\ Give to the Red Cross and You Give for America! Average Daily Circulation For the MonUi of November, 1841 The Weather ForecMt ot U. 8. Weather Bureaa 7,010 Fair tonight and Tneeday, slight­ Member et Um Audit ly colder tonight. Bureaa of Circvlatlon* Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXL, NO. 64 (Classified Advertising On Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1941 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Aggression Course Climaxed by Attack; Bombers Damage Two Jap Transports Claimcfl by Japanese Russians Fighting y - ...... — — Cougress Given Data To Restore Main On Jap Negotiations; Railroad Control Soviet Troops Cut Mos- Attack Manila Againj 24 Divisions cow-Leningrad Road At One Point and Take Try to Curb Announcement of New Roosevelt Gives Record^! 42 Settlements and 75 ' Successes Follows hy Enemy Alien Tanks in Single Day; Greek Spirit For All History 24 Hours Official Bui- Read in Amazemenfy| Nazis Leave Dead. Assets Wilt letin Declaring 4 Jap Sorrow, Horror and { Moscow, Dec. 15.— {/P)— Guerrillas Persist in Transports Sunk ami Be Seized Disgust; Fighting Now] The Red Army, snapping Their Resistance De­ Three More Badly back from its successful de­ In Defense of Princi-,i spite ■ Near Starvation fense of Moscow, Leningrad Damaged Off Luzon To Be Taken as Collat­ pies of Law and Orders And Shortage of Arms^ and the Caucasus, is turning Where Landings Made. eral for Any Ameri­ And Justice in World.: to a general offensive and is now fighting especially hard London, Pec. 15—(JPi—A spokes­ can Claims ’ Against man for the Greek government-ln- Manila, Dec. 15.— (IP)— Washington, Dec. 15.— to restore the main hloscow- Hostile Governments. United States Army bombers, — President Roosevelt Leningrad connection through exile declared today that 24 Axis This is a view looking down a residential ctreet in Kowloon, -city on the B)itlah-leased mainland Klin, Soviet reporta said today, divisions are immobilized in resisting Japanese attempts Congress today how Japan's^ opposite the crown colony of Hong Kong. .Japanese claimed they had occupied Kowloon and were pre­ Washington, Dec. 15.- (J')— The Pravda, Communlat party organ, Greece trying to suppress guer­ to reinforce troops landed at course of aggression in ^^the paring there for an attack cn Hong Kong itself. government prepared today to in a broadcaat report, said Soviet rillas who are persisting In re­ Legaspi, on the southeastern Pacific was climaxed by troopa had cut the Moacow-Len- seize a billion dollars of enemy sistance despite near starvation tip of Luzon island 250 miles attack on the United StaiM a m Ingrad road at one point and tak­ and shortage of arms. alien assets as collateral for any from Manila, heavily dam­ at the very time she yrWH en 42 aettlementa and 75 tanka In In all, he said^ 326,000 men in American claims, against the hos­ a single day. Chinese Force aged two Japanese trans­ voicing a desire for peacs.^ 16 Italian divisions, three German British on Kowloon tile governments, and. a special Nazis Betreat In Dlaorder divisions and five Bulgarian divi­ ports yesterday, U. S. Army force of "G-Men" was. ready to and declared that “There is The newspaper said ' troopa sions are, tied up in Greece along headquarters reported today. An­ impound the enemylowned prop­ the record, for all history to read which had retaken Solnetacohno- with a "considerable number" of Japs to Quit nouncement of the new American erty. in amazement, in sorrow, in hor­ gorski, 31 miles northwest of Nazi planes. Peninsula Fall Back successes followed by 24 hours an Title to the property to be- taken ror and in disgust! The Greek war is l>eing carried official bulletin declaring that over is vested In enemy aliens liv­ Moscow and east o f Klin, were .FlgbOsg In SeUJBefsass now throwing the Germans out on by fighters who sWoop down Some Points during the first' wfeek of Oie war ing outside the United States and "W e are now at war,’’ ilhe prsSl^ of other locallUea and that the from Macedonian mountain hide­ Arm y bombers sank four Japa­ Axis nationals who are in custody. dent said. "W e are fighting in self Nazi retreat waa proceeding in outs, Wiping out Axis detachments Pound Hong'jgp Reports nese transports and badly dam­ Officials emphasized that the defense. We are fighting in ds-' , disorder with n>n*y_hundreds of and seiring material and food, the Kqng from Lana and *' A A aged three more off northern Lu­ government does not intend to dis­ fense of our national existence, a t Savage Attack in Full dead and wounded being left be­ spokesman said. zon. where the invaders effected turb the property of law abiding our right to be secure, ot hind. Yakbrona was recaptured Unable to (|uell Outbreaks Air for Past Two Days; landings at several places. aliens. For that reason, Germans, Swing in Tainshui Re­ HcaW Shcllillg right to enJoy the blessings five days ago, the account added. "The Germans have been unable Raiders Drop Bombs Italians and Japanese need not peace. gion, North of Hong VI ithflrawal by Plan. “ The Tlkhvln-Volkhov railway Japanese air raiders, meanwhile, "We are fighting In defense southeast of Leningrad already (Contlhoed on Page Eight) (Continued On Page Twelve) principles of law and order. Kong, on Jup Lines. London. 