REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 TOWN OF MALTA TOWN BOARD MEETING Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Malta held April 7, 2014 at the Town Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. with one public hearing to be held at 7:45pm. BOARD MEMBERS AND ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: Paul Sausville, Supervisor; Flo E. Sickels, Town Clerk; Councilperson Maggie Ruisi; Councilperson Tara Thomas; Councilperson Peter Klotz; Councilperson John Hartzell; Deputy Supervisor Craig Warner. OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Peterson, Town Attorney; Kevin King, Comptroller; Roger Crandall, Highway Superintendent; Tony Tozzi, Building & Planning Coordinator;Tim Downey, Elwood Sloat; Carol Henry; David Haight; Cyndie Troischt; M. Carlito; Barbara J Conner; Peter Brooks; Chris Luhn; Ron Fort; Jean Tanis; Mary Zielnick;, Walter Zielnicki, Robert Lavery; Ann Klotz; Gail Jones. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Purchase of Development Rights- Brownell Road – David Haight 1.The Malta Farmers Market will be opening in June 2014. 2.The Development Rights Program will pay land owners to permanently protect their land. The Open Space, Agriculture and Trails Committee have been approached by a farmer in town (Sun Valley Farm) that would like to enter into this relationship with the Town. The parcel is 45 acres on Brownell Rd. and the 5th generation to have a farm in that area. This has been discussed in talks with Audrey and the Town Attorney, and afterwards the Open Space Committee gave a very high ranking to the parcel. It is a very attractive parcel of farm property. The Committee came tonight to get the input about the farm. We would like approval to hire an appraiser to establish a value of the development rights for this property. Paul- How much would this appraisal cost? David- could go from $3,000.00 to $5,000.00. John Hartzell and Tara Thomas are supportive of the appraisal process. Tom- We can take this on a case by case independently. Mr. Haight- the property would stay forever open space. 2. Agricultural Protection Overlay District Regulations – David Haight Second or third time that we have come to the Board. The Code has not kept up with the zoning in the town. I have sent the draft zoning change to Agriculture and Markets and I encourage people to farm. The committee is coming to the Board for final consideration and guidance on the next step for the zoning changes. There have been adjustments made to some of the definitions. Tara- We should have a workshop to further discuss. Paul- We reserve the third Monday for workshops. The Regular Meeting was opened by Supervisor Sausville at 7:20 p.m. with the Salute to the Flag followed by Silent Prayer. Motion was made by Councilperson Hartzell, seconded by Councilperson Klotz to approve the minutes of March 3rd and 13th, 2014 as submitted by the Town Clerk. Motion carried. COMMENTS AND/OR QUESTIONS FROM TOWN RESIDENTS: 1. Ellwood Sloat- Round Lake Corridor- The comments from the Eminent Domain Hearing are not on the record or on the web page. Creighton Manning responded that the exhibits will be available for the record after the meeting tonight. Mr. Sloat - 500 plus people think this is an adverse condition there. Thank you very much. REPORTS FROM TOWN OFFICIALS: A. Assessor – Rae-Lyn Dussault – No Report submitted. B. Building Dept.-Anthony Tozzi - Permits Issued – 13 Fees Collected – $28,192.04 C. Comptroller- Kevin King - Report on file in the Town Clerk’s Office. D. Animal Control – Dominic Refino – Calls –30+ Tickets - 35 E. Town Clerk- Flo Sickels - Report on file in the Town Clerk’s Office. F. Web Master – Candace Schmidt – No report submitted. G. Parks, Rec & Bldgs.–Audrey Ball-Report on file in the Town Clerk’s Office. H. Historian – Paul Perreault – No report submitted. I. Justice Court – No report on file. REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 J. Highway –Roger Crandall–Highway Superintendent – SUBJECT: HIGHWAY REPORT OFFICE WORK: Working on bids for 2 trucks County reimbursement filing Attended NYS Data Workshop Accident damage follow-up Paperwork and follow up for medical filings, comp filings, etc. Historical Marker/Welcome Sign and lighting responsibility documenting Pulling information for drainage issues and culverts ROADWORK and GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED: 4 salt/plow runs since last report Clear downtown corridor sidewalks Mailbox/post replacements Trimming of trees along right-of-way continues Fixing pot holes around town continues cleared drains Malta Park backhoe work Ermine Lair Catch basin Started process for 10 Hill Road sink hole opened frozen culvert pipes Continue to monitor Luther Forest drains Continual cleaning