report representing a significant contribution to agriculture Journal of Integrative Agriculture sciences. It is intended to publish these results that are ex- ceptional interest and particularly topical and relevant, but the Instruction to Authors preliminary results. It should be limited to 2500 words, and could include no more than two figures or tables. Description Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA), former- Letter discusses materials published in JIA previously or ly Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC), founded in 2002, issues of general interest. It should be no more than 400 is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences words. (CAAS), co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Agricultur- al Science Societies (CAASS). JIA is a peer-reviewed and Core Subjects multi-disciplinary international journal and published monthly in English. JIA Editorial Board consists of 260 well-respected — Crop Genetics • Breeding • Germplasm Resources scholars of agricultural scientific fields. Prof. Li Jiayang is — Physiology • Biochemistry the Chairman of the Board, and Prof. WAN Jian-min is the — Cultivation • Tillage Editor-in-Chief. JIA has been published by Elsevier B.V. since — Plant Protection 2006 and is one of the leading academic journals in agricul- — Animal Science tural sciences in China. As released by JCR, the latest IF of — Veterinary Science the journal is 0.833. — Soil and Fertilization — Irrigation Published articles of JIA are available both in print and — Plant Nutrition electronic copies. The electronic full texts are available on — Agro-Environment & Ecology ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jour- — Bio-material and Bio-energy nal/20953119). — Food Science — Agricultural Economics and Management Mission JIA promotes research and exchange of novel sci- — Agricultural Information Science entific discoveries and ideas for the advancement of agricul- tural sciences. The journal emphasizes inter-disciplinary and Indexing JIA has been indexed by SCI, Abstract Journal systematic approaches addressing agricultural life science, (AJ), Zoological Record (ZR), Food Science and Technology agricultural sustainability, food science, agricultural environ- Abstracts (FSTA), CABI, Scopus, and the main periodical ment, ecology and energy, therefore to concern for human databases in China. health and development around the globe. Copyright © 2016, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Scienc- Aims & Scope JIA seeks to publish those papers that are es (CAAS). All rights reserved. Submission of a manuscript influential and will significantly advance scientific understand- implies that the submitted work has not been published be- ing in agriculture fields worldwide. JIA publishes manuscripts fore (except as part of a thesis or lecture note or report, or in in the five categories focusing on the core subjects listed the form of an abstract); that it is not under consideration for below. publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors as well as by the authorities at the institute Categories where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors hand over Commentary section is a platform to exchange viewpoints, the transferable copyrights of the accepted manuscript to praise and criticism each other in the agricultural science CAAS, and that the manuscript or parts thereof will thus not community. Authors may submit comments in regard to the be published elsewhere in any language without the consent contents published previously in JIA or bring up other issues of the copyright holder. Copyrights include, without spatial or that may be of interest and relevant to JIA. Commentary will timely limitation, the mechanical, electronic and visual repro- appear at the beginning of the issue with no abstract or key- duction and distribution; electronic storage and retrieval; and words. all other forms of electronic publication or any other types of publication including all subsidiary rights. Review describes new development and highlight future directions of a specialized or interdisciplinary significance in Acceptance The acceptance of a paper implies that it has agriculture sciences. They should be focused on providing been reviewed and recommended by at least two reviewers, insights and summary/context on the published findings and of which one is from the Editorial Board as a super reviewer. introducing some new concepts or viewpoints for solving the Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or important unresolved questions by presenting the research need for revision within two months of receipt. The accepted background, approach, and outlook of the field. Most Re- papers will be published in a chronological order. views are solicited by the editors, but unsolicited submissions may also be considered. Submission An electronic file of a manuscript with original figures, along with a cover letter to the editors, should be sub- Research Article presents important new research results mitted online to JIA by accessing http://www.ChinaAgriSci. through reproducible experimental design, using genetic, com. And for any question involved, please feel free contact biochemical, cell and molecular biological methods, statistical us: analyses, and other scientific methods. Editorial Office of Journal of Integrative Agriculture Short Communication is for a concise, but independent No. 12 Zhongguancun South Street Beijing 100081, P.R.China Vangronsveld J, Clijsters H. 1994. Toxic effects of metals. In: Tel: +86-10-82105098, 82106279, 82106280 Farago M E, ed., Plants and the Chemical Elements-Bio- Fax: +86-10-82106247 chemistry, Uptake, Tolerance and Toxicity. VCH, Wein- Email: [email protected] heim. pp. 149-177. Website: http://www.ChinaAgriSci.com Wu F B, Zhang G P. 2002a. Genotypic differences in effect of Cd on growth and mineral concentrations in barley Potential Reviewers Authors are encouraged to provide a seedling. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and list of potential reviewers. Reviewers must not be subject to Toxicology, 69, 219-227. a conflict of interest involving the author(s) or manuscript(s). Wu F B, Zhang G P. 2002b. Genotypic variation in kernel The editors of JIA are not obligated to use any reviewer heavy metal concentrations in barley and as affected by suggested by the author(s). soil factors. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 25, 1163-1173. Creating the manuscript Microsoft Word files are required for all manuscripts. Generally, the manuscript should be ar- Tables should be numbered consecutively and accompanied ranged in the following sections and appear in order: Title, by a title at the top. Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, and Illustrations Do not use figures that duplicate matter in ta- References. bles. 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