DOCUMENT RESUME .ED 237 767 CE 037 810 TITLE Hearings:okJOb Creation. Proposals. Hearings before . the .SubcomMittee on Employment Opportunities of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of . *Representatives', Ninety-Eighth Congress,'Fikst Session on H.R. 116,' 777,Ai.R. .1036, H.R. 1046, And H:R. 060 (New York,'New.York, February28; -WashingtOn DC:March 3, /7, and 17, 1983L.', ,INSTITUTION' -Colgress of tihe U.S.07AShington, Dib. House Committeeon'Education.And Labor. PUB DATE 83 . 7 NOTE 586p. ;, Not available in paper copy due to small type PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) -- .7-VieWpOints (120) , EDRS PRICE MF03 Plus Postage./PC Not Available from EDRS, DESCRIPTORS Ouilding Trades; *Community Development; Construction Programs,; *Dislocated Workers; Educational Legislation; *EmployMent OppoitunitieS; Employment Problems; *Employment Programs; Federal Legislation; Hearings;\job bevelopMent;.Neighborhood Improvement; POlicy Formati nr Poverty Areas; PubliC.Policy; Public Service Occupations; Repair; *Unemployment; ban ,Areas .IDENTIFIERS Con resS 98t *High Unemployment Areas; Proposed _ Legislation t ABSTRACT I / 1 These Congressional hearingsContainontain testimony on five bills' that are designed to Provide employment Opportunities to long-term unemployment'ihdividuals in high unemployment areas through projects to, repa-ir and rienovate vi \tally needed community facilities. Included among thbse agencies and, crganizaticins represented at the hearings/.were the 'following: the Children's Defense Fund; Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation0he, Division of,School Buildings of.the'New York City /Board of Educat\ion4 Dade County Public Schools in Miami, Florida; the American Federation of Labor-Congress.of rndustrialOrganizations; the. Cherokee Ipdians;.thp Associated General Contractors' of America;othe Center for Poricy'Stuaies; the New York City Depa4tment of-EmprOyment;'the Uni$ed Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America; the Bureau of Social .Science Research; Jobs i, Energy; the National\Association of,Counties; and the #hiladelphia. Unemployment Project. The texts of- each of the five bills are alsppncluded in this volume.\ (MN) 0 * * * * * * * * *7/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * N .. * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * -T from the original document. 44. -* *******/****-************************************************4***********/ ,7, / HEARINGS ON JOB 'CREATION PROPOSALS reN HEARINGS (N) BEPO'RE THE 4.; SUBCOMMITTEE ON "EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 5, OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND ,LABOR. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION xs H.R. 116,.R. 777, H.R.. 1036;H.V..1046,and H.R. 1060 TO PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO LONG-TERM uripm- PLOY1VIENT INDIVIDUALS IN HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT AREAS IN PROJ- ECTQ TO REPAIR AND RENOVATE VITALLY NEEDED COMMUNITY' FACILITIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES t . HEARINGS HELD IN NEW YORK, N.Y., ON FEBRUARY 28; WASHINGTON, D.C., MARCH' 3, 7, and 17, 1983 Printed forthe use of the Committeeon Education arid Labor U.S.DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDI(' ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has beim reproduced as received/ from the person or organization,. originating it. Minor changes have been made to Imptove - . reproduction quality, . Points of view or opinions stated this docu.- merit do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 0 WASHINGTON : 1983 t.; so` COMMITTEE ON spuCATION ANP LABOR CARL D. PERKINS,Kentucky, Chairman . AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Illinois WILLIAM F. FORD, Michigan JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont PHILLIP BURTON, California WILLIAM F GOODLING, Pennsylvania JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania E. THOMAq0LEMAN, Missouri WILLIAM (BILL)CLAY, Missouri ° THOMAS E.DFRI, Wisconsin MARIO BIAGGI, New York MARGE ROUKEMA, New 'Jel-sey IKE ANDREWS, North Carolina -LARRY E. CRAIGoIdaho PAUL SIMONIllinois STEVE GUNDEEVN, Wisconsin GEORGE} MILLER, California . STEVE BARTLETT, Texas AUSTIN J. MliRRHY, Pennsylvania RON PACKARD4California AR CORRADA, Puerto Ricoco (Vacancies) BALT,DALE KILDEE, Michigan PAT, ILLIAMS, Montana RAY KOGOVSEK, Colorado HAROLD WASHINGTON, Illinois MATTHEW G. MARTINF, California 0 MAJOR R. OWENS, NewVork 1 FRANK HARRISON, Pennsylvania FREDERICK C. BOUCHER, Virginia (Vacancy) SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California, Chairman WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, Missouri JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Illinois /PAUL SIMON, Illinois LARRY E. CRAIG, Idaho HAROLD WASHINGTON, Illinois STEVE GUNDERSON, Wisconsin Am M4TT'HEW G. MART.INEZ, California WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvalffa MARIO BIAGGI, New York E. THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri PAT WILLIAMS, Montana THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin 0 RAY.KOGOVSEK, Colorado STEVE BARTLETT, Texas MAJOR R. dWENS, New York (Vacancy) FRANK HARRISON, Pennsylvania CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky (Ex officio) d' (Vacancy) - . Rearing Page , - New York, N.Y.., February 28, 1983 1 .