Product List Effective December I, 1983 Packed with more value for business Altos Business Systems Altos 580 Series The ALTOS® 580 Series of 5 1/4' '-based multi-user 8-bit microcomputer systems come with the MP/ M II operating system and can support concurrent workstations and printers. 1/0 Ports RAM Suggested Model No. Users Ser Par Memory CPU Disks List Price 580-20 1-3 4 1 192Kb Z80A, 4 MHz Floppy 1 Mb, Winchester 19 Mb, 85 msec $4 ,990 580-40 1-3 4 1 192Kb Z80A, 4 MHz Floppy 1 Mb, Winchester 42 Mb, 45 msec 6 ,990 Altos 586 Series The 586 Business Computers are a multi-user series of powerful 16-bit microcomputers supporting multiple workstations and printers. The Series includes one Altos II terminal plus a 10-foot cable and XENIX Run Time Operating System. This Series supports upgrade capabilities including a second 5 1/i " 42Mb disk add on , an additional 512K RAM, advanced networking features as well as additional terminal support. 1/0 Ports RAM Suggested Model No. Users Ser Par Memory CPU Disks List Price S586-20 1-5 6 - 512Kb 8086, 10 MHz Floppy 1 Mb, Winchester 19 Mb, 85 msec $8 ,990 S586-40 1-5 6 - 512Kb 8086, 10 MHz Floppy 1 Mb, Winchester 42 Mb, 45 msec 10 ,990 .9 9'5k> Altos 986 Series The Series 986 is a high performance multi-user microcomputer system supports many business solutions offered through the ASAP program. designed for supporting large numbers of workstations and printers. (See listing in software sections.) The Series 986 also supports The 986 comes with one Altos 11 terminal plus a 10-foot cable additional upgrade features, including a second 5 1!4 " 42Mb disk, and XENIX Run Time Operating System. Like the 586 Series, the 986 advanced networking capabilities, and additional terminals. 1/0 Ports RAM Suggested Model No. Users Ser I Par Memory CPU Disks List Price S986-40 1-9 10 I - 1 Mb 8086, 10 MHz Floppy 1 Mb, Winchester 42 Mb, 45 msec $12,990 Altos II Terminal The Altos II Terminal is a compact, state-of-the-art intelligent terminal that combines high performance at low cost utilizing a 14" screen and 16/ 32 programmable function keys. Each terminal comes with a 10-foot cable. Suggested Model No. Protocol Screen Characteristics Keyboard List Price Altos II ANS 3.64 14 ", tiltable, green phosphor Detached $995 WorkNet WorkNet™ is a low cost local area networking product which allows up maximum distance of 500 feet through a twisted pair cable. Hardware to 30 16-bit Altos XENIX-based systems to communicate and share for establishing this network is provided by the COMM-1 Cabling Kit. resources. Completely transparent, WorkNet makes all data appear as a The COMM-1 Cabling Kit includes two connec~ors , two terminators and single file system. WorkNet can integrate 586 and 986 systems, up to a one 50-foot cable, and is required for every two computer systems. Suggested Model Cabling Type Speed Distance List Price WNET™ (Software) - 900 KBits 500 feet max. $250/ Network COMM-1 (Cabling Kit) RS-422 900 KBits 50-foot cable $150/ Kit Note: Storage capacities of floppy disk and Winchester Disks denotes unformatted capacities. Software Altos Software Availability Program-ASAP ASAP™ provides high quality XENI X-based application software to meet computers. These software packages are all XENIX-based applications. many business needs. Specializing in vertical applications, ASAP also For a complete description of th e packages listed below, re fer to your provides languages, productivity tools, and programming aids to help ASAP handbook product specifi cation sheets. In order to provide the meet the needs of growing business e nvironment.The software listed highest l evel of support, Altos has established relationships with below i s compatible with both the Altos 586 and 986 Seri es. of business development vendors for direct dealer support. I. IN DUSTRY APPLI CATI ONS Suggested Industry Manufac turer Prod uct Name Li st Price Application G enerato rs Ca pro Pro IV'" + Client Accounting Orion Software, Inc . G lows'" $3 .500 TCS Software CLS'" + Constructi o n M anagement Pro -Mati o n Contractors' Edge'" 995 ' Job Costing Dental Artifi c ial Intelligence, Inc. PAS-3'" Dental 995 Di stribution MCBA Di strib ution System 900 ' Ins ura nce Advanced Business Systems, In c . EA SY POST'" 3,600 Magazin e C irc ul ati on Systems NM I, Inc. Magazine C irc ulati o n F ulfi llment 1.495 Manufacturing Mic roman uf actu ring Manufacturing Control System 2,500' NM I, Inc . Specialt y Manufacturing System 1.495 MCBA Manufacturing System 1,500 ' Med ica l Clinical D ata Design, Inc . MDX'" 3,000 ' A rtific ial Intelligence. Inc . PAS-3'" Medical 995 Munic ipa l G overnment The Computer Center MUN IS-BASE'" 