street Cowboy commemorating the establishment Home Detective in 1931 and then entered St Vin- However, it is estimated there are of the hierarchy in California, Flight at Midnight Northwest Passage Westbound Stage cent's College, Latrobe, where he over 120,000 blind in the United Florian Nurse Bdith Cavell West of Careon City 100,000 persons are expected to at- Flying Deuces Oh, Johnny, Oh Young as You Feel remained two years, before trans- States. In one eastern diocese Oh, Johnny How You Young Buffalo BU< tend the Pontifical Mass to be Geronimo ferring to Duquesne University to alone 1,300 Catholic blind were held in the Los Angeles Memorial Ghost Comes Home Can Love Young Tom Edison listed by workers. Ghost Valley Raiders On Their Own Zanzibar complete his college course. After Coliseum, Oct. 13. Rt. Rev. Msgr. [GIAUUNUUgraduatioUn UinT 193J.J7OV6» hUCe AJRYWVapplieUd to It is regarded as especially fit- Fulton J. Sheen will preach the CLASS A-Il—Unobjectionable for Adults, Not Suitable for CMMrea Bishop Gannon and was accepted ting that the -Catholic Digest", sermon at the Mass. „ .. „ . /-v_ XT RN 1TOO A OTNHONI fr»r> THO nriftflthnnd for Alias the Deacon Full Confessions On Your Toes as a student for the priesthood for representative of the best in Cath- All Quiet on the West- French Without Tears Outsider. The ' the Diccese of Brie and was sent olic writing, should be put out In ern Front (Itelssue) Goose Step Outside 3-Mile Limit to St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, a braille edition, Inasmuch as Knights of St. George All Women Have Secret Grapes of Wrath Over the Moon Amazing Mr. Williams Green Hell Parents on Trial where ho has distinguished him- Louis Braille (1800-1852), who Another Thin Man Heaven With a Barbed Phantom Strikes, The self as an honor student. originated the raised printing The monthly meeting of the And One Was Beautiful Wire Fence Private Detective Catholic Knights of St. George of "At the Circus" Here I Am a Stranger Private Lives of Blisi Father Micheli has two cousins which bears his name, as well as Balalaika His Girl Friday beth and Bssss priests, Rev. Peter Poll, pastor of his predecessor, Valentin Hauy the Pittsburgh district will be held Barricade Honeymoon Deferred Raffles St. Martin's, Fredanna, Italy, and (1746-1822), who began the move- at the Fort Pitt Hotel on Sunday • Beyond Tomorrow Honeymoon in Ball Rains Came.
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