Fraunhofer in Benediktbeuern Glassworks and Workshop Fraunhofer in Benediktbeuern Glassworks and Workshop Contents Dr. Wolfgang Jahn “He brought us closer to the stars.” The life of Joseph von Fraunhofer 4 Joseph von Fraunhofer Time line 16 Dr. Josef Kirmeier Research and production Glassworks and Optical Institute in Benediktbeuern 18 Pater Prof. Dr. Dr. Leo Weber Joseph von Utzschneider and Joseph von Fraunhofer at the former Benedictine monastery of Benediktbeuern, 1805 –1818 32 Christoph Mewes The exhibition: Glassworks and workshop 40 Carl R. Preyß Fraunhofer’s significance 44 References 47 Editorial notes 48 Joseph von Fraunhofer’s research in Joseph von Fraunhofer‘s workshop for The products that Fraunhofer manu- the field of optics was pioneering, leav- manufacturing optical instruments was factured in Benediktbeuern are now ing a lasting mark on this branch of on show in the Munich Stadtmuseum part of technology history. Yet the technology. His work earned him wide- (city museum) for many years. In 2008, combination of research, practical ap- spread acclaim among the scientific it was moved to the Benediktbeuern plications and an entrepreneurial community. Yet he also set new stan- glassworks. The fixtures also included approach is more important than ever dards as an inventor and entrepreneur. original grinding machinery along with in our globalized world. In this respect, protective masks to shield the glass- Joseph von Fraunhofer's work lives At the start of the 19th century, workers from the heat, as well as glass on in today's Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Fraunhofer‘s workplace – and as such samples and prisms. Anyone inter - the birthplace of the modern-day ested in discov ering the achievements glass industry – was in Benediktbeuern. of this brilliant researcher and entre- Holding responsibility for research preneur can now experience his work- and production, Fraunhofer turned the ing environment up close, all under local glassworks into a profitable busi- a single roof. ness. He managed to solve the major Hans-Jörg Bullinger technical problems surrounding glass We would like to thank the many President of the production in his day by understanding people that have been involved in the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft how to effectively bring together building and extension of the glass- three elements: Research, the conver- works museum. Particular thanks go to sion of research results into practical Mr. Carl R. Preyß, a founding member applications and the marketing of fin- of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. As ished products. the person behind the extension work, he has worked tirelessly to bring the Fraunhofer embraced this principle project to a successful conclusion. The most clearly with his refractors – large Benediktbeuern monastery provided astronomical telescopes whose lenses us with the new facilities, the Deutsches were a superb technical achievement Museum helped with expert advice, at the time. One of these telescopes, and the Munich Stadtmuseum donated made around 1820 in the workshop the exhibits. Particular support for the run by Fraunhofer and Utzschneider, extension work came from the spon- with a lens measuring 163 millimeters sors Dr. Rudolf Pesl from Unterhaching in diameter and a focal length of and the Sparkasse Bad Tölz-Wolfrats - 2.5 meters, now graces the foyer of hausen Foundation. Our special thanks the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft head - go not least to all the authors whose quarters in Munich. articles have turned this publication into a highly interesting source of infor- mation on Joseph von Fraunhofer, his achievements and his time. “He brought us closer to the stars.” The life of Joseph von Fraunhofer “He brought Dr. Wolfgang Jahn Thus the obituary published in the reports on Joseph von Fraunhofer, the “Kunst- und Gewerbeblatt des poly- hardships suffered during his childhood technischen Vereins für das Königreich and apprenticeship, his achievements Bayern”(art and commerce journal and his acclaimed success as a scientist of the polytechnic club for the Bavarian and entrepreneur. empire) in July 1826, when privy councilor Joseph von Utzschneider paid tribute to his long-standing business partner Joseph von Fraunhofer, who us closer had recently passed away. Early loss of parents Joseph Fraunhofer was born in Straub- ing on March 6, 1787, the youngest of eleven children of the glazier Franz Xaver Fraunhofer and his wife Anna Maria. The Fraunhofer family, originally from Miesbach, had been based in Straubing since the 18th century. For several generations the Fraunhofers had links to glass production; the grand- father and an uncle had been glaziers. Joseph most certainly worked in his father’s workshop. He was orphaned at the tender age The solar