H ightstown Gazette. VOLUME LXXXIX HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1937 N U M B E R 2 4 N.J.C. Alumnae J. ERNEST DAVISON ELECTED LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNTY LEGION COMMANDER W. H. Allen Is CORNERSTONE LAYING A. Harry Moore W ins Club to Entertain J. Ernest Davison, of Hightstown The cornerstone laying service of St. Post No, 146, American Legion, was Named Successor to Paul’s Lutheran Church, Broad Street, Students Nov. 1 7 elected county commander Thursday will be held Sunday afternoon at three Third Term As Governor night at a meeting of the Mercer Coun­ William Duryee o’clock. The address will be delivered ty committee at a meeting in the Me­ For GiH* Contidrring Whether or Not Extension Professor Will Be Secretary by Pastor W. M. Weaver, of Collings- To Enter College—Motion Picturea morial Building. He succeeds Charles wood. H, Torrey Walker, treasurer and J. Miller, of Trenton Post No, 93. Of State Board of Agriculture—Dur­ NARROW MARGIN Of Cempiu Life. yee Accepts Executive Position. secretary and executive secretary of fi­ Other officers elected were: Ernest nance of the Board of American Mis­ Hightstown High School students E. Drake, Princeton Post No. 76, sen­ sions of the United Lutheran Church Crawford Jamieson Has Lead of 8,000 will be the guests of the Mercer Coun­ ior vice commander; Herbert F. Kee- Willard H. Allen, Extension profes­ of America, will also speak. ty Alumnae Club of New Jersey Col­ yil, Hamilton Township Post No.' 31, sor and executive officer for the AAA The residents of the community are Over Dickenson For State Senator. lege for Women Wednesday eve.iingj junior vice comiqander; Edward H. in New Jersey, was appointed Monday invited to attend and meet the mem­ Democratic Assemblyman Elected. November 17, at the Hotel Hildebrecht, Barber, Trenton Post, finance officer; by members of the State Board to suc­ bers and friends. Trenton. Miss Roberta Holloway, of the Rev. Frederick J, Halloran, Tren­ ceed William B. Duryee as Secretary of The church members are requested Bray, Hackett and O’Donnell For Free­ 106 Abernathy Drive, Trenton, program ton Post, chaplain; James D, Cole, Tren­ the State Department of Agriculture. to attend the congregational meeting chairman, has announced that the pro­ ton Post, historian, and Collier Herron, Mr. Duryee recently announced his immediately after the morning service holders. Princeton Post, sergeant-at-arms. resignation and will assume his new gram will be of interest to all girls in Shepherd’s Hall to take part in the A. Harry Moore won his third term who are considering the question of Installation ceremonies were con­ position as associate executive in the adoption of a constitution to effect a Young Men’s Group as Governor by 44,630 votes over Sena­ whether or not they should go to col­ ducted by William F. Guthrie, West New York office of Sheffield Farms, regularly organized congregation. tor Clee, his Kepublican opponent. The Englewood. lege. The meeting is scheduled to be­ Inc., vvithin a short time. He will main­ unofficial count gave Moore 743,636, and tain his residence in Trenton, Fleet Officers for gin at 8 o’clock and all students, par­ New By-Pass Will Clee 699,006. ents and teachers are cordially invited. Farmers’ Co-op to The appointment of Mr. Allen was In Mercer County Moore received 1,- “How to Choose a College” will be announced by Herman C. Demme, pres­ Coming Year 548 votes more than Clee. This waa discussed by Miss Eunice B. DeClark, ident of the Board, who said, “I have Relieve Traffic Annual Finance Campaign Report 4,669 under the vote cast for Jamieson, a member of the administrative staff of Build New Mill On known Mr. Allen since he started work Democratic candidate for State Sena­ New Jersey College for Women. She in New Jersey and feel that his new Thru Freehold Available Next Week—Hi-Y Hallow­ tor. e’en Party. will answer many of the questions in Courtney Farm position as Secretary of Agriculture Senator Jamieson polled 33,676 votes the minds of those who have not de­ WestvUIe Contractor Submits Low Bid will allow him a full expression of his Young Men’s group, comprising fel- to 25,768 for Melville Dickenson, of cided whether or not they wish to go Twenty-Four Acres Purckated for Four many talents. His wide acquaintance At $192,995 for Nine-Tonths ol Thousand Dollars—Present Facilities Mile. lows beyond high school age, elected! - to college and will describe various fac­ assures him of the support of the agri­ officers for the coming year, namely,! ^ Congressrnan Charles Browne, tors which must be considered in se­ Inadequate — ConstrucUon Work cultural interests in the state.” Starts Socm. Jerry Becker, president; JJ^rold Lov-( Princeton, was