http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Abbreviation: K.A.O., Kent Archives Office. Abbotsridge Wateringe, Brenzett, map, Lindsey, 51; Lisle, 60; Lupus, 52; 1653, 180. Mablethorpe, 56; Malpas, 60; Man- Abergavenny, Barons, 48-62. ners, 54; Marmion, 56; Marshall, 61; Abergavenny, George, Lord, d. 1492, Matravers, 54; Mereworth, 61, 62; 57; George Nevin, 5th lord, d. 1525, Mildmay, 51; Montfort, 58; More, 50; 52; Henry Nevi11, 6th lord, d. 1587, Morley, 52; Mortimer, 60; Mowbray, 54, 57. 54; Muschamp, 55; Neubourg, 60; Agriculture, Medway Towns, 1687- Nevi11 of Abergavenny, 56, 59, 61; 1783, 167-8. Newton (Cradock), 58; Norbury, 58; Allhallows, map, 1697, 180. Pakeman, 53; Parr, 56; Paulet, 51; Allington, map, 1678, 180. Perrott, 58; Persall, 58; Pigott, 48; Angell, arms of, 58. de la Pole, 57; Poynings, 51; Reyna- Anglo-Saxon: bronze mounts, 156-9; forth, 51; Roberts, 59; Roos of cemetery at Northfleet, 157. Kendal, 51, 54, 56; Russell, 55; Appledore, 63, 68, 69, 72; map, 1628, Sackville, 50; St. Amand, 57; St. 180. John, 51; St. Owen, 58; St. Quentin, Arms, heraldic: Angell, 58; Arundel, 56; Sancroft, 50; Sapcotts, 55; de 52, 54; Badsell, 59; Bamme, 49; Saye, 52; Scotland, 54; Sea, 149; Baynard, 59; Beauchamp, 57, 59, 60; Seases, 53; See of York, 55; Sher- Berkeley, 60; Beler, 53; Bernake, 52; bourne, 58; Sherington, 55; Sidney, Bitton, 58; Boteler, 58; Boys, 149; 49; Skelton, 51; Sowby, 53; Spencer, Bray, 57; Braybroke, 57; Brook 50; Staveley, 56; Sterne, 55; Sti- (Cobham), 57; Brotherton, 54; Calde- dolph, 59; Sudeley, 58; Swathing°, cot, 58; Cantelow, 60; Capdow, 63; 55; Tamworth, 53; Tateshull, 52; Carey, 50; Castelline, 48; Cavendish, Teye (Teyes), 60; Tiptoft, 53; 56; Cawne, 59; Cheddar, 58; Chester, Troutbeck, 50; Trussel, 51; Valence, Earl of, 52; Clare, 57, 59, 61; 61; Villiers, 53; Walcott, 48; Wallis, Clayton, 52; Clinton, 52; Cobham, 55; Walsingham, 49, 51, 53, 55; 57, 61; Cradock, 52, 58; Cromwell, Walworth, 59; Warenne, 52, 54, 57, 52; Crosier, 58; Culpeper, 59: D'Ab- 59, 61; Welnetham, 51; Wentworth, ernon, 58; Dalyngrigge, 61; Dela- 53; West, 60; Westmorland, 56; mare, 51, 60, 61; Delamore, 51; Woodville (Rivers), 54; Writtle, 49; De la Tour, 55; Dene, 58; Denny, 50, Wyse, 55; York, See of, 55. 53; Despenser, 53, 57, 59; Dryby, 52; Arms, heraldic, in Pluckley Church, 62. Dudley, 60, 61; England, 52, 54, 61; Arundel, arms of, 52, 54; Henry Fitz Eresby, 51; Pane, 56, 58, 59, 60; Alan, Earl of, 54; William, 11th Fitzalan of Clun, 52, 54; Fitz Ellis, Earl, 1525, 52. 58; Fitzhugh, 56; Fitz Pernel, 60; Ash, deeds, K.A.O., 188 Fitzwilliam, 52; France, 52, 54; Ashford, map, 1699, 180; medieval Fransham, 55; Frauxmere, 55; Fur- pottery from, 40, 41. neaux, 56, 58; Game, 52; Gates, 53; Aylesford, Preston Hall, records, Gerold, 60; Gouston, 51; Gowsell, 53; K.A.O., 187. Greene, 56; Grey, 56, 60, 61; Greyley, 60; Guildeford, 60; Gurney, 58; Halliwell, 57; Hamelin 52; Hamp- Bacheler-Russell MSS., K.A.O., 188. ton, 58; Hardreshull, 59; Harpetre; Baddlesmere, manor of, West Peck- 58; Harvey, 58: Hastings, 60, 61, ham, map, 1621, 183. Hausted, 61; Haut, 59; Hendley, 59, Badsell, arms of, 59. 