TODAY’S NEWS TODAY Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties r of Aodit Don** •< VOL. XXnL NO. 281—6 CENTS. Pr- TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. TUESDAY. NO\’EMBER 12, 1040. OFFICIAL a n NEW SPAPEB HITLER AND MOLOTOV CONFER 52 Die as Early Bomb Assassins Kill Two Children Soviet, German Leaders ^ Winter Closes in OF Plot Future Course at On United States W.^SHIKQTON. Nov. 13 (U»-Ttie Meeting Held in Berlin supreme court today affirmed By FREDERICK C. OECnSNER I By United P m s naUv>^Mbor relations board order BERLIN, Nov. 12 (U.R)—Adolf Hitler received Soviet ' Snow and freezing tem p eratu res clamped mo3t of th e nation Inralidsflng a cV w l shiH) contract Visits Hitler Premier-Foreign Commissar Viacheslav M. Molotov “for a in a wintrj’ grip today as destructive gales which left at between an Atnerx-an PederaUon of Labor union and an tndiana cor- long conversation” at hia reichschancellcry this afternoon, * hast 52 persons dead in the midweat battered furiously at porauon In which the CIO Dnited the official German news agency D. N. B. reported. the-eastern aeaboard. Automobile Wortrrs rUimed a ma- The agency said Molotov and Hitler conferred in the pres­ W inter’s early invasion was the most severe in decades, Jonty of all pUni empJoyei. ence of German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. causing uncounted milftons of dollars’ property damage across AFL atton'.ej-s had told the court the case was of vital importance to It added Molotov wa^accompanied to Hitler’s headquarters a broad ‘belt of the central existence of all crali unloos, espe­ by M. Dekancsov, Soviet deputy foreign commissar. A de­ and southern sectors ih addi-> cially In those plants where tachment of elite storm troopers presented honors at the • tion to the hea\T toll of organlsatioQs compete with tarter arrival and departure of the visiting Rusaiatvs. \ human lives. IndiBCrtsl unions. i[G The InvaUdaied conuaet was be* Molotov arrived in B erlin a t I And th« lore* of Uie stonn—• tween the AFL InicmaUonal Assocl- 11 a. Ri. on a m ysterious mis­ terrWylng canpound of wind, snow aUon of Machlnt&u, which claimed sion that stirred speculation «ltd eoW—WM nol spent. P lflj- to repment tool it»m employes o l mll«HUi*hour winds tore at prop> in every world capital. Before FOR f o o d™ the Serrkk corporauon. Munde, R A N C e V O lG visiting Hitler he conferred erty iQ Engrand and the mkl> Ind.. a parts manufacturing planu die AtlanUe states u tenpenturcs with Ribbentrop. dropped to treeiins levels. Icy Na Lecal Pawrr He was met at the Anhalter rail­ oquaUs and snow pounded at the In another Isbv^sr ca.«« the supreme way sUUon by Ribbentrop: Field Rocky mountain re^on for the court ruM the NLRB has no lc«al S M S T Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief ol Uie fourth day. BUCHAREST. Rumania. Nov. 13 power to require Wagner act vio­ Balloting gets underway at 8 p. m. lators to reimbur» public relief German supreme command: Benin- cmly the southern Pacific coastal aU!>—Thousands of homeless pleaded today In four areas of Twin Falla rich Hlmmler. head of tho eecret for food and clothing today as of­ agencies fsv amounts paid to strikers coimty for election of AAA com­ ■re* escaped the ttorm's v n th . or workers lUecaU^r dLvharged. The police; Robert Ley, head of tbe which swept In fnxn Uie extrane ficials sought to obtain accurate esti­ munity committeemen and county Nail liibor front, and othen. mates of dead and Injured and dam­ decl5>:>n came tn a Republic Steel oonventton delegates, and voting In northwest five daya ago and hewed ca». one of the numet\>us UtlgaUbns Pageantry MtttfBg to » cceUy course southeasxerly. then age tn Rumania’s mosfdevastattog the other three areas wtU be staged The customary pageantrr was eartliquakc in more than a centiu7. growms out of the 'liUle steel strike’’ at the same lime Wednesday eve­ missing, however. Neither the An­ northeasterly ' across the naUoa— of 1«T. gparine only Isolated spots. The government sent bulldUig ning. Ralph Wilson, secretary of the halter staUon nor tbe eq\ure In material and army tents to the In a third ma}cir action the su­ county agricultural conservation as- front of It was decorated. Street*, CoaUnned OAA stricken areas and neighboring Bal­ preme court agreed to re\lew a kiw.v aoclaUon, said today. were barren of flags. A tlngle'swas- The U. S. weather bureau at Chi­ kan nations contributed to relief court declsMQ denying the govern- Date for the county convenUon' at