Primary Census Abstract, Bihar

Primary Census Abstract, Bihar

For official use only CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 B I H A R PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT B. L. DAS OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Director oj Census Operations, Bihar . OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR . GENERAL, INDIA, NEW DELHI. 82011 )UCTORY NOTE (LIBRARY] Present district Jurisdiction of present district 315.4123 Class No._ 9. Siwan Old Siwan Subdivision ex­ clUlding Basantpur and Bha&. 1971 peA wanpur Hat Development Blocks, and old Gopalganj Book No._ 24725 Subdivision excluding Bai­ kunthpur Development Block. Accession No. -------- 10. East Chall\paran Old Motihari Sadar Subdivi­ sion... Ibth March, 1973 is given below: 11. West Chall\paran Old Bettiah Subdivision. Present district 12. Muzaffarpur Old Muzaffarpur Sadar Sub, Jurisdiction of present division. district 13. Vaishali Old Hajipur Subdivision. 1. _Patna Old Patna City Subrlivision, 14. $itamarhi Old Sitamarhi Subdivision. old Patna Sadar Subdivision, 15. Darbhanga OLd Darbhanga Sadar Sub­ old Dinapur Subdivision and division. old Barh Subdivision exclud­ 16. Madhubani ing Harnaut and Sarmera Old Madhubani Subdivision. Development Blocks. 17. Samastipur Old Samastipur Subdivision. 2. Nalanda Old Bihar Subdivision and 18. Monghyr Old Monghyr Sadar Subdivi­ Harnaut and Sarmera Deve­ sion, old Khagaria Subdivi­ lopment Blocks of old Barh sion and old Jamui Subdivi­ Subdivision. sion. 3. Gaya Old Gaya Sadar Subdivision 19. Begusarai Old Begusarai Subdivision. excluding Atri, Wazirganj, Fatehpur, Gurua, Amas, Im­ 20. Bhagalpur No change in jurisdiction. amganj and Dumaria Deve­ 21. Saharsa Ditto lopment Blocks, and old J ehanabad Subdivision. 22. Purnea Ditto 4. Aurangabad Old Aurangabad Subdivisi,)!'l 23. Santal Parganas Ditto and 4 Development Bloe(~, viz., Gurua, Amas, Imamganj 24. Palamau Ditto and Dumaria of old Sad>!.r 25. HazariHagh Old Hazaribagh Sadar Sub­ Subdivision. c1ivision excluding Bagodar, Gumia, Peterbar, Kasmar and 5. Nawada Old Nawada Subdivision and 3 Development Blocks, viz, Jaridih Development Blocks, Atri, Wazirganj and Fatehpur Satgawan Development Block of old G~ridih Subdivision of old Sadar Subdivision. a..,d old Chatra Subdivision. 6. Bhojpur Old Arrah Sadar Subdivision and old Buxar Subdivision. 26. Giridih Old Giridih Subdivision ex­ cluding Satgawan Develop­ 7. Rohtas Old Sasaram Subdivision and ment Block, and 5 Develop­ old Bhabua Subdivision. ment Blocks, viz., Bagodat', 8. Saran Old Chapra Sadar Subdivision, Gumia, Peterbar, Kasmar and B a i k u nth pur Develop­ Jaridih of o-Id Hazaribagh ment .Blo<;:k, of old Gopal­ Sadar Subdivision. ganj Subdivision and Basant­ pur and Bhagwanpur Hat 27. Ranchi No change in jurisdiction. Development Blocks of old 28. Dhanbad Ditto ~iwan Subdivision. ~9. Sin~hbhum Ditto 3 Similarly, the old Division of Bhagalpur has been VI" Construction carved out into two Divisions, viz., (i) Bhagalpur VII Trade and Commer('e Division comprising the districts of M.~nghyr? VIII Transport, Stonge and Communications Bhagalpur and Santal Parganas, and (11) KO~l Division comprising the districts of Begusaral, IX Other Services. Saharsa and Purnea. The total and rural area figures in column 4 against the 21 districts and 2 divisions which have With a view to meeting the growing demar.d been affected by the reorganisation are provi­ for population figures for the new districts and sional. The total area figures of the remaining divisions the Prima!"'! Census Abstract for the districts and divisions represent the geo,graphical districts ~nd division3' existing at present is being area figures supplied by the Surveyor 'Generalt presented separately. The Primary Cen~us A~­ India. The rural area figures of these districts straet gives area figures, numb'~r of occuJned reSI­ have been arrived at by subtracting urban area dential houses, number of households, total popu­ figures from the geographical area figures supplied lation by sex, population by sex. of ScheduleJ Castes and Scheduled Tribes, of lIterate and edu­ by the Surveyor General, India. The urban area figures for all the uriits are bas~d on the area cated persons, of workers classified into the fol­ figures of inaividual towns supplIed by the local lowing 9 industri,al categories, and of non-workers officers. for each unit: I Cultivators An abstract showing the number of amenities avaIlable and total number of villages having a II Agricultural Labourers particular type of amenity for the rural areas of districts and divisions as existing at present and III Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, ~unting for the rural areas of the State has also been pra­ and Plantations: Orchards and allied sented. The data presented in the Abstract have activities been compiled from the information collected in Mauzawar Note: prepared for every village at the IV Minbg and Quarryjng time of Houselisting Operation undertaken in V Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing May-June, 1970 for the 1971 Census. and Repairs: B.L.DAS (a) HousehQU Industry PATNA: Director Of Census Operatior~s, (b) Other than Household Industry March 15, 1973 Bihar. 4 <'"1M>tr> tr>C'I", "'tr> ..... -'O .... tr> 'i"tr>'"... OOOCll "'M'"... ,.-t.r--:~ "'. ~"'. O.~",: \OMC'I ~O~ 00000 ~N.n tr> ..... r-­ O~a: ......... .....ooN '" \0 .... "" ..... +r-­ OOON 'i"C'lN -.00'" t-Ot- OO'i"M 'i"t--r-­ ~Nt' 'i"M -.0 -.0 -.o";-N ~... cq_ N r---.o 00 .... t- ",C'I ~ ~q~ ..;~ MM. M"'~ CO"".....4 e:l" MM N""M"" ..;~ r--l'N M'" t-t­........ 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