Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-15-1996 The BG News February 15, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 15, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5967. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5967 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ■ ■■■■ Inside the News Opinion State • Dayton woman convicted of daughter's murder. 3 Nation • Tennessee man awakens from eight- year coma, (j Aaron Weisbrod trips out over the evils of marijuana. Sports • Falcon basketball team upsets EMU. Page 2 Thursday, February 15, 1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 82 The News' Kindness will be Happy Valentines Briefs NHL Scores practiced Friday Jay Young ple would do it they would feel The BC News good." Boston 3 Michaelis said the group will Hartford 0 A group of University students also collect donations to assist will make it their task to make those who lost property in the everyone who they donl know Rodgers Quadrangle fire earlier Los Angeles 2 happy Friday. in the month. He said he is also Buffalo 2 ScoR Michaclis, senior elemen- hoping to find more volunteers to tary education major, is working help with the project. to organize a random acts of Tracy Rodriguez, junior soci- Philadelphia 4 kindness group. The group is en- ology major, will be part of Fri- Florida 2 couraging professors to excuse day's smile patrol offering free students from classes at noon on items to students. "We thought it would be really Toronto 4 Friday so they can get some of the coffee, hot chocolate and nice if everyone in the comm- San Jose 3 other items being distributed at munlty and at the University the Education Building to make would practice random acts of NBA Scores life a little better. kindness so we wanted to spread "We want to raise the aware- the word," Rodriguez said. "The ness of kindness just as an idea. only requirement is to be kind Detroit 102 We're going to make an effort to and enjoy spreading kindness." Philadephia 83 go beyond just being nice, and Wayne White, sophomore envi- putting it into action," Michaells ronmental policy major, said he said. "This makes us feel good to would like to like to help keep the New Jersey 88 do this, and I think if other peo- group alive year-round. Indiana 87 Charlotte 120 March 15 last day New York 100 Clinton inspects Northwest to withdraw/pass WOODLAND, Wash. - - President Clinton In- Heather Cvengros prove their grades and prevent spected the mud-coated The BC News dropping the course." Pacific Northwest by hell- Waggoner added that if stu- copter and on foot Wednes- After signing up for a class, dents drop a course after March day, comforting victims of many students may decide that 15, they will receive a with- the region's worst flooding they want to drop the class drawl/fail, which is calculated in decades. The administra- whether it may be due to lack of into their GPA as a failure. tion said America was suf- Linda Bakkum, academic ad- fering a record winter of interest or tough material. natural disasters. Laura Waggoner, director of visor for the College of Business "I hope you will keep your student services, registration Administration, said students spirits up," Clinton de- and records, said if students wish need to be careful because if they clared. "This will pass and to withdraw/pass from a class, drop below 12 hours, which is full Leuai McLcMaari'M AiMcUtrd Praia It will get better and we'll they need to go through the col- time, it could affect their housing Newlyweds Jerry and Blanche Klemoo of Napolean leave the Little Church of the West aTter getting do everything we can to lege office to fill out a form and and financial aid married Wednesday In Las Vegas. The couple is among hundreds who fanned out to the S8 wedding help." get the professor's signature. Conrad McRoberts, director of chapels in Las Vegas for Valentine's Day weddind ceremonies. Retired trucker Douglas The last day to withdraw/pass financial aid and student em- Jungnickel escorted Clinton for spring semester is March IS. ployment, said there is a huge through the ruins of his difference between withdrawing McRoberts said "If a student modest home where waters Waggoner said the decision is had reached chest-high last between the student and the in- and dropping a course concern- withdraws on or before the first week. Jungnlckel's World structor. ing financial aid. day of classes, all financial aid War II uniform was drying "Many students choose to wait McRoberts said If a student will go back to the accounts they until after the first exam to see withdraws, he or she goes from came from. If It is after that Youth Vote '96 on a hanger outside. "He in- vited me into his indoor where they stand as far as some hours, to no hours, and time, we go by the actual with- swimming pool," Clinton grades," Waggoner said. " withdraws totally from the Uni- draw date." joked. However, students need to com- versity. In contrast, if a student is Standing in his st Ill- "We need to consider what heads to Harvard municate with their instructors, sodden yard, Jungnickel who can possibly help them im- time it is in the semester," See DROP, page six. youth voter participation in said, "To see you out here Meredith Tremaln with ordinary people like us The BC News •96," said Therese Helizer, di- - it's going to give people rector of Youth Vote -ofi. faith and comfort all Youth Vote "96, a group ded- The trip to Cambridge is the around.... I hope everybody Man claims schizophrenia icated to getting 18 to 24 year- first and main activity In all the little towns in the olds to vote. Is looking for stu- planned by Youth Vote, He- country can see this on tel- dents interested in attending a lizer said The cost is $25 and evision." three-day long event in Cam- does not include transporta- Outside, the president defense in dual murder trial bridge, Mass. at Harvard Uni- tion. addressed a neighborhood "We don't have a registra- murdered women, Shannon Low- versity's Institute of Politics. crowd and pledged to Michael Tlghe ceptionists and wounding five "We are a non-partisan co- "move as quickly as possi- ney, 25, and Lee Ann Nichols, 38, The Associated Press other people at the Planned Par- alition dedicated to increasing SeeVOTE. page five. ble to do as much as we can enthood and Preterm Health were in the courtroom. Lowney's - everything we're allowed DEDHAM, Mass. - John C. Sa- Services clinics in the Boston su- mother cried as Kivlan detailed to do within the law to help burb of B rookline. the shootings. you rebuild and to go on lvi Ill's lawyer told a Jury Wednesday that Salvi is a schizo- If convicted, he faces life in Salvi's mother and father also with your lives." attended; their son stared at the Woodland was the first phrenic who was driven to kill prison without parole. If acquit- Ohio judge suspended stop on a long day of travel two abortion clinic workers by ted by reason of insanity, Salvi defense table and occasionally taking Clinton to flood- delusions of a conspiracy against would be sent to a mental institu- scanned the crowded courtroom. stricken Washington, Ore- Catholics. tion and could be released when The first witness. Planned Par- after positive drug test gon and Idaho- Prosecutors portrayed the found sane. enthood medical assistant An- shooting rampage as the work of In his opening statement, pros- jana Agrawal, described how Sa- a man In full control of his sen- ecutor John Kivlan said Salvi had lvi rang the buzzer at the clinic The Associated Press District 'Judge Lesley Brooks door and Lowney let him in. He Quote Of ses. deliberately targeted the Brook- Wells, on Tuesday, revoked Gal- Salvi, who was raised a Catho- line clinics, buying 1,000 hollow- said the two exchanged words CLEVELAND - A judge, lagher's bond and ordered him the day lic, believed Roman Catholics point bullets "used primarily for she couldn't make out, then Salvi suspended while awaiting sen- jailed. killing." pulled a rifle from his coat tencing on a drug-dealing convic- Wells found that Gallagher vio- "It was the plan of were being persecuted by Free- masons, the Mafia and the Ku Maps found in Salvi's truck "He pointed it directly at tion, has been jailed after failing lated the conditions of his bond someone who was Klux Klan, defense attorney J.W. highlighted access roads to the Shannon ... aimed and fired," a drug test. and "is unlikely to abide by any Carney Jr. said. Carney said the Brookline clinics, along with the Agrawal said "I tried to move Michael Gallagher, 39, pleaded condition or combination of con- mentally ill and act- Dec 30, 1994, shootings were names and addresses of other my body to get through that guilty Dec 19 to distributing less ditions of release." Gallagher clinics in Hartford, Conn., and doorway...
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