University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-27-1992 Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 46, February 27, 1992 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 46, February 27, 1992" (1992). Central Florida Future. 1122. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1122 OPINIONp. 6 CONFETTI SEE INSERT SPORTSp. 12 Parents get _help from Brooks brings atten· Comparing the trials of new Flex-Time program tion to 'undeserving' Tyson, _Kennedy-Smith entra uture- Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 . ) .. Vol. 24, No. 45 THURSDAY February 27, 1992 12 Pages Top UCF profesors earn top pay by Catrina Jones CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE ThetopthreepaidUCFprofes­ sors earn a combined salary of morethan$260thousandperyear. The profesors, Dr. Narsingh Deo, Dr. Amar Mukherjee and Dr.Trevor Colbourn, all formerly held chair postions within their departments but stepped down to take teaching positions. Deo is a Florida Eminent RED CARPET Scholar Professor and currently This billboard on University Boulevard was donated by holds the Millican Chair, a million Petersen Outdoor Advertising. (Charles K. Morrow/FUTURE} dollar chair named after UCFs first President, Charles N. Millican. Deo is a professor for the 'Buchanan brldgades' take computer science department "I'm a very fair professor," he said, ''but I don't like lazy stu­ Florida, South by storm dents. Ifyou are a lazy student, then I become mean." by Patrick Lubttsky manager, supported President CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE George Bush but has since Like Deo, Mukherjee also changed her mind. She is now teaches computer science. "It looks like the Buchanan claiming that Bush has walked Mukherjee held the computer sci­ brigades have arrived in the away from the principles of ence chair position from 1984 to South," said Patrick Buchanan, the Republican Party. 1988, but stepped down to teach. presidential hopeful, as he Buchanan added that Bush "I like to work hard," he said. kicked-off his Florida campaign has fallen short on his cam­ "I'm dedicated to my work and I in Orlando Saturday. paign promises to voters that take teaching seriously; my stu­ UCFssecondpresidentandisnow Orange County Ad-Hoc Board. Buchanan used the same he would not raise taxes or dents can vouch for that." aPresidentofMeritous, a position Clobournsaidhe likes to see his analogy last week when he sur­ sign a quota bill. He views himself as a nice delegated to former presidents by students do well. "I enjoy teaching prised Bush in the New He added that government and friendly person, although the Board ofRegents. He is work­ and always have," he said. Hamphire primary. spending is now up to 25 per­ he added, "I have a reputation ing on a briefing book for UCFs One of the rewards, he ex­ Buchanan raised $25,000 cent of the gross national prod­ as a tough teacher." new president, Dr. John C. Hitt. plained, is seeing his students during his campaign luncheon, uct, the national debt is ap­ Unlike the others, Colbourn Colbourn also serves on several graduate, but "I like to keep in which was held at the Sea World proaching $4 trillion and loans teaches history at UCF. He was boards and committees and on the touch with my students." are being given to other coun­ tries with a Competition key to space race zero percent interest rate. Bill Nelson says U.S. lost motivation with Soviet decline "This by Sandra Irwin The recession has caused cut­ Challenger explosion may ruin is not a bash­ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE backs in the program's funds the existing confidence the pro­ ing of Bush, and has contributed to the fir­ gram has left," Nelson added. but simply Former shuttle astronaut ing of NASA officials. Despite these setbacks, tough, honest and U.S. Congressman Bill "Allocated budgets, scarce Nelson is still very optimistic debating that Nelson spoke about the prob­ dollars and no leadership about the program. needs to be lems America must overcome shows very low confidence in He said the space program aired," in order to resume flights to NASA based on the actions of is "a risk that is accepted by Buchanan the moon at the Seventh An­ the government," ~~~~~~~~ Americans. Given said. As part of nual International Space Policy Nelson said. all the despites, we his campaign, Symposium. -Another con- "... people are will still have a Buchanan The UCF Center for Space tributortolowsup- absolutely spaceprogrambe- promises to get Policy and Law hosted the port of the pro- f. · t d ,, cause people are the federal event Friday in the Student gram is public ascma e ... absolutely fasci- budget under Center Auditorium. opm1on. "The natedinexploring ·. control, lower Nelson said Soviet competition press has been _ Biii Nelson the unknown." ··· taxes and get may be a key factor in motivating veryunsupportive U.S. CONGRESSMAN Also speaking Pat Bµchanan doesn't ''want to be presi­ regulations off America's space program. of the space pro- at the symposium dent of the world ... "(Patrick Lubitsky1FuruREl the backs of "When Russia dropped the gram, which in were: Dr. Peter Sheraton Hotel. businessmen. program, wehadnoonetocom~ turncauseslowsupportamong Glaser, father of the solar His campaign focused on Buchanan feels that busi- pete with; no motivation to be the public," Nelson said. power satellite concept, Dr. goals he will accomplish ifhe is nesses create employment and number one," he said. Nelson He also said that Americans Gerald Kulcinski, father of elected president. that the public would rather see feels that a Unified Space Pro­ view the Hubble as a 'flop' al- Helium-_3 fusion power con­ "This campaign is about our the government lay offbureau­ gram would be beneficial, but though its error was made 15 cept, Dr. Shinji Matsumoto, country and ·where it's going," crats in order to trim the budget unlikely because of· Russia's years ago and it has been help- who will outline lunar base Buchanan said. instead ofseeing companies like weak economy. ful in getting about 98 percent construction studies in Japan Buchanan said that in 1988 The weak American of the information we need. and Ed Kiker of the U.S. Army · his sister, who is his campaign BUCHANAN continued page 5 economy is another setback. "Anotherdisastersuchasthe Space institute. CLASSIFIEDS page 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' Do You want to Graduate • at the Orlando Arena??? • If NOt then do something about it.. Sign Delta Sigma Pi's petition to . • Bring -Graduation back to UCF! ! • · Today and Friday ~ • 9 am - 3 pm- _'Cf/ In front of the Library and CEBA • or come by SG anytime. • Come Out and Make a Difference • February 27, 1992 •The Central Florida Future . 3 UCF student backs into parking.ticketer Jennifer M. Burgess STAFF REPORTER A student backed his car into a man who was writing him a ticket on Feb 18. William Schneider, 24, hit Julio Pagan, 53, while backing up his car. Pagan suffered a minor scratch on his right knee. According to police reports, Pagan waswritingaparkingticket for Schneider's car. Schneider walked passed Pagan, got into his car and began to back up. Schneider told police that he had previously left "while other people from Parking Services were writing tickets. "I received the tickets laterin Police reports say Pagan's William Dilling, 22, of park­ of the call and at no time did .., the mail," he said. ticket book was bent from the ing services, arrived after hear­ see Julio strike the suspect." Pagan told police, "The owner force of the car. ing a call for police assistance Neither Pagan nor Dilling of the vehicle [Schneider] came Schneider said that Pagan on the radio. Dilling told police would comment on the incident. in and got in the car without . threwtheticketbookontheground that he"arrived within a minute No charges have been filed. BOMBS AWAY SteveSabados drops a pumpkin filled with spaghetti, water and an egg. Kathy Dobbins and Kim Kasmussen measure the aftermath; the egg didn1 survive. <Charles K. Morrow/FUTURE) • I 4 The Central Florida Future • February 27, 1992 America trips down memory lane with I.SD by Amy ~eynolds know history are doomed to repeat it," The study shows that the typical LSD communications networli in the brain. COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE Bonner said. users are upper-class white males. Serving as on-and-off switches, the dif- Since 1938, whenDr.AlbertHofmann According to figures from the Drug ferent neurotransmitters affect differ- ' LSD's kaleidoscope colors, shapes and synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide Enforcement Administration, arrests ent bodily functions. designs-as well as its darker sides - in Switzerland, the drug has been called and siezures of LSD have increased as Scientists believe that LSD stimu­ are revealing themselves again to col- everything fr-om "God in a pill" to the well-205 arrests for fiscal 1991, which lat.es the serotonin receptors, essentially lege students in the 1990s. ultimate illusion of hell.Opinion toward ended Oct. 1, compared with 103 arrests increasing the user's ability to evaluate Although many thought the contro- the drug is still divided. in fiscal 1990. them. versial drug died with the hippie culture Social psychologist Lloyd Johnston, Scientists generally agree that today's "The drug would change your percep- of the 1960s, LSD is far from gone.
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