UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER October 7, 2009 Mr. John Greenewald, Jr. Rc: Freedom ofJr:formation Act Request No. 20OQ-00663 FOIA Case Log for 2006 and 2007 Dear Mr. Greenewald: This is in response to your September 16, 2009, letter requesting access, under the Freedom ofInfonnation Act (" FOlA"), to "a copy ofthe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) FOlA case log for 2006 and 2007. Per our discussions, you agreed to accept the NOAA Weekly FOIA Reports for 2006 and 2007, as being fully responsive to your request. Your amended request is granted. A copy ofthe requested documents is enclosed. The cost ofprocessing your request is less than S20.00; therefore, pursuant to 15 CFR 4.11(d) (4) no fee is charged. Ifyou have any questions about the way we handled your request or about the Department's regulations or procedures, please contact me at (301) 713-3540, extension 209. Sincerely, 6li~' t, ~~ - CtJl~ Jean E. Carter-Johnson FOIA Officer NOAA FOIA Staff Department ofCommerce Enclosures /.-:\. I,~ I' '~~ .. ,,' .' Weekly Status Report {Budget, Finance, Audit & Infonnation Management) September 21 , 2007 - September 27, 2007 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADM1NISTRATION (NOAA) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) INOUDUES Received on 0912112007, from Rose Santos, FOIA Group, request for a copy of eight documents relating to Contract #RA133R-04-CN-0006 awarded to Systems Research Group, Inc., for NOAA Forecast Systems Information Technology Systems Support. Received on 0912112007, from Mark Riskedahl, Northwest Envirorunental Defense Center, request for documents the agency relied upon in issuing the Biological Opinion for the gravel excavating and processing facilities on/or adjacent to the Chetco River operated by Freeman Rock, Inc. and Tidewater Contactors, Inc. Received on 09/21/2007, from John Center, private citizen, request for a copy of specific e>-mails sent and received by a NOAA employee on January 3, 2006, as stated in request letter. Received on 0912A12007, from Felix Canez, private citizen. request for a copy ofthe unmodified Debriefing Continuity Guide (DCG), version 03/2006. Received on 09/24/2007, from Christopher C. Homer, Competitive Enterprise Institute, request' for a copy of all FOIA requests received by NOAA requesting a fee waiver and a copy of all approved fee waiver justifications, including all records relating to such FOIA requests, since January I, 2007. Received on 09/25/2007, from Nicole D. LaRusso, Drinker Biddle & Roath, LLP, request for documents on how to assess natural resource damages andlor prepare a natural resource damage assessment plan. Received on 0912512007, from Sean Reilly. Newhouse News Service, request for a copy of specific documents relating to a $750,000 earmark for "river studies" included by Congress in the National Ocean Service's budget for fiscal 2006. Received on 09/26/2007, from Jay Hixson, JHT Incorporated, request for all Program Implementation Plans for 2005, 2006, and 2007 pertaining to Contr1lCt #EAI33C04CNOO44 - Coastal Services Center. Received on 09/26/2007, from Melba Moye, National Transportation Safety Board FOlA Officer, a referral of four pages of documents that originated with NOAA. The documents are responsive to a FOIA request from Katherine E. Sweeney, Wheeler Trigg Kennedy LLP, concerning a fatal Aircraft Crash. ·. Weekly Report - 2 Received on 09/27/2007, from Paul Williams, private citizen, request chart information on the coastal waters ofthe Shemya, Kiska, and Attu Islands oftbe Western Aleutian Islands. Received on 09/27/2007, from Sean Reilly, Newhouse News ServiceIMobile Press lI£gister, request for a copy of all correspondence between NOAA personnel and members of Congress: Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. leffSessions, and Rep. 10 Bonner from 10/01105 to the present. Received on 09/27/2007, from Sue Ann Slates, Department ofJustice FOIA Officer, a referral of 11 pages ofdocuments that originated with NOAA The documents are responsive to a FOIA request from Douglas Fryer, Mikkelborg, Broz, Wells, and Fryer, on Whiting Conservation Cooperative. Weekly Status Report {Budget, Finance, Audit &. Information Management) September 14, 2007 - September 20,2007 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NOAA) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT !FOIA) INOUIRIES Received on 09/1412007, from Erik Grafe, Earthjustice, request for documents regarding Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sale 193 in the Chukchi Sea Planning Area, Received on 09/1412007, from Champa Bhushan, Reston Consulting Group, request for a copy ofthe NWS Contract DG133W-05-BU-J035 including all pertinent attachments and costing information. Received on 09/1412007, from Catherine Nielsen, The National Security Archive, request for records