All Us NBWIi of SECTION BED BApB and Surrounding Town* Fold Fearlessly and Without Bios RED BANK REGISTER ONE VOLUME LX, NO. 18, RED BANK, N..J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2i, 1937.- PAGES 1 TO 14|l Driver Unhurt When Joseph May^r First Aid Squad McCampbell And Car Enters Ravine Observance Of Air States Views In State Police Quinn To Speak Estate On Oeorge Monroo, 29, colored, of West "Taxes and Tax Reforms" Is the Front street miraculously escaped be- subject of addresses to be given by ing Injured early'Saturday morning About County Test At Trenton Theron McCampbell and John J. when the ear which ho was driving Quinn at what is announced as a MailWeektoTake plunged off the side of Harding road Freeholder, Who is Running for Sea Bright Squad to Compete non-partisan meeting to be held at Shore Is Bought by at the driveway leading to the es- the Leonardo 'grade school auditor- tate of Abram I. Elkus; and over a Re-election, Calls Attention to for Championship on Novem- ium tomorrow evening at 8:30 steep embankments The car was not Various Economies Which ber 29—Point Pleasant Holds o'clock. The meeting is advertised badly damaged. It was removed by as being sponsored by a mixed Place At Red Bank Edward May at noon Saturday and .. .^Were Effected.— -Title. v group of Middletown township Dem- was taken away under its own ocrats and Republicans and it is power. Freeholder Joseph Mayer of Bel- The Sea Bright First Aid and stated that Mr. McCampbell will re- Monroe told Bed Bank police, who mar, who Is a candidate for re-elec- Safety squad has entered tho second ceive full opportunity to inform in- Postage Matter Will Be Investigated, (hat he _ had fallen tion on the Republican ticket, has is- annual state police contest for first dependent voters of what course he Ladies' Aid to Hold Mr. Coleman Adda to asleep at the wheel and had failed sued a statement pointing out tho aid squads to bo held Monday, No- will follow to bring about economy Received and Sent at the to make a turn at the Elkus prop- present condition of the coCnty vember 29, at the Trenton armory in tho county government in the Supper At Lincroft Holdings by Buying Six erty. Tho car went through the flnaiiccs. Following are excerpts from a let event of his election, Mr. Qulnn The annual chicken salad supper Red Bank Airport Tues- hedge, scraped the limb of a tree and tinder the new budget law, coun- tor sent to tho squad by' Colonel will give his views about how better sponsored by the Llncroft Ladles' Aid Acres on River From plunged through underbrush Into the ties and municipalities have until Mark O. Kimberllng, superintendent government and lower taxes can be society will ba held Thursday, Octo- day, Novernber 16. ravine, landing rlghtslde up. 1942 before they must go on a cash of the state police: . , achieved. It is stated that parti- ber 28, at Llncroft chapel. The first Mrs. J. Romaine. basis. Freeholder Mayer, as chair- "During the past few years re- sanship will not figure in any way table will bo served at 0:30 o'clock man of the finance committee of the markable results havo been obtained in the Addresses. and services will continue until 9 Back To Monday board of chosen freeholders, points In this state by tho small group of J. PaunPosten of Naveslnk, Dem- o'clock. out that' this does not affect the mqn anil women engaged In first aid ocratio candidate for township com- Final arrangements for the supper Postmaster Is Making county of Monmouth, because since work. In numerous cases, many mltteeman ot Middletown township, will be made at a special meeting of CaUaghan Property Night Meetings January 1 of this year It has been lives have been saved, pain allevi- will bo another speaker, Rev. Mrs.the committee this afternoon at tho on a cash basis. He says that as ated and furtbtr permanent physical Frances Stevenson of Leonardo will chapel. Mrs. George Rlchdale, pres- Elaborate Preparations long as he has anything to do with disabilities prevented. act as chairman of the meeting. ident of the society, Is chairman of Sold To John Beger For Councilmen the board it will continue to do so. "The several squads and their This will mark the first occasion the supper and is being assisted by At the present time all current members, who so unselfishly have that Mr. McCampbell and Mr. Qulnn other members of the society. Two Rumson estates, one the riv- Postmaster Ed vonKattcngoll, tho Red Bank Town Fathers Decide county bills are paid and the county given of their time, energy and will havo spoken from the same Tho menu will consist