Appendix-4 Water Quality and Water Resources Survey

Appendix-4 Water Quality and Water Resources Survey

Appendix-4 Water Quality and Water Resources Survey Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Appendix 4 Water Quality and Water Resources Survey Chloride Silver Nitrate Titration Method Lead Method Barium Sulfate Turbidimetric Cold Vaper Atomic Absorption 㸯㸬Result of Water Quality Analysis for Water Supply Sulfate Mercury Method Spectrometric Method (1) Method of Water Quality Survey Ion-Selective Electrode Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Nitrate Arsenic Method Method with Hydride Technique In 4 cities, Butwal, Hetauda, Birgunj and Jankpur, JICA team conducted the water quality analysis of Eriochrome Cyanine R Ammonia Nesslerization Method Aluminum water source of NWSC and water taps etc. twice at dry season (from March to April) and at rainy season Spectrophotometric Method Ion-Selective Electrode Total Most Probable Number (MPN) Fluoride (August) at 6 points. Method Coliform Method Most Probable Number (MPN) Cyanide Colorimetric Method E. Coli JICA team conducted the water quality analysis on site in person. Besides JICA team took the samples Method and outsourced water quality analysis in accordance with Standard Methods to the accredited water laboratory in Kathmandu. Water analysis reports conducted by outsourcing (4 city × 6 points × 2 times = total 48 papers) are Water quality parameters for on-site analysis (12 parameters) and for water quality analysis in attached in APPENDIX, 1. Result of Water Quality Survey for Water Supply. laboratory (26 parameters) are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. In addition to the water analysis in the above 6 points, on-site water quality analysis on the water in the wells mainly used for drinking water was also conducted in 4 cities to survey the current situation Table 1 Parameter and Analysis Method for On-Site Analysis regarding the contamination by fecal coliform. (Conducted by JICA team) Parameter Analysis Method Parameter Analysis Method (2) Result of Water Quality Survey on Each City Reduction and Platinum Temperature Sensor 1) Butwal Water Naphthylethylenediamine Visual 㸦Including Multi Water Quality Nitrate Temperature Colorimetric Method Checker㸧 A-4-1 㸦PACKTEST㸧 4-Aminoantipyrin Visual Glass Electrode Method Including pH 㸦 Phosphate Colorimetric Method with Enzyme Multi Water Quality Checker㸧 㸦PACKTEST㸧 Polarographic Method㸦Including Total Simple Test Paper for Fecal Coliform DO Multi Water Quality Checker㸧 Coliform 㸦SUNCOLI No.6㸧 Four AC electrode method 㸦Including Fecal Simple Test Paper for Fecal Coliform EC Multi Water Quality Checker㸧 Coliform 㸦SUNCOLI No.6㸧 LED forward 30°transmission/scattering Turbidity method 㸦Including Multi Water Quality Color Visual Colorimetric Method Checker㸧 Indophenol Blue Visual Colorimetric Ammonia Odor Simple Sensory Test Method㸦PACKTEST㸧 Table2 Parameters and Analysis Methods for Analysis in Laboratory (Conducted by Outsourcing) Parameter Analysis Method Parameter Analysis Method pH Glass Electrode Method Calcium EDTA Titrimetric Method Light Transmission/Scattering Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Turbidity Iron Method Method Atomic Absorption Spectrometric EC Electrode Method Manganese Method Atomic Absorption Spectrometric TDS Filtration Method Zinc Method Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Light Transmission Method Copper Method Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Total