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Lee (52) U.S. Cl. .................. 455/3.06:455/301; 455/414.4: (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Banner & Witcoff, Ltd. 455/553.1 (58) Field of Classification Search ................ 455/3.01. (57) ABSTRACT 455/3.03, 3.06, 11.1, 18, 102, 93, 73, 92, 455/552.1, 127.4, 142, 67.7,556.1, 188.1, 455/418, 4144, 419,553.1, 143,522.1, 67.11, Methods and apparatuses for processing transmissions and 455/77, 414.1, 466; 707/3,104.1, 725/18, creating an album of audio content are described. In one 725/19 arrangement, a combined signal including a digital data com See application file for complete search history. ponent and an analog component is transmitted and received by a terminal. The combined signal is separated into the (56) References Cited digital data component and the analog component. The ana log component is digitized and then cut based upon the digital U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS data component. Metadata from the digital data component is 4,703465. 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