Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:221 Price: Afs.20 Weekend Issue, Sponsored by Etisalat FRIDAY .MARCH 09 . 2018 -Hoot 18, 1396 H.S www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantime The son of Mullah Fazlullah, chief of Pakistan’s Tehreek-i- Taliban, and 19 other insur- gents were killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan on Wednesday morning, Pakistani media reported. Pakistan’s Dawn news reported that the TTP has confirmed the drone attack on its facility in eastern Kunar province and the killing of Abdullah, son of Mullah Fazlullah. The report said that The Chief Executive of the Gov- However, he said the group must has so far refrained from partici- surrender that’s being offered to in a text message sent to the ernment of National Unity Abdul- first lay down arms, cut ties with pation in direct peace talks with the Taliban, but a dignified pro- media in Bajaur Agency on lah Abdullah reiterated the govern- the terror groups and networks, the Afghan government and insists cess for reaching a political frame- Wednesday evening, the insur- ment’s peace offer to Taliban and renounce violence. Abdullah on direct talks with the US. In the work. And again, he emphasized gent group said that 20 suicide group in a bid to end the ongoing further added that the government meantime, Principal Deputy As- that this is negotiations without violence through reconciliation. is committed to share the details sistant Secretary Alice Wells of the preconditions, a process that The Haqqani network -- which a crucial role because there was bombers were killed, and six Speaking during a gathering orga- with the public regarding any peace Bureau of South and Central Asian would lead to a cessation of vio- others wounded in the drone continues to enjoy significant sup- an apparent link between the nized on the eve of International agreement to be reached with the Affairs told reporters on Monday lence, halt the ties with terrorism, port inside Pakistan, has been re- Haqqani network operating in attack. They said that a drone Women’s Day, Abdullah said the Taliban group as he assured that that President Ghani offered a dig- and respect for the Afghanistan fired missiles at Ghazi Camp sponsible for several high-profile Afghanistan and Pakistan, the government is prepared to recog- no deal will be concluded in secret. nified process during the Kabul constitution,” she added. terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, a general argued. The issue had run by TTP in Kunar near the nize Taliban as a political group. This comes as the Taliban group Process-II summit. “This is not a (KP) Pakistani border, Dawn News top NATO commander said on creates some tension between reported adding that the TTP Wednesday. “We still see there is the US and Pakistan, Pavel said, commander of Bajaur chapter, a significant support, or at least adding there had been some Gul Mohammad, who was provision of safe haven, to Haqqani positive moves by Islamabad. head of Ghazi Camp, was also network (in Pakistan),” General “But still from time to time, killed in the attack. Another Petr Pavel, chairman of the NATO we see cross border clashes commander named Ustad Ya- Military Committee, told the De- between Pakistan and Afghan- seen, who trained suicide fense Writers Group. “The second istan.” Pavel said he had seen bombers, was also among the in command in the Haqqani net- media reports about Russian dead. Pakistan’s Express Tri- At least four policemen were killed wounded in the attack. The attack base. Two other attackers then ly two and a half hours,” sources work is effectively driving the Tal- arming the Taliban. “Up till after insurgents attacked a police stared at about 8:30pm local time stormed the police compound and said. But Gen. Abdul Raziq, Kan- iban today. A number of high-pro- now, we do not see significant bune also reported that a Paki- file attacks in Afghanistan in the progress between NATO and stani intelligence official said base in southern Kandahar prov- at police headquarters in Spin Bold- clashed with the security forces, dahar police chief says that only ince on Wednesday night, security ak district of the province after a according to the sources. “The two one border policeman was killed last couple of months were deliv- Russia on how to handle the the drone struck on the day the ered by the Haqqani network,” situation in Afghanistan. training of the bombers was sources confirmed. In addition, suicide car bomber first detonated attackers were killed by security in the attack. The Taliban claimed three other policemen were his explosive close to the police forces but the clash lasted for near- responsibility for the attack. Pavel claimed. Pakistan had an im- “We are calling on all the actors about to be completed. portant role to play in the Afghan in Afghanistan, including Rus- (ToloNews) peace process, Pavel noted, ex- sia, to take a responsible stand plaining that meant creating con- to