15.- 0P ) - At Hoilg Koilg returned to the attack of Luzon, has been cleared of the Germans, swe^eping over the Manila area Justice, against an effort o f Pravda said. precedented ferocity to ovei Chungking, Dec. 15—(JO—The The Japanese have pounded -------- about noon H I p. m., e.s.t. Sun­ In one village In \ht Kiln dis­ those principles and to impose Japanese have b e ^ forced to re­ Hong Kong from the land and Dispatches Declare Brit- day) and dropping bombs which British Admit trict Pravda said the- Russians Soldiers Hurt a brief communique said feU In on humanity a regime of n if found a report from the com­ air for the past two days as . „ tire from some of their positions the vicinity of Nichols field. domination by unrestricted mander of the 239th German in­ British forces on Kowloon D efen se s L rn in - arbitrary force." outside Canton as a result of fierce The communique, issued at 4 p. fantry regiment showing that his As Truck Hit peninsula, the crown colony’s hling; Predict Fall Is Ground Lost The chief executive's ml unit had lost half of its remaining Chinese-attacks, and a savage Chi­ m. ,(3 a. m. e.s.t ), said that enemy mainland section, fell back to activities throughout the day were was a chronology of American strength of 400 men in one day. nese attack Is in full swing In the Only Matter of Days. Japanese negotl'sUona and ot defend Hong Kong island, confined entirely to the air. (In London an authoritative Tanoshul area north of Hong Kong, Near Kedah tory prior to Japan’s onalaugllt military source ssld the initiative By Traiu Here the official Chinese Central News Four Japanese fighter planes British sources declared to­ Tokyo, Dec. 15—{iP)— (Official the Pacific eight days ago. appeared to have passed definitely Agency reported today. day. The -withdrawal, they said, were shot down during yesterday's It was read to the Senate Radio RecriVed by A P )—Japanese to the Russians in the Moscow Gen. Tsai Tink-Kai, hero of the waa ordered according to plan and action off Legaspi, a communique House by reading clerks. declared. Heavy Fighting Contin­ sector. It is clear that the Ger­ Girporal ami Priv'ate Chlnese-Japanese hostilities at "atlU Is going on." dispatches dated from Kowloon, Manchuria. Move Exenple mans are not succeeding In read­ Shanghai in 1932, Is among the mainland section of the British The pictures evoked by these Supporting his summary In Memorial Hospital; Japanese dispatches said Brit­ succeeding | announcements, cou­ ues, on W ^ t Side of Justing their line because their commanders leading the troops to ain’s defenses of Hong Kong were .plana are being constantly diaturb- colony of Hong Kong, declared to­ pled with reports of successes the relief of Hong Kong, other crumbling under the shelling of Malay Peninsula; Sit­ (Contlnned On Pegs T w e lv e ); /ed by Soviet onslaughts, he said.) Truck Was Crossing day that' the British defenses on achieved by Netherlands subma­ Chinese sources said. siege guns on the mainland and The Russlana said their purpose Tracks; Few Details. Tamshul Is about 28 miles north Hong Kong island were crumbling rines off Mapaya, waa one of heavy uation “ Confused.” inces.sant aerial bombardment. Japanese lo ^ s . ' now is to extertnlnatie the Ger­ of the mainland border line of under heavy Japanese shelling and man Armies on their koil. The fall of Britain’s second most The Dutch announced yesterday Hong Kong colony and about 24 aerial bombardment. Pravda, the Communist party Corporal Joseph Walsh, of Jer­ vital Far Eastern strorighold waa from Batavia that their subma­ Singapore. Dec. 15— (J5—A Brit­ miles east of the Canton-Kowloon Dome!-predicted that the fall of organ, said the Soviet troops driv­ sey City, N. J„ and Private Sam­ declared to be thly a matter of the island stronghold would be rines, previously reported to have ish communique acknowledged to­ Railway. Flashes !■ ing Adolf Hitler’s tired, beaten sol­ days. only a matter of days. sunk four Japanese transports In night that the Japanese have gain­ uel Hunter, address unknown, both Destroy Defense Works (Late BnllettM el Uw OR Bilro)! diers back' from Moscow had de­ Potential Source of Relief Silence Defense Batteries the Gulf of Sfam, also had sunk membera of a searchlight unit sta­ he Chinese said they bad de- ed ground In the Kedah area of stroyed "an entire generation of One potential source of relief Japanese siege guns on .
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