Order 2007-2-8 Served: February 9, 2007 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Traiisportation on the 6th day of February, 2007 Essential Air Service at IRON MOUNTAIN/KINGSFORD, MICHIGAN Docket OST- 7999-5775 IRON WOOD, MICHIGA N/A SHLA ND, WISCONSIN Docket OST- 7999-5772 MANIS TEE/L UNDING TON, MICHIGAN Docket OS T- 7 996-7 7 7 7 ESCANABA, MICHIGAN Docket OST-2003-75728 Under 49 U.S.C. 41731 et sea. ERRA TUM Summary By Order 2007- 1-2, January 5, 2007, the Department requested proposals from air carriers interested in providing essential air service (EM) at: Iron MountainKingsford, Michigan; Ironwood, MichigadAsliland, Wisconsin; Maiiistec/Ludingtoii, Michigan; and Escanaba, Michigan, for a new two-ycar period, beginning June 1, 2007, with or without subsidy. Upon review and consultation with the Gogebic-Iron County Airport Manager and Skyway Airlines, Inc., d/b/a Midwest Connect (Skyway Airlines), the incumbent EAS air carrier, it was discovered that the enplanenient data detailed in Appendix B of- Order 2007- 1-2, was incorrect. The corrccted data for Calendar Years 2005 and 2006 are detailed in Appendix B. Carriers should file their proposals no later that February 9, 2007. Consistent with EAS Program practice, we will give full consideration to all proposals filed in a timely manner. I ACCORD I NGLY, 1. We request that carriers interested in providing essential air service at Iron Mountain/Kingsford, Michigan; Ironwood, MichiganIAshland, Wisconsin; Manistee/Ludington, Michigan; and Escanaba, Michigan, submit their proposals, with or without subsidy requests, no later than February 9, 2007. The proposals should be sent to the EAS & Domestic Analysis Division, X-53, Office of Aviation Analysis, Room 640 1, Department of Transportation, 400 7th ' Carriers should not expect the Department to accept late fillings. In cases where a carrier proposes to provide essential air service without subsidy and we determine that service can be reliably provided without such compensation, we do not proceed with the carrier-selection case. Instead, we simply rely on that carrier's subsidy- free service as proposed. -2- Street S.W., Washington, DC 20590, with the title “Proposal to Provide Essential Air Service at: Iron Mountain/Kiiigsford, Michigan (Docket OST- 1 999-5 1 75); Ironwood, MichigaidAshland, Wisconsin (Docket OST-1999-5 172); Manistee/Ludington, Michigan (Docket OST- 1996- 171 I); and Escanaba, Michigan (Docket OST-2003- 15 128).”2 2. These dockets will remain open until further order of the Department; and 3. We will serve copies of this Erratum on the parties listed in Appendix C. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of this order under the Department’s Regulations, 14 CFR 385.50, must file such petitions within ten (10) days after the date of service of this ordcr. This order will be effective immediately, and the filing of a petition for review shall not preclude its c ffect i v en ess . By : TODD M. HOMAN Director Office of Aviation Analysis (SEAL) An electronic version of‘tlzis document is available OM the World Cz/ide Web at lzttp://drns.dot.Eov Questions regarding filings in response to this order may be directed to Brian Swanson at (202) 366-5392 or briaii.swansoiijrr‘dot.~o~.Proposals may also be emailed to brian.swanson(~~d~~t.go~~and dennis.devaiiy(iidot.gov Appendix A AREA MAP !ManisteeILudington , // r i ''L -Jr' \, 0 MILWAUKEE \ > DETROIT 0) i / CHICAGO O'HARE Appendix B Page I of 2 Historical Enplanements' Iron wood, Michigan/A shland, Wisconsin Origin & Average Annual Enplanements Year Destination Ended Passengers' Enplanements 31-Dec-05 6,430 3,215 10.3 31 -Dec-06 6,536 3,268 10.4 Historical Enplanementsl Iron Momtain/Kings ford, Michigan I I I I Origin & Average Year Annual Destination Enplanements Ended Enplanements Passengers' Per Service Day 31-Dec-05 16,184 8,092 25.9 13-Dec-06 15,564 7,782 24.9 Notes: 1. Source: Skyway Airlines, Inc. Op Stat Report 2. Annual Enplanements multiplied by two. Appendix B Page 2 of 2 Historical Enplanemen ts ’ Manis tee/Ludington, Michigan Origin & Average Year Annual Destination Enplanements Ended Enplanements Passe nge rs2 Per Service Day 31 -Dec-05 3,946 1,973 6.3 31-Dec-06 5,494 2,747 8.8 Historical Enplanements’ Escanaba, Michigan Origin & Average Year Annual Desti nation Enplanements Ended Enplanements Passengers2 Per Service Day 31-Dec-05 19,118 9,559 30.5 13-Dec-06 18,448 9,224 29.5 Notes: 1. Source: Skyway Airlines, Inc. Op Stat Report 2. Annual Enplanements multiplied by two. Appendix C Page I of 2 Service List for the State of Michiqan Air Wisconsin, Inc. Allied Airlines, Inc. Amerijet International, Inc. Bemidji Airlines Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. Chrysler Pentastar Aviation, Inc. Comair, Inc. CommutAir, Inc. Delta Connection Great Lakes Aviation, Ltd. Jet Services, Inc. Jetstream International Airlines, Inc. Logansport Flying Service, Inc. Mesa Airlines, Inc. Mesaba Aviation, Inc. Michigan Airways, Inc. Midwest Aviation Midwest Express Airlines, Inc. Northcoast Executive Airlines, Inc. Pennsylvania Com m uter Airlines, Inc. Planemaster Services Inc. Reg ionsAi r Sterling Aviation, Inc. Shawano Flying Service, Inc. S kyVantage Corporation Trans North Aviation Ltd. Westward Airways, Inc. David Cole, Chairman Doug Franklin E.B. Freeman A. Edward Jenner Dan Katzka Lee Mason Cory Robin Garbriel Saavedra Tracy Schoenrock Edward Wenz Appendix C Page 2 of 2 Service List for the State of Wisconsin Air Wisconsin, Inc. Amerijet International, Inc. Bemidji Airlines Chicago Air Taxi, Inc. Chicago Express Airlines, Inc. Delta Connection Dwyer Aircraft Sales, Inc. Gorda Aero Service, Inc. Great Lakes Aviation, Ltd. Imperial International, Inc. Jet Services, Inc. Mesa Airlines, Inc. Mesaba Aviation, Inc. Michigan Airways, Inc. Midwest Aviation Midwest Express Airlines, Inc. Planemaster Services Inc. RegionsAir Sterling Aviation, Inc. Shawano Flying Service, Inc. S kyVa nt age Corporation Thunderbird Aviation, Inc. Trans North Aviation Ltd. Westward Airways, Inc. Wise Aviation Company Tom Alton Rick Bauer Doug Franklin E.B. Freeman A. Edward Jenner Dan Katzka Lee Mason Cory Robin Garb rie I Sa aved ra Tracy Schoenrock Edward Wenz .
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