contribute to the stabilisa- ditions where all opposing forces tion and to a peaceful resolu- would see their chance at the ne- tion of the problem. “Russia, gotiating table rather than on the China, India and Pakistan all battlefield. “That is what we should be part of this solution. would like to achieve. Whatever Up till now, we do not see any The government’s programme ety, the United Nations in Afghan- nancing for women to reduce the work to achieve the Sustainable ghan women is essential to reduc- differences are between the cen- significant problem with Rus- to empower women economi- istan said on Thursday. The UN gap between women and men and Development Goals in Afghani- ing poverty, inequality, and vio- tral government and the Taliban sian when it comes to Afghan- cally is a key step forward to said it encouraged the government foster gender equality. While mark- stan, including addressing the needs lence against women,” said Toby would be better handled at the ne- istan,” General Pavel conclud- opening more doors for their to prioritise investment in educa- ing International Women’s Day, the of urban and rural women and girls. Lanzer, acting head of the UN in gotiating table rather than on the ed. participation throughout soci- tion, healthcare and business fi- UN welcomed the government’s “Empowering urban and rural Af- Afghanistan, said in a statement. battlefield,” he said. Pakistan had (Pajwok) FRIDAY .MARCH 09, 2018 AFGHANISTANTIMES AFGHANISTAN TIMES Regional interferenceisthreatening Editor: Mansoor Ahmad Faizy Libya's futureas onestate Phone No: +93-797070563 E-mail: [email protected] Regional interference is the most significant obstacle Email: [email protected] to a sustainable peace and prosperous future in Libya. www.afghanistantimes.af Photojournalist: M. Sadiq Yusufi Advisory editorial board Saduddin Shpoon, Dr. Sharif Fayez, Dr. Sultana Parvanta, Dr. Sharifa Sharif, Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, Setara Delawari, Ahmad Takal Graphic-Designers: Edriss Akbari and Bilal Yusufi Marketing & Advertising: Mohammad Parwiz Arian, 0708954626, 0778894038 Mailing address: P.O. Box: 371, Kabul, Afghanistan Our Bank Accounts: Azizi Bank: 000101100258091 / 000101200895656 Printed at Afghanistan Times Printing Press By Guma El-Gamaty As a result, foreign military inter- ters and other military aircraft to to leave this prolonged state of The constitution says ference and infiltration through the the Libyan forces of Haftar, in vi- conflict behind, and prosper as a borders became almost a daily oc- olation of UN-backed internation- unified and peaceful country. Article 117 currence during this unstable peri- al sanctions against the regime. Another way to unity od. Foreign interference of this kind Haftar's LNA, which is aligned As Italian researcher Federica Saini The President shall appoint one of its members as Chief Justice of the Supreme is most prominent in Libya's with the Tobruk-based House of Fasanotti put it "Libyans will con- Court. Members of the Supreme Court, except under circumstances stated in Article southern Fezzan region as the Representatives and refuses to rec- tinue to be their own worst ene- One Hundred Twenty Seven of this Constitution, shall not be dismissed till the end When Libya declared its indepen- country's southern border with ognise the UN-backed government mies-unless they, in partnership of their term. dence as a constitutional monar- Niger, Chad and Sudan is some in Tripoli, has taken control of with the international community, chy under King Idris Sanusi on 1500km long, highly porous and large swaths of territory in eastern can figure out a political model that December 24, 1951, it became one has hardly any governmental con- and central Libya over the last cou- benefits from their diversity rath- of the first former European colo- trol. This makes it very easy for ple of years, with significant help er than trying to override it." nies in Africa to gain independence foreign armed groups to infiltrate from the UAE. But Haftar could Former US Ambassador to Libya Editorial and achieve autonomy through the the area. One of the groups that not have established his military Debora Jones has recently warned United Nations. The United King- are active in this region is a Chad- control without the support of that unless Libyans make the nec- dom of Libya, as it was officially ian rebel group called the Front for Egypt as well, his other major Arab essary compromises to form a uni- known back then, consisted of Alternation and Concord in Chad backer. Egypt, especially in the last ty government that can exercise three provinces: Tripolitania in the (FACT), which is believed to be four years, has provided Haftar's sovereignty over the entire coun- west, Cyrenaica in the east and fighting alongside local groups op- forces with "training and the de- try, "they will be forced to accept Pseudo war on terror, Fezzan in the south.
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