üü Santa Barbara Top of the News • í Wigging Out! Sports Monday Get hair aware as the ' -| The Scoop Pollution Solutions Honorable Athletes Multicultural Center hosts .Get updated on the most recent Fecal matter in the Turn to Sports Monday to a free presentation called NATO moves in Yugoslavia, Israeli ocean is no laughing see who wins die title of “Hair Pieces: By Women, peacé talks and the possibility matter. The Daily Nexus Athlete of the Year About Hair" tonight at 7 of growing human body parts. explains why. Honorable Mention. in the MCSC theater. - S e e p .2 See p .4 See p .lA Drug-Related Emergencies Concern Local Authorities Two hospitalizations this cal procedures when they found weekend connected to the drug him at a party on the 6700 block of GHB have law enforcement wor­ Del Playa Drive late Friday night, ried that a strong batch of the according to Foot Patrol Officer homemade drug may be available Kevin Coomer. in Isla Vista. “A friend called and said she was The synthetic drug gamma- unable to wake him up, and be­ hydroxybutyrate acts as a depress­ lieved he had been taking a combi­ ant on the central nervous system, nation of cocaine and GHB,” he and when ingested with alcohol or said. other drugs, can be life- The subject was transported to threatening, according to informa­ Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital, tion from the UCLA Medical and no charges were filed. The sec­ Center. I.V. Foot Patrol officers ond subject, who was taken to Cot­ responded to calls on both Friday tage Hospital on Saturday evening, and Saturday night regarding un­ was later arrested there for public conscious males, both reported to intoxication. have been using the illegal drug. According to reports, Santa JASON SCHOCK / daily nexus Officers were able to awaken the Approximately 7,000 students and community members go nuts for the live-music acts during Satur­ first subject with emergency medi- See DRUGS, p.5 day’s daylong Extravaganza-festivities in Harder Stadium. Extravaganza Gives Concert-goers Opportunity to Unwind, Reminisce By Cameron M oss S ta ff W riter ■ Old-skool hip-hop fans and a horde of others packed Harder Stadium on Saturday, bouncing to bands such as ’80s sensation Run DM C during As­ sociated Students Program Board’s Extravaganza ’99. A crowd of about 7,000 students and community members flocked between the two stages and 10 » JASON SCHOCK / DULY nexus bands from 11 a.m. until dusk. Some brought hacky Housing and Residential Services Director Willie Brown examines one o f sacks, footballs, Frisbees and beach balls while the wetland native plants that Is preventing future construction o f the others chose to enjoy the overcast day in the stands. San Rafael Housing Addition. Taking over the stage around 6 p.m., headliner Run DMC soon had the audience jamming to WeUand Plants Swamp Future Site classic hits like “Mary Mary,” “Peter Piper” and “Walk This Way.” of Student Housing Construction Sophomore psychology major Aryn Linton stayed for Run D M C to reminisce to the rap music By Jason G reen of her childhood. S t a f f W rite r “Run D M C was the best,” she said. “They made everybody dance and brought us back to the old days — the old skooL” Facing costly delap stemming from a recent California Coastal Com­ Reggae/ska band Hepcat played second on the mission ruling, the San Rafael Housing Addition site now finds its future main stage and had the crowd up and dancing. complicated by the presence of wetland plants in its vicinity. Though fans-showed enthusiasm for the band, lead JASON SCHOCK / DULY MXUI The $47-million residence-hall project, which was scheduled to begin ringer Alex Desert was disappointed with certain DMC — from headliner Run DMC — gets the construction in March, is designed to house 800 students in order to meet campus beverage regulations. crowd bouncing to some old-skool hip hop. UCSB Budget and Planning’s projected 20,000 students for the year “It’s a damn shame about that whole no-alcohol 2005. The project also calls for 560 parking spaces. However, on March rule,” he said. “Yeah, we all like to do our evils.” According to Jarrick, not all performers were sa­ 15 the CCC officially deemed the rite on the bluffbehind Carrillo Dining According to Extravaganza Deputy Commis­ tisfied with the concert — DJ Run argued with Commons to be an environmentally sensitive area. sioner David Jarrick, the concert has always been sound technicians after the show, claiming that the For an area to be labeled a federally protected wetland, it must contain alcohol-fiec. “If [Program Board] could do it, we’d volume level of the performance was too low. correct plant, soil and water types, according to Chuck Haines, the special love to have a beer garden,” he said. Attempting