http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf4f59n7s5 No online items Inventory of Index to the Daily Californian, July 1991-June 1994 Processed by William M. Roberts University Archives. The Bancroft Library University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California, 94720-6000 Phone: (510) 642-2933 Fax: (510) 642-7589 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BANC/UARC © 2000 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Inventory of Index to the Daily 1 Californian, July 1991-June 1994 Inventory of Index to the Daily Californian, July 1991-June 1994 University Archives, The Bancroft Library University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California Contact Information: University Archives The Bancroft Library University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California, 94720-6000 Phone: (510) 642-2933 Fax: (510) 642-7589 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BANC/UARC/ Processed by: William M. Roberts Date Completed: July 1994 Encoded by: Xiuzhi Zhou © 2000 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Collection Summary Collection Title: Index to the Daily Californian, Date (inclusive): July 1991-June 1994 Creator: Daily Californian Repository: The Bancroft Library. University Archives. Berkeley, California 94720-6000 Physical Location: For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog. Languages Represented: English Access There are no restrictions on the use of the index. Publication Rights Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained by the reader. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Index to the Daily Californian University Archives, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Inventory of Index to the Daily 2 Californian, July 1991-June 1994 Materials Cataloged Separately See biography section below for the history of this and related indexes Acquisition Information Compiled in University Archives Biography The Daily Californian has its roots in The College Echo, published by the Durant Rhetorical Society at the College of California before the founding of the University of California. The society continued the publication after the formation of the university and the move to the Berkeley campus site as The University Echo. The Neolaean Literary Society began the Neolaean Review in March 1873, and the two publications merged in January 1874 as The Berkeleyan. There was a gap in the publication from 1888 thorough 1892; a new series of The Berkeleyan was begun in 1893 The named was changed to The Californian in 1897, and in October of that same year it became the Daily Californian. The index to the Daily Californian, including its predecessor The Berkeleyan, is in three parts. The oldest chronological coverage extends from the beginning of the through 1929. This was done retrospectively between 1972 and 1982 in University Archives. The original index cards are in University Archives, and a film copy of the index is in the Newspaper/Microform room (MICROFILM 20031 (3 reels)). Although the index is very detailed, volume and issue numbers were used instead of dates through approximately 1906, making going from the index to the articles somewhat difficult. There is a volume-date concordance for The Berkeleyan at the beginning of each reel, but none for issues of The Californian or Daily Californian. The next chronological section of the index, covering the period 1930 through June 1991, is in a card file in Doe Library. It was apparently begun by and continued by the General Reference Department of the library until about 1989. At that time because of lack of personnel the department discontinued the index, and University Archives assumed the responsibility of indexing it in the same card file until June 1991, when lack of personnel forced a change in format. The index is in two chronological periods, 1929-1979, and 1980-1991; in 1980 more general subject headings began to be used and a new alphabet was started. Under some subject headings it is apparent that there is a gap in the indexing, particularly in the 1930s, but there appears to be no documentation of breaks in the indexing. The last chronological sequence covers July 1991 through June 1994. The index was compiled using a word processing program. The resulting document was printed and a copy was supplied to both the Newspaper/Microform room and to Humanities/Area Studies; it is cataloged with the call number AJ21.D29. It is only this final portion of the index that is presented here. Note The index to the Daily Californian does not include the following categories of articles: 1. Editorials and letters to the editors 2. Wire service stories not originating locally 3. National sports stories even if written locally 4. Short sports notices announcing forthcoming games 5. Beginning in 1993, crime stories with no UC connection Abortion Six week protests finished in Wichita. 