) -\ e EVELSTOKE ^LlsTID * 1 'f RAILWAY MfeN'S 'JOURNASiw. *}'-*: Vol XVII: NO. 7 REVELSTOKE B. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1903 $2 OO a Year in Advance Irish Guards Band Monday's Fire CAMPING AT The following ate a few opinions of INDIAN VILLAGE Firo broke out at S. McMahon's LOCATING BIG the British press legaiding the It ish blacksmith shop and cariiage works, THE CAVES Guaids' Band, which \\ ill appear here OBLITERATED First street, on Monday afternoon. TIMBER AREAS pn October Und :— The fire was flrst discovered jut»t underneath the floor of the becotid " An Ideal Military Band."—Biight- What Mr. John Sanderson, who on Times. Catastrophe on the Thompson storey and must have been burning Grand Trunk Pacific Report inside the wall for some timo befoie " Remarkable for Delicacy and —Huge) Landslide Dammed has Spent 44 Years in the breaking out. It is supposed to have Creates Excitement in Big Department Store B.'auty of Tone"-Sheffield Telegraph. Mountains df B. C, Thinks of River—Entire Village is Now oiigiuated from sparks igniting the Bend—District Overrun with Deutschman Caves. " One of the:best in the Biitish a Scene of Desolation. paper between the outer and inner army."—Tho Times. Timber Cruisers. On Monday evening Mr. John •San­ walls on the west side of the building. " Unsurpassed- in tone and pre­ SHENCE'S BRIDGE, Aug. 14.—An An alarm was speedily turned in, but SEATTLE, Aug. 14.—Believing that derson, Mis. Lund and Mrs. Hedstiom cision.—Pall Mall Gazette. Indian village which nestled at the eveiything was so diy and inflammable the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad will MENS - SUITS returned ftoin a three days'visit to foot of a mountain on the bunk of the build a branch through House Pass ia " A feature of tlie Irish Guards that by the time No. 2 brigade reached Thompson River a mile below Spences the famous Deutschman Caves near band conceits is the taste displayed in the scene, the whole upper storey was the Rockies to the north of Beaver- Biidge was overwhelmed Monday choosing the 'programme, the classic on fire. Notwithstanding this how­ mouth, timber speculators have plan­ Boss Peak. In conveisation.with a afternoon, Fifteen Indians lost their and tbe popular being most happily ever, the brigade did excellent woik ned a raid on the vast bodies of timber HEBAXD reporter Mr. Sanderson stat­ lives in the catastiophe, one of the combined.—Orchestral Times. in suppressing the H.UIIPS. The upper situated on Canoe cieek and the north ed thab his..visit to the caves was a most remarkable in the history of the storey was practically all buined and fork of the Columbia, in the neighbor­ West". one of the most pleasant of his life. considerable stock whkli was on hand hood of the l^ig Bend.districU , -SPORT. The side of the mountain on the George Nelson, who ai rived in Se­ "I have been in the mountains of also'destroyed. The total loss will opposite side of the liver fiom Sp»nces attle yestei day from a, cruise through British-Columbia for nearly _4 years amount to about $2300. There is $2000 Bridge, slipped into the liver. It came that section, states that the country* Men's- Light Summer - now," said Mr. Sanderson," "and I insurance on the building and $2000 j-THE BIFLE. down with a roar that could be heaid has been overrun with timber cruisers" have seen some beautiful valleys and on the stock, distributed as follows: Suits. - * a mile away. A tidal wave of im­ for the past few weeks and tbat many magnificent scenery, but I have never Shooting^ for*%a silver and bronze $1000 each in the Manitoba, Queen's, medal in each of the three classes will mense proportions wus the result. locations have been made during the Skeleton, in dark col- , seen anything that will begin to com­ Royal and New York Underwriters commence next Saturday among the This foam-crested wave, which present summer on the supposition ors. ' pare with the beauties of Cougar Val­ insurance companies, represented local­ members of Not 5l Company, B.M.H., swept- up the river more thiut two •that the line of the Giand Trunk Pa­ ley in which the Deutschman Caves ly by the Revelstoke Insurance best three df 'flve^ scores to count, miles, overwhelmed. the little "ndian cific w ill tap this rich timber belt. Mr. These were made to y are situated. There you have grand AgPncy. Mr. F. B. Lewis has been shooting to finish, third Saturday in village. Not a house remains to-day. Nelson estimates that fully 150 square_ sell at $15 a ^3. Jit. We rugged mountain scenery, flower beds October. The members are classed as Even the ferry, which the Indians appointed by the above companies as miles of 'timber lands will be