of chicken Chamber of Commerce, tho Philatelic has taken advantage of discounts for funds to further this fine public ser- platform slnco they "burled the salad, baked beans, ham, home er-front property of Mrs. Jean Ro- club t.d J. number of business own- to Have Their Sessions on cash and saved considerable funds. vice, arc to be highly commended hatchet" at the Sylvan forum a few cooked cranberry sauce, pot cheese, malne in Romalne park, and the oth- ers are planning a community ob- All bonds and Interest on the same We of the state police recognize this weeks ago., potato salad, celery, pickles, biscuits, er tha former Callaghan property; servance of Air Mall Weok, Novem- Such Nights During: the Rest have been met, and the board still fact and desire in every way to as- cake and ico cream. changed hands recently. The broker has half a million dollars In the effecting both sales was Charles B. ber IS to Novomber 2Ovthat will put of This Year. sist in advancing this very humani- Red Bank on tho map In a large treasury. tarian work by creating some event Sweeney of Rumson, way as an air-minded town with an Mr. Mayer points out that the that will bring to the attention of Township Fathers Th« Jean S. Romalne propery It airport well equipped to make mall During'the remainder of 1937 thocounty had scrip outstanding on tho public tho flno accomplishments Annual Meeting located in Romnlne park, off Nave- dollvorles. Thoy aro specially Inter- meetings of the mayor and council of which Interest of fivb por cent was of this group. To that end, wo an- slnk avenue, In the easterly section ested In tho dato of Tuesday, No- Red Bank will be held the first and paid and the freeholders re-flnanced ticipate conducting a first aid dem-Act To Keep Buses of Rumson. The property contains vember 16, for on this day mall will third Monday nights of each month the eamo at an Interest rate of d% onstration and contest, where the Held At Health in excess of six acres, with a river bo dispatched and received at tho (Seal) our Lord ono thousand nine Instead of the first and third Tues- per cent, saving the county some public may be Invited to witness the frontage of 300 feet, and was sold hundred and thirty-seven, day nights, as has been In vogue all $10,000 a year annually. The coun- For The Bay Shore to L. W. T. Coleman of Rumson. Red Bank port Instead of at New- and In the Independence of activities of the various teams from Center Friday ark as Is customary. Thla will be this year. This was unanimously ty also availed itself of the call- various sections of the state. The property is situated between tho United States the one privilege. done at all tho airports in New Jer- hundred and slxty?second. agreed to Tuesday night at tho meet- 'In- our first contest, which was Middletown Officials Take Meas- the large estate on the east now. sey on tho dato In question, tho ob- Harold Gf. Hoffman, Ing of the mayor and council, when Mr. Mayer drawB attention to the conducted last December at the Tren- Middletown Township Associa- owned and occupied by Mr, Cole- the only absenteo was Joseph C. Ir- ures to Prevent Discontinu- ject being to Increase Interest in and ! Governor. fact that the county has no tax an ton armory, wo had an attendance tion Re-elects Officers of Last man, and the summer residence at uso of air mall facilities. By tho Governor, wln; who is both a councilman and ticlpatlon, or tax revenue notes out- of approximately 3,500 persons. ance of Service from Camp- Robert B. Smith, an official ol the A. Mr. vonKattengell and other Inter- Thomas Mathls, - an assemblyman. standing whatsoever. Year and Makes William- E. & P. chain store) organization. Tha Secretary of State, "We havo determined that certain bell's Junction to Keaniburg. property Is beautifully planted with, ested Bed Bankers aro anxious to Monday night for many years was Friends of Mr. Mayer declare that changes will ellminatD last year's another great achievement of Mr. Foster Committee Member. a number of tree, principally cedar* have largo uso mado of the local air- Mr. VonKattongell has received the meeting timo of the "town fath- controversies and feel that this year's ers," but a chango to Tuesday night Mayer as financial director of the The meeting of the township com- The main house consists of If port becauso of tho likelihood that tho following letter from Mr. Sin- contest will create an even greater rooms and three baths and there )• . thla will influence tho federal author- was made tor the convenience'of Mr.
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