Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1962 Daily Egyptian 1962 10-26-1962 The gE yptian, October 26, 1962 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1962 Volume 44, Issue 11 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, October 26, 1962" (1962). October 1962. Paper 2. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1962/2 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1962 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1962 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r= , THE EGYPTIAN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UN I V E R SIT Y Vol. '" Carbondale, lIIinoio Friday, 0d0iIer l6, 1962 No. 11 "Homecoming Tempo Hits Full Swing * • • * Ruth Horton Crowned '62 Homecoming Queen_ Petite Brunette Concert, Game, • To Reign Over Parade Set Weekend Activities Tbe spirit. of ,Homecoming pierced the fog of national ]n an atmosphere depict­ uncenainty as the largest stu­ ing exotic, ancient Egypt, Rum dent body ' In SIU's history Horton last night was crowned shifted Into high gear for a 1962 HomeComing Queen. weeleend of high jlnlcs and Tbe crown was placed on the hoopla. head of Miss Horton by the Activities started early with mystical King Menes during a mighty bonfire Wednesday the traditional ceremony. A night on Campus Drive which large crowd witnessed . the drew a throng of cheering, Queen's Coronation in Shryoclc excited students. • Auditorium. Tbe tempo stepped up with. tbe coronation of Ruth Horton Miss Honon's court con­ as the 41st annual Homecom­ sisted of Louise Crabb, Me­ ing queen in a setting of pomp linda Federer. Rosemarie . and splendor Thursday night Garavalla and Jo Anne Zelin­ In Shryoclc Auditorium. lea. Attendants were Pam Tonight Singer Sarah Powell and Ann Werner. Vaughan, Comedian Hen n y Miss Honan, a bazel-eyed Youngman and a large cast brunette, Is a 21-year-old of other entertainers wlll pre­ senior. Sbe Is a speech cor­ sent two stage 'Shows in rection major and ber home­ Shryoclc at 7 and 9 p. m. town is Nauvoo, nlinois. Tbe first performance of Miss Powell, one of the, the Southern Players produc­ attendants selected by the tion of uMarseilles" will be voters, is a 19-year-old given tonight. at 8 and re­ sophomore from Marion. A peated Saturday and Sunday. sociology major, she was se­ Frederick O'Neal, veteran I,ected as Miss Marion of 1961, Broadway and television'actor was Miss Southern lllinois who Is a visiting professor Rodeo Queen of 1961. here this term, wlll fill a' Miss Werner, the other at­ featured role in the cast. tendant, is a 19-year-old Saturday activities will get .. sophomore from Centralia. off to an early start with the Sbe was last year's Military largest Homecoming parade Ball Queen and Is a member In history winding Its way of Sigma Sigma Sigma soror­ from Small Group Housing, Ity and Angel Flight. She Is a around Campus Drive, up pre-med major. U.S. 51 and South Illinois Ave­ nue, to Main, then up Main to University and baclc to cam­ Sarah Vaughan Ill, pus. Bright cool weather and To Be Replaced brilliant fall foliage will pro­ vide a colorful backdrop for the annual gridiron battle ,On Variety SIww which will pit the Salulcis Sarah Vaughan bas can­ against nlinois State--a tra­ celled ber appearance In to­ ditional foe. night's show. it was announced And that night the festivi­ late yesterday. ties wind up with a concert The Student Activities Of­ hy the SIU Symphony, con­ fice said that she will be re­ ducted by Warren Van Broolc­ placed by one of the three fol- hurst, and a dance in the Uni­ • lowing acts: The Weavers, versity Center ballroom fea­ Dinah Washington or Ertha turing Les Brown and his f 'band of renown." Kltt. 1 According to Elizabeth Mul­ Alumni coffees and teas are lins, coordinator of student 1---_Q_u_ee_n_R~u_t_h_H_o_rt_on_Af=, ~~' ~ being set up allover campus, activities, srudenrs who desire most of them sCbeduled to .... refund because Mis s meet after me game. Vaughan cancelled should con­ From start to finish the tact the activities office as ohe Royal Court and ohe Attendents Homecoming weeleend has soon as possible toda y • been a student production. • LOUISE CRABB MELINDA FEDERER ROSEMARIE GARAVALIA' JD ANNE ZELINKA PAM POWELL ANN WERNER Pa ••' 2 <, . THE EGYPTIAN r J EGY.PTIAN ADVERTISERS SERVE YOU! I Grad School' Assistant Dean Opens You'U be .tepping out in.tyle 10 the Church-State Education Series David . Kenney, assistant is to give help in tbinking dean of the graduate school, through problems of the re­ will be lecturer opening a istiODShip between church and IIIith a pair of series of discussions at the state. First Baptist church, Sunday, Subsequent lectures will be October 28, 