Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Upper Grande Ronde River Basin Union County, Oregon By E. R. HAMPTON and S. G. BROWN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PATER 1597 Prepared in cooperation with the Oregon State Engineer UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library has cataloged this publication as follows: Hampton, E. R. Geology and ground-water resources of the upper Grande Ronde River basin, Union County, Oregon, by E. R. Hamp­ ton and S. G. Brown. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963. v, 100 p. illus., maps, diagrs., tables. 24 cm. (U.S. Geological Sur­ vey. Water-supply paper 1597) Part of illustrative matter fold, in pocket. Prepared in cooperation with the Oregon State Engineer. Bibliography: p. 59. 1. Geology Oregon Union Co. 2. Water, Underground Oregon Union Co. 3. Water-supply Oregon Union Co. 4. Borings Ore­ gon Union Co. 5. Grande Ronde River basin. 6. Water Composi­ tion. I. Brown, Stuart G 1922- joint author. (Series) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 CONTENTS Page Abstract_ -____-_-__-----_____-________-__-__------____-_---__-__ 1 Introduction._____________________________________________________ 2 Purpose and scope of the investigation._____-___-_________------_ 2 Acknowledgments ____-_________-_________--_--__-_--__-__----- 2 Location and extent of the area___--__________--____-__-_------_ 3 Well-numbering system__________.___-________--________--_--_- 4 Geography of the area-______________________---_-___-___---__- 4 Climate.__---_---_______________________--_-___---___---- 4 Precipitation._________________________________________ 4 Temperature.. _ ________-______________----__-____---__ 8 Topography and drainage__________________________________ 8 The Grande Ronde Valley---___-------------_----_-_--- 9 The mountain uplands-_-------_---_-------_-_--------- 11 Geology of the area._-_-_--_____________________----_________------ 13 General description and relationship of the rock units______________ 13 Pre-Tertiary rocks___--______________________-_--_______----_-- 14 Metamorphic rocks______._______________--_____-_----_-_-- 14 Intrusive rocks._-.___________-___________-__-______----_-_ 15 Old gravels_______________________________________________ 17 Tertiary rocks.________________________________________________ 17 Andesitic volcanic rocks-____________-_____-_--___-_-_--_-_- 17 Columbia River basalt and associated volcanic rocks.__________ 20 Tertiary and Quaternary rocks.__--_________-_-__-_-_-___--__--- 23 Fanglomerate_ ____________________________________________ 23 Lacustrine deposits._______________________________________ 24 Fan alluvium.__-_________________._._...____.__.-.______- 25 Colluvium. _--_---_________-__._.___________________--__-- 26 Volcanic cone deposits. ________-_______----______-__--_---_ 26 Volcanic ash______________________________________________ 26 Recent stream alluvium.___________________________________ 26 Geologic structure. _-_______-_______________-___________---_--- 27 Folds.___----_---___________________-________________---_ 27 Faults..____----_-_____-_-________.____-_-___---.-----_- 29 Geologic history..__---_____-___-____-___.______-_________-_-_- 32 Ground-water resources.___________________________________________ 34 Occurrence of ground water..._____________ _____________________ 34 Source of ground water________-_________-_______-_____-_-._-- 35 Confined and unconfined ground water.__________________________ 35 Ground water in the alluvium_____-________-_--___--__--___--- 36 Lacustrine deposits.--_-__-_______-_---_-___-_-_--_____---- 37 Alluvial fans- _ ----_________-___-__.-______-__._-_.-__----_- 37 Colluvium_ _______________________________________________ 38 Ground water in the Columbia River basalt_____________________ 38 Chemical quality of ground water._________-.___-__-______--_--- 40 Hardness.________________________________________________ 40 Chloride, sulfate, and nitrate___________-_-_____-_-.-_----- 40 Minor constituents. ________________-______-_._____---_---- 41 Boron..-------_______-_______-___-_-.___-_-___-_----- 41 Fluoride_ __-__._-_.____-___._.__--__.-_._-_-_-_----- 41 Iron and manganese..________.._-_._._--___---_------- 41 m IV CONTENTS G round-water resources Continued Chemical quality of ground water Continued Page Suitability of the water for irrigation. __________ 41 Temperature. _ _ -__________-________-_-_---_-- 42 Fluctuations of water levels.. _ ______ _____ ____________ 44 Short-term fluctuations. ___________________________ 45 Long-term fluctuations. ________-_______-_-_----_-_ 50 Water-table maps. _____-_-_-___-_-___-_---_--_--- 52 Construction of wells___-_- ______ ____________-_-_---_-_ 53 Wells in the valley fill___ _ _______________-_-_------ 53 Wells in the Columbia River basalt. ________________ 55 Use of ground water and prospects for future development- 55 Municipal use______ ____________________-_-_-----_ 55 La Grande_ __--____-______-_--____--___---__ 56 Elgin. .