concerning the Implementation ofthe President'! Executive Order on Improving Agency Disclosure ofInformation (E ,O, 13392). Received on 09/1412007, from JeffRuch, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), request for a summary ofall incidents ofviolence, threats or harassment against professional observers including NOAA employees and government contractors that occurred between January 1 and December 31, 2006. Received on 09/1 7/2007, from Paul Robinett, private citizen, request for documents reflecting the date NOAA received approval offunding for the Operation &. Maintenance oflbe Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute located in Juneau, Alaska and the date funds actua1ly became available to NOAA Received on 0911812007, from Cheri A. Oswalt, USDA, Referral from USDA for review/direct response to requester (Sharon B, Young, The Humane Society oflhe United States) of 306 pages ofdocuments that originated with NOAA - from Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service files. Received on 09/1812007, from Craig Welch, private citizen, request for a copy ofall criminal investigative reports on the investigation and conviction of several people relating to a wildlife smuggling ring thaI poached thousands ofbaby leopard sharks from San Francisco Bay. Received aD 09/1912007, from Clayton Jernigan, Earthjustice. request for records regarding Biological Opinion for Federal Oil and Gas leasing and Exploration by the Minerals Management,Service within Alaskan Beaufort and Chukchi Seas and Its Effects on the Endangered Bowhead Whale, Weekly Report - 2 Received on 09120107, from Derek Rieman, reep & Blazer, L.L.C., request for documents related to the dredging proje<:ts in Waukegan Harbor and the displacement ofPCB contaminated sediments in the Waukegan Harbor, due to dredgil'lg' proje<:ts and prop wash from commercial vessels. · . Weekly Status Report {Budget, Finance, Audit & Information Management} September 6, 2007 - September 13, 2007 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NOAA) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACf roOIA) INOUIRIES Received on 09/0612007, from Department ofCommerce {DOC), referral of one NOAA document responsive to a FOIA request from Anita Kumar, SL Petersburg TImes. The document was returned to NOAA for review, release determination, and to respond directly to DOC. Received on 09/07/2007, from Anupama Narayanswamy, Sunlight Foundation, request for a copy ofall correspondence between members ofCongress and NOAA from 07/0112007 to 0813112007, including the date ofresponse to each lerter. Received on 09/0712007, from Brian Stranko, California Trou~ request for a copy ofall documents regarding the development of a pending biological opinion for the Freeman Diversion on the Santa Clara River. Received on 09/0712007, from DOC, request from Brody Mullins, The Wall Street Joumal, request for a copy ofall documents to and from Sen. HiUary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton relating to Norman Hsu. Vivian Paw, William Paw, and others, for the period of0112004 to 09/0512007. The responsive documents will he returned to DOC for a response to the requester. Received on 09/0712007, from Meredith Lawrence, Attorney and Counselor at Law, request for a copy ofthe official weatherreport for the Sparta (41086) and Sanders (41083), Kentucky on 03/1712004. Received on 09/07/2007, from K Williamson, private citizen, request for documents related to the Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program and Saltwater Inc. Received on 09/1l/2007, from Norman Duquette, private citizen, request for specific documents related to EXBX2020-2-20526, awarded to Tricorn International, Inc. NOAA will provide contract information to the Bureau ofIndustry and Security for a direct response to the requester. Received on 0911212007, from Kevin Kristovich, private citizen, request for a copy ofall NOAA Alaska Region enforcement documentation associated with his name and with others identified in the request letter, from 0112001 through 0912007. Received on 09/1212007, from Rajitha UppaUi, Fed Sources, request for a copy of aU clearly releasable sections A-J of Contract #DG133E07CQ0055, awarded to Riverside Technology Inc. on 09/0612007. • Weekly Report - 2 Received on 09/1212007, from Robert Field, private citizen, request for specific information relating to Tomales Bay. Received on 09/1212007, from Jim Edmondson, California Trout, request for a copy ofall documents regarding the development of a pending biological opinion for the Freeman Diversion on the Santa Clara River. Received on 0911212007, from Rose Santos, FOIA Group Inc., request for a copy ofthe releasable pricing for 17 delivery orders associated with multiple contracts. Received on 09/1212007, from Rose Santos, FOIA Group
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