The Language TeacherISSN 0289-7938 ¥950 JALT2006 Pre-Conference Special Issue • Plenary Speaker articles from: Donald Freeman, Yasuko Kanno, Lin Lougheed, and Bonny Norton • Featured Speaker articles from: Steve Brown, Sara Cotterall, Nicholas Groom, Marc Helgesen, Don Maybin, Jack C. Richards, Bruce Rogers, Brian Tomlinson, Grant Trew, Rob Waring, and Shoko Yoneyama July, 2006 • Volume 30, Number 7 The Japan Association for Language Teaching THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR LANGUAGE TEACHING 全国語学教育学会 J全 国 語 学 教 育 学 会ALT — Pre-Conference Workshops — A chance to "Skill-Up" before JALT2006 starts! 14:00 – 18:00, Thu, 2 Nov, 2005 For JALT2006, we will be running pre-conference workshops aimed at helping teachers develop their professional skills. This year, we are offering three workshops – one on storytelling, and the other two on basic computer skills. They will be held on Thu 2 Nov, 14:00-18:00. Registration will be by pre- registration only and will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Please register when you complete your conference pre-registration. A maximum of 25 people will be accepted for each workshop. The cost is ¥4,000 (members) or ¥5,000 (non-members) for any one of the workshops. Workshop 1: Storytelling technique for language teachers —Charles Kowalski Language teachers, working with all age groups and proficiency levels, have increasingly been taking an interest in using storytelling in their classes, but many hesitate because of doubts about their own ability as storytellers. However, storytelling does not require Academy Award-level theatrics, only effective use of the storyteller’s natural talents. This workshop will provide basic training in making the spoken story into a polished performance. Exercises will focus on: using the voice with greater range and effect; creating scene and character through body language; and memory techniques. Strategies for making spoken stories easily understandable even to low-level learners will also be demonstrated. Charles Kowalski studied under professional storytellers in the USA and has taught a storytelling course at Oberlin College. He has conducted storytelling workshops for language teachers throughout Japan and other Asian countries. One of his workshops received the 2002 Best of JALT Award from the Kobe chapter. Workshops 2 & 3: Computer Skills Brush-Up Teachers often have little time to develop their computer skills, yet the need for reasonable competence is becoming more and more evident. These workshops will focus on areas that will benefit users with novice or rusty computer skills. There will be two workshops, each with three 60-minute sessions, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. If you have been hesitant about incorporating computers into your teaching, or have skills that you have allowed to atrophy, then these workshops are for you! —Workshop 2 - CALL Skills for Novice Users • Session 1: PowerPoint and Open Office: User-friendly tools to enhance language teaching—Daniele Allard and Nicolas Gromik • Session 2. Using Word to create stylish handouts—Suzanne Bonn • Session 3. Using weblogs in language learning classes—Marc Sheffner and Aaron Campbell —Workshop 3 - A CALL Skills Brush-Up • Session 1. Quick and easy ways of using corpora as a teaching resource—Michael Rundell • Session 2. Practical Word techniques - Naeko Naganuma • Session 3. Managing digital sound - Kevin Ryan For more information, visit <conferences.jalt.org/2006/> JULY 2006 • VOluME 30, nuMBer 7 CONTENTS In this month’s issue . JALT2006 Speaker Articles } Donald Freeman . 5 JALT2006 Pre-Conference Issue } Yasuko Kanno . 9 } Lin Lougheed. 13 HIS MONTH The Language Teacher includes a wide selection } Bonny Norton. 15 of papers by the Plenary and Featured speakers who } Steve Brown . 19 T will be presenting at the JALT2006 National Conference. } Sara Cotterall. 21 This year’s conference—Community, Identity, Motivation—will } Nicholas Groom. 25 be held in Kitakyushu from 2-5 November. Those wishing to } Marc Helgesen. 28 attend the conference can find everything they need to know } Don Maybin. 30 online at <conferences.jalt.org/2006/>. } Jack C. Richards. 33 This year we have included articles by four Plenary speakers. } Bruce Rogers. 36 They include Donald Freeman, Yasuko Kanno, Lin Lougheed, } Brian Tomlinson. 39 and Bonny Norton. Featured speakers who have contributed } Grant Trew. 42 to this issue include Steve Brown, Sara Cotterall, Nicholas } Rob Waring. 44 Groom, Marc Helgesen, Don Maybin, Jack Richards, Bruce } Shoko Yoneyama. 