hif^h man in the As- lecting a college. Thirty-two contractors submitted bids ett, vice president; Stanley Hutchinson,! race, with 30,493 votes. His Miss Gwen Jackson, of Chatham, a Monday to State Highway Commis­ secretary; Conrad Decker, Jr., treasur- Democratic running mates, who senior at New Jersey College for Wo­ The purchase of the Courtney tract sioner E. Donald Sterner in the lively of 24 acres by the Central Jersey er; Leroy Pullen, advisor. The mem scored successes, are Donal J. Connolly men, will speak on "200 Miles of Lab­ competition on three projects repre­ bers of the young men’s group are and William K. Ward. They polled oratories,” one of the distinguishing Farmers’ Cooperative Association was senting a total of $515,868. Award of announced this week. The considera- Gordon Donahay, Vinton Taylor, Dick 29,672 and 29,414 votes, respectively. factors about New Jersey College for the work will be made later. Archer, James Diboise, John Forman, The Republican aspirants ranked as Women, Miss Jackson will describe ation was $4,000. Edward E. Ellis, of Westville, was This plot is situated in East Wind­ Bill Kendall, John Powell, Wilbur follows: Geoi^e B. Glasco, 28,193; El­ the manner in which N. J. C. utilizes low at $192,995 for nine-tenths of a mile Jemison and Ted Matlosz. A program mer W. Middleton, 26,591, and Mitchell the factories, libraries, hospitals and art sor Township directly opposite the Tri- on the new Route 4 by-pass at Free­ County Farmers’ Cooperative Auction committee’s report was accepted and Bannerman, 25,035. centers of nearby cities as laboratories, hold, Monmouth County, mimeographed folders of the next three Charles P. Hutchinson was re-elected with the result that students are stimu­ Market plant. Charles Gleaner, vice The Highway Corporation of Newark president of the association, reported to months’ discus.sion topics for the group County Clerk with 30,452 votes as com­ lated in their classroom work. Colored presented the low figures on the other pared to 26,675 for his opponent, Ed­ the members at the annual meeting are being prepared. motion pictures of campus life and two improvements, bidding $301,892 for Group Activities ward A, Leadem, D. studies will be shown and the program held in the fire house that the ground the bridges and paving on the Lake- was intended as the permanent site for Group activities are the best known Arthur Bray and Stewart O’DoiineU, will be concluded with a social hour. hurst by-pass, Ocean County, of two of the four areas that serve to balance Republicans, were renamed to continue the Cooperative. This was necessary miles of Routes 37 and 40, the John D. the Republican majority, with Ralph W. as the present facilities are inadequate. a boy’s experiences in the Hightstown Rockefeller Memorial Highway, and “Y”—Camp, Conference, and Communi­ Hackett, Democrat, chosen for the third New Factory Will The members authorized the board $20,981 for th'e bridge over Big Brook available seat. of directors to spend $20,000 in con­ ty Projects being the other areas. And in Marlboro, Monmouth County, on occassionally this column reports on The Freeholder vote was as follows: Begin Operations structing and equipping a new mill and Route 4, between Freehold and Mata- Arthur Bray, Republican, 31,621; Ralph warehouse on the new site. The direc­ the recent program activities enjoyed wan. by Hightstown Y, M. C. A. groups. W. Hackett, Democrat, 29,477; Stew­ Here This Month tors are planning to begin construction The relocation of Route 4 at Freehold art H. O’Donnell, Republican, 28,846; work this year. will eliminate the present congestion P rince ton R u tgers A total of 7,000 boys from all over George W. Rieker, Democrat, 27,837; PhiUdelpihia Men Leaf« Silvers Build­ The report of Lippman Miller, certi­ through the business centre of that Edward J. “Ted” Kearns, Democrat, 27,- fied public accountant, indicated a def­ municipality and later will extend from the state and from all youth agencies ing — Manufacturing Concern Will were served through the Princeton “Y” 133, ^nd Bertrand L. Gulick, Jr., Re­ Start W ith Twenty Employees. inite increase in business over last year Adelphia, Monmouth County, to Cheese- publican, 26,404. and a larger net worth. For the peri­ quake, Middlesex County. The section headquarters, acting for the Princeton od of January 1 to October 9 the in­ University Athletic Association. About An upholstery factory will begin op­ in the bidding is from Route 33. the LOCAL RETURNS come from operations exceeded $285,- Trenton-Asbury Park highway, at one-third of the boys were from Y. M. Registered ............ 761 729 erations this month in the Silvers build­ 660 000. W.
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