and general maintenance of plow trucks Continual checking and cleaning of screens/pipes on roads (constant Beaver activity) Plowed at Malta Park, and Town Hall for tree removal GARAGE WORK PERFORMED: Painting plows and wings Eglin sweeper maintenance Overhaul of 2002 Dodge 3500 Dump Building screens for truck 316 Welcome Sign repair and Historical Marker Signs refurbishing Jacobson mowers: tires, greasing, filters, replace starter, replace fuel filter, hydraulic lines Cleaning of trucks after each plowing and starting to undress plows of some trucks OTHER: ~Would like to have security cameras around the perimeter of the highway area ~ Completion of new garage (finish offices, lunchroom, bathrooms and locker area) ~Looking into additions for new garage: lift options ~ Kevin Thompson does a very good job of maintaining the equipment but doesn’t have enough time to get the work done. We really need to add a mechanic to our workforce to keep up with our aging equipment. Had to send out 1 truck to be repaired. OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #84 – April 7, 2014 LOCAL LAW #2 of 2014 ADOPT §167A-61 STEWART’S SHOPS – ADIRONDACK TRUST PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #55 Motion by: Councilperson Hartzell Seconded by: Councilperson Ruisi Comments: Tom Lewis- How to get water to 75 properties in Maltaville. The $200,000.00 goes to the beginning process to bring water to those homes. A building permit will not be issued until he gets approval for the water and approved. This is seed money to get the process started. Lighting for the project is LED lighting. Buffering is landscaping and should be more than adequate. The company has a reputation to uphold and is very reasonable. Peter Klotz- this does not meet the Plan for Malta. This should stay a noncommercial area. WHEREAS an application has been received by Stewart’s Shops Corporation for a Planned Development District to be called Stewart’s Shops-Adirondack Trust Planned Development District #55, which application proposes commercial development on a parcel located in the Town of Malta at the northwest corner of the roundabout and NYS Route 67 at the southern entrance into the Luther Forest Tech nology Campus, said application being a request to construct a new Stewart’s Shop convenient store with gas pumps and a bank with drive-thru, all as set forth in the narrative included with the REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 application on file with the Town Planning Department which application is available for public review; and WHEREAS the said application was referred to the Town Planning Board of the Town of Malta and the Saratoga County Planning Board for their review and advice and to all other entities entitled to notice by law or regulation; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Malta declared itself Lead Agency concerning the proposed amendment for purposes of the administration of the NYS Environmental Quality Review Act, and no objection has been received within the time established by law or regulation; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Malta h e ld a public hearing pertaining to Stewart’s Shops-Adirondack Trust Planned Development District #55 on the 7th day of April, 2014, at 7 : 4 5 o’clock P.M., at the Town Hall of the Town of Malta, 2540 Route 9, Malta, New York 12020, and at which hearing all persons desiring to be heard were heard; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the Malta Town Board hereby adopts a Negative Declaration pursuant to SEQRA as there are no potential significant negative environmental impacts likely to result from this action and further that the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute any document necessary to effectuate this determination; and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Malta hereby adopts the Stewarts Shops-Adirondack Trust Planned Development District #55, in the form annexed hereto; and the Town Clerk is directed to file the said local law with the NYS Secretary of State forthwith. REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING, MALTA TOWN BOARD, APRIL 7, 2014 STEWART’S PDD APPENDIX A – METES AND BOUNDS PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION LANDS TO BE CONVEYED TO STEWART’S SHOPS CORP. BY LUTHER FOREST TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (Prepared 01/23/13) All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Malta, County of Saratoga and State of New York being a portion of lands designated as Lot #1 on a map entitled “Subdivision Map, Lands Now or Formerly of Luther Forest Technology Campus Economic Development Corporation”, dated February 3, 2006 by C.T. Male Associates, P.C., last revised
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