Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 30(1), 30(1), 2020, 2020 46-54 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v30i1.22442 ETHNIC CHINESE DURING THE NEW ORDER: TEACHING MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT FOR HISTORY LEARNING BASED ON MULTICULTURALISM Hendra Kurniawan Department of History Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University ABSTRACT ABSTRAK The history of Indonesian Chinese society is Sejarah masyarakat Tionghoa Indonesia still rarely studied in history learning at school. masih jarang dikaji dalam pembelajaran se- One of them concerns the discriminatory treat- jarah di sekolah. Salah satunya mengenai per- ment of them during the New Order era. This lakuan diskriminatif terhadap mereka pada article aimed to describe discriminatory poli- masa Orde Baru. Maka penelitian ini ber- cies against ethnic Chinese during the New tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kebijakan Order era, to present it as a history teaching diskriminatif terhadap etnis Tionghoa selama material, and to elaborate on the importance Orde Baru, menyajikannya sebagai bahan ajar of studying it for the younger people. This re- sejarah, dan menguraikan arti penting search used historical and qualitative descrip- mempelajarinya bagi generasi muda. tive method using literature. The result Penelitian ini menggunakan metode historis showed that (1) Ethnic Chinese in the New dan kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi pustaka. Order era received discriminatory treatment in Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Etnis various sectors. It was a violation of human Tionghoa pada masa Orde Baru menerima rights and susceptible to trigger conflict. (2) perlakuan diskriminatif di berbagai sektor. Hal The study of the Chinese people can be served itu merupakan pelanggaran atas hak asasi as a history teaching material in the subject of manusia dan terbukti rentan konflik. (2) Studi the New Order era. (3) Teaching materials tentang dinamika masyarakat Tionghoa terse- development is expected to be used to create but dapat disajikan sebagai bahan ajar sejarah awareness of multiculturalism through history pada pokok bahasan masa Orde Baru. (3) teaching. Kajian tersebut diharapkan dapat menciptakan kesadaran multikulturalisme melalui pembela- Keywords: Chinese, New Order, history jaran sejarah. teaching materials, multiculturalism Kata kunci: Tionghoa, Orde Baru, bahan ajar sejarah, multikulturalisme Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 46 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 30(1), 2020 INTRODUCTION work, discrimination is defined as the dif- During the New Order, the government ference in treatment to fellow citizens issued assimilation policies to solve the based on skin color, race, ethnicity, eco- Chinese problem. These policies abol- nomics, religion, and so on. Discrimina- ished all aspects of Chinese community tion became a severe problem when the life to be equal to any other. Cultural free- discrimination practice against citizens dom restrained, moreover, the political was legalized through various legislations opportunity was just a dream. The Chi- and policies. It is a violation of human nese community was treated as a second- rights and humanitarian principles. class citizen with a variety of discrimina- This discrimination practice had tory policies. become populist policies and systemati- Policies applied by the New Order cally since the Dutch colonial period. government had put the Chinese society Through Article 163 Indische Staatsregel- in a full dilemma position. Some of them ling Wet van 2 September 1854, Ned. S. were being tended exclusively because 1854-2, 1855-2 S. jo. 1, residents of the they had financial ability above average. Dutch East Indies were divided into three This condition triggered social inequality groups, namely: (1) Europe and the Neth- chasm. When tragedy erupted in 1998 erlands group, (2) Foreign Easterners due to the prolonged financial crisis, the group, including Chinese, Arabic, and Chinese community was subjected to India, and (3) bumiputera group mass amok. Surely it wasn’t solely for (Verdiansyah, 2007, p. viii). Their place economic reasons only, but also socially was also isolated, so the Chinatown ap- politically, the Chinese community peared (Onghokham, 2008, p. 2). placed as a foreigner (outsider). Ironically this colonial's model poli- Linguistically, the term Tionghoa cies were re-applied by the New Order and Tiongkok are Indonesia typical terms. government even in more diverse dimen- Tionghoa means China’s people or Chi- sions and institutionalized. Of course, it nese, and Tiongkok means China's state violated various provisions that regulate (Mahfud, 2013, p. 51). ‘China’ term was the democratic