to give Extravaganza ’99 more of a projects analyst for Housing and Residential Services. The CCC, how­ The Vandals, a punk band appearing on the main festival atmosphere, Jarrick said ASPB “put out an ever, requires only one of the three conditions to be met. stage before Run DMC, lifted the audience to its effort to get more carnival games, but couldn’t find The Coulter’s saltbrush, the southern tarplant and the long-leaf plan­ feet and, in some cases, even into the air. Lead gui­ anyone in Santa Barbara who was willing to come tain are special-status plants currently found on the proposed housing tarist Warren Fitzgerald closed the set by climbing out to the show.” He said next year Program Board site. Patches of these plants growing in the southern and eastern parts of to the rafter above the stage, and lead singer Dave hopes to get more games and carnival booths. the bluff make these areas “wetlands” by CCC definition. The CCC re­ Quackcnbush talked to the audience between songs Jarrick was satisfied with the relatively dry quires a 100-foot buffer of open space betweeh structures and wetlands, a about his impression ofUCSB. “This is the homiest school on the fucking planet,” he said. See LOT, p.5 See CONCERT, p.5 2 Monday, May 24,1999 Daily Nexus M ä II f | ! Daily Nexus U K vi - Editor in ChiefH [Kerri Webb Managing E d ito ri [Tennille Tracy Layout/Design E d ito ri [Carolyn Morrisroe Training E dito rH [Alexis Filippini NATO Mistakes Weaken Support for War News E ditorS plllTony Biasotti Campus EditorSHpPI Jill St. John Asst. Campus Editors K ljfe Ted Andersen, Usa Buttenvorth been claimed by Yugoslavia sion just after Albright, said County EditorGretchen Macchiarella or admitted by NATO. Se­ the bombing is hurting U.S. Asst County Editors Curtis Brainard, David Downs ven were in May, with three prestige. AP Wire Editor [Sarah Kent W A SH IN G TO N (AP) — perspective, NATO is more in the past three days. As “Quite frankly, these little Features Editor jp jg ji Elizabeth Wethane After two months ofNATO unified than when the many as 312 people have boo-boos, where you’re hit­ Opinion Editor .w ¡Megan Herr airs trikes in Yugoslavia, al­ bombing began March 24, died, including ethnic Alba­ ting a KLA headquarters, Asst Opinion Editor Ì | | l| | [Nathan Woodside lied and congressional sup­ though not without differ­ nian civilians and members where you’re lolling inno­ Sports E ditorjfcap1 Matt Hurst port is eroding because of an ences, he wrote in Sunday's of the rebel Kosovo Libera­ cent citizens, I think is hurt­ Asst. Sports Editor S f ;¡Marvin Gapultos increasing number ofbomb- New York Times. tion Army. ing the image of the military, Artsweek E dftotsH H ¡Robert Hansoh, Jennifer Raub ing blunders against embas­ which is unfair,” Lott said. Asst. Artsweek Editor | H Tam iM noian sies, hospitals, and ethnic Qiite frajijy, these little boo-boos,... Lott (R-Miss.) said Con­ Photo E d ito ri Jason Schock Albanian refugees and where you’re killing innocent citizens, I gress should “be supportive Asst. Photo Editor Tennille Tracy fighters. think is hurting the image of the military, of the [airstrikes-only] deci­ Art Director Kazuhire Kibuishi Germany is so worried wuich is unfair. sion, now that the decision the alliance might “lose our has been made, and hope for Copy Editor ^ Renee Heyming moral ground” that its fore­ — Sen. Trent the best. Absolutely. But I Asst. Copy Editors Bryan Pon, Elizabeth Werhane Copy Readers Erin Coe, Amanda Green, ign minister was heading to am very dubious about the Devon Harian, Amber Neff, Washington to talk with “While there may be dif­ “We will do everything likelihood for success just Niilo Smeds Secretary of State Made­ ferences in domestic cir­ we can in N A T O ... to make with bombing.” Chief Night Editor Ashley Timiraos leine Albright about new cumstances, cultural ties to sure the targets we identify Lott was asked if the Se­ Night Editors Ted Andersen, Lauren Bensinger, diplomatic approaches to the Balkans and ideas on are valid military targets,” Shannon Capanna, Jenny Chung nate would support sending i < ■ ‘ Sora Chung, Brad Goodwin, end the conflict. tactics, there is no question Air Force Maj. Gen. Char­ in ground combat troops, Devon Harian, Cara Jennison, Senate Majority Leader about our unity on goals and les Wald said Saturday at die possibly from a force of Sarah Kent Trent Lott sard Sunday the our will to prevail,” he wrote. Pentagon. 50,000 peacekeepers that Advertising Representatives , -à Kelly Appleby, Amanda Cameron, air war's mistakes unfairly Still, allies clearly have After about 26,000 sor­ Albright said the admi­ /Æ Ciystal Cowan, laurel House, 'J È j A pril Schleede are blemishing the U.S.
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