Kermania pistaciella Amsel "# ! $ % ! &56 &7/ (38 965% :(-' # #$% &'( )*+ ,-! # #$% ./-' .0/1 23 41 ! " ! (C ==5' : :56A1 >6% B @ = :<6= >6% ) & ' ,JK =-JL &MJ ' J5 NJ J O 41 P6 . ' .0/1 GH' ( 26 Kermania pistaciella Amsel .0/1 -E -F .)51 H H S0J/6 : .0J/1 %J# #$% S0J/6 .J = =-J-' .0/1 ,K &- /28 = 65$R 5 . ,7) < P6 . <*/) .0/1 Q0E' &MJ ' J5 5J . J ,J7) C[ % CZ X Y .0/1 GK TW TV C U %5% . &'58 S0/6 &7/ T . F -65H ,= . ) = X-_$' <=5 &'( G =_% -Y . -\ V^ <\= 5 ( ]E0) <\= O GK 5 ( =-L MJ6 6 L06 GK b6 S0/6 = O 41 P6 960) a5 . 6=5 P `% =-L &M ' .0/1 GL =-L .-\ ( =5 ' UJ %5% .J &Jc'= 5J7\ 0/ GK T S0/6 = . 00= < P 6 . =-L P650 8 M6 bL GK =-L P6503 . 0) = `' Nf0\ ( 5*d F-K .d 6K e e ) 7% GK HF =-L &M ' ' )== &3) =-L P650 8 P6503 gJJ'd 5JJ3e -JJHh i . JJ' <JJ= . JJ JJ%5 GJJK = =-JJL P65JJ0 8 = JJ G65JJ8 GJJK = =-JJL P650JJ3 &JJ'5d S0JJ/6 = X5J0d <656J' = J)-% J' O 4J1 P6 ( gRe !fY . ' <= . .0/1 - ' g j3% &'( % )3 =5 .e5' ( K. pistaciella . =0 g K .0/1 -E -F .)51 <'#' < /e .0/1 -E -F .)51 .0/1 ,K : ) * &( Population density of the pistachio twig borer moth, Kermania pistaciella Amsel on pistachio cultivars M. BASIRAT and M. R. MEHRNEJAD Members of scientific board, Pistachio Research Center, Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rafsanjan, Iran Abstract The pistachio twig borer moth, Kermania pistaciella Amsel (Lep.: Tineidae) is one of the most important pests of pistachio trees in Iran. This study was carried out with the purpose of examining the infestation rate for various cultivars to this pest. The field studies were conducted for the collection of existing pistachio cultivars at three pistachio research stations including Rafsanjan stations 1 and 2 as well as at Kerman station respectively on 38, 25 and 29 pistachio cultivars during 2005 – 2008. The infestation rate was determined with selection of six trees related to each pistachio cultivar, and 50 clusters of each tentative tree were picked up randomly, and also by sampling from the healthy and infected clusters simultaneously at harvesting time in September. The results showed that, the cultivars of Italiaei Rize were the most infested and Lak Sirizei had the least infected clusters of this pest at the station number 1. In station number 2, the cultivars of Shasti and Khanjari Damghan indicated the highest and the least infested clusters of this pest respectively, but the infestation rate for 4 commercial cultivars e.g. Ohadi, Ahmad Aghaei, Kallehghochi and Akbari, had no significant difference. In Kerman station, the highest infestation obtained for cultivar of Karim-Abadi and cultivar of Harati had the least infested clusters. Maximum emergence of matured K. pistaciella occurred since pollination stage until the time of fruit formation on commercial pistachio cultivars. The information obtained from this research can be used for controlling management of this pest. Key words: Infestation of Kermania pistaciella , pistachio cultivars, resistance, sensitivity Corresponding author: [email protected] Kermania pistaciella Amsel : "# ! gJ'8 53e -Hh R= }V 5 5| '{ '= z- 7' , J J' gJ'8 5J3e -Hh b 1 &'( G .8 .)