7:30 p.m. by Frank Klingberg, Novem­ The series is titled "Church ber 4, on "The Movement and State in EduCation." The tor State Support of Church sponsoring committee in­ Schools," and by William J. cludes the pastor, W.O. Foote, McKeefery on " 'Separation' Earl Morgan, John Allen, and as Advocated Today." The Fount Warren. series will close November The purpose of the lectures 18 with a panel discussion. in Welcome Alumni Black •.. To 0 u r many friends of past years, drop in and say "Hello." If Peau. de Soie you're tired, come in and rest. In DAVID KENNEY other words, COME IN --- we'd Hi love to see you again. African Lea~er or To Speak Monday Mid Heel Tbe Rev. Jonah G. Chitom­ \ , s bo, African Christian leader from Southern RhodeSia, will $7.95 h . speak Monday, October 29, at • o .8 p.m. in the Home Econom­ p ics building lounge. Rev. Chi­ rombo's topiC wlll be "Emer­ . /Iy-s s ging Africa: The Rhodesian K Crisis." The_.ery Head of the Mutambara mis­ sion in Southern RhodeSia, in downtown Carbondale Rev. Chitombo is also chalr­ 124 S. ILLINOIS CARBONDALE man of a special committee which co-ordinates the ad­ ministrative work of the church with the tribal chiefs. WHAT PUT IT ON TOP? Rev. Chitombo is one of eleven outstanding Christians selected to lead a "'Mission to America." September 7 to December 16. He will be on campus tor tour days through the Wesley Founda­ tion. LAO MeeIA Morulay The Latin American Organ- - ization will hold a business meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in Room G in tbe University Center. Pictures for the Obelisk: will be taken at tbe meeting. 1JIE EGYPTUN Publ1Aed til die Depuunem: of JOW'1l&llllm amJ-weetl, dI.IrtfII die acbool )'ear except boUd.,. &ail eDmJ..a&don ___ by SoudIeI'1ll Illlaolli Ufthenlt)', CarboadaIe, Dllaow. 5e<:oDd cla .. poetIF paid at die CarboDcIaIe PotIt orrke WIder t:be ae: 01 Warc.b 3, 1179•. Policies 01 die ElYJItlI.ft are die reapoa­ .1bUlty of me edJtDu. Stateft'IIefIU pubUabed ben: do not: nec::eMlr1ly reflect die opinion / of die admt.nl.stratioD or uy depill'Ul!etlt of die Unher.lty. EdJtDr, D. G. Sc:bumadler; Manqtac Editor, B. K. Leiter; au,-- MlUp:r, Georp Brown: F1ac.al Qll'lcer, Howard R. l..oD&. EdltDrW I.IIId bull ... oftIca klcated in Building T - 48. EdJtDr1al cIepartmna ~ 453-2679. 8&latneu office pbooe 453-2626. • Flavor! Full flavor in a filter cigarette. Berkbigler That's why Winston is America's best·selling filter cigarette! Next time, smoke Winston. Jewelry For Finest in PURE WHITE. • MODERN FILTER : Diamonds (84 %:1 t . :J Watches PLUS ! FILTER - BLEND UP FRONT Jewelr:v Nationally Advertised Lines Winston tastes good Berkbigler Jew~lry like a cigarette should! 1211 Walnut 684-4531 Murphysboro Page 3 OctOMr 26, 1962 THE EGYPTIAN Weekend Packed With Social Events NEED FITCH? Homecoming weekend is 11 a.m., Alpha Gamma Delta Group Housing, Phi KapD8 Tau University Center. packed with social events of buffet luncheon, 104 Small coffee hour, 108 Small Group FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY every type, size and descrip­ Group Housing. Housing. Woody Hall Execu- 4 p.m., Sigma Tau Gamma tive Council alumni coffee Design Department alumni , tion. Here Is a run-down of 2 location. to ...... rou the events as reported by the alumni smoker, 115 Small hour, Woody Hall. Sph1nxClub, exhibit., New Design Depart­ Srudent Activities Office. Group Housing. Sigma Beta room D, University Center. ment area. Saturday night, MURDALE DRUGS Gamma coffee hour, Home 10:30 p.m., Reception for Design dinner and parry, sa.tpe FRIDAY Il00 ...... Showl •• c-t.. Ecoootnics lounge. cast and alumni of the Theater, area. 7 p.m. )'Dd 9 p.m. Home­ CARBONDALE DRUGS 4:30 p.m., School of Busl- coming stage sbow, Sbryock ness coffee hour, 409 W. Mill. ----~G~L=--=A=-S-=-:::S=E=S::-------, 310 S. 1I1I_ls Audlrorlum. After the game, Tau Kappa 8 p.m., play, " MarseUles," Epsilon alumni smoker, 106 Southern Playbouse. Your Selection 01 Latest Style Frame. wit!. High ••• Quality Small Group Housing. Kappa . Lenses Priced From Delta Pi coffee hour, Sanga­ *VARSITY* SATURDAY mon room, University Center. Geology Club coffee hour, Ar­ * theatre * 9 a.m. Homecoming parade, rlculrure Building 174. Delta University Avenue . Chi buffet dinner, 101 Small LAST TIME TOOAY II a.m. to ' I"b.m. Buffet, Group Housing. Sigma Sigma COmplri~ ~p. 9and L:.ens ... University Centef Sigma lumnl tea, 107 Small 1:30 p.m. F potball game, Group Housing. Newman • PRESCRIPTION SUN GLASSES $9.50 McAndrew Stadium. Fourndation coffee hour, The • Tremendous Selection Latest Frames. Styles 'Fitted to S p.m., play, ' 'Marseilles,'' Newman Center.
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