Hardness EDTA Titrimetric Method Cadmium Method Residual Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Chlorine DPD Colorimetric Method Chromium Method (Free+Combined) 1 2 Supplemental explanation regarding water quality analysis result ࣭ Basically we studied water quality of each site except for nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate-nitrogen) and residual chlorine on the basis of the result of water quality analysis in laboratory, not on the basis of the result of on-site analysis. The reason is as follows: The Location where water quality survey was conducted is shown in Figure 1 and the result of water ࣭ On-site water quality analysis was conducted with simple method using potable water quality sensor while water quality analysis in laboratory was conducted by Standard Methods. Therefore the analysis value by water analysis in laboratory is generally more reliable. quality survey is shown in Table 3. ࣭ For example, on-site analysis of total coliform and E.Coli is conducted using simple test paper and is incubated at the room temperature without any temperature control while analysis in laboratory are incubated at the constant temperature in the incubator. Ramphadi reservoir ࣭ Regarding the nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate-nitrogen), the ammonia in sample No.2 and No.4 by analysis in laboratory is 0.1 mg/l or less while No.4: NWSC water source ammonia in these samples by on-site analysis is 0.2 mg/L or more. As the reason, it is thought that nitrification in the sample arose and ammonia was 㸦Tinau river, river water㸧 converted into nitrogen during the transfer of sample for approximately 1-2 days. So regarding the nitrogen, basically we will study the water quality on the basis of the result of on-site analysis. No.5: Water tap Inside NWSC 㸦 㸧 ࣭ Regarding residual chlorine at water tap, because analysis at laboratory was conducted after 1 or 2 days from at the sampling, the residual chlorine in 㸦Supplied from NWSC deep well㸧 the sample may be consumed by reacting with ammonia or organic mattes in the samples during the period. Therefore we will study the water quality on the basis of the result of on-site analysis ࣭ Regarding the mercury, according to the result of analysis by outsourcing to the laboratory, they are 0.001 mg/L or more at all 6 points at 4 cities, No.3: NWSC water source No.7: Other wells Nepal water quality standard. But because there are not any factories discharging the mercury near the sapling site, we need to analyze more samples 㸦Ganesh Sthan, Deep well㸧 (Market) and study the possibility of pollution by mercury. No.6: Water tap The knowledge obtained through the result of water quality analysis at the water source and water tap (Milahpath Sunoar) in 6 points and the other well in Table 3 is as follows: (Analysis value with ※ is referred to the result of on-site analysis and analysis value without ※ is No.2: NWSC water source No.1: NWSC water source referred to the result of water analysis in laboratory.) 