tika. paired viUi tbe RusaUa bam- cago forecast continued cold, with funds. m eat the nght u> sue lor triple : which seven comn\unlty delegates mer and sickle banner, hung from .mow flumes and frosty winds In Early, unofficial estimates had damages under the anti-trust laws , wlU select the coun^ AAA commit­ the entrance to the raUwsy (ta- the north eetxtnl s^^tea. *Rw out­ placed the death toll at nearly l.OOO. for tassw alleged to haw resulted tee for 1041 wiU be set this after­ Ucin'8 itcepUon ball................... - ...... l e t ftlong th e^ w tetn ca«bo«id buLtoday thi. best cstl* Irom ^enUc»l Uds wibmlUed U noon ' at a session of the major Before entering an automobile, ndrth of tb* MaaoO'DUon Une was mate was 400 dead, 800 Injured. rubber Ure manulscturers on gov­ group, Wilson said. Molotov reviewed a guard of honor, ernment purchs5«s. Final declston lor s e w e coUa and taow<Udea Reports Indicated Camplna. Po> Beese Presides raising hla bat Instead of saluting. clouds, n u n lc t bad ctuted today lesU, Basau and Ptiscani, in the oil In the contJore^^y may have fij- The streeU nearby were cordoned reaching effect on go\-emment buy­ Wolter Reese, CBstleford, Is chair­ In thft aortbem points ot New Tort. district, had been hit hardest. AU man of the county committee which off by special etorm trooper* wear­ Tb« cold wM «Bdden as It «»a it* the quakes.-begUinlng early Bunday ing under the n:uhl-bilUon dollar P R » n E B V, U. MOLOTOV ing army field gray. A few epecU- deterj* prvcram. has supervised AAA proceedings y t n tad caii«M acrWultanl arou and continuing >-aterday morning during the past year. He was to ton craned their necks around the ott'cuud, tmvectUnc ttu l^ fiowtac rocked towns and villages Ui' the Brtags U gal Arttea troopers' shouldeta to t t t a view fa! The Serrtck cccporaUon had com­ preside at this afternoon’s session regtoos of Texaa and Camonte aad foothills of the Carpathian, motm-. A M nb attached te the antemoblle (above) ef Dr. E. H. Eebhani, for choice of a ttwnty oonventlen the visitor. — Uwrtoete-iiuuunyttd rp ag rw asr 'tUhs ior-were Tett V iieU cM of plied with the board'k order re^ulr- band ^ e d *Ttesrak bead, of tbe Scranton. Penn., department el health, killed hit sen, log that the firm cancd the con- PecWnpaugh date. Uan, }9, lower lefK-and his daaghUr, Lois, IT, In an expl«s)i«B thar tn c t and caase tefusing to lecopdie Community beltotlM »m ,ba iield iwcue i»otker» duj rockeft Scranton’s most fashionable neighborhood. Dr. K ebhm . le r ' tonight at Castfofafftf^nS^«cho<d: defTMS beto* to o with two tnchea Into the nilns of the 11-story Carle- the UAVTs Tfte A R . union braught __ _______________ • *or “DtfBtseh- whom tbe bomb was Intended, wss not in the. csr at the tte e el tbe tegal acttoo. chaUengtixg the board's Chosen Boss at the woman's buUdlng on t U fair­ of snow. ton aparunent bulkUng fof an esti- grounds at W et. for ranchers of the land Ueber AUes,* th« anthem< of mattd 300 bodies. 8U bodies already espteslon. power to nullify the contract and the two cotintrlcs. C«MlaWy«mla( (NEA Telepbeto) contending the board lacked erl- Filer area; at.Uurtaugh high school have b e u removed from tha build­ for Uiat end OL ttie county, and at Eeee^UoB CetnmHtce Cheyenne. Wyo, recorded three- ing. largest apartment house in the d«DC« to support Its de<T«e. At Cleveland The reception committee Included, A below sero. while It was two below CMtdMBs Oplaiaa Uie Hollister high'school for Sal­ ipital. , CLEVELAND. Nov. 13 (UR) — man tract ranchers. in addlUon to officials, the ambas­ W at Bismarck. N. D.. and within flte AuthorlUes, to prevent looting, The board hsd cancelled the Rofnr Thorpe Pecklnpaugh, one of sadors of CMna, Japan and Turkey tract on grounds the purported tool The Wednesday night voting will dtgrees of n ro throush the northern gave iron guard members and tlie baseball's greatest •hortatopa and .B held for Buhl ranchers In the and the Russian and Italian coun­ tier of autes from the Rockies to Gooding Prisoners Break rooon maiorii.y was not U>e rrntU of the man whom Cleveland Baseball selors. The Russian ambassador waa the areat Lakes. a tree choice of the workers. U as- Club Gainer Alva-Bradley fired In Rock hall at Buhl; for the Klmberly- on the traU) and the Italian ambas- ierted the company contlucted Hansen area. In Uie agriculture room Bvt the cold did not match the 1633 at "the public’s wish." was ra- at Ute Kimberly high school, snd ssdor was 111.
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