brief retrospect of the executive relation* existing be¬ sporting . goltLm-tlkid steed up tbe stag* at a gallop, he the park. THE FASHIONS. THE NEW YORK YACHT CLUB. tween Austria and Hungary and consider the rowed him in, and wheeling rapidly round, brandished claim or auantiA to tub thkons. the sword la the describing with Its point a crow air, ('oinmnnrpmeat of the Concerts- special correspondence of the herald. The < «» Jiiwlttce Recilmiva* for thn June H«. As is generally known, the Magyars conquered Hun¬ towards the fotur principal points of the com pun, as a Tbe beautiful summer has 0m.ua.. EUROPE. resort of lb* Ametropolis of gary in the ninth oentury, vanquishing the Pannoniana. sign of his readiness to defend his kingdom, if attacked, been much improved the recent which have Alraioriibln W«(k la lk« Kami World The animal regatta of the New York T*ri»t Olub will by changes Knabioa.The (>rnnd Ball at l.ord Cowley'a. Triumphant in war, the followers of the conquerers em¬ from any quarter. taken place within iu Hore and Here come off on iburwlay morning, June 13, at half pwlt t0B TBS OOMMiTKM spacious limits. llow tuiciie wu llrewnl-Materials and braced Christianity and were easily and happily ruled by waste places have been and verdure o'clock. The steamer Armenia, for the wt uf <ucin procession to this hill included the representatives of redoemed, green Color* of the (!««tiimn of (lie Imperial La- iNo in the their royal Dukee. The last Duke, Stephen, took the title now covers th«*ir former Over the walks die* of barn, will leave Hasbro**** street piv at i*u o'clock. Accomplice Attempt the all portions of the kingdom, with their banner*, unsightlinoss. -Trimmings and Diamonds.Daacia« of King of Hungary in year 1000, after he display^1 and brittle paths rustic with vines and tkii Prlumii .rKnalaniUTolUd at tbe Tull- The value of the prtie.i for the two classes sloops *uj of ing even the banners of province* no longer belonginYto arbors, trailing on the Czar. had added the territory Transylvania to his blossoms, relieve the monotony of the scene, and eriee Hull.AIitcuiMreatse la tbo Urmi- schooners.is for each class. the . Galicia and domituona. The first Prince of the House of Hapsburg kingdom Koumania, Stoma, Bosnia, shrub* and Alonde. llrnd Urcikim, Euiileru Kobes, aud The course* and directions for Uie start are aa others. flowers, trees spring Bp where before a blank sailing in the land was Ferdinand Ibe Latent New dfce. who had power the First, expanse of rock and waste laud was been. Every de¬ Hut, follows; who was elected the Diet in and the The Minister of Finance during the progress of the Pants. May 34. 18(17. by Hungarian 1526, sirable variety of vegatation appropriate to this eluua This week will A (lag- boat will be anchored abreast of the Owl's Head, A Greek Vessel Blockaded crown was procession threw (a very poor economy) gold and silver be forever memorable in the annals of by right of succession to the solemnly vested in has been added, and road aod walk are now I.OUK Island, about half a mile from the wharf, tut of money among the crowd, who had a scramble for the lawu, fash ion. the family in the year 1687. By voluntary acta on the in exceltont trim. As one saunters which t be sloops will anchor In line about forty yur<l» the Turks. shoes of the charger, they being contrived to through The arrival la Paris of to many sovereigns and princes part of the Hungarians, Austria exercised full control golden the rustic seats are encountered apart, and the schooners In line two hundred yards norti* off on the as well as (or the tricolored myriad winding paths, has been consecrated bjr of every description, in the country from the termination of the civil wars iu drop stage, carpet at bid fAtei of thu about bad moved. every tnrn, avay in shady nooks, and fountains races and excur¬ sloops, ttfly yards apart. 1711 ; the power of the throne being, however, greatly over which the procession matinoM, balls, banquets, country In in each soljct and at That . taking the Hue, yacht may TBS SOTAL CHABOEB AMD HIS TKAIM.1U. drinking hydrants spring up every point. sions. position The controlled by the legislative authority of the native the Park is the great summer resort of the its own in the order of arrival at tbe aucboragtr. Emperor of Austria Crowned In the coronation ceremonial the charger metropolis One day tbe Vonit'ur gives an account of a picnic, Diets. Deputes originated, and tbeir discussion during yesterday, may l>e easily gue.