㸦Milan, Deep well㸧 㸦Chamcham, deep well㸧 ࣭ Regarding No.1 (deep well, Chamcham), at the survey of dry season and rainy season, the nitrate- nitrogen is approximately 10 mg/L or more※, the electro conductivity is 800uS/cm or more (810uS/cm at dry season, rainy 880 uS/cm at rainy season) and the chloride is 20mg/L or more (dry season 23mg/L, rainy season 23 mg/L). The water quality of these parameter in No.1 is much higher than No.2 (deep well, Milan). Besides, fecal coliform is detected in No.1 at the survey of rainy season A-4-2 Tinau river 㸦9.3×10 (MPN/100ml)㸧. Therefore there is the possibility of bacterial contamination in the well of No.1, which is caused by domestic water being soaked into the ground. ࣭ Regarding No. 5 (water tap, inside NWSC office, supplied from deep well in NWSC office ), the nitrate-nitrogen is 10mg/L or more※, the electro conductivity is 850uS/cm or more (870uS/cm at dry season, 930uS/cm at rainy season㸧and the chloride is 25mg/L or more (28mg/L at dry season, 25 mg/L at rainy season). The water quality of these parameter in No.5 is much higher than No.2 (deep well, Milan). Therefore there is the possibility of contamination by domestic wastewater in the well 1km of No.5. But fecal coliform was not detected in this survey. ࣭ No.6 (Water tap, Milahpath Suoar) is supplied from Ramphadi reservoir for approximately 3 km. Boundary of Butwal city Chlorine is injected into Ramphadi reservoir. At No.6 residual chlorine was detected at the survey of dry season and rainy season (0.1mg/L as free chlorine and 0.3 mg/L as total chlorine at dry season, Figure 1 Location where Water Quality Analysis was Conducted in Butwal 0.1mg/L as total chlorine at rainy season) and fecal coliform was not detected. While at No.4 (Tinau rever), the water source of No. 6, fecal coliform was detected at the survey of dry season and rainy season (43 (MPN/100ml) at dry season, 93 (MPN/100ml) at rainy season). Therefore it is thought that fecal coliform was not detected at the water tap of No. 6 by the effect of disinfection with chorine at the reservoir and by the effect of residual chlorine during the process of water distribution. ࣭ The concentration of hazardous substance including arsenic and lead etc. were much less than WHO guideline value of those substance at the survey of dry season and rainy season at 6 points where water quality survey was conducted. 3 5 Table 3 Result of Water Quality Survey in Butwal 㻺㼃㻿㻯㻌㼃㼍㼠㼑㼞㻌㻿㼛㼡㼞㼏㼑 㼃㼍㼠㼑㼞㻌㼀㼍㼜 㻻㼠㼔㼑㼞㻌㼃㼑㼘㼘㼟㻌㼑㼠㼏㻚 㻷㼕㼚㼐㻌㼛㼒㻌㻿㼍㼙㼜㼘㼑 㻨㻾㼑㼒㼑㼞㼑㼚㼏㼑㻪㻌㼃㼍㼠㼑㼞㻌㻽㼡㼍㼘㼕㼠㼥㻌㻿㼠㼍㼚㼐㼍㼞㼐 㻔㻰㼑㼑㼜㻌㼣㼑㼘㼘㻕 㻔㻰㼑㼑㼜㻌㼣㼑㼘㼘㻕 㻔㻰㼑㼑㼜㻌㼣㼑㼘㼘㻕 㻔㻾㼕㼢㼑㼞㻌㼣㼍㼠㼑㼞㻕 㻔㻰㼑㼑㼜㻌㼃㼑㼘㼘㻕 㻿㼍㼙㼜㼘㼑㻌㻺㼛 㻺㼛㻚㻝䈜㻝 㻺㼛㻚㻞䈜㻞 㻺㼛㻚㻟䈜㻟 㻺㼛㻚㻠 㻺㼛㻚㻡䈜㻠 㻺㼛㻚㻢䈜㻡 㻺㼛㻚㻣䈜㻤 㻺㻰㼃㻽㻿䈜㻣 㼃㻴㻻㻌㻳㼡㼕㼐㼑㼘㼕㼚㼑㻌㼂㼍㼘㼡㼑 㻸㼛㼏㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻯㼔㼍㼙㼏㼔㼍㼙 㻹㼕㼘㼍㼚 㻳㼍㼚㼑㼟㼔㻌㻿㼠㼔㼍㼚 㼀㼕㼚㼍㼣㻌㻿㼡㼙㼜㻌㼃㼑㼘㼘 㻺㼃㻿㻯㼋㻮㼡㼠㼣㼍㼘 㻹㼕㼘㼍㼔㼜㼍㼠㼔㻌㻿㼡㼚㼛㼍㼞 㻹㼍㼞㼗㼑㼠 㻿㼍㼙㼜㼘㼕㼚㼓㻌㻰㼍㼠㼑 㻹㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻟㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻹㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻟㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻹㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻟㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻹㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻟㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻹㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻟㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻹㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻟㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻭㼡㼓㼡㼟㼠㻌㻝㻝 㻼㼍㼞㼍㼙㼑㼠㼑㼞 㼁㼚㼕㼠 㻝㻚㻌㻻㼚㻌㻿㼕㼠㼑㻌㻭㼚㼍㼘㼥㼟㼕㼟 㼃㼍㼠㼑㼞㻌㼀㼑㼙㼜㼑㼞㼍㼠㼡㼞㼑 䉝 㻞㻣㻚㻡 㻞㻥㻚㻥 㻞㻢㻚㻡 㻞㻢㻚㻞 㻞㻢㻚㻞 㻞㻡㻚㻥 㻞㻢㻚㻜 㻞㻣㻚㻞 㻞㻣㻚㻟 㻞㻢㻚㻤 㻞㻡㻚㻣 㻞㻥㻚㻤 㻞㻡㻚㻡 㼜㻴 㻙 㻣㻚㻝 㻣㻚㻝 㻣㻚㻡 㻣㻚㻢 㻣㻚㻞 㻣㻚㻟 㻤㻚㻤 㻤㻚㻠 㻣㻚㻟 㻣㻚㻜 㻤㻚㻟 㻣㻚㻡 㻣㻚㻤 㻰㻻 㼙㼓㻛㻸 㻣㻚㻤 㻟㻚㻢 㻡㻚㻟 㻠㻚㻞 㻡㻚㻜 㻟㻚㻢 㻣㻚㻥 㻟㻚㻤 㻣㻚㻤 㻞㻚㻣 㻣㻚㻜 㻠㻚㻜 㻠㻚㻡 㻱㻯㼙㻿㻛㼏㼙㻜㻚㻥㻝㻜㻚㻥㻞㻜㻚㻠㻢㻜㻚㻠㻥㻜㻚㻤㻠㻜㻚㻤㻜㻜㻚㻟㻢㻜㻚㻟㻜㻜㻚㻥㻤㻜㻚㻥㻢㻜㻚㻟㻣㻜㻚㻡㻤㻜㻚㻠㻟 㼀㼡㼞㼎㼕㼐㼕㼠㼥䈜㻢 㻺㼀㼁 㻝㻌㼛㼞㻌㼘㼑㼟㼟 㻙 㻝㻌㼛㼞㻌㼘㼑㼟㼟 㻙 㻝㻌㼛㼞㻌㼘㼑㼟㼟 㻙 㻢 㻙 㻝㻌㼛㼞㻌㼘㼑㼟㼟 㻙 㻝㻝 㻙 㻙 㻭㼙㼙㼛㼚㼕㼍 㼙㼓㻙㻺㻛㻸 㻜㻚㻞 㻜㻚㻞㻌㼛㼞㻌㼘㼑㼟㼟

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