27 Aug 91 p.8 Pro-choice activists deplore veto. 20 Nov 91 p.2 Birthright or birth righteousness? 3 Dec 91 p.1 Protesters shut down Berkeley pregnancy counseling center. 9 Dec 91 p.1 Reflections on 19 years of Roe vs. Wade. 23 Jan 92 p.4 Students launch petition for on-campus abortions. 6 May 92 p.1 Ruling stirs protest. 1 July 92 p.1 'Abortion pill' before U.S. Supreme Court. 17 July 92 p.1 Christian 'clinic' can't use term. 31 July 92 p.1 Correction to above. 5 Aug 92 p.2 Roe speaks to students on abortion, election. 7 Oct 92 p.1 Pro-choice hypocrisy. 22 Oct 92 p.4 Pro-choice hypocrisy. 5 Nov 92 p.5 Student groups host abortion debate. 5 Mar 93 p.1 Inventory of Index to the Daily 3 Californian, July 1991-June 1994 Symposium stirs protest. 5 Apr 93 p.2 Crisis center promotes abortion alternatives. 16 Apr 93 p.3 Activists clash around the Bay on abortion issue. 21 July 93 p.1 Academic Senate UC cuts must be reviewed, senate votes. 13 May 93 p.1 Admissions Investigation targets UC admissions policy. 13 Oct 92 p.1 Complaint sparks undergraduate admissions investigation. 15 Oct 92 p.1 Advertising Advertisers coat city buses with soft drink graphics. 4 Mar 93 p.7 Affirmative action in education Schools lacking black leaders. 3 Jul 91 p.1 Lecturer wins $75,000 in UC suit. 12 Jul 91 p.5 Latinos still face obstacles. 20 Nov 91 p.2 Faculty diversity comes slowly. 27 Nov 91 p.1 Ban on race-based aid draws mixed reaction. 13 Dec 91 p.1 Affirmative misconceptions. 21 Apr 92 p.5 Affirmative action, madness, and guilt. 30 Apr 92 p.4 The truth behind UC Berkeley's admissions policies and statistics. 20 May 92 p.4 Harrison testifies on tenure struggle. 26 June 92 p.1 Support widens for proposal to back minority teachers. 24 Sep 92 p.6 UC Latinos revisit long road to finding academic success. 28 Sep 92 p.4 Civil rights uproar stirs reaction at Boalt Hall. 30 Sep 92 p.1 Investigation targets UC admissions policy. 13 Oct 92 p.1 UC sciences hire first affirmative action officer. 26 Oct 93 p.10 Campus program reaches out to minority students. 1 Mar 94 p.5 Plan to increase diversity awaits Regents' approval. 20 May 94 p.1 Affirmative action in employment UC Berkeley hit on Latino hiring. 23 Aug 91 p.1 Correction to above. 26 Aug 91 p.2 Tien to respond to hiring report. 26 Aug 91 p.1 Latino activist blasts Tien's hiring-study `ploy. 6 Sep 91 p.1 Chancellor orders studies on Latino hiring. 11 Sep 91 p.4 UC Berkeley hires fewer new minority faculty. 20 Sep 91 p.1 Businesswoman says men still dominate workplace. 7 Oct 91 p.9 Affirmative action questioned. 11 Oct 91 p.4 UC report reveals faculty pay inequities. 31 Oct 91 p.1 UC contracts not handled properly. 13 Nov 91 p.1 UC misses mark on minority hiring. 17 Jan 92 p.1 Directory may be key to success. 10 Mar 92 p.3 Affirmative action: negative impact? 7 May 92 Graduation Special p.5 Support widens for proposal to back minority teachers. 24 Sep 92 p.6 UC Latinos revisit long road to finding academic success. 28 Sep 92 p.4 Civil rights uproar stirs reaction at Boalt Hall. 30 Sep 92 p.1 Investigation targets UC admissions policy. 13 Oct 92 p.1 Protesters denounce Denny's 'racist' policies. 7 July 93 p.1 Under new policy, Black firefighters underrepresented. 12 Apr 94 p.4 Africa Inventory of Index to the Daily 4 Californian, July 1991-June 1994 African journalist urges reparations. 24 Oct 91 p.2 African Americans African American students orient selves with festival. 3 Sep 91 p.1 War on drugs called war against African Americans. 14 Oct 91 p.3 What will it take for you white people to leave us alone. 17 Oct 91 p.4 Comment stirs campus debate: African-American women's role center of furor. 21 Nov 91 p.9 A guide to celebrating a people. 3 Feb 92 p.5 Black tabloid bullshit, by Gary Washburn [`Guest Columnist']. 4 Feb 92 p.5 History vs. myths: stereotypes still prevalent. 6 Feb 92 p.4 City blind to its history: is Berkeley shrugging off Black History Month? 7 Feb 92 p.1 Students look for new role models.
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