spectrum drawn by “Joseph von Fraunhofer is the man of 12, following the untimely death of Joseph von Fraunhofer. The that without ever having regularly at- both parents. In August 1799, his clearly discernible black absorp- tended school ... overcame all manner guardians sent Joseph to Munich to tion lines discovered by Fraunhofer are now known as of obstacles in his vocational training. work as an apprentice for the mirror Fraunhofer lines. (...) I hope this life story will inspire maker and decorative glass cutter, other young people to apply the same Philipp Anton Weichselberger. His ap- spirit, whatever their discipline, to prenticeship was marred by difficulties become an outstanding member of with his master, who prevented society. The following outlines Fraunhofer from reading up on science. Fraunhofer's progressive steps in train- ing, his impact on his business circles, and the wealth of useful knowl- edge he created for the good of mankind.” to the 4 Fraunhofer in Benediktbeuern The young Fraunhofer came into contact with prince-elector Maximilian IV Joseph by chance while being rescued from the ruins of his master’s house. An accident – favorable turn of fate Utzschneider had held influential posi- The remainder of his apprenticeship tions in the prince-elector‘s admin- through 1804 was fairly unremarkable. A tragic event in 1801 proved a de cisive istration before being suspended from Fraunhofer's endeavors to extend his turning point in Joseph Fraunhofer‘s public office in 1801. He nurtured theoretical and practical knowledge life. The apprentice was buried in the Fraunhofer's thirst for knowledge with in the field of optics are worthy of ruins of Weichselberger's house. The textbooks on mathematics and note. He used part of a donation from widespread public interest in the rescue optics: “In these books he found that a the prince-elector to buy an optical work – prince-elector Maximilian IV knowledge of pure mathematics was grinding machine. Meanwhile, he Joseph attended in person – brought absolutely essential to his studies; managed to put his lens-grinding skills Fraunhofer into contact with Joseph that is why he also started to study to practical use by working for an von Utzschneider,who would from then pure mathematics along with optics, optician. Fraunhofer remained Weich- on play an important role in his life. becoming familiar with most of its selberger‘s assistant through 1806, elements through optics”, Utzschneider after an initial attempt to set up writes in his obituary, claiming the in business printing visiting cards had credit for having discovered and ener- failed. getically nurtured the existing talents stars.” of the young Fraunhofer. Fraunhofer in Benediktbeuern 5 Fraunhofer turns optician The foundation of the Mathematical- Left: Mechanical Institute was a consquence Joseph von Fraunhofer, researcher, inventor and entrepreneur. Fraunhofer‘s and Utzschneider‘s paths of the increased need for optical in- Right: did not cross again until Utzschneider struments in fields such as ordinance Joseph von Utzschneider, one of made Fraunhofer an offer to join surveying and research in the natural Bavaria's first industrial entrepre- him and Liebherr as an optician at the sciences. Thus the intention from neurs. Reichenbach Mathematical-Mechan - the outset was to manufacture high- ical Institute in 1806. At the time, quality optical instruments. A distinct Fraunhofer had clearly already acquired lack of suitable glass posed a major a good reputation as an optician. An problem for production. Utzschneider examination lasting several days carried therefore devoted much of his energies out by Professor Ulrich Schiegg, who to pressing ahead with establishing had been a monk in the Ottobeuren his own manufacturing facility in the monastery before secularization and former Benediktbeuern Monastery, was now working as an astronomer and under the direction of the Swiss glass- ordinance surveyor, confirmed maker Pierre Louis Guinand. The Fraunhofer‘s talents. new role taken on by Fraunhofer in the glassworks in Benediktbeuern was to grind the glass produced under Guinand‘s direction. Aerial shot of the Benedikt- Although Fraunhofer was still answer- beuern monastery taken in 1921. able to Guinand for the time being, his extraordinary talents came to the fore in 1807 when he submitted his first scientific paper. Entitled “Über parabolische Spiegel und Beschreibung krummliniger Segmente ...” (On par a - bolic mirrors and the description of curvilinear segments ...), it examined theories aimed at improving the de- sign of reflecting telescopes. 6 Fraunhofer in Benediktbeuern Research for glass production Fraunhofer‘s most important task during these years was, however, his involvement in glass production and the processing of glass
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