5.000' Personnel M anagement NMI, Inc . Personnel Sea rc her'" 1,495 Sales Management NMI, In c. Custo mer P rofile' " 995 II. GENERAL BUS INESS APPLICATI ONS Suggested Industry Manufacturer Pro duct Name Li st Price Accou nting Altos Computer Systems Altos Accountant' $2.995 (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General L edger, Includes: Seven (7) module Payroll , Sa les Order P rocessin g , accounting system, Computer Jo b Cost, Inventory) Tuto r, Altos Busin ess Basic 111. In d ividual m odules 650/ mod ul e (Bu siness Basic Ill must be ordered se parately.) MBSI Rea lWo rld'" A ccounting 65 0/ module Si x (6) module accou nting system. NMI , Inc . Complete Accounting 1.955 Science Management Corp. Thoroughb red'" Account ing 595/ mod ule Six (6) mod ule accounti ng system. Ill. OFF ICE PR ODUCTIVI TY SOFTWAR E Suggested Industry Manufa cturer Product Li st Price Bundled V alues Altos Co m puter Systems Exec utive Fina nc ial Planner (Mu ltiplan'" from Mic rosoft Corp.) a nd Wo rd Processor* $495 Al tos Computer Systems AB S-86 Altos Business Solutions 3,990 Includes: seven m odule Al tos Accountant w ith Computer Tuto r. Altos Executive Word Processor and Financ ial Pl anner p lus XENI X Exten ded Utiliti es, Al tos Business Shell and Altos Business Basic Ill. Data Base Management Altos Computer Systems lnfo rmi x'" X.€.'"l"li-- 995 ) C- ISAM'" (fi le m anager) 450 \L-0 Science Management Co rp. IDO L® 595 Unify Corp. Un ify'" Co rp. 1,400 Spreadsheet Altos Com puter Systems Altos Exec ut ive Financial P la nner (Multi plan )* 295 Word Processi ng A ltos Computer System s Altos Executive Word Processor· 295 Softest I nc. Lex 86'" 750 *Also ava ilable fo r Altos 580 Series fo r sa me price o perati ng under MP/ M II Operatin g System except fo r Altos Accountant, w hich retails fo r $2,495 and inc ludes B l-280 and is not available in individ ual modules. 'Add itional m odules available. For description and individ ual pri c ing c onsult A SAP handb ook. +See A SAP schedule. Systems Software 8-BIT 16-BIT OPERATING SYSTEMS Manufacturer Series 580 Series 586 or 986 MP/ M II™ Digital Research, Inc. $500 - MP/ M-86'" Digital Research , Inc. - $650 OASIS (multi-user) Phase One Systems, Inc . 850 - XENIX'" Microsoft Corp. (under license - 995 RUN TIME from Western Electric) XENI X DEVELOPMENT Includes XENI X RUN TIME, - 1,995 UTILITIES C Compiler, MS-Fortran & major development utilities XENI X EXTENDED Full deve lopment utilities - 1,000 UTILITIES UPGRADE less XENIX RUN TIME LANGUAGES MP/ M II MP/M-86 XENIX Bl-280'" Business Basic II $495 -- - Altos Business Basic 111 - - $495 CBASIC'" 200 - - CBASIC-86 '" - $600 - CBASIC-16'" - - 750 CB-80'" 500 - - MICROSOFT BASIC'" 350 - - MICROSOFT BASIC COMPILER'" 395 - 750 MICROSOFT BASIC-86'" - 600 500 MICROSOFT COBOL'" 750 - 750 R/ M COBOL'" 750 995 995 R/ M COBOL'" (RUN TIME ONLY) 275 400 400 C IS COBOL'" 850 850 - Level II CIS COBOL'" - - 1,600 MT + PASCAL'" 475 600 - MICROSOFT PASCAL-86'" - 750 750 MICROSOFT FORTRAN-80'" 500 - - MICROSOFT FORTRAN-86'" - 750 750 SOFTBOL'" COMPILER (D IBO L II '" COMPATIBLE) - - 400 16-BIT COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE 8-BIT XENIX only ASYNC-Altos Asynchronous Communications Package $150 SYNC- Altos 3780 IBM BiSynchronous Package 500 $500 ALTOS 3270/ 3276 - 1BM Cluster Terminal Controller/ Emulator 750 750 *Note that XENI X development system contains UCP and UUCP utilities. Upgrade Kits Suggested Model No. Description List Price MTU-4 Magnetic Tape Unit for 586 and 986 Product Series. Each MTU cassette stores 17 Mb unformatted. $2 ,995 MTU-6 Magnetic Tape Unit for 580 Product Series. Each MTU cassette stores 17 Mb unformatted. 2,995 U/ K-40-86 42 Mb Winchester add on for 586 and 986 Product Series. 4,490 RAM U/ K-2 512 Kb memory add on for 586 Product Series. 1,990 SPE-1 Serial Port Expansion Board. Provides 4 additional serial RS-232 ports for Series 586 products. 850 NOTE: A maximum of one additional Winchester disk drive may be added to each computer. (ALL<») Packed with more value for business COMPUTER SYSTEMS Canada .. ... .. .... ...... .. ..... .... .... (416) 864-0740 World Headquarters West Germany (European Headquarters) ........ (49) 89 853971 2641 Orchard Park Way, San Jose, California 95134 France ... .... ............................ .. (33-1) 772-2662 Telephone: (408) 946-6700 United Kingdom .............. ............... (44) 344 777911 Telex: 470642 ALTO UI or 3718648 ALTO UI NOTE: Prices. product offerings and availability are subject to c ha nge w ithout notice. ' 1983 Altos Computer Sy stems Printed in U.S .A . 12/ 83 486- 25 .
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