- P6 k-J_$' P65J% GJH' ( Jj6 ( Pistacia vera L. ) .0/1 .J= TC / a- / .= 6 '= gKe .)0 a5 XJ J' lJ*Y .( Sheibani et al ., 1995 ) <J -J3d + ( ( =0J (. Basirat, 2005 and 2008 ) <J J :MJ ( nJ-0' J &5J6 ( FAO ) )JH -\ &'( m@ 6 J j6-JL- X50d 3E 5| )-% ' ,#' ,K .J d5% Jj65' .0J/1 J L-% P650J3 P% ooo L-% IPM 4%50 ( 3E &-! . = O6M < ` .*% P% p @pq L-% n-0' U %5% . .(van Steenis and El-Khawass 1995, Du et al ., 2004 ) ' .0/1 <\= =--' s ' a5 . ) == r_0\ =-\ . J6 QJ0E' ,JK &J ' = =J6( / R z-% &61JJ 5JJ ( <JJ .JJ)- pm ( O JJ .JJ e =-JJ' sJK = . == =-J -3d .0/1 = =--' &0\= (Esmaili, 1996; Modarres =5J ' 5K 53e r-_\ . X-Y = .8 < ' .6'5 b6 R =`% )5 P6 .J)51 5J \ .J = .J = .( Awal, 1997; Mehrnejad, 2014 ]JE0) P Jx .0J/1 O6 <8 = 0' X <J . ( 26 Kermania pistaciella Amsel .0/1 -E -F P65 J . <J J' =-J . + n-% U' R =-JJ JJ' ]-JJ/$' &5JJ6 JJ JJd .0JJ/1 = JJ ! = .0J/1 2 0) 5\ P65% + ( 26 UeR &56 -38 &J2L-1 XJ .0 ( 53e P6 . (Mehrnejad, 2014, 2016) - 46-0'J#' .( Tajabadipour and Aminaei, 2006 ) < )= =-)JJJJJ\ 5JJJJJ6( Tineidae =-)JJJJJ\ ( Lepidoptera J6 GJK b6 ( % =- ' U-' .8 < 0| Achterberg and Mehrnejad, 2002; ) J J' Hieroxestinae X-J_$' 5J3e < ` ( /' G85% = .)- b6 PJJ6 . ( Tagizadeh and Jafaripor, 1965; Mehrnejad, 2003b P6 K .8 L- `' ,K ./6#' = 5%k < 8 503 :MJ &7J/ ( @qq XJ = P L 5 53e <'#' . (Painter,1951)6 ) L-% ' 2 0) < 8 .JJ)- tJJ &-JJ! JJ . @q XJJ = Amsel nJJ-% P0\J) 5 \J% .J J6 &=5J8 =$' = b6 6)-% JJJJ6=5 Q JJJR-% 6JJJ JJJ )= 5JJJ JJJ6 <J'#' 5| (. Kumar, 1984) ' < b6 . =-L .0J/1 -E -F .)51 k .( Tagizadeh and Jafaripor, 1965 ) (-J 0) (-)( 0) -R . )-% ' 53e & .J-\ -J$' J) MJd5' J < /K ( .6Ac% J/ )j' (-J)( J0) .( Painter, 1951 ) =-J 5 h g $% & 2J3\ vJ! sJwK 6JH0) < /K - ' u*% J6 &-J! . < 53e 5) .w#) ( & .d < .0J/1 J .J)= =J`% . ==5J J' .J-\ JH0) J - ' - .J & ]JE0) ( <J 53e #% ]-w') & M ' JJ JJ' .JJ-\ = =JJ! <JJ JJ% 9JJ1 .JJ 2JJ3\ J N5J_' MJ65 E% .6Ac% 5 & M ' &-! < J/K ( .J6Ac% J k P x . < =6( & /\ J/ )j' (-J J0) . Jd ' ]E0) 5S6= & M ' .\J5 Q`y . e) P6 . .'R U-' .\ Md5' ]-w') 5 |% < 53e )' )( -L- .d < UJJ-' .0J/1 -JJE -F .J)51 UJJ %5% PJ6 .JJ . ==5J J' .( Nouri-Ganbalani et al ., 1995 ) =A ' ==5 ' <\= = - ' = Xf0\ .\5 =-d .J8 <J &-J% J' b 0) G! <53 1 . .-% (Tagizadeh and Jafaripor, 1965; Basirat, 2005 and 2008; .( .