located extending the whole length of the have(a few_ in odd sizes.' follows: 1„ **• "-Jr* " used to cross the 1 iver," was carried adjuster of the claims. on or before the end of this month. valley coveted with flowers, that can If you can find one to fit, „ upstream by the flood. The' raid was started with the early only be seen at the elevation at which First Class^Lieut. H. A. .Brown, The water rose between seventy and spring, and a large proportion of the you take it for the caves are situated. Then the can­ Lieut. R. SmitlvPnvates F.B. Fisher," B. Groover and,E.'Hanson. eighty feet. It came up almost a foot Opera House To-night . best timber has already been located, yons and natural bridges on the sur­ a minute after the flist wave. At one Second Class-J-Lieut. Dr. Morrison, ^ That stei ling attraction "Fabio Ro- but new cruiseis are continually face are alone well worth a^visit to time it was five feet over the railway Sergt. J. Donald, Corp. J. Holland, mani" will be seen at the Opeia House appearing in the district and by fall it see. '-' _ tracks at tbe opposite side of the river Cot p. H. Shardlow, PMvates T. Nel­ to night and should be welcomed by a is expected that., nearly all of the ' "The two lake's at the end of the from the point where slide occurred. son, A*. .OoomWs, R. Venables,' T. crowded house, having had a success­ timber will hav;e- been filed on by valley and just in the shadow of Griz­ One hundred Indians had just Hall, F. Leeming, B.W.B. Paget. - ti mber speculators." ^ ••& ful lecord of five yeats profitable ,A "Si zly Glacier are beautiful sheets „ of Thiid- Class—All other efficient quitted their church'^ building yester- In this section lies~bne bf the largest water," and some, day in the near day,aftei noon when the flood came. business. The play is, adapted from -fit members of the"Coin'pany." * «- Maiie Correlli's1 famous no.\el "The bodies of timber in tbe v, est^. Owing future you will see pleasure boats If it had occurred ten minutes earlier, to its location the timber is practically *' .- JHedals presented by 1st class, Lieut. ,Vendetta" and is the/Story of the du '•.ft skimming f its surface in all directions, all v would undoubtedly have been valueless at .this time, and* the face Dr. Morrisonr2iichclass, Lieut. H. A. plicity of a wifey-who^*has heen the , >? and," too, you may, have ""boat -races 1 killed or^ drowned. " „, that' <*_r. 1 1 BrownS 3id class, Lieut. R. Smith..: "- cauSe of her husband being buried there which-will attract" as much The following scoies were ma'de on Of the'fifteen who are dead,-six clo: LADIES'S WRAPPERS attention *as_,that sport now does for bodies bave been recovered, 'and five alive, but • the husband revives in the i t-1 -. 'r Saturday,: ^•£>* ^ "^ \ instance on" Toronto!Bay. ^The water others are likely_to-be pulled out of tomb and lives'to wreak vengeance on 1 Lieut. Biown.T84" Lieut. Smith.. 84 locations, is taken by them'"as an IY*""' 1 *-«..- Nice *,Print. in Fancy" Colors,-* also Black '•_Satee» n the false^wife and her lover. The com­ 1 in the lakes is as' clear as crystal, and Private Hall f.O 74 Pte. Bourne. ."48 the wreckage this afternoon. "" The indication "that actual"'c6ns*truction ' \JJ v, "- >" - -. .' '-'-• > '".,*t ... - - " ---••• , " pany carry"scenery for the entire pro­ you .will, have .."difficulty in locating . Drill will"" Be -held every Thursday bodies.of four will probably,nevetf be work on' the rditd is to be "commenced Wrappers. w"(.These lines arc well made and are serviceable duction and are. elegantly costumed. two" other, just as beautiful sheets of evening, commencing, to-night. The recovered, for they are of thiee men this year. When the road is built the *. - i ** - - i * The^scene, representing the eruption House* Dresses.;-"'p . -ifS' *-'-'" „< '" *~,;,/ r- >--••• , >> inspection'Ukes'place in October/-. and a'woman who were out fishing in line must run in close proximity to, glacier, water in this country. ~ ' . - i-i, ,-, K , '•- *' ' a boat, and'wh'o were caught with'the offrMt. yesuyius is„ said to.be onevof 5 -""The -two ladies and myself, 'with \. J. " "Zi BASEBALL ri „, -r-- . the immense'timber belt. ,. * „ J?* , I ] *. .^-^ . 1 r \l first crash of the flood.^, 'Jl' '. A .the most realistic, stage effects ever Mr. Deutschman*. as" guide,'made the MHST SEELTHESEL Fernie wq^the^glurball^tpurna-ment ipresented.-- A company has been se-„ ; S*,f i,- -• M. -, -• r - * * I f° - - -J ,, — ... ^Of-^the.1 thirteen ,,injured, four-are, ft 1 "p lftcorH^^etai'i^giR"ev6"iiie"% trip to _ the ^caves from the railway in at^C.ilgary-last .weelc>by defeating^the children.
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