60; Heringham, 55; Herbert, 51; Bagueley Hall, Cheshire, 34. Howard, 54; Horton, 52; Hussey, 51; Baker, Alan R. H.: Some early Kentish Ireland, 54; James I, 54; Jernegan, estate maps and a note on their 56; Kirkby, 53; de la Leke, 58; portrayal of field boundaries, 177-84. 227 GENERAL INDEX Ball, Beckford, 207. Boughton-under-Blean, 220; map, Bamme, arms of, 49. 1631, 180. Barfreston, 151. Bowes, William, 200. Banning, Oakwood Hospital, 206. Boxley, map, 1697, 180. Barrett, Paul, 1676, 1; (Bridges- Boys, arms of, 149; John, 7, 14, 16, Barrett), Col., 25; Thomas, 1757, 1, 2. 151; Thomas, c. 1600, 148; Thomas Bartholomew, J., 111. of Barfreston, 151; Thomas of Bartlett, D., 111; R. G., 111. Blean, 151. Barton, Guston, map, 1640, 182. Braborn, manor of (=Manor of Hall), Battle Hall, Leeds, 36. Smooth, map, 1656, 184. Bavor Marsh, Upchurch, map, 1593, Brasses, monumental, 148-55; Bay- 184. ham, Lamberhurst, 202-4; East Bayford Manor, Sittingbourne, map, Wickham, Bexley, 221. 1590, 184. Brasted, deeds and maps, K.A.O., 187. Bayhana, Lamberhurst, monumental Bray, arms of, 57. brass, 202-4. Bridge, John, 220. Baynard, arms of, 59. Bridges (see also Brydges): Anne, Bearsted, maps, K.A.O., 188; parish 8-17; Edward, 17; Edward of records, K.A.O., 185. Maidstone, 1603, 6; Rev. John, 15; Beauchamp, arms of, 57, 59, 60. Mary, d. 1617, monumental brass Beckenham, map, 1623, 180. of, 153; Robert, 17. Beckley, 72. Brenchley, maps, 1603-41, 180. Bedford, Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of, Brenta of Charing, 27. 55. Brenzett, maps, 1653, 180. Beler, arms of, 53. British Journal for the History of Belmont Park, deeds and records, Science, review, 223. K.A.O., 187. Broctonsmede, Charing, 27. Beltringe Farm, Yalding, map, 1656, Bromley, deeds, K.A.O., 187; monu- 184. mental brass, 152. Beltz, 17; George F., b. 1777, 7, 12. Brompton, Chatham, history of, 102. Benover, Burnt House, 34. Bronze Age sword from Strood, 207-8. Berkeley, arms of, 60. Brook Court Farm, Ditton, map, 1681, Bernake, arms of, 52. 181. Berry, H. A. N., 202. Brooke (Cobham), arms of, 57; George, Best, Thomas, brewer, 1711, 167. Lord Cobham, 56; Sir William, 1558, Bethersden, map, c. 1640, 180; maps, 58. K.A.O., 188. Brookland, maps, seventeenth cen- Bexley: Medieval Bexley, review, 221-2; tury, 180; maps, K.A.O., 188. parish records, K.A.O., 185. Broomfield, deeds, K.A.O., 187; map, Biddenden, maps, 1666, 1689, 180; 1649, 180; maps, K.A.O., 188. monumental brass from, 152. Brotherton, arms of, 54. Bilsington, map, 1653, 180. Broughton Manor, Charing, 27. Birchington, 15; map, 1688, 180. Brydges (see also Bridges): Ann Mary, Bishop, W. M., 187. b. 1799, 18-24; Anthony, 6; Anthony Bishops Waltham, medieval pottery Rokeby, b. 1803, 18, 25; Charles, 6; from, 41. Charlotte, 18; Edmund, 6; Edward, Bitton, arms of, 58. 2; Rev. Edward, 1789, 6; Edward BIackbrook, Wittersham, map, 1675, W. G., b. 1800, 18; Sir Egerton, 25; 184. Egerton Anthony, b. 1802, 18; Blackwall, 67. Elizabeth Jemima, 1817, 17; Ellen, Blackwall Bridge, 73, 74. b. 1808, 18; Ferdinand Stanley, Bodesham, 136. b. 1804, 18; Frances Isabella, b. Bodiam, 65, 69, 73. 