( Abbaszadeh, et al ., 2006; Mehrnejad, 2001, 2003b, 2014, 2016 f2J3' 5J .J*+ P65% 5y P65% GH' ( 26 9:;< 678 4 5 &3 4 12 : /*0 * -. J7% GK HF & M ' ge5' & ./6#' . H% <H = 2 0) z-% P6 ( =0 &(38 )-8 . ' .0/1 J J' J)5% UJ' R = .8 E0) ,K 5`' J J/\ <J . ( Nouri-Ganbalani et al ., 1995 ) /8 = < 2) g K 5 + *w' .0/1 &0\= . * 3> /0"?. @A B J X5J08 5J 0S .6M - &(38 ( ( Mehrnejad, 2003a) JJ)=5 JJ' gJJ $0' & JJ JJ = aJ/e5 + 0e g $0' 6 ,#' ,K ( =0 AL .0J/1 2J3 41 %J# #$% S0/6 . = 5 P6 J .J6M P65J0H ( J26 J)-% J' 5Jye )'( =$' J S0J/6 = . J ,J7) @o J% @oq J X Y &MJ ' J6 ( 5J 6J : . .6M O 8 5 p p Co U %5% . &'58 S0/6 &7/ T &-% ' . & ( .d == =- 53e . & <'#' S0J/6 = J5 =-' GK . 5 .0/1 GK 5J3e =J`% : J 5J3e J/\ 6 ( . XJ = &'5d S0/6 &7/ T .K =-L - ' :M6 < (5j) &M ' & OJ GJK 5J ( X-J_$' <J=5 &J'( = . < ' < JJ/e &MJJ ' (. Nouri-Ganbalani et al., 1995 ) =-JJ ) .J-\ V^ <J\= 5J ( ]JE0) =_% -Y . <\= gJ $% 5S) J .0J/1 L-J `' g J/1 .J .0/1 ,K <'#' J5 <JK= . .-\ t F =_% -Y . PJ6 <J ` . <*/) -) .0/1 e ,K 5%k gJ$' .J-\ MJd5' < J/K ( < k .6Ac% a5 . <*/) 5*8 6K e ,K .j Le = < =- < =J`% P J `% =-JL GL .-\ .\ . & X_% . (Emami, 2006) JJJ)=- 6kJJJ < JJJ/e = <JJJ .J)51 .J =-JL &MJ ' UJ %5% PJ6 .J . ) <*| & .J8 <J =-J ) :MJ ( 2006 ) Mehrnejad .J '( P6 = J6=5 E3' GK 5 5 <\= O = .0/1 -E -F ,JK P65J% aJ/e UJ %5% .J F-JK .8 5*8 GK J J == . .05 5) = 52% b6 &-! . <\= 5 5 . )- ' ]-/$' .0/1 L- `' g /1 . .0/1 7% g'8 - 5Y ULK = MSTAT-C ' .')5 ( =0 Arimania komaroffi .0J/1 -J ' -J\ <J-1 51 U 5K ' .6M7% =-' U85' -R . 52% = =_% 6KJ e GJK .J8 == &3) S36'( n65 = Ragonot wJ = PJ2)= &-J'( J == P S) ' ./6#' . 05 .J 5J0 8 < /e F-K .8 e GK . <*/) . ,7) R= p = =J6( `Lw' P x .( Basirat et al ., 2016 ) == < C D @. DE, @D A &0 3 FG @H B -JR J . ,K <'#' < /e u*% F) IG !J (Sarao et al ., 2016, Chang et al ., 2017, Hu et al ., < .05 L-J0' XJ .J = T S0/6 = 5 P6 .J8 = ' &3) s ' 5 . 2016, Montanari et al ., 2015) \J ^ J gJ6 = . ,7) C[ C} CV .0J/1 -E -F .)51 < ` G85% . '( = %!fY 6K e F-K .8 e GK g .)- = &MJ ' P `% 5ye O 41 ( N . =) =- .0/1 ,K <J'f! MJ fJ1 J ]JE0) =_% -Y . 5*8 .0J/1 QJ0E' ,JK .0J/1 -JE -F .)51 =-L <J -) = .J0 5J J nJ ( tJ . ) A <J PJ6 gJ'8 5J3e -Hh i &'( P `% P x =J`% ,-J0' gJ .J)- =`% 6=( E0) .\ Kermania pistaciella Amsel : "# ! (J ) .( Basirat, 2005 and 2008) J6=5 P J `% J%5e (J ) .J L .e5' = .-\ =`% )3 =5 .e5' = .-\ ( .J= TC / gJ'8 5J3e -JHh i 5 %5e =`% . .-% . 6=5 <==6 .\ 5 - ' g 23% aJ5 .Jd ( Basirat, 2005 and 2008 ) <J J .*$' =5J .Je5' JR= V^ &J'( J 5 .)- g8 JJ == a- JJ/ .JJ= JJ%5e gKJJe .)0JJ .J/ 6#' 5J . J P J `% -J ' g 23% R= V^ )3 .*J$' P S)J ' : J .J`Lw' =-' X . - &-J! .J gJ'd 53e )5 -Hh & M ' ge5' 5J3e -JHh i & M ' ge5' t . 6=5 =J6=( 6J)-% (5J1 J)' 5J$% JK = g'! . 6=5 ./6#' g '8 PJ6 gJ'8 53e -Hh i >6% =( `6 < ` : ( =0J J C[ C} CV X = < . @oq –@o X Y a %# #$% S0/6 = 5 =-' .0/1 ,K 9L K Table 1.
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