48 Rogers, Brian Tomlinson, Grant Trew, Robert Waring, and Shoko Yoneyama. We hope this issue will give readers an op- Resources portunity to familiarize themselves with the topics that speak- ers will cover at the conference. } My Share In addition to all of this, My Share articles have been sub- » Creative use of the glossary function mitted by N. T. Edwards and Luke Kutszik Fryer, and Book for written assignments on the Reviews by Cheryl Kirchhoff and Robert Chartrand. Moodle CMS. 53 The National Conference is a great opportunity to listen to » A classroom tool for providing a variety of presentations in one location, catch up with old students with minimal pair listening friends, meet new people, and generally have a good time. So, and pronunciation practice. 54 why not make the trip to Kitakyushu—you won’t be disap- } Book Reviews . 57 pointed! } Recently Received . 60 Jacqui Norris-Holt TLT Co-editor JALT Focus } JALT Notices. 61 月号は北九州市で11月2日から5日まで開催される JALT2006全国大会の基調講演者や特別講演者の論文を幅 Columns 今 広く特集しております。基調講演者では、Donald Freeman, Yasuko Kanno, Lin Lougheed, Bonny Nortonの各氏による論文、そし て特別講演者では、Steve Brown, Sara Cotterall, Nicholas Groom, Marc } SIG News . 64 Helgesen, Don Maybin, Jack Richards, Bruce Rogers, Brian Tomlinson, Grant } Chapter Events. 67 Trew, Robert Waring, Shoko Yoneyamaの各氏による論文が掲載されてい } Chapter Reports. 69 ます。 さらに、マイシェアではN. T. Edwards 氏と Luke Kutszik Fryer氏によ } JALT Contacts . 74 る記事及びCheryl Kirchhoff と Robert Chartrand氏による書評が掲載され } Job Information . 76 ています。 } Conference Calendar. 78 それでは、北九州市でお会いしましょう。 } Submissions. 82 } Staff List. 83 } Membership Information. 84 TLT Co-Editors: Kim Bradford- Watts & Jacqui } Advertiser Index. 2 Norris-Holt } Online Access Info. 2 Associate Editor: Ted O’Neill THE LANGUAGE TEACHER 30.7 • JULY 2006 2 FOrewOrd & InfORMatiON JALT Publications Online Copyright Notice } More information on JALT Publications can be found All articles appearing in The Language Teacher are copy- on our website: right 2006 by JALT and their respective authors and may be redistributed provided that the articles remain intact, <www.jalt-publications.org> with referencing information and a copyright message clearly visible. Under no circumstances may the articles July 2006 Online Access be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from JALT. } To access our online archives: [ login: jul2006 / password: ] n e tity Publications Forum id } Information, commentary, and feedback can be found on our forum page: JALT m y t o <forum.jalt-publications.org> i t 2006 i n KITAKYUSHU v u Contact JAPAN a t i m o n c m } To contact the editors, see the Staff List at the back of o this issue or use the contact form on our website. JALT2006 Advertiser Index “Community, Identity, Motivation” Key: IFC = inside front cover, IBC = inside back cover, The Japan Association for Language Teaching OBC = outside back cover 32nd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning } IPI. 8 — November 2-5, 2006 — } Thomson Learning. 52 Kitakyushu International Conference Center, } EFL Press. 56 Kokura, Kitakyushu, Japan } Cambridge University Press. 62 Plenaries by Donald Freeman, Yasuko Kanno, } Econoship . 63 Bonnie Norton, & Bruce Rogers Educational Materials Exposition, Food Fair, Skillup Workshops, } Seido. 72 Job Information Center, Special Interest Group Sessions, } IIBC. IBC Poster Sessions, Social Events <conferences.jalt.org/2006/> Please support our advertisers Moving? TLT Make sure The Language Teacher moves with you. Send the following information to the JALT Central JA Office, Urban Edge Building, 5th Floor, LT 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016 A cademic tel: 03-3837-1630; fax: 03-3837-1631; <[email protected]> Papers Name: New Address Tel Fax Email New Employer THE LANGUAGE TEACHER 30.7 • JULY 2006 JALT2006 • SPEAKER ArticlE ABstracts 3 Bilingual education in Japan: Unequal Listening: New perspectives—Steve access to bilingualism—Yasuko Kanno Brown Japan at the beginning of the 21st century is an increasingly mul- A consensus on the importance of teaching listening skills has tilingual and multicultural nation. Correspondingly, the demand been built over the last twenty years. The model of listening for the education of bilingual children is growing rapidly. This that has been adopted is one based on cognitive psychology presentation reports on an ethnographic study of bilingual edu- and an analogy to reading comprehension. This article argues cation in Japan. Drawing on the concept of imagined communi- that research and teaching in listening needs to go beyond ties (Anderson, 1991; Kanno & Norton, 2003; Norton, 2001) the current paradigm to incorporate both bottom-up listen- and Bourdieu’s (1977a; Bourdieu & Passeron, 1990) theory ing issues like vocabulary and pronunciation as well as larger of cultural reproduction, I analyze the policies and practices socio-cultural issues. of five schools that serve large numbers of bilingual children: (1) an English-language immersion school, (2) a Chinese
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