SELECT AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE Select Committee on Ethics 220 Hart Senate Office Building 20510, phone 224–2981, fax 224–7416 [Created pursuant to S. Res. 338, 88th Congress; amended by S. Res. 110, 95th Congress] George V. Voinovich, of Ohio, Chair Tim Johnson, of South Dakota, Vice Chair Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Mark Pryor, of Arkansas. STAFF Staff Director / Chief Counsel.—Robert L. Walker. Counsels: Kenyen Brown, Katja Eichinger, Lydia Griggsby. Chief Clerk.—Annette M. Gillis. Professional Staff.—John Lewter. Systems Administrator.—Danny Remington. Staff Assistants: Charles Brown, Krystyna Rejrat, Dawne Vernon. Select Committee on Intelligence 211 Hart Senate Office Building 20510–6475, phone 224–1700 http://www.senate.gov/∼intelligence [Created pursuant to S. Res. 400, 94th Congress] Pat Roberts, of Kansas, Chair John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Vice Chair Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Mike DeWine, of Ohio. Dianne Feinstein, of California. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Evan Bayh, of Indiana. Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska. Jon S. Corzine, of New Jersey Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia. Ex Officio William H. (Bill) Frist, of Tennessee. Harry Reid, of Nevada. John W. Warner, of Virginia STAFF Majority Staff Director.—Bill Duhnke. Minority Staff Director.—Andy Johnson. Chief Clerk.—Kathleen P. McGhee. 375 376 Congressional Directory Special Committee on Aging G–31 Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510, phone 224–5364, fax 224–8660 http://aging.senate.gov [Reauthorized pursuant to S. Res. 4, 95th Congress] Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon, Chair Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Susan M. Collins, of Maine. JAMES M. JEFFORDS, of Vermont. James M. Talent, of Missouri. Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin. Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Mel Martinez, of Florida. Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Evan Bayh, of Indiana. Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania. Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware. Conrad Burns, of Montana. Bill Nelson, of Florida. Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee. Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York. Jim DeMint, of South Carolina. STAFF Majority Staff Director.—Catherine Finley. Legislative Assistant.—Tara Ward. Systems Administrator.—Michael Poteat. Professional Staff: Kara Getz, Mike Smith, Ken Van Pool. Staff Assistants: Carley Dillon, Jon Moss, Paul Perkins. Chief Clerk.—Patricia Hameister. Health Counsel.—Steve Irizarry. Legislative Correspondent.—Ali Burket. Minority Staff (SH–628), 224–5364, fax 224–9926. Staff Director.—Julie Cohen. Senior Counsel.—Cecil Swamidoss. Senior Policy Advisors: Topher Spiro, Stacy Stordahl. Policy Advisor.—Mary Beth Stanton. Research Assistant.—Brad Wolters. National Republican Senatorial Committee 425 Second Street NE., 20002, phone 675–6000, fax 675–6058 Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina, Chair STAFF Executive Director.—Mark Stephens. Treasurer.—Stan Huckaby. Director of: Administration.—Mindy Anderson. Communications.—Brian Nick. Finance.—Nicole Sexton. Legal Counsel.—Steve Hoersting. Political Director.—Blaise Hazelwood. Research.—Gary Feld. Erik Ablin Jonathan Finger Mike Kroeger Todd Bachman Megan Foran Josh Kvernan Ted Borie Blair Foutch Rachel Lavender Thomas Breen Will Fulgeras Alex Lawhon Keith Carter Leslie Grabias Chris Maiorana Jamieson Clem Tricia Hall Andrew Maletz Taylor Craig Kelly Holdway Jim Martin Teresa DeRoco Daniel Kayede Helen Mathews Select and Special Committees of the Senate 377 Thomas Maxwell Amy Powers Emily Wiley Megan Morgan Doug Robinson Gina Williams Joseph Osborn Chris Scully Lindsey Williams Steve Pavlick Emily Walton Whitney Williams Meghann Peterlin David Welch Kevin Wright Republican Policy Committee 347 Russell Senate Office Building, phone 224–2946 fax 224–1235, http://rpc.senate.gov Jon Kyl, of Arizona, Chair STAFF Staff Director.—Lawrence Willcox. Deputy Staff Director.—Katie Altshuler. Administrative Director.—Craig Cheney. Analysts: Defense Policy.—Mark Gaspers. Foreign Policy.—Daniel Fata. Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Policy.—Paul Georgia. Judiciary Issues.—Steven J. Duffield. Labor, Education, Welfare Policy.—Dana Barbieri. Health Care Policy.—Diane Major. Tax, Budget, and Economic Policy.—Mark Warren. Economic Policy.—Jason Thomas. Professional Staff: Editor.—Judy Gorman Prinkey. System Administrator / RVA Analyst.—Tom Pulju. Station Manager / Special Projects.—Carolyn Laird. Station Operators / Project Assistants: Julia Crouch, Natalie Farr. Senate Republican Conference 405 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–2764 http://src.senate.gov Chair.—Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania. Vice Chair.—Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas. Committee Chairmen: Policy.—Jon Kyl, of Arizona. NRSC.—Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina. STAFF Conference of the Majority (SH–405), 224–2764. Staff Director.—Mark Rodgers. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Kate Harris. Deputy Staff Director / Communications Director.—Robert Traynham. Assistant to Deputy Staff Director / Staff Assistant.—Katharine Gonzalez. Art Director.—Chris Angrisani. Senior Graphic Designer.—Laura Gill. Graphic Designer.—Nick Schweich. Director of Information Technology.—Tim Petty. Technology Specialist.—Aaron Broughton. Systems Administrator.—Eric Miller. Television Services Director.—Henry Peterson, Jr. Photographer.—Chris Ahlberg. Producer.—Cyrus Pearson. Radio Services Director.—Dave Hodgdon. Assistant Radio Services Director.—John Rankin. Director of Coalitions.—Barbara Ledeen. Senior Communications Advisor.—Elizabeth Keys. Office Manager.—Garrett Fahy. 378 Congressional Directory Communications Managers: Dan Ronayne, Melissa Seckora. Staff Assistant.—Jennifer Mahurin. Vice Chair of the Conference Staff (SR–287), 224–1326 Staff Director.—David Davis. Professional Staff Member.—Jeffrey Lee. Democratic Policy Committee 419 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–3232 Byron Dorgan, of North Dakota, Chair Patty Murray, of Washington, Regional Chair. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Evan Bayh, of Indiana, Regional Chair. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island, Regional Chair. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana, Regional Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas. Chair. Bill Nelson, of Florida. Harry Reid, of Nevada, ex officio. Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Jon S. Corzine, of New Jersey. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Mark Dayton, of Minnesota. Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin. Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois, ex officio. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan, ex officio. Dianne Feinstein, of California. STAFF Staff Director.—Chuck Cooper. Assistant to the Staff Director.—Kathryn Copeland. Research Director.—Tim Gaffaney. Research Analyst.—Laura Fenimore. Policy Advisors: Brian Hickey, Tommy Ross. Publications Director.—Doug Connelly. Votes Analyst.—Michael Mozden. Steering and Outreach Committee 712 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–9048 Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York, Chair John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Herbert H. Kohl, of Wisconsin. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Barbara Boxer, of California. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. Paul Sarbanes, of Maryland. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois. Max Baucus, of Montana. Mark Pryor, of Arkansas. STAFF Staff Director.—Dana E. Singiser. Associate Directors: Leslie Brown, Sabrina deSantiago, Andrea Minkow. Staff Assistant.—Jessica MacLeman. Select and Special Committees of the Senate 379 Senate Democratic Communications Center 619 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–1430 Harry Reid, of Nevada, Chair STAFF Staff Director.—Jim Manley. Administrator.—Mary Helen Fuller. Radio Producer.—Ian Shifrin. Editors: Ike Blake, Toby Hayman, Mike Million. TV Producer.—Nathan Ackerman. Internet Technology Adviser.—Brian Barrie. Videographers: Clare Flood, Brian Jones, Kevin Kelleher. Press Assistant / Translator.—Carolina Alban. Graphic Design Specialist.—Lisa Pettibone. Senate Democratic Conference 133 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–4822, fax 228–0325 Secretary.—Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan. Liaison to Leadership.—Sander Lurie. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 120 Maryland Avenue, NE., 20002, phone 224–2447 Charles Schumer, of New York, Chair Barbara Boxer, of California, Vice Chair Barack Obama, of Illinois, Midwest Vice Chair Mark Pryor, of Arkansas, Southern Vice Chair Jack Reed, of Rhode Island, Northeast Vice Chair Ron Wyden, of Oregon, Western Vice Chair Harry Reid, of Nevada, Democratic Leader STAFF Executive Director.—J.B. Poersch. Communications Director.—Phil Singer. PAC Director.—Eli Joseph. PAC Deputy Director.—Alison Dooley. Political Director.—Guy Cecil. Information Systems Director.—Jude Meche. Direct Marketing Director.—Robin Brunstrum. Research Director.—Katie Barge. Finance Director.—Julianna Smoot. Finance Chief of Staff.—Chris Koob. Special Assistant to Finance Director.—Stacy Koo. Finance Assistants: Michael Dykes, Allie Eichenbaum, Meredith Levine, Erica Price. Southern Finance Director.—Jen Medley. Southern Finance Deputy Director.—Jill McCarthy. Mid Atlantic Finance Director.—Meg Jongeward. Mid West Finance Director.—Michael O’Neil. Western Regional Finance Deputy Director.—Jessica Straus. Director of Information Systems.—Jude Meche. Comptroller.—Darlene Setter. Deputy Comptrollers: Dominique King Ancheta, Len Lloyd. 380 Congressional Directory Special Assistant to the Chairman.—David Nurnberg. Assistant to the Executive Director.—Nicki Sacco. Chief Operating Officer.—Karen Hancox. Copywriter.—Julie Chon. Senior Consultant, Political.—Joe Hansen. Legal Counsel.—Marc Elias. Direct Marketing.—Todd Plants. Systems.—Tim Nelson. Senate Services.—Ryan Ramsey. Events Planner.—Patti Ogle. Call Time Manager.—Lateisha Garrett. Receptionist.—Marisol Ponce de Leon. .
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