°Washington, D.C. on ...--., March 3, 1983 4175 . Nara' 7, 1,983' '.". March 17, 1983 , 377 455 , Text of H R 116 . , , , t Text of H.R. 777 2 Text of HR. 1036 23 - 29 Text of H.R. 1046-- ,, Text of H.R: 1060 52 - . h 72/ Statement of: - . , Blank, Helen, Children's DefenseFundWashington;,- D.0 Blum, Barbara, -president, Manpower 244 / New York Demonstration -Research ,Corp., 12 Bourg, John, ma p Joliet, Ill 3 3 'Borg, Nicholas, executive director,,Division of School Buildings, New ' , York City Board of Education . ),Britton, Leonard, suPerintendent; Dade 36- Fla County Public, Schools, Miami,- * 218' Delbello,, Hon. Alfred, Liebtenant Governor, NewYork ., 82 Donohue, Thomas, secretary- treasurer, .AFL-CIO, Washington, D,C., ac- : dompanied by Ray Denison, director,-Legislative Department, AFL' CIO; `end Rudy Osikald, chairman,Economic Affairs Departme t, AFL-CIO, , / "Driver, Myrtle, Cherokee Indians, 486' Cherokee, N.0 L 196 Fay, Robert B., president andtreasurer, Joseph B. Fay, Inc., Pittsbu gh, 'Pa., accompanied by John A. Hefner, associate ,...) .-- director, !Tian. ,wer .. and training iiefvices, Associated GeneralContractors of Arica; and Christopher Erig,quist, associatedirector,Associated G ncral , Contractors of America. Fedo, John, mayor, Duluth,,Minn. 456 381 -levitan,'Sar, director, Center forBotial Policy Studies ° , 410 Lindberg, Mark, counselor, Eugene,Oreg ..- Loughlin, Ernest, Camden County, N.J , Ronald T.; commissioner,-Department 'ofEmployment New. e City Nor; .100' 'Houston, Carolyn, Washington; D.0. 199 ,. Kane, James, president,., United Electrical, Ri4oand Mac lir Woera of America / ,..... Melucci, Kathledn - 117 Martin; Hon, Lynn, a Repfesentative in .120._ Illinois ,Congress frv;m theI.,,QC --)177 ' 1 1' ' Mtrengoff, William, senior researchassociate, Bureau ofi ial Science . Research, Washington, D:C., accompaniedby Lester Ain ler:Bureau , of Social ScienceResearch' / Morgan-Hubbard, Margaret,. director, Jobs 345 f in Energy, Wash' gtol, D.C...., 262 Norwood, Fannie ,... 7 pastor. Ed, county supervisor, Maricopa County,/Ariz., 120 accompanied by . Patricia Craig, humanresources director, National Association of Counties ,-I, / 1 Persky, Trudy, representing Philadelphia 211 Unemployment Project 198 (111) _ - Iv- Statement of:Continued 4 . Page Ridings, DopátEy S.,'president, League of WomenVoters of the United States,companied by Geri Palest, assistant director oflegislation, ServiceniTtlo ees International Union; Nanine Meiklejohn,assist- ant director of legislation, American Federationof State,. County & ; . Municipal Fmployees; and Vikki Qregory, codirector,Woman's Work Force, Wider Opportunities for Women 534 Sawyer, Hon. Thoinas C., State representative,, Akron,Ohio, vice chair- Job Training, National , 'man, Policy Committee on Education and Conference of State Legislatures 446 Scheppach, Raymond C., executive director, NationalGovernors' Associ- ation , 441 Sherman, ArnoM, executive director, Camp Fire,Inc., Kansas City, Mo , representing the National Collaboration of Youth 567 Taggart, Robert, president, Remediption and TrainingInstitute 414 Takaki, Melvin, mayor, Pueblo, Colo 393 Whitehurst,'Dan, mayor, Fresno, Calif 397 Wilson, Hal, vice chairman, Rural Coalition, Washington,D.0 268 Wray, Peter, Baltimore, Md. 194 Prepared statements, letters, supplementals, etc.: Arnbach, Gordon M., president of the University of theState of New York, and commission of education; prepared statementof 161 ' State of New, , Biaggi, Hon. Mario, a. Representative in Congress from the York, prepared statement of ' Blank, Helen, C ildren's Defense Fun, Washington, D.C.,prepared state- ment of 249 resident, Manpower Demonstration Research Corpo- Blum, Barbara 11., 126 . ration, prepsprepard statement of Borg, Nicholas,, executive director, Division ofSchool Buildings, New York City Boai4 of Education,. prepared statementof 160 Bourg, John, mayor, ity of Joliet, ill.: Interoffice Mentorandum, dated April, 29, 1982 392 386 ,, Prepared statement of Britton, Lenard, superintendent, of schools, DadeCounty Public Schools, Mani, Fla.: , Prepared statement of 222 "The Maintenance Gap: Deferred Repair and Renovationin the Na- tion's Elementary and Secondary Schools," January 1983, a joint 230 . report Commuctity,Council of Greaterell York: A statement on employment d training legislation: 142 "Youth Employment
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