__.___.......___.._...___.-_.._.__... 56 Union _ _______ ______________________________ 56 56 General considerations concerning ground water as a future source of supply ______________________________________________________ 57 References cited__ _________________________________________________ 59 Index. ___________________________________________________________ 97 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket] PLATE 1. Map of the upper Grande Ronde River basin shoving general features in the area studied. 2. Geologic map of western part of the upper Grande Pond'e River basin showing location of representative wells and springs. 3. Geologic map and sections of eastern part of the upper Grande Ronde River basin showing location of representative wells and springs. 4. Graphs showing long-term water-level fluctuations in well 3/38- 10B1, monthly average temperature and precipitation at La Grande, and monthly runoff of the Grande Ronde River. 5. Water-table map of the Grande Ronde Valley, November 1957. 6. Water-table map of the Grande Ronde Valley, February 1958. Page FIGURE 1. Map of Oregon showing area covered by this investigation- _ 3 2. Graphs showing precipitation for period of record and ac­ cumulated deviation from the base-period average at La Grande, Union, and Cove in the Grande F,onde Valley.___----____----__-------------_-----_------ 6 3. Graphs showing average monthly temperatures at La G~ande and average monthly precipitation at six stations in the upper Grande Ronde River basin_____________________ 7 4. View of Burger Butte and Mule Peak in the Wallowa Mountains. _______________--____------_-______----- 17 5. View of accordantly layered lava flows of the Columbia River basalt___________________-_-----__-_--___--_- 21 CONTENTS V Page FIGURE 6. View of bouldery gravel interbed in the Columbia River basalt.,.. -____-__________-___-..__--_-_._____ 22 7. Map of the upper Grande Ronde River basin si owing location of major structural features of the Columbia River basalt_______.__.__________....__ 28 8-9. Fault escarpments of the Grande Ronde Valley __________ 30 10. View of Mount Harris showing step-fault escarpments____ 31 11. Classification of irrigation waters.______________________ 43 12-14. Graphs showing short-term water-level fluctuations in observation wells in the upper Grande Ronde River basin _____________________________________________ 46 15. Graph showing long-term artesian-pressure fluctuations in well l/38-24Rl_______________.-___-___-__---_-__--- 49 16. Graphs showing long-term water-level fluctuations in observation wells 3/38-25B1 and 1/39-17L1 in the Grande Ronde Valley_______________________________ 51 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Records of representative wells in the upper Grande Ronde River basin _________________________________________________ 62 2. Drillers' logs of representative wells in the upper Grande Ronde River basin____________________________ _____________ 76 3. Representative springs in the upper Grande Ronde River basin. 93 4. Chemical analyses of water from wells and springs in the upper Grande Ronde River basin.____-___-_________-_-___-_-_. 95 GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF THE UPPER GRANDE RONDE RIVER BASIN, UNION COUNTY, OREGON By E. E. HAMPTON and S. G. BROWN ABSTRACT The upper Grande Ronde River basin is a 1,400-square-mile area in northeastern Oregon, between the Blue Mountains to the west and the Wallowa Mountains to the east. The area is drained by the Grande Ronde River, which flows northeast through this region and is tributary to the Snake River. The climate is generally moderate; temperature extremes recorded at La Grande are 22°F. below zero and 108°F. above. The average annual precipitation ranges from 13 to 20 inches in the Grande Ronfle Valley to more than 35 inches in the mountain highlands surrounding the valley. The topography of-the area is strongly controlled by the geologic struc­ tures, principally those related to block faulting. The terrain ranges from the nearly flat floors of the Grande Ronde and Indian Valleys, whose eleva­ tions are 2,600 to about 2.750 feet, to the mountainous uplands, w^tose average elevations are about 5,000 feet and which have local prominences exceeding 6,500 feet. The rocks in the upper Grande Ronde River basin, from oldest to youngest, are metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age; igneous masses of diorite and granodiorite that intruded the
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