-jed from the statistics of the MmusalU, foresails and galT topsails may be set beforr on which the was mounted.a most mag¬ gate¬ another of a rout, though tbe lovely, baltny, swuet King of Hungary. later yean in the light of public education and the Emperor-King in regard to tue which last unless otherw.se ordered by the MKnneitte*. shod with was a of keepers attendance, year month of May oannot dry up her which fall on sjUrting, . nificent steed gold. prominent object tears, The order lor will be auneuncetf on lite teachings of the neighboring foreign free press induced amounted to a number far atariing uaoruing attraction. Indoed the general turn out of the 8,22<J,07U persons, greater crowned beads in the shape of hailstones, and her sighs of I ho regatta. a complete change in the relations of the countrios and imperial than the of the The of the Zoo¬ with riders in was population city. piano are bitter, boreal The spring blossoms which Yachts will proceed from tbe annborager to tbe bony of the feelings ot tbe populations towards each other, par¬ cortege, splendid gorgeous costumes, Gardens draughts. tlio Southwest it to tbwweet and nod " " logical show that the I'aric will aeon receive an are so are Sp't, passing south, Imposing Ceremonies and Great as a thing of all who Sluch read of in book* and pastorals all crushed , tlieuoe to ticularly of tbe Hungarian people. At a Diet held at regarded beauty by appreciated addition, in this The will the Li|(ht Ship. roundiug it to tbe north war* horse flesh, but the Monarch's steed towered above the important particular. gardens drenched and weighed down to tbe gruuud by heavy and eastward, and return over the *me course, pawing JSnthustfcasin in Peat h. Debreezin, in May, 1848, Hungary.including Croatia t»e located on tho west rest in caparison, sotion and toned side, between Seventy-seventh gales; the oniy warmth felt was at the French Derby, to the eastward of the Ua^ ltoat off Owl's Head. and Transylvania.declared itself an independent spirit, duly down, and now Hoing aud all the the west It be Kighty-tlr^t streets. Tho auiiuais iu the base¬ our only the brilliant chandeliers which returning, buoyeon bank, republic, and forthwith proceeded to vindicate ita however, by training. may, indeed, called tho luminary viz. Noa 11, 13 and 15. are to be to tbe eastward. ment of Arsenal building are to be removed to the Illuminate our crowded ball rooms. jtajsed claim to self-rule force of arms. After suc¬ more than training; it was education. The Entries will be received until Tuesday. June 11, 1K6T, by various first story, giving more and the ei- at hall M. must be The Evacuation of Lux¬ ceremonial imposed on the as slated light rendering Of fe'a ever given by Ambassadors, the last at the closing past ten A. precisely. They Coming cess in the field, Hungary drove out the Austrian*. King, above, bibltion more accessible and The collection directed lo the secretary of tlie club, and delivered at the of on horse¬ agreeable. British Embassy, surpasses all. When a ball is the sub¬ perilous obligation hi* No. 45 - The Austrian ruler invoked tho aid of the Russian*; and, accomplishing of animals is and is ottke, Liberty street. New York. very large constantly increasing of conversation a week after it is over it is a sure Members will be:ir id uiind rale* ere emburg. organizing a huge army, made up of Auslrians, Rus¬ back, in the midst of the snouts of the crowd, the noise of both by reproduction and additions. The outside walls ject that the presatit thiit tales of 1U will como down in materially cbangod, in regsiil to the forms of JbC. &C. &C. Servians and at one time cannon, and tbe clash of cymbals, the ascent of the of the Paik with the gat us ol' tho eighteen entrances sign spleudor especially sians, Wallachlans, numbering are not entering yachts lor a regatta Tbe entries are kept open artificial mound called "Tbe Coronation and when yet finished, although work ou them Is con¬ memoirs Ij expecunt posterity. 1 will add a few items lo tbe last minute throe hundred thousand men, he. after a brief struggle, Hill," on. At the corner the allowed (forty-eight boon b*fore Uk» stantly going southwest ot old to what has been ; but it is do ee overran and for the the Monarch arrived at the summit, he had to direct his re.serrol. is u elevation on winch was a tower alrouciy published. race) drabie that none of them be deferred Hungary subdued her people high rocky ari in uo time drawn sword to the as a or his which overlooked the has b eu The Kmporor and of Fiance arrived at tea li<iig give for correcting any errors of form THE P0L1SHASSASSIN.
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