1810, 18; Jemima, 2; Jemima, m. Bonnington, map, c. 1652, 180. Edward Quillinan, 17, 19; John, Boteler, arms of, 58; William, of Baron Chandos, 1552, 6; John Eastry, 13; William Fuller, 1777- William Egerton, b. 1791, 17; 1845, 13, 14. Mary Jane, b. 1808, 18; Sir Samuel Boughton Malherbe, 137. Egerton, b. 1762, 1-3, 6, 7, 18; Boughton 1VIonchelsea, Winch MSS., Thomas, b. 1789, 2. K,A.O., 186. Brydges-Barrett, Thomas, 17, 19. 228 GENERAL INDEX Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, Chatham, 160-76; Dock Road, origin d. 1628, 53, 54. of, 97; Dockyard, historic buildings, Buckland, map, 1631, 180. 101-3; Dockyard, inventory of, Buckland, manor of, Faversham, map, 1698, opp. 108; Dockyard records, 1623, 181. 1698, British Museum, 101; Hill Barham, court books, K.A.O., 187. House, 95-109; Globe Lane, 103; Buries, G., 111. Gun Wharf, 95-7, 102, 103, 107, 108; Barmarsh, maps, 1654, 180. map, 1657, 181; Marine Barracks, Burnt House, Benover, Yalding, 34. 95-7, 107-8; Melville Barracks, 103; Buildings, preservation of, 82 Melville Hospital, 103; probate Byrche, William D., c. 1800, 2. inventories, 160; St. Mary's Church, 96-8. Cheddar, arms of, 58. Caiger, J. E. L., 199, 201. Chennells Brook, Horsham, 35, 36. Caiger, John E. L.: The Crepehege Cheriton Bars, 64, 72. Brass at Darenth, 153-5. Chester, Earl of, arms of, 52. Caldecot, Arms of, 58. Chiddingstone, maps, 1600-90, 181; Calehill Manor, Little Chart, map, maps, K.A.O., 187. 1639, 181. Chilston, Boughton Malherbe, 137. Camden family records, see Pratt Chingley, manor of, Goudhurst, map, MSS. 1622, 181. Camden, Marquess, 186, 202. Chislehurst, 36; education records, Campion MSS., K.A.O., 186. K.A.O., 186; map, a. 1680, 181. Campion, W. S., 186. Chislet, 15; map, 1663, 181. Cantelow, arms of, 60. Clare, arms of, 57, 59, 61. Canterbury, 13, 21, 22; Denhill, 1777, Clark, Grahame: Prehistoric England, 188; Prison, 206; Roman horse review, 223. deity at, 142-7; Royal Museum, 142; Clay pipes, see Pipes. St. Edmund Ridingate, 136, 138; Clayton, arms of, 52. Excavation Committee, 142; Hos- Clarke, William, memorial brass, 1612, pital of St. Laurence, 136-7; King's 152. School, 2; medieval pottery at Cliffe, map, 1692, 181. Tylers Hill, 40; Priory of St. Greg- Clinton: arms of, 52; Edward, Earl of ory, 137; St. Mary Bredin, 138; Lincoln, d. 1585, 52; Thomas, 3rd Samian Form 27 from, 202; Toe H Earl, 54; William de, Earl of records, K.A.O., 186; Worthgate, 2. Huntingdon, 61. Capdow, arms of, 53. Clive, Lord, 3. Capel, deeds, K.A.O., 187; maps, Cobham: arms of, 57, 61; George K.A.O., 186. Brook, Lord, 56; map, 1641, 181; Carey, arms of, 50; Henry, Lord Roman villa, 219; Roman coin of Hunsden, 54; Sir John, d. 1559, 50, Carausius, 110, 116. 54. Combwell, manor of, Goudhurst, map, Carye, Edward, 1671, 88; Sir Phillip, 1621, 181. 1612, 88. Connolly, P. A., 111. Carson, R. A. G., 111, 116, 124-5. Constant, Joan, 186, 215. Cary, Viscount Falkland, 88. Constant MSS., K.A.O., 186. Carved stalls, c. 1300, Preston, 77-82. Conyngham: documents relating to Cavel, Ralph, c. 1170, 137. Minster, K.A.O., 89; Marquis of, 89.
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