T1 SOUTH TURTON AREA FORUM MEETING, 26TH MARCH, 2008 Present – 24 members of the public attended the meeting. Councillor Critchley - Bromley Cross Ward (Chairman) Councillor Hall - Bradshaw Ward Councillor Mrs. Brierley - Bradshaw Ward Councillor P. Brierley - Bradshaw Ward Councillor Greenhalgh - Bromley Cross Ward Councillor A. Wilkinson - Bromley Cross Ward Also in attendance Shaheen Sameja - Area Working Idris Jeewa - Area Working Stephen Rowson - Area Working Vicky Ridge - Legal and Democratic Services Andrew Donaldson - Chief Executive’s Department Carol James - Chief Executive’s Department Chris McIver - Children’s Services Oliver West - Development and Regeneration Marie Jones - Environmental Services John Kelly - Environmental Services Kevin Dowd - Environmental Services John Norris - Environmental Services Joe Fox - Environmental Services Ian Hart - Lancashire County Council PCSO Pell - Greater Manchester Police John Boyce - Greater Manchester Police Adam Squires - Greater Manchester Police An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Mr. D. Crausby M.P. Councillor CritchleyPage 1 of 7in the Chair T2 34. INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME BY THE CHAIR Councillor Critchley welcomed and introduced everybody to the meeting. 35. MINUTES The minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Forum held on 30th January, 2008 were submitted and signed as a correct record. 36. AREA WORKING REVIEW Ms. C. James, Head of Strategic Projects, gave a presentation on the proposed new arrangements for Area Working and sought the views of the Forum on the changes. The Forum was reminded of the current arrangements for area working which had been in place since April, 2000 and consisted of nine forums based on electoral wards. A review of the area working arrangements had been requested by the Council and had been ongoing for some time. It would be completed by the end of April, 2008 and conclusions from the review to date included the following:- - Area Forums should be more relevant to local communities; - need to involve more people; and - the need for forums to develop plans to highlight local priorities and tasks. The presentation then went on to give a broad outline of the new approach, as follows:- - the number of Area Forums would increase from 9 to 18 and be based on electoral ward boundaries; Page 2 of 7 T3 - each Area Forum would have an action plan; - councillors would lead the development of a more area focused approach; - the format of events would be flexible to address local issues and encourage engagement; - themed sessions would continue, and develop further; - links to partner organisations would be improved; and - new arrangements would be introduced from May, 2008. Ms. James requested the views of the meeting on the proposed new arrangements and also urged members of the Forum to complete the comments sheets that were circulated. Generally, members of the Forum supported the proposals, however, concern was expressed regarding partner organisations not being fully committed to area working. Resolved – That the presentation be noted. 37. WEST PENNINE MOORS BRIDLEWAY STRATEGY Mr. I. Hart, Lancashire County Council and Ms. M. Jones, Environmental Services gave a presentation to members of the Forum which provided information and gave an update on the progress of the West Pennine Moors Bridleway Strategy. Members were advised that the Strategy for 2006-2013 included the development of wider tracks which would improve access for mobility, pedestrians, cyclists and horses. Information was also provided in relation to the following:- - feeder route; Page 3 of 7 T4 - perimeter route; - village and area routes; - town to country links; and - upland challenge routes. Details were also given on the new public footpath route which was 61/2 km and started at Smithills and went through to Bromley Cross. It was stated that the main aim of the Strategy was to provide safe routes and to keep people off main roads wherever possible and it was hoped that the new route would be completed within the next couple of months. One issue which was raised was the need for improved signage on public footpaths. It was stated that the Authority was currently looking at ways to improve such signage and, subject to finance, it was intended to produce some literature which would include the relevant information regarding individual footpaths. Resolved - That the presentation be noted. 38. VOLUNTARY SECTOR GRANTS 2007/2008 Councillor A Wilkinson declared a prejudicial interest in the application received from Bromley Cross Young at Heart Group and took no part in the consideration and determination thereof. The Area Co-ordinator advised that there had been six applications received for Voluntary Sector Grants, as follows:- a) St John’s Scouting Group - £450 towards the cost of purchasing storage heaters and storage containers; b) Bromley Cross Young at Heart Group – £325 towards the cost of replacing crockery and coach hire for trip; c) Harwood Painting Group - £500 towards the cost of rent and speakers; Page 4 of 7 T5 d) Egerton Cricket Club - £500 towards the cost of hiring of sports hall and coaching facilities; e) Eagley Out of School Club - £500 towards the cost of purchasing 2x5m floodlights; and f) Longsight Methodist Church - £500 towards the cost of replacing the fire door and rent of 240 litre waste bin The Forum was advised that there was currently £1,631.02 remaining to be allocated and, if the above grant applications were approved at the amount requested, this would result in an overspend of £1,143.98. Resolved – (i) That the grant applications received from St John’s Scouting Group; Bromley Cross Young at Heart Group; Harwood painting Group; and Longsight Methodist Church, be approved as now indicated. (ii) That the grant applications received from Egerton Cricket Club and Eagley Out of School Club be refused. 39. HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE BUDGET 2007/2008 UPDATE Ms. S. Shaheen, Area Co-ordinator updated members of the Forum on the current situation with regard to the Highways Maintenance Budget for 2007/2008. The Forum was advised that the Bromley Cross Ward had been allocated £14,800 from the Highways Maintenance Budget and this had been spent on the following:- - four Traffic Regulation Orders at a cost of £12,500; - installation of four bollards on Higher Shady Lane at cost of £1,000; and - installation of street lamps on Lord Stile Lane at a cost of £1,300 Page 5 of 7 T6 With regard to the Bradshaw Ward it was stated that the remaining £3,412 of the Highways Maintenance Budget had been spent on the installation of four new street lamps on Astley Road. Resolved – That the report be noted. 40. OPEN FORUM Verbal questions were received which detailed the following issues, viz:- a) the sub-base of the War Memorial was in a poor condition; It was agreed that this would be investigated. b) concerns were expressed regarding the roving solar speed signs which had been installed in the area and, in particular, the sign at Tottington Road and the one at the junction of Brook Fold Lane and Hardy Mill Road; It was agreed that this would be investigated. c) did drivers of the Council’s waste collection vehicles have some form of dispensation to allow them to use mobile phones whilst driving the vehicle. It was stated that this was not the case and phones were issued with the Councils mobile phone policy which clearly stated that phones should not be used whilst in charge of a vehicle or machinery. Drivers who ignored the policy and regulations provided by the Government could be prosecuted and disciplined. In addition to this, regular reminders were provided to drivers alongside national awareness campaigns on the dangers of using a mobile phone whilst driving. Page 6 of 7 T7 d) could double yellow lines be introduced around Egerton Junior Primary School It was agreed that this would be investigated. Resolved – That the questions be noted and that the questions which have not been answered be directed to the appropriate Council department or external agency. 41. CHAIR’S CLOSING REMARKS Councillor Critchley then closed the meeting and thanked Council Members, Officers and Members of the public for their attendance. (The meeting started at 7.00 p.m. and finished at 8.10 p.m.) Page 7 of 7.
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