life embodied in Pancasila used in the colonial period to humiliate and the 1945 Constitution. The New Or- and insult the Chinese community. Dur- der success in creating a stable socio- ing the New Order, ‘China’ term used political and economic development, but was expected to reduce or remove the su- many controversial policies appeared. perior and inferior feeling among Chinese One of them was the discrimination prac- and natives. This policy resulted in the tice against ethnic Chinese. The closeness psychosocial and discriminatory impacts between the rulers and Chinese business- on social relations. people in this period tended to put the Every Chinese person who had de- Chinese as an economic tool for personal clared themselves to be an Indonesian interest. citizen (WNI) ought to be automatically New Order was the government entered into the Indonesian society under the President Suharto leadership (Mahfud, 2013, p. 50). They also blend that lasted from 1967 to 1998. In the post- with the natives, even do intermarriage. It 1965 incident, Indonesia entered a new shows that the Chinese is equal to the stage. PKI that was accused of being the other tribe or ethnic groups who also mastermind of the tragedy were extermi- form this country. Thus it is proper if the nated. This extermination ended with the Chinese community obtain the same dismissal of peoples in President Soekar- rights as other citizens. no's inner circle. Since then, Suharto ap- The discrimination practice against peared as the new leader that reinforced minorities is challenging to be ended. Ac- his position through Surat Perintah 11 cording to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Maret 1966 (Supersemar). (KBBI)/Indonesia Dictionary in the net- 47 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 30(1), 2020 Various dynamics experienced by Multicultural education can be in- the Chinese community in the New Order terpreted as an education for people of should be appointed in learning at school. color (Banks & Banks, 2005, p. 3). It It is crucial for the younger generations. wants to explore difference as a necessity They can learn from history so that the (grace of God) and respond to it by full- discriminatory practices against minority tolerant and egalitarian spirit. Education- groups are not repeated. All this time, the al space as a knowledge transformation study of Chinese community history in media (transfer of knowledge) should be the New Order has not been touched in a able to give the multiculturalism value curriculum of history subject. In this dem- through appreciating and respecting the ocratic era, teaching materials develop- diverse realities (plural), both background ment had to be done to disseminate stu- and socio-cultural basis. dents' critical thinking skills. Therefore this study examines the Article 4 Paragraph (1) of Law discrimination practice against ethnic Number 20 Year 2003 about the National Chinese in the New Order as a history Education System, confirmed that the teaching materials development, especial- teaching materials development is also ly in high school. Hopefully, through made on the basic education that is demo- these materials, students can understand cratic, justice, and not discriminatory by the reality of pluralism led to the inculca- upholding the human rights, religious val- tion of multiculturalism value. The devel- ues, cultural values, and pluralistic na- opment of appreciating and respecting tion. Associated to history teaching mate- differences will increasingly develop a rials development, Djoko Suryo also ex- sense of tolerance that began to fade. plains that the history materials should be The aim of this study was (1) to started from some subjects of study describe various discriminatory policies (Aman, 2011, pp. 97–98). One of them is against ethnic Chinese in the New Order; the social history or history of society (2) to prepare history learning materials; (history from bellows) to complete the (3) outlines the importance of history dynamics overview and process of society learning based on multiculturalism. The development widely, entirely, and contin- result can be input for teachers in devel- uously. oping history teaching materials that can So that discriminatory practices open students' insight into the nation's didn’t recur, it needs multiculturalism diversity and the importance of full re- awareness in society. The most appropri- spect for multicultural values. Further- ate means to build multiculturalism more, it also can be proposed to the gov- awareness is education. So the teaching ernment in the History curriculum devel- material development about Chinese opment. community dynamics in the New Order is right to be given in history learning based
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