E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1996 No. 72 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was entries into the United States, and for which President Clinton spoke and called to order by the Speaker pro tem- other purposes,'' requests a conference highlighted the importance of the pore [Mr. COX of California]. with the House on the disagreeing Asian continent as well as the Pacific f votes of the two Houses thereon, and communities. In so doing he empha- appoints Mr. HATCH, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. sized the importance of active partici- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO GRASSLEY, Mr. KYL, Mr. SPECTER, Mr. pation of Asian Pacific-Americans in TEMPORE THURMOND, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. LEAHY, the United States and in all of their The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. SIMON, Mr. KOHL, and Mrs. FEIN- various activities, professionally, aca- fore the House the following commu- STEIN to be the conferees on the part of demically, in business and commerce, nication from the Speaker: the Senate. in international trade, and, in particu- WASHINGTON DC, f lar, in the Federal agencies and in the May 21, 1996. Federal Government and here in the I hereby designate the Honorable CHRIS- MORNING BUSINESS Congress in both the House and the TOPHER COX to act as Speaker pro tempore Senate. on this day. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- NEWT GINGRICH, ant to the order of the House of May 12, The March 1994 population of Asian Speaker of the House of Representatives. 1995, the Chair will now recognize Pacific-Americans is estimated at f Members from lists submitted by the nearly 9 million, and we account for majority and minority leaders for about 3 percent of America's popu- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE morning hour debates. The Chair will lation. It is a growing number, prob- A message from the Senate by Mr. alternate recognition between the par- ably the fastest growing ethnic group Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- ties, with each party limited to not to in the country. nounced that the Senate had passed exceed 30 minutes, and each Member So we take great delight in recogniz- with an amendment in which the con- except the majority and minority lead- ing the achievements of our constitu- currence of the House is requested, a er limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. encies throughout the United States, bill of the House of the following title: f their academic excellence and achieve- H.R. 3103. An act to amend the Internal ments spread over a wide variety of Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability ASIAN AND PACIFIC AMERICAN subject areas, most notably in math and continuity of health insurance coverage HERITAGE MONTH and science, where Asian and Pacific- in the group and individual markets, to com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Americans excel with great promi- bat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insur- nence. ance and health care delivery, to promote the Speaker's announced policy of May the use of medical savings accounts, to im- 12, 1995, the gentlewoman from Hawaii The history of Asian and Pacific prove access to long-term care services and [Mrs. MINK] is recognized during morn- Members of Congress is noteworthy. coverage, to simplify the administration of ing business for 5 minutes. There have been 17 Asian Pacific- health insurance, and for other purposes. Mrs. MINK of Hawaii. Mr. Speaker, I Americans elected to Congress fom 1903 The message also announced that take this opportunity this morning to to the present time. They included Chi- pursuant to the order of May 13, 1996, acknowledge a celebration that has nese, Chamorro, Asian Indian, Japa- the Senate insists upon its amendment been ongoing throughout the month of nese, Korean, native Hawaiian, and Sa- to the bill (H.R. 2202) ``An act to amend May, which is the month in which we moan. the Immigration and Nationality Act celebrate Asian and Pacific American The first Asian Pacific Member of to improve deterrence of illegal immi- Heritage Month. This is a part of the Congress came from Hawaii. We was a gration to the United States by in- permanent law which former Congress- native Hawaiian, Prince Jonah Kuhio creasing border patrol and investiga- man Frank Horton was successful ear- Kalanianaole, who represented the ter- tive personnel, by increasing penalties lier in establishing recognition for a ritory of Hawaii as a nonvoting dele- for alien smuggling and for document week each year. On his last year of gate from 1903 to 1922. He was respon- fraud, by reforming exclusion and de- service he was successful in having the sible for the enactment of our Hawai- portation law and procedures, by im- whole month designated as Asian and ian Homestead Act, which is a basic proving the verification system for eli- Pacific American Heritage Month. land tenure program which has made it gibility for employment, and through Just this past week we had the oppor- possible for many native Hawaiians to other measures, to reform the legal im- tunity of celebrating the Asian and Pa- acquire land to build their homes and migration system and facilitate legal cific American Institute banquet, at raise their families. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5301 H5302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 21, 1996 The first voting Asian and Pacific- CONGRESSIONAL ASIAN PACIFIC CAUCUS 12, 1995, the gentleman from Florida American Member of Congress was The Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus [Mr. CANADY] is recognized during Dalip Singh Saund of California, an im- was formed on May 16, 1994 to establish an morning business for 5 minutes. migrant from India who served in the organized effort within the Congress to advo- Mr. CANADY of Florida. Mr. Speak- House from 1957 to 1963. cate for the needs of Asian Pacific Ameri- er, yesterday was a sad day in our Na- cans. The first Asian Pacific-American tion's history. In one fell swoop, the Senator was Senator Hiram Leong Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus U.S. Supreme Court managed to seri- Executive Committee: Fong from Hawaii, who served from ously undermine our tradition of demo- Neil Abercrombie (HI±1)Ð66.5%. 1959 to 1976. cratic self-governance, and, at the Currently we have nine sitting Mem- Patsy T. Mink (HI±2)Ð57.0%. Nancy Pelosi (CA±8)Ð27.8%. same time, to deliver a harsh slap-in- bers of both the House and the Senate Robert Matsui (CA±5)Ð13.9%. the-face to all Americans who seek to that make up our congressional Asian Eni Faleomavaega (AS)Ð?. preserve traditional moral standards Pacific Caucus, which was formed on Robert Underwood (GU)Ð?. regarding homosexuality. I hope and May 16, 1994, to establish an effort in Sen. Daniel Inouye (HI)Ð55.6% (State of Hawaii). expect that American citizens share the Congress to cause other Members my sense of outrage at the Court's ac- of Congress perhaps to be more sen- Sen. Daniel Akaka (HI)Ð55.6% (State of Hawaii). tion. sitive and aware of Asian and Pacific- Sen. Patty Murray (WA)Ð5.7% (State of I'm referring to the Court's decision American issues within their own con- Washington). in the case of Romer versus Evans. The stituencies. New Member of Congressional Asian Pacific case involves an amendment to the The caucus idea came about from Caucus: Colorado State Constitution adopted in former Congressman Norm Mineta, and Tom Lantos (CA±12)Ð25.6%. 1992 by the citizens of that State. The he is to be congratulated for having Matthew Martinez (CA±31)Ð22.8%. amendment, known as amendment 2, put in the effort to organize this cau- Xavier Becerra (CA±30)Ð21.2%. would have prevented the State or any cus. Zoe Lofgren (CA±16)Ð21.1%. The Member of the House of Rep- Nydia Vela zquez (NY±12)Ð19.6%. of its political subdivisions from enact- resentatives who has the most Asian Pete Stark (CA±13)Ð19.4%. ing, adopting, or enforcing any law Ronald Dellums (CA±9)Ð15.6%. and Pacific Members is Congressman granting homosexuals protected status Bob Filner (CA±50)Ð14.8%. or other preferential treatment. NEIL ABERCROMBIE from the First Dis- Anna Eshoo (CA±14)Ð12.2%. trict in Hawaii, and his constituency is Lucille Roybal Allard (CA)Ð4.0%. Amendment 2 was adopted in response to the actions of several Colorado about 66.5 percent Asian Pacific. In my NOTABLE ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICANS cities that had adopted so-called gay own case, the second district, I have Asian Pacific Americans have made sig- about 57 percent Asian Pacific. The nificant contributions to the United States rights ordinances, which had added ho- gentlewoman from California [Ms. and the world in a variety of ways. In the mosexuals to the list of protected per- PELOSI] has the next highest at 27.8 arts, academia, business, sports, politics, sons under local antidiscrimination percent. Asians have reached the top of their field: laws. The other participant of our caucus I.M. Pei, the internationally renowned ar- By a 6-to-3 vote, the court yesterday chitect. who has been instrumental in leading ruled that amendment 2 violates the Samuel C.C. Ting